Out of the cage

Chapter 764 Chapter 17.35 (Part 2) The fate of being manipulated

In June of 3248 in the Fire Emblem calendar, Val is also developing new military technology accordingly.

At the same time, in Xiluoer in the south, a train with eight tracks, ten meters wide and five meters high, like a land fortress, entered the southeastern sea region powerhouse from Vail.

This train brought the latest experimental military equipment. The air cushion equipment slowly moved the 50-meter-long and 30-meter-high metal container to the battlefield covered with grass. It was packed with black military partitions. Such packaging looks very oppressive.

Vaner is taking the super-heavy platform route, that is, "big is beautiful, more is better\

,"After the black metal container plate opened on all sides like a flower, it revealed the new Mobile Fortress exuding metal sharpness inside, which is a larger version of the Land Cruiser. On its shell, in addition to the updated rotating turret, the secondary gun systems on both sides have also been strengthened, and a lot of radar equipment is added to enhance communication with the outside.

The rise of Iron Star has brought about a technological leap, and has brought about sudden changes in the military forces of the various countries in the Wanlun Continent. The military experts in Van agreed that the traditional heavy armored "land cruiser" needs light armored mechanized cover.

...Val's Continental Army doctrine, attitude towards new gadgets in the new military revolution, everything must be centered on the old...

The Valerians believed that the army needed a rapid-fire mechanical armor with a tonnage of about 20 tons and a caliber of 30 mm, and another type of single-turret combat vehicle with a tonnage of 50 tons and a 120 mm armor-piercing firepower. Land Cruiser Auxiliary.

Of course, if a large number of such light-loaded vehicles are used as the main land cruiser, steam power is not suitable, and a new "hydrocarbon combustion engine" needs to be developed to drive it. (The steam engine is too slow to start. It used to be used as a logistical transportation, but now the emphasis is on interspersed, and speed is required to launch an assault.)

Such military changes have made "fuel" a very important strategic material.

Faner is taking the technical route of "petrochemical mining". Survey ships and geological teams enter the Wanlun Continent Bay and the Old Continent Lake Basin. Once the pipes are tied down, they will be able to harvest a lot of light Oil.

The abundance of fuel allowed Vaner to quickly stuff the original infantry group into light armored vehicles and maneuver together with the land cruiser.

…under the shadow of past information, oil was in the past the spit of hellish demons. Under the influence of the gods, it has not been recognized on a large scale until now...

In this era, Iron Star, which also attaches great importance to light mechanization, mass-produced "hydrocarbon fuel" earlier than Val.

The production capacity of "fuel oil" is dominated by the coal chemical industry in the city. There is also a considerable part of the hydrogenation of biomass fuels at industrial sites in rural areas.

The advantage of "crop straw conversion" is that it is convenient to obtain materials and does not need to be transported. The disadvantage is that the quality of oil products varies, and each biofuel station can only sell them in their hometowns. However, this industry has a huge problem.

This is like the 21st century home solar power panels, which are self-sufficient, and the excess electricity is incorporated into the grid to generate asset appreciation. This mainly depends on private consumption and self-use, and it is impossible to have the effect of "investment appreciation". Since they cannot increase in value like stocks and real estate, this type of industry is the most deficient in financing, and can only rely on the purchasing power of 90% of the domestic population.

However, under the Matthew effect, capital is concentrated in the hands of a few people, and more than 90% of the population has no purchasing power.

Ninety percent of the capital is in the hands of a few people, and will only be invested in "value-added" projects, rather than being used for the development of "industrial consumption" by the majority. Therefore, under the "free economy", this kind of scattered industry will eventually be completely wiped out due to the depression of the capital cycle and the shrinking market.

The rural villages of Sky Iron Star have "economic autonomy". Over the past few decades, they have completed capital accumulation and undertaken a large number of end-of-line industrial manufacturing.

The cadres of the Agricultural Youth Association in various rural and rural areas are very sensitive to idle resources. The straw and corn cobs grown in the fields do not want to be wasted, so the fuel production capacity is protected locally as an important asset.

From the current cost point of view, the cost of ocean mining is at least 20% lower than that of chemical synthesis. The Xiluoer region has the largest "ancient closed ocean formation", where a large amount of oil is stored. Mining from the ground and then processing is much shorter than the industrial chain of coal chemical industry.

However, Ver is destined to be more dependent on overseas colonies, and its military strategy has to develop in the direction of "offensive" and "intervention". And Iron Star's strategy can be slightly independent.

