Out of the cage

Chapter 768 Chapter 18.02 (Part 2) Can pass on the mantle

"Justice" is a subjective judgment.

In the main world, "justice" is a concept created in social communication after the cognitive revolution of human beings.

Therefore, animals and children do not know good and evil. They will follow the nature of nature to kill ants and mistreat small animals. They will also feel fear and uneasiness when they see their mothers hurt.

"Justice" is also a subjective appeal. This kind of appeal can be satisfied subjectively, such as stories such as "Good and evil are rewarded". In fact, it may not be satisfied.

In short, by manipulating social communication and influencing people's subjective emotional needs, justice can be determined (this has been proved by the mind plane).

... "Justice" in the Wanlun Continent does not belong to the middle-aged people. The so-called "the overall situation is the most important" means "you are very light"...

In 3249, for Iron Star, a series of demands for "justice" were not met, which led to some extremes.

After losing Enma, Willie, who led Iron Star, lost the ability to discern the faint tricks of those old factions in Iron Star. Iron Star's Internal Affairs Department began to expand, and began a large-scale identification of external forces in the country.

Zheng Nian, who was at the air force base, had to move out. Facing the inspection of the government military police, Zheng Nian couldn't explain it.

And Lina, who herself needs to report to the internal affairs department, can only comfort her to study hard, and one day the country will need it.

May 4th.

Now in the compound, Zheng Nian is practicing the fixed body technique similar to gymnastics.

Called back by the new elders. Liu Si (one of Wei Keng's clones): "Boy, take it easy and eat something."

Zheng Nian jumped off the parallel bars with a whoosh, the smile on his face was like a crescent moon.

Zheng Nian: "Uncle, are you coming to see my mother again?" while gobbling down the cake.

Liu Si, obviously a little embarrassed: "Well, is she at home?"

Zheng Nian Chunzhen took a look at the visitor, and then laughed: "Yes, yes, come on!" Clenched his small fists.

Liu Si smiled more honestly: "It's okay."

At this time, the sound of the wooden door opening sounded.

Seagate looked at Liu Si and shook his head: "You are here again, this is the last time I lent you money."

Liu Si: "Sister, it's not easy for you to take care of the child alone."

Seagate: "That can't make you spend so much money."

She took out the funds from pawning the jewelry she once wore and returned it to Liu Si. She obviously wanted to sever the relationship. But Liu Si opened the box, and inside was her pawned jewelry.

Seagate paused and shook her head. She knew she had delayed this man, but she wanted to wait.

[At this time, the environment in Iron Star is getting worse and worse, Seagate also contacted the Anglo Xuelisi, Xuelisi decided to send someone to pick her and Zhengnian away. 】

After being issued a good person card, Liusi shook his head silently, and said in his heart: "It's going to rain, let her go."

However, at this moment, Zheng Nian came to Liu Si.

Zheng Nian was timidly embarrassed: "Uncle, does your store need employees?" As for the leftover cake in his hand, he obviously knew that after the adults talked about it, he shouldn't take anything.

Liu Si looked at the boy, couldn't help but pause in his heart, raised his head and smiled, "Xiao Zhengnian, I'm very tired here."

That's it, Liu Sirong and Zheng Nian.

But then, what happened made Wei Keng doubt whether he had the ability to keep the boy.

...Fate has always been trying to use "bumps" to deflect the people around Wei Keng. …

After August, the identity screening in Iron Star continued, and the newspapers became more and more aggressive, amplifying their suspicions and targeting more people.

Wei Keng's split group is observing all this, and as things develop step by step, they are watching with cold eyes the direction of fate that the god is trying to control.

The group of people at the upper level of Iron Star who are showing the most "loyalty" are the ones who can "show" the most. If it is still the era of the Sky Empire, they will naturally show the most loyalty to the Sky Empire.

Wei Keng (the third level of traceability): From the perspective of "possibility", the concept of enemy and friend is extremely clear.

Those who really look forward to the "Iron Star", when facing the Iron Star theory, hope that practice will improve the theory and expand possibilities.

And now this group of jumping crazy people, like those who once advocated the imperial system and the commercial system, are trying to hold everyone with a theory and let the world let them explain it.

Confine all "possibilities" within the framework of their grasp, and let them direct.

…the "correct" wind at the top of the iron star, without any accident, turned into a demon wind when it blew down. …

August 15th.

In Liusi's bakery. Guys who were supposed to be some students broke in, shouting "progress" and demanded to search Zheng Nian's schoolbag.

