Out of the cage

Chapter 775 Chapter 18.07 The trend of the god war has been determined

In April 51, Anglo, almost a year has passed since the first day of the weird disaster.

After continuous monitoring, the Anglo government admits with difficulty that it is impossible to confirm whether the weirdness in the "mutation zone" has dissipated.

So the white military vehicles of the Anglo Special Crisis Response Department blocked the road entrances and exits of these mutation areas, and pulled out blockades in front of some uninhabited buildings with black windows.

Half of the city was abandoned on the grounds that a terrible plague had occurred and no outsiders were allowed to enter.

Of course, Anglo is a profit-seeking society. Abandoned Point used to be a bustling commercial street with gold jewelry stores and various luxury goods, so there will always be a small number of bounty hunters who will venture into it.

In fact, in the blockade area, it is basically impossible for all the grotesque devils in the weird streets to let any intruders go.

Narrator: Some of these demons appear supernaturally on the windows, some gather cockroaches into strange shapes in the sewer, and some of them float a leaf from the big tree painted on the wall and fall on the people passing by on the street. At this time, Plant veins will grow out of this unlucky flesh and blood. In short, everything here is weird.

It's just that the devil is not a chaotic devil. The devil's favorite thing is to lure human beings to degenerate instead of violent destruction.

If the weird area completely swallows all the intruders into the streets, it will frighten the ignorant human lambs,

And if some "lucky ones" are let go, and these "lucky ones" get some benefits, then more and more souls can be seduced sustainably.

Ever since, often in Anglo's lower towns, with the appearance of some impoverished and bold people who are now starting to spend a lot of money on the gambling table, the adventure carnival of the lower towns begins

Get rich overnight, or get natural supernatural power, transcendent intelligence, from a gangster to a gang leader on the street, in charge of the fate of hundreds of people. This kind of thing is widely spread in the lower city. Spread like a virus.

The aroused commotion began to block the iron fence set up by the Anglo government, and began to slam the door. Oh, the slogans of these promoters are not the words "I want to venture in", but more righteous words: "I want to go home, my home is inside."

The Anglo military police were unable to shoot to stop the crowd. As a result, although a large number of people were stopped, more adventurers took advantage of the chaos to pass through the barbed wire blockade and the searchlights, and entered the blockade area.

Devil: This moment, fallen freedom, how wonderful

…Once upon a time, when the Anglos intervened in foreign countries, they used this method to use young students from other countries! This is backlash. …

The guys who stray into the devil-infested neighborhood and come out aren't really lucky,

But when they came back, it was true that they were worshiped by the ignorant, and so was the price.

The devil doesn't really create lucky ones, he just overdraws the trader's precious things.

In the end, after these devils have finished using the contractors, they still have to collect souls, but the time to collect souls can be twenty or thirty years later, making short-sighted people who are obsessed with vanity and pleasure feel "worth it."

This is like the group of drug addicts in ancient times. This group of people will repeatedly tell you how cool it can be, but this is just that the poisonous demons are overdrawing their "future" and showing enough "excellence" in a very short time in front of people.

When the addicts are overdrawn and don't know which gutter they died in the final stage, people will not see the price.

Those who are good at whitewashing their means are more likely to be seduced by the devil in the end, because what they whitewash makes themselves believe, and naturally lose their ability to discriminate against the devil's whitewashing...

The Anglo-capital circle firmly surrounded this 923-square-kilometer urban area with a wall, and completely abandoned the industrial furnaces, financial trading centers, and even thousands of high-rise buildings. It was defined as Area No. 13, and high towers with armed guards were erected around it.

Searchlights and barbed wire locked everything securely. Even ordinary people are not allowed to take a look.

Because in the past few months, ordinary people have nothing to do, but they can smell the smell of various barbecues in the weird area, and peeking out of curiosity, they can see rock music and have a party when they have nothing to do, all kinds of rock music, Unlimited joy of free screen.

Such a picture displayed by the devil to the outside world made many Anglo civilians suddenly "wake up", thinking that depravity is also very good. Start banging doors on the blockade.

This method of the devils used to be the method used by Anglo to subvert foreign countries, and now it has attracted the devils to come over for technical exchanges.