And those new resource countries, such as Xiluoer, which took off in the sudden wind, seem to have difficulty grasping their own positioning, and they are a bit floating.

On the part of Faner, under the leadership of Poma, the layout of Xiluoer began.

The current world situation, when Osima was interfered by the sky.

Val has essentially become Iron Star's strategic opponent, besieging Iron Star on the southern line.

Sirol was also a member of the Thunderbolt Alliance. One hundred and twenty years ago, under the arrangement of Anglo, they divided up the southern coastline of the former Sky Empire. Xi Luoer is now also actively contacting Fan Er urgently.

…Boma is good at dancing under the advice of the system, while Wei Keng, who is hostile by the world, can't see through the fog of this aspect, but he has his own cognitive principles for diplomacy. …

After the end of the ancient times, the main world once divided diplomacy into two types.

1: The Eastern style, which evolved from the ancient tributary system, pursues regional stability and stable frontiers.

2: The western marine system adopts a step-by-step approach and only seeks profit.

Poma obviously learned the second type, taking his own interests as the highest and calculating every step of the way.

Of course, this is also Osima's sudden revolution. After getting rid of the influence of Faner's interference, he gave the so-called "First Army of Wanlun Continent" a sense of insecurity.

Val's layout of Xiluoer is obviously very utilitarian, and all kinds of situations point directly to Iron Star, providing maintenance support for more than 20 land cruisers and a complete set of light machinery equipment, and then obtaining oil exploration rights from the area.

...Oil interests will create economic and industrial miracles, and will also breed ambitions beyond one's own capabilities in the location...

At the top of the high-rise buildings in the newly-emerged seaport city of Gatel in the past ten years in Cyrol.

An ancient hero "Ming Guang" (called several years ago) with dark blue pupils in a military uniform looked at the city land cruiser driving into the city center and said leisurely, "Has today's era become like this?"

A thousand years ago, Xiluoer was still one of the "powerful countries" in the mainland.

At that time, the heavy tanks were not as big as today's land cruisers, and the names of swords and shields, archers, pikemen, and knights in the past were just used to divide the battlefield functions of each armored vehicle.

On this ancient battlefield where Mingguang stood, once (a thousand years ago) he led a fifty-ton steel monster loaded with a mechanical pick and carrying a "longbow" of a 200mm mortar, all the way Hit the Wind Whisper Plain in Osima, and almost carved the "Dark Moon Badge" on the wall of Wind Whisper City as a conqueror.

Ming Guang still vaguely remembers the hot steam cloud in the military camp where he was at that time.

Mingguang, who had been "unearthed" for a few years, reviewed his posthumous history. With the changes of the times, Xiluoer was in decline, and he could not spend a lot of technical resources on nuclear engines and steel processing like those old industrial countries. In the next few hundred years, whether it is ground heavy armor or aviation, Xiluoer will inevitably fall behind.

...Heroes are the "pillars" of an era, but heroes who do not belong to this era can only be regarded as "silt"...

After Mingguang came to the new era, he barely adapted to the "ultra-fearless" era on land, but the gods reminded him that technology had once again changed.

However, in the current competition between major powers, Xiluoer, as a weak country, lacks the ability to invest resources in high-tech fields, so it can only rely on flexible diplomacy to be good at dancing with its sleeves. Such an era of "weakness and sunset" can be used by those who can talk and talk, but as an ancient hero, Mingguang thinks it is a kind of sadness.

Mingguang looks forward to a turning point in history. According to international analysis, if the iron star falls, then Xiluoer can have the opportunity to acquire talents and scientific equipment to rise again.

So at this stage, Mingguang believes that Xi Luoer should stand with Faner.

As for why Mingguang dared to think such a thing that did not conform to "historical common sense"? That's because this place is under the brilliance of the gods of "multiple planes", and there are many "miracles" in history that did not develop according to common sense.

…The legend sung by bards has gradually become a script that the most elite people want to bring in. …

In the arcane universe, the national destiny is promoted by a few genius heroes, so when it climbs rapidly, it will also fall rapidly. As long as the beliefs of a small number of people in a country are collapsed, economic wealth, engineers' knowledge systems, and even industrial equipment will be transferred to the new country.

For example, five thousand years ago, the light of civilization was in the southern part of the Wanlun continent, and the northern part was desolate. Two thousand years ago, Anglo was just a principality, belonging to a lord under the Vail enfeoffment system.

After reading the history here, Wei Keng sighed: A country can be calculated, and its vitality can also be plundered by conspiracy.

And because of this! This world has what is called "destiny".

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