Out of the cage

Chapter 75 Chapter 2.32 Data Accident

In December and April of 2208 in the Qin Tongli calendar, the weather in Puhai turned cloudy and cold, and the cold wind seemed to carry magical damage, which could directly break through the defense and penetrate into the clothes. Tao Zhuge, the largest stock exchange in East Asia,

Zhou Butong looked at the huge stock exchange, sadly packed his things and left. When stock exchanges began to generally adopt artificial intelligence this year, various exchanges began to lay off employees on a large scale. The stock exchange that originally required thousands of people only needed dozens of people to manage it.

In this increasingly advanced era of big data, Zhou Butong, who was originally on the upper echelon of Dengyun Fuyao, lost his job. He packed up his stuff and left. Those who can stay are the people the shopkeeper likes, and his name. The shopkeeper often says "no way, no way" after losing stocks.

As soon as he got home, he saw the bank staff who made him "doomed" and the head of the banking staff smiled and handed him a list of the bank's collection of collateral. Zhou Butong blushed and said: It's not due!"

Banking staff: "It has expired, sir, you are unemployed, and the credit rating has been downgraded. The credit card interest you repaid last month has increased by three points, so your account has no money."

Zhou Butong wanted to quarrel, but the big man behind the bank collector looked at him fiercely.

He took a deep breath and felt that a good man would not suffer from immediate losses. Four days later, he was hungry and hesitated to come to the Northwest Merchants Office.


Thousands of miles away, outside the Yumen Regional Industrial Base, Wei Keng was pedaling his bicycle.

Such a racing bike is also a luxury item. The price of the carbon fiber car body and the high-quality transmission gears has reached more than 50,000. Compared with a large number of other luxury industries, this is not prohibited. The reason is that the biggest social attribute corresponding to this industry is athletes, not wealth.

In the governance of the world, there will inevitably be the poor and the rich, and the main significance of each governance innovation is not to attack the wealth of the rich, but to standardize the application direction of wealth. When the low-level taste consumption of the rich crowds out the normal operation of the world like a tumor, causing a large number of ordinary people to be out of order, and can only survive around a small part of the ruling circle, then it must be eliminated.

This is true of high-end brothels, polo, and luxurious single-person yachts, and even large rewards on the Internet. These behaviors of trying to specialize with direct and unlimited purchases of money are all contrary to the future, but it does not mean that all specialization will be denied.

The rough and simple average and common development in the history books of the main world is not clearly divided.

Continuously using moneyism to directly specialize oneself is a class business card created with money. Indirectly use resources, and constantly strive to transform a single self, not to show the amount of resources that you and your group have mastered. That is the personal freedom promised after the spirit of governing the world has developed to the extreme.

For example, now, Wei Keng wants a proof that he reasonably owns a high-end bicycle, so he must pedal the bicycle to a speed of 40 kilometers per hour three times in a row for an hour and a half.

The electronic assessment began to declare, and the recorder on the bicycle also began to record Wei Keng's exhalation and exhalation. Sweated too much and had to be shirtless.

It's just that Wei Keng overlooked that this world is not an era of light, there are always mosquitoes hiding in the damp, waiting to bite...

Under the big data system, everyone uploads information unconsciously.

Information security has always been a huge problem, and these problems are often only repaired after a major incident. After the double millennium of the main world, personal information was leaked, cyber violence occurred frequently, and a large number of sensational cases were continuously exposed. Only then did legislators gradually improve the rules and began to divide responsibilities in various links.

In the plane of China, the information recorder of the bicycle sports association inadvertently leaked the data he managed in the wine table chat, and then was bought by some people in the world for 40,000 yuan, and the information was like this leaked.

Wei Keng, in this world is still too smooth. Therefore, there must be this catastrophe.

Just as the wind was blowing in the desert, Wei Keng suddenly observed through the perspective of the drone that there seemed to be a bit too many "idle people" along the road, and this should have been a deserted area.