At this time, Anglo is struggling in the depression. Poor people wear clothes filled with long strips cut from waste newspapers. There is no meat, egg and milk, only expired bread and dried salted fish. In the center of the bustling city, those places where there are feasting and feasting are all those places that are closely guarded by black bodyguards, and they are also forbidden areas for ordinary people.

So there are many people who, by digging tunnels, ventured to District 13. And such an adventurous person, with the wealth that is shining on the surface, but the dark and dark devil contract in the soul, is a guide to bring corruption to the middle and lower classes of the Anglo-capital circle. No amount of forcible suppression can eradicate it.

For the gods of the Wanlun Continent, this should have been a scar that only appeared in the interstellar world, but related signs appeared in advance in the era of the transition from the second level to the third level.

It can be said that this is the cause and effect of the birth of "the most evil in the interstellar era" in advance.

So far, there are still human beings in Anglo who understand how to solve the root cause of the current "weird area 13", but mortals are unwilling to solve it. To be precise, these mortals who are currently on the side of God are unwilling to admit that they have The consequences of these measures are serious.

…unwilling to reflect on one's "unrighteousness" will forever be trapped in the ghost knocking on the door. …

Now Wei Keng is the originator, even though he is having trouble with the current gods.

But in the wide-area information field of the universe, the "Industrial Godhead" is trying to get closer to the originator.

Wei Keng, as a mortal axis, did not move closer to order and evil, but the mortals in this world tried to fight against Wei Keng with order and evil. Oh, and here comes "blasphemy."

The so-called "trial arrangements" used by the gods to separate the divinity from ordinary Shangqing-level traversers did not work on Wei Keng.

What's more, now, those Anglo-style clever and mystics are using such low-handed means.

Anglo's crooked ways not only prevented Wei Keng's consciousness from being shaken in the slightest so far. Instead, let Wei Keng's consciousness always bear in mind "why resist", making his obsession more and more sharp.

We must know that in the 27th century, when the times were good, Wei Keng would have forgotten the "bad" past.

The so-called "trials" arranged by the gods of multiple planes are too low-level for Wei Keng, an existence who has "deeply cultivated three major planes" and "deeply participated in promoting the growth of civilization".

It is as ridiculous as those countries that were established only a few hundred years ago in modern times, trying to propose "inspecting civilization" and "determining the rule of freedom and democracy" for a country that has a history of 5,000 years and is heading for revival.

In these so-called "arrangements", Wei Keng had a thorough understanding of the essence of the gods.

The so-called trials in the mortal world have become "blasphemy", so this "blasphemy" can't change Wei Keng, it will backfire on other existences, and the gods now need to find a back (the so-called business optimization risk) to end this cause and effect.

At this time, the industrial godhead was spinning rapidly in the void, like a gear throwing out the dirt, and splashing back on the opponent. This is the current tragedy in the area of ​​Anglo 13 on Wanlun Road.

Metal refining has now begun to cut through the occult. The god temporarily turned to the left, sticking to science and preventing pollution on the Wanlun continent.

...The "intensification of contradictions" that Wei Keng played on the Wanlun Continent is the prelude to the multi-dimensional, fourth-level world...

The contradictions in the interstellar era have deteriorated to the point that it is hard to get back, and the Supremes have no choice but to ban all mysticism! Forbidding all worlds to explore in the direction of emerging science. (To prevent mortals from misunderstood the new technology, projecting new technology demons in the subspace, because someone can create the "Cyber ​​Buddha" in the 21st century, and the multi-plane may not be able to produce the "Skynet Demon Monk")

Because: Once the mortals in the upper ranks misuse it, it will cause a targeted understanding of another class of mortals, causing backlash, and the evil will be rubbed out.

Of course, if this is the case, it prevents a few people from making mistakes and curbs everyone's exploration. To a certain extent, this is slow death, and it is also the result of the decline of civilization after the evolution of multiple planes to the fourth stage.

After the third war between the planes, none of the so-called gods faced problems ahead of time, they just sat around and waited for problems, and delayed the hidden dangers that should have been solved long ago to the point of no return.

But now, Wei Keng appeared, making a loophole in the "essence" of the gods, this is the advanced battle of gods!

...Anglo will usher in the chaos disaster of the interstellar era...

At this time, on Anglo 021 Avenue, noble cars are passing through the street.

Sixteen-year-old Yunli returned to Anglia.

