Out of the cage

Chapter 754 Chapter 17.26 (Part 2) Poma finds another good opportunity

After the Battle of Yandang, a huge strategic salient was formed on the defense zone of the Anglo Empire. At one time, the Anglos felt the atmosphere of failure. Complex civil servant vocabulary such as "maybe" and "if" appeared on the Clock Tower newspaper, and the expression was hesitant. pessimistic attitude.

Once the land cruiser on the side of Vail is allowed to launch the next round of attack, the soldiers will arrive at the important port of Dunk.

Then Vail has the ability to cut off the Anglo land railway system.

At that point Anglo can only seek decent peace talks to end this war

But Ver transferred back the general (Poma) who was in charge of the battle. Lupine V, who was welcomed in Yandang City, was busy seizing power, reassuring the gentlemen of the House of Commons in the rear. Supplement: Poma has been transferred, and the Communist Council is still worried about the instability of the army.

The Valors wasted a crucial week in this unnecessary adjustment, giving the Anglos a military respite.

Just when Lupine V was "integrating" his own army, Lance rushed to the front with the regiment.

After viewing the 300-kilometer front in the salient by helicopter, Lance organized artillery fire to suppress the Valian attack again.

And because this protruding part was attacked from three sides, the breakthrough of the Valors in Yandang soon came to naught.

The war between the two sides has returned to "annoying" again, and the fortresses of both sides are once again like Yunnan singing a love song

...Both parties are clowns, so Wan Lun's "history" can be sung as a "great drama" for so long...

However, the Angles were not so lucky. In 3242, the sudden war of the Kingdom of Osima caused the Angles to curse.

For Poma attacked where the Angles did not expect it to be, the "Albe" mountains between Ver and Osima.

The natural mountains between Val and Osima cannot support other road systems. Airships have been used to cross these mountains for transportation. Now the only two railways around the mountains cannot allow large-scale military forces to settle in quickly.

Since the armies of the two sides rely on the towering mountains to confront each other all the year round, they are near several passes. But now the Kingdom of Osima has a big problem when it is fortified on several levels. Many veterans have been mobilized and new recruits have been replaced.

Veteran fishing is to fish with confidence after taking preventive measures. But this is still fishing, so experience cannot be passed on to recruits in an open and honest manner.

And when the recruits see the idleness of the veterans, they follow the fish, that is to follow the trend.

Osima has not encountered any invasions on this line of defense all year round. The recruits understand the concept of "there has been no war for decades" by the veterans, so they directly herd the sheep.

… Laxity is the worst shell for any line of defense. …

On October 10, in the cold and windy weather, Poma, who was dispatched here, assembled troops to forcibly conquer the most important pass in the mountain range, the Iris Fortress.

When the light-equipped mechanized troops with the blue, red, white, and golden eagle logos of Vernon suddenly poured out from the mountain pass, the Osima defenders standing on the cement bunker even thought it was a caravan. Only after he opened his mouth did he realize that the enemy was attacking.

After the Poma light mechanized troops succeeded, the heavy land cruiser also relied on the road air cushion to slide in, and suddenly appeared inside the Osima Kingdom.

At this time, two-thirds of Osima's forces are confronting Iron Star on the Eastern Front, and they have no defense against such a sudden invasion!

The Poma troops successfully entered the northern plains of Osima on October 17, and defeated the three generals of Wind Whisper City who came to rescue them. Twenty-three Land Cruisers were destroyed.

Sitting in the spherical cockpit of the armored vehicle, Poma sensed that he had stepped up to the "industrial machinery concept": a fiery "particle cluster".

On the battlefield, he can fight against eight units alone, and because of his high level, he mobilizes a huge concept field, and the external steel shell adds extremely high defense. After going up, they all collided or flashed with light, and then directly discounted and flew to the other side,

...Poma aims to break the "nuclear reaction neutron density threshold" and builds his own skills...

Skill 1: "Fantasy Simulation" skill: It can use ordinary metal plates to glue them together to create fake land cruiser units, and fool opponents on the battlefield. Of course firepower is limited to "gas tank" warheads.

Skill 2: The "self-sharpening firepower" system allows him to shoot tungsten steel warheads with stronger penetrating power, and he also carries a fast-loading structure in his chariot, which can fully replenish lubricating oil and liquid metal during battle. The "burst state" can be activated to increase the loading speed of the loading structure by 30%. ("Burst" can last until 300 rounds are reloaded)

Big move skill: "Nuclear firepower projection", in short, one kilogram of nuclear fuel is extracted from the power cabin, and then the concept field is covered, so that the original upper limit of the chain reaction is lifted. tons equivalent.