A few seconds later, Wei Keng found that there seemed to be something hidden under his sleeve, and Wei Keng suddenly broke out in a cold sweat. However, his mind was running fast, he continued to ride at a constant speed, and began to notify multiple nearby departments.

While Wei Keng was paying attention to people like Bai Yiyun all the time, these people were also paying attention to Wei Keng. When they saw Wei Keng suddenly fell and rolled into the roadside bunker, they also realized that they were exposed and shot immediately.

When the crisp gunshots sounded on the road section.

A large number of bullets stirred up dirt flowers on the slope.

When Wei Keng felt the sharp pain in his left shoulder, he roared in his heart: "Damn it, kill me? Oh, I should have expected it earlier, this damn world."


Seeing that his men had bypassed the mound, Bai Yiyun breathed a sigh of relief. He carried out this assassination with the mentality of success or success. If he succeeded, he would flee to the east and let the people in Donglin protect him. And he failed, and he didn't want to leave alive. Because he could foresee Wei Keng's violent revenge.

Just as he was staring at Wei Keng closely, a white shadow in the sky swooped down at such a fast speed that it just hit a place that was invisible from the perspective of the sand dune slope. He suddenly felt a little bad.

The dive speed of this white drone, together with its own weight, is comparable to a bullet, so when the assassin who was 20 meters away from Wei Keng was about to raise his gun, he was hit by this drone and broke his neck .

The gun rolled into Wei Keng's hands, and next, Wei Keng got the big kill marked by the visual red dot.

Fifteen minutes of shooting, 1 kill, 2 kills... Even the Hidden Arrow sniper missiles that were fired were blown up by the volley.

Wei Keng, whose arm was still bleeding, moved his position and fired his gun, turning Bai Yiyun from a gambling desperado into a terrified fool in ten minutes.

This quack, for death, may understand it as the words "stretch your head and shrink your head". So he can be crazy,

But when he saw that the bullets opened the eye sockets of all the people around him, and Wei Keng, who was easy to kill, turned into a god of killing, his mind fell into chaos.

Whether a person collapses or not cannot be judged by boldness or timidity, it depends on his ability to accept.

Heinous people who are escorted to the execution ground often have a bottom line in their hearts, and sometimes their self-awareness disappears after bearing that bullet in silence. But if he was sent to the edge of the cliff and forced him to walk towards the steel wire bridge with a gun, if he stopped and shook the steel wire, then he would probably lose his temper after an emotional breakdown, because ah, his attention stayed on the steel wire bridge Don't fall, and the additional death is beyond its ability to bear.

Bai Yiyun is such a person. Prepare to be killed if the assassination fails. But he didn't think well that during the assassination process, his side would be massacred, and he would be scared to death by the blood. So in the end, he rolled and ran back to the car and ran straight away.

However, ten minutes later, a police stun grenade went straight into his compartment. When this guy meets someone who can talk to him again, he will be faced with an interrogation lamp illuminated by strong light.


At four o'clock in the afternoon, compared with the coldness of Puhai, there was a dry and hot wind blowing beside the new highway in the Western Regions.

Luoyang, in the glass building, in the imitation Song blue porcelain basin in the center of the meeting table, there are blossoming narcissus Zhang Yu spit gold.

The Fenghou Group and several other industrial powerhouses in the north are discussing the power grid system of Western Economic Union, which is now in its infancy.

UHV technology, that is, ultra-long-distance power transmission technology, is a major technological change.

About China World's energy layout technology. The relevant patents, Ke Feijia and Wei Qiang, have been gradually transferred to the world's top executives in those years.

For a large industrial country, especially a large industrial country with increasing overcapacity, electricity is very easy to obtain, but the only problem is that it cannot be stored.

So much so that in the main world, some leaders after the second millennium decided to develop water-powered vehicles, that is, electrolyze water to generate hydrogen to obtain energy, as if they didn’t know the idiot who “turned water into oil” decades ago. So much so that ordinary people who know "conservation of energy" feel that their brains are out of control. I can't wait to show my height on this topic of "I can popularize science myself"

In fact, it’s not that the managers above are not as good as they were decades ago. But within the scope of their information, hundreds of billions of kilowatt-hours of electricity are discarded every year in the Northwest.