Ten minutes later, when she arrived at the mentor's address, she found that the Ministry of Magic had been sealed, and dust had fallen on the wooden door and the glass window.

When she went to inquire with the relevant mystic qualification certificate, this once very popular "advanced detective qualification" was avoided after showing it.

A few minutes later, the gendarmes armed with guns invited them to drink tea as if they were facing an enemy. Because of all the weird things in the Ministry of Magic recently, the gendarmes have controlled all the people who may be weird and polluted.

Of course, less than an hour and a half later, Miss Yunli was respectfully invited out at the gendarmerie headquarters, and next door to the gendarmerie was a group of imperial officers who "just happened" to visit. There is a "Dragon Eagle" class suspended in the sky,

The huge two-meter-diameter propellers hung symmetrically from the left and right of the high-speed airship made a noise that made the teacups in the gendarmerie house directly below rattle. This has greatly improved the efficiency of the military police.

The bald head of the General Police Department not only reissued a pass for Miss Yun Li, but also completely returned all the items stored by Miss Yun Li in the "Auror Department". Well, even though it is defined as evidence by the upper echelon, the fastest general procedure (to insert money) will take ten days and a half months.

Because the Dragon Eagle airship can not only produce howling, but also discharge cooling water every once in a while. The white hot boiling water will not scald people when it falls, but it will fill the whole building with water vapor, which will make clothes squeeze The feeling of being able to splash water really made the entire Gendarmerie unable to withstand this "dark cloud" atmosphere.

...the steps of the Anglo branches are trodden for golden boots...

Fen, dressed as a school official, is welcoming her sister in person. Oh, these two are twins, whoever is stronger is the brother (sister).

In the car, Fenzheng, with square shoulders and strong shoulders, was about to tease his younger sister, while Yunli was holding tightly the "spell crystal" awarded to her by her mentor.

Today's magic system is electronic chip technology. The information in the chip will be tunneled into the etheric network every once in a while, forming an independent information area.

Yun Li said to Fen Zheng, "I saw that person."

Fenzheng's originally joking expression subsided. He knew who Yun Li was talking about, but he still used a questioning tone.

Yun Li's tone was complicated: "The person my mother hid." (Their half-blood relatives)

Lance never said anything about the "ambiguity" between Shirley and Iron Star Rebel General Ludis.

It is the big secret that Yun Li and Fen dug up after investigating the source of the strange incident in the Compass Tower.

This big secret, Yunli and Fenzheng are silently hiding it, and they plan to reduce this unstable problem by coincidence.

Fen was looking at Yun Li: "Is that person troublesome? Or, is he a military commander in Iron Star?"

Under the guidance of her father, Fen has gradually developed towards a "hero". In this world, a "hero" has the capital to look down on others.

But remembering that "Ludis" was once a hero, Fen Zheng gave this brother of different fathers a different view of Yu Yunli, that is, she is competitive.

...man-made glass is always compared with natural crystal when verifying the color...

Toot, toot, the car stopped, and a roadside stand appeared in front of it, and some accompanying officers got out of the car at this time. Go to the booth to pick up the ordered items.

In this depressed year, only the rich and powerful can maintain the "real life".

As for ordinary imperial soldiers, they can only have money at most, and get freedom in terms of bread (rations), flowers (decoration) and books (spiritual entertainment).

Why are there only so few? Because the scene of the Great Depression is not "consumption without money", but that even the rich can't buy a wide range of products, such as food. There has been no novelty in the empire for a long time in the past few years. And now the roadside store in front of it has just opened for a few months, and it is quite creative.

In the glass window, rows of crystal-like aspic are cut up, mixed with crushed peanuts, then added with special fresh spicy oil, sprinkled with soy sauce vinegar and chopped green onion. A box is cheap at fourpence.

In this day and age, when most beef is a piece of thirty or forty pennies, it is really cheap and affordable. (It takes a lot of time to cook the skin jelly, but the shipment is large, so it is cheaper than meat)

What Wei Keng did was beyond the imagination of the Anglos, and even the locals couldn't believe that it was "pig skin". Wei Keng first "fried" the pig skin into a fluffy puffed state in hot iron sand. Then soak it softly and boil it so that there will be no remaining pig hairs.

For the engineers and mid-level military officers of the Imperial Factory whose economy is still in the middle, orders for this store soon began.