Facing such arrogant things, Liu Si raised his stick and beat these bastards out. Then at night, the bakery gets smashed.

At night, it's a mess.

Liusi looked at the silent Zhengnian helping him to clean up, and said to him very solemnly: "Zhengnian, you must be firm on one thing, and that is now, you have not made any mistakes so far. At the same time, don't resent the present The world that does wrong to you. But always have the ability to discern that behind it is the same type of people who create oppression, they are just covering up their selfishness."

Zheng Nian stared at Liu Si, trying to smile, as if seeing someone familiar. Then nodded.

Liu Si took out a wad of money and gave it to Zheng Nian.

Master Wei knows that Seagate has been urging Zheng Nian to leave Iron Star these days.

At this time, Wei Keng decided to fight against the reactionaries like Tie Xing, so he thought he was incapable of protecting this young man. So I want Zhengnian to go to Anglo.

However, after a while, Zheng Nian did not take the wad of money.

After a long time, Zheng Nian said a word with a maturity that didn't match his age: "A person can know the heights of the sky and the depths of the earth, but he must never be ignorant of the good and the bad. This is my motto. I will not compromise or deny the past just because of my current situation. I will make the final decision." (Zheng Nian means: I will not deny the correctness of Iron Star in the past because of Iron Star's mistakes now.)

A firm choice was made in the young man's eyes, with the disappointment of having to give up "brilliance", but with the determination to defend "justice"

It was only at this time that Wei Keng discovered that this young man had always had his own "thoughts", and his "view of right and wrong" might have been formed long ago.

Zheng Nian actually regards En Ma as a good teacher. There is a ruler in my heart.

Therefore, when "mother" Seagate wanted to take herself to Anglia, she firmly disagreed.

A few days ago, even if Seagate proposed various past favorite things such as "good clothes" and "good education", it had no effect.

...Zheng Nian muttered silently in his quilt: some things can be discussed, but issues of principle of right and wrong cannot be discussed, this is the principle of a man. …

Swearing to the death not to be loyal to Anglo, even if the increasingly crazy atmosphere in Sky Iron Star begins to affect him, it may make his hard work these years become ordinary. He also didn't do what he felt was "wrong".

Seeing Zheng Nian who was ready to flip the book "Learning to Make Cakes" willing to be ordinary, Liu Si (the will of Wei Keng's group gathered since then) suddenly smiled, and smiled from the bottom of his heart.

For Wei Keng: This child's shining quality at this time is enough to pass on the whole mantle.

Even this child's future is no less than his job of "reversing the madness in Iron Star" at this time.

Liusi patted the dust on his body, and said solemnly: "The store can't be opened anymore, I'll take you to Osima."

...In that year, the new stars in the sky had not yet appeared...

Zheng Nian went home once, leaving behind a money order of 270,000 yuan, and a letter to Seagate that he will travel far away.

And a few hours later, two people, one big and one small, got on the train to the south of Osima.

On the window seat of the railway train, Zheng Nian once again pointed to the sky.

"Uncle, can you see that star?"

Liu Si: "Well, which one?"

Zheng Nian frowned and asked, "It's the one that flashes during the day. Everyone says they can't see it, but I can see it."

Liusi looked at the sky, his eyes became sore after a long time, and he asked, "You mean, the direction of the Phoenix constellation?"

Zheng Nian: "Yes, the third star." His tone was full of expectation.

...in the sky, there are only six dim stars in the constellation of the Phoenix...

Wei Keng was looking through the star observation data. After a while, he determined the position. There was no so-called third star within 6,000 light-years, so he fell silent.

Zheng Nian's words don't seem to be deceiving, but this kind of ability to see the so-called stars that ordinary people can't see is really extraordinary!

To put it a bit bigger, this is a "lost kingdom of God", and Zheng Nian has the key. But looking at it today, if Zheng Nian is really a "god" who descended from the soul, then which god is he in the position of?

[Once again, all mortals are the soul fragments of gods. The appearance of mortals is the appearance of the gods in the mortal world after the nobility is removed. Mortals are the reflection of gods. Wei Keng's will is incompatible with this world. The same is true for Nian, on the surface, it seems that he does not belong to this world]

But Liusi finally shook his head, saw the clean shop, rubbed his eyes, and said to Zhengnian: "Dizzy, I can't see it for now."

Zheng Nian nodded, and then stopped mentioning these things.

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