【In the end, it was not the "knowledgeable suggestions from netizens" that made the higher-ups abandon the fantasy of water-powered vehicles, but that the hydrogen conversion agent still could not solve the fatal problems in the upstream of transportation and storage. And this was precisely the blind spot of netizens' perception of Japanese hydrogen energy at that time. 】

Therefore, it is not a refreshing innovative technology that can solve energy problems. It is a miracle-level infrastructure that pays for supreme endurance and determination.

Wei Keng: Think about it, if the road is really so easy, why didn't the geniuses discover it? The posture of the middle man has to be down-to-earth, building bricks for the tower.

In recent years, from the plateau and the Western Regions, UHV towers, like steel warriors defending the country, have been lined up all the way, lifting thick cables, and transporting a steady stream of energy to various areas of need.

The big data system of Western Economic Union lists all regional factories and hourly electricity consumption plans in the next few days. The power system loss has been greatly reduced. Industries that used to consume a lot of electricity and were shunned by those environmentally friendly cities in the east, such as electric furnace steelmaking plants and electrolytic aluminum plants, can use electricity during low-peak periods under the deployment of big data.

Therefore, although the patents on electricity have long been transferred to the top of China.

However, the only ones that can truly achieve profitability in the early stage and continue to build positive industries are the few electric power companies in the Luoshui system.

[Before that, Wei Qiang and the fathers of the two were on multiple timelines, and they each led the technological innovation of Shenzhou Electric Power. It's just that in Wei Keng's timeline, Wei Keng not only did a good job and was ahead of his time, but also didn't take advantage of the war. 】

Now the power grid system has been completed in the west of Shenzhou, and it is moving eastward. Luoyang has become an important hub in the eastward direction, and these heavy industry groups in the north are now gathering together to discuss optimistically the next production optimization in the north.

The production and sales of the steel industry groups in the Thistle region are very optimistic today, because the demand for steel in the west remains extremely strong. The heavy industry groups in Yandi now want to leave the gap in the chemical industry opened by the Western Economic Union, and will not leave Southeast Asia at all. This is to take advantage of the fact that the Ministry of Finance in East Zhejiang is stabbing again when the delivery of goods has plummeted due to unsafe waterways. The palm gold groups in Shenzhou are all "good brothers" who can stab each other in both sides.

Bai Jingqi raised the crystal cup: "Everyone, I wish us a bright future of cooperation."

Everyone here understands and raises their glasses together.

Bai Jingqi once again took a banana and peeled it and pointed to the guide: "I also wish that the river in the south of the Yangtze River will be rolling this year." His words are a metaphor for flooding. The financial model in the southeast has reached a huge peak. Explosion is certain, just to see that the current cabinet is going to dump that one as a substitute for the dead ghost.

Bai Jingqi's words evoked joyful laughter.

Bai Jingqi's system communication rang, he was stunned, and then suddenly gritted his teeth and said: "How dare they do this! This is madness."

The suzerains of several other northern aristocratic families also received the message, and their expressions all changed. But their immediate concern was whether the Suzerain of Luoshui was dead or alive?


Shenjing, in the cabinet, a senior member hurried back to the mansion,

Close the door after returning home.

With a "click", a piece of "Chengni Inkstone" worth tens of thousands was smashed to pieces. The automatic grinder on the top bounced far away.

Old Xu Ge scolded angrily: "Didn't you say that at this time, let the people below be more peaceful? Why?"

The housekeeper was very aggrieved.

Elder Xu Ge regained his composure and rationality: "Go, deal with what needs to be dealt with, (you) go overseas for shelter."

The housekeeper's face was startled, the so-called escape abroad was tantamount to silence afterwards. But he silently bowed his head and begged on his knees, "Master, please help me take good care of my family."