This kind of nuclear firepower, thrown into the armored cluster, has great damage to armored targets below 200 tons.

However, the damage to land battleships with full blood and full state of about 600 tons is still limited. Unless the land battleship is within a 50-meter circle from the center of the nuclear explosion, it will not cause fatal damage.

The nuclear bomb firepower projected to destroy the cruiser is within a range of 300 meters. When this gun is fired on the battlefield, it can cause damage to three or four large land targets at most.

…Poma used his ultimate on Osima,…

Within October 24th, this mushroom cloud slowly rose on the city wall of Fengyu City. The shock wave overturned the city wall, causing fragments of some century-old bricks to fly three kilometers away.

The shock generated by the ground could be felt a hundred kilometers away, and the royal family of King Osima, who was only 20 kilometers away from the nuclear explosion, also felt the tremor of tearing eardrums. Ever since, Osima announced a compromise. The alliance under the city was signed, and the alliance with Anglo was announced.

Of course, the cancellation is also very well-founded. Anglo has failed to fulfill its military alliance obligations in the past ten years. Whether it is in the military conflict with Iron Star or now that Vail is directly attacking the capital, the reinforcements they promised have not arrived.

This kind of alliance treaty under the city is unequal and humiliating to the country. But not a treaty of subjugation.

[The treaty of subjugation is to divide the defeated country into multiple parts. This kind of division is not to divide one or two corners of the defeated country, but to tear the opponent's core population area directly along the original insignificant gaps in the regional culture .

For example, the north-south differences between the Jianghuai River and the Huaihe River in Shenzhou, the Loess Plateau and Dongbin, and even Bashu and Guangfu, these differences were all acquiesced in the great unification, and some foreign colonists on the historical line like to instigate such differences, making each place full of excess superiority, Collision occurs. Trying to divide and split China.

"Treaties of subjugation" are not uncommon in the history of earth colonization. Regardless of the cowardice of the Qing Dynasty, the Qing Dynasty was still relatively tall among the large number of scumbags in that era. On the other hand, the European Hungarian Empire, Ottoman, and the integrated alliance of Southern Europe (Big White Goose ) were completely divided by the great powers]

Poma was able to force the Osima royal family to sign a humiliating alliance treaty with a simple battle, and swallowed it, because there was a "subjugation" plan to deter them,

By supporting the independence of the group in the west, Osima will gradually lose the control of all regional generals.

...Wei Keng has carried out scientific and technological advancement on the mainland, which also makes the once stable kingdoms on the Wanlun continent, will carry out the last wave of involution...

Anglo also threatened the Sky Empire in this way, wanting to suck blood from the Sky Empire in exchange for maintaining the integrity of the Sky Empire. (Note: The British turned the land into their own sphere of influence, and the economy they seized can produce dozens of dreadnoughts every year. At least one-third of the Royal Navy that trapped the High Seas Fleet after Jutland were all mines from the East )

The so-called bargaining chip given by Anglo to find its iron star is also to recognize its legitimacy, trying to support multiple backup puppets to ensure their detached position in the complex politics of the sky empire (shit-stirring stick status).

But Iron Star is not a warlord. Iron Star quickly used combat power to prove the failure of their military intervention to Anglo. At the same time, the excellent coordination mechanism of the Agricultural Youth Association and the Industrial City overwhelmed the separatist factions.

It can be said that in Anglo's perfect plan to control the fate of the sky empire, Iron Star broke the variables of this fate.

But now the Kingdom of Osima does not have this variable of fate. There is a system of generals and warlords in various places. None of the warlords can end the domestic balance of power.

…Osima is in the middle of the mainland. Over the years, she has relied on her strengths, beggar-thy-neighbor, and brought the flames of war into other countries to gain stability. Now the retribution is coming…

After the battle in December, Poma patted the contract he had signed on the side of the imperial envoys sent by Van Er, so that the masters of Van Er could do nothing about this military rampage and could only praise it in a public statement. The stick admitted that Poma's decision was "correct."

On the other side, Poma submitted a material tax list to the Anglo ambassadors who came to protest.

The reason why Anglo can continue to consume with Vail is that it has a dominant position in bulk commodity transactions between industrial products and raw materials. Although the Kingdom of Osima did not directly send troops in this war, its industries were operated for the Anglo. Now it's all truncated.

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