The elder Xu Ge nodded indifferently.


Assassination is something that is of no concern to quacks. The more intense the conflict on the stage, the more unscrupulous the means.

In the temple, however, such things as assassination can only be carried out quietly before a fierce conflict is predicted. When something happens, you can express your regrets as if nothing happened, and you can even show your dignity at the opponent's funeral.

However, at a bad time, there was an assassination, which solved nothing but trouble.

At this time, Xu Ge's old party is in such a bad situation. The eastern route has encountered military threats from Su Xiong, and the Zhedong Zhangjing Alliance is experiencing systemic problems.

At this time, everyone was watching how they planned to end. At this time, the leader of the western power was assassinated? Everyone was shocked and angry.

The other giants in Shenjing closed their doors to thank guests, not because they sympathized with Wei Keng's experience, but because someone directly broke the political tacit understanding, and the damage of this tacit understanding brought very bad consequences.

For example, Wei Keng, in the comments of the upper class in Shenzhou, he doesn't love money, doesn't like lust, and can see power well. It was difficult to win over and restrain him. It doesn't matter if Wei Keng is dead, but if Wei Keng survives, they can't be sure how big a tide will be set off by Luoshui where Wei Keng is located and the larger Western Economic Union.


Wei Keng was lying in the life-support cabin. The situation in front of him was very serious. For the sake of efficiency, these assassins quenched the poison on the bullets. Although the gunpowder made most of the poison ineffective, it still caused Wei Keng's body after several hours. on the deterioration.

Wei Keng urgently met with relevant personnel before the sick bed. Begin to explain personnel management, as well as the focus of follow-up work, and divide priorities and responsibilities.

Wei Keng: "Please leave this to everyone. The construction of the country cannot be tied to one person. I was stabbed, and all the guys with ulterior motives speculated that our business has collapsed. This is wrong. Because there are you behind me, You put up the shelf. Remember, you should be fine if you fall down, and you have to make things up. What do men of my generation want in this world? It's not the so-called "drunk lying on the lap of a beautiful woman, wake up the world" 'right', but stand up straight and walk in the sky."

Sheng Minghan, Wei Keng's chosen successor, said: "Boss, take good care of your illness, we are waiting for your recovery."

In this space warehouse, the atmosphere was very strange, as if Wei Keng's quick words, trying to catch his breath, were explaining the funeral.

Wei Keng smiled: "I can't die. I don't think I can die. It's just that you need to have insurance for everything. In this way, you can deal with the villain's open and dark arrows calmly."

On the plateau, Xia Boren, who took over the military, looked at the newly sent records from the case trial: "Chairman, it has been found out that it was the Cao Gang and Donglin personnel who did it. Now I have clear evidence .”

Wei Keng coughed a few times: "Don't avenge your personal grudges, they're evil, we don't need to be dogs and bite them. What we want to uphold is justice. Their buildings are about to collapse. Previously, they used high-sounding Reasons tried to smoke our bricks, and when we accidentally touched their buildings, they slandered us for barbaric destruction, oh, today—"

Wei Keng called up the screen. The title on the screen was Plan No. 2208 C, and the subtitle was the next step in planning for the East.

Then Wei Keng turned to Hua Feiyang, the director-general of personnel deployment: "This time it also reflects our internal deficiencies, and we need to further promote big data control. By the way, what happened to me this time must not be said to be due to the shortcomings of big data. The point of application is that comrades are still lacking in the strength of big data work, and some responsibilities have not been properly assigned.

In terms of big data, we only counted less than one-tenth of it in the past, so only one percent of people think it matters. Most people don't feel a sense of urgency yet. The people in charge will more or less encounter the bureaucratic style of "not taking it seriously" in various service departments.

In the next step, we will make statistics on all the personnel and family economic consumption in the ownership system! Statistics and confidentiality do not conflict. Only when we act as the mainstay in the gap of the dam, can we achieve: "Prevent things from happening in the near future, and decide things before they happen."

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