Yun Li looked out the window, got out of the car and took out the box and came back to the imperial soldiers, while Fen was not surprised at all. I even introduced to Yun Li that this kind of chef who made "skin" into food came from the Sur district (the area of ​​the Anglo rebels in the early years).

Yun Li looked at the busy cook outside the glass window, quickly spreading out the dough, spreading the sauce, sandwiching the bean curd and frying the bacon. Can't help but feel deja vu.

Yes, it was the feeling of the guy who smashed her face with meat buns.

But Yun Li finally shook her head and didn't think any further.

The gods had already prompted her, but they would not give accurate revelations to make her trouble the cook.

...Wei Keng backed up the record to the public system: Well, I cook as a hobby, so don't target...

After this battle of gods is over, the Pantheons have now confirmed that it is impossible for the mystics in the mortal world to test Wei Keng, who seems to be a "mortal", to change his determination to "change the axis".

God: The originator is not a piece of steel that can be kneaded repeatedly after being heated to red heat, but a "plasticine" with explosive points.

Once the impact reaches a certain level, Wei Keng, who does not have the ambition to "be superior to others", will explode.

Just like in the ancient times of the earth, in the Mediterranean civilization, the top layer manipulated public opinion at will. That is because the lower class in the West has experienced too little historical development, so it is easy to manipulate the direction of thinking and action. Thinking independently for a while, the top layer turned it down and labeled it "evil, extreme", and kneaded it at will.

Wei Keng, as a villain who has inherited the history of the East for five thousand years, is not so easy to be "processed". When encountering injustice to a critical point, there is no possibility of giving in at all, and he will "die with the sun" 100% "of.

Eastern history illustrates such a ruthless fact: the rulers began to promote "benevolence and righteousness", not really following "human beings are inherently good", but that the people really will "make big plans".

If there is no threat of "big plans", the officials and gentlemen will lightly say "I will bear the blame for the suffering of the people", and at the same time hold the banner of "benefit to the national policy, and benefit to you" to make Just change it now, regardless of the righteous rhetoric of "the cooking stove will die" in the future.

Wanlun Continent is a second-tier world, but the current trend of God War has been verified.

Driven by Wei Keng's character, the Interstellar Age may continue to develop "science, industry, and machinery."

But Wei Keng came up with this "problem-solving method" to eliminate 70% of the gods in the pantheon and integrate a large number of concepts. Reduce unnecessary "classification" thinking in the development of mortal civilization.

This answer was simply ignored by the gods of the pantheon.

In fact, Wei Keng's "solution" is more than that. After experiencing the dark plane, Wei Keng has a high standard of civilization.

Wei Keng now has a preliminary solution to the problems of multiple planes: not only to greatly reduce the number of gods (Master Wei: Travelers should not engage in so many fancy king standards.)

And when the plane is still in the "steam civilization", a force that can deter the "superior" will be born among the mortal labor groups. In the rules for the participation of new forces, the rules of the gods are stricter. The price to be paid is even more serious. (Guilty of the development of the times, the gods must let their souls fall into the wrong era,) In this way, the world will be balanced.

The middle and lower gods in the Pantheon were dissatisfied with Wei Keng's "answer" and wanted to "call it back and let Wei Keng do it again".

The gods of the pantheon of gods admit that this is an answer, but hope that enough is enough.

Unknowingly, God God has acquiesced in the power of the "Originator".

In the pantheon, the god of "knowledge" said helplessly, if there is a power that "defies" fate in the multiverse, then it is undoubtedly him (Wei Keng).

The "he" that the God of Knowledge is talking about at this time is the consciousness cluster that Wei Keng came to the multiple planes this time, not the Wei Keng consciousness that came to represent "industry" last time.

The two waves of consciousness that came to Wei Keng before and after have obviously undergone tremendous changes.

In the view of this idyllic age traveler: Wei Keng was very cooperative last time (the Second World War), but this time (after the free age) it was just a mess.

As for why such a big change happened? The God of Knowledge believes that Wei Keng was not treated fairly when he inherited the "industry" for the first time.

Monate knows some secrets: the original consciousness of the goddess of finance in the main world, when the sonorous consciousness of the dark plane merges, tries to form a show operation that makes Wei Keng's consciousness conflict.

Has Master Wei ever developed an unstable consciousness? There is no doubt about it,

But coming to the multi-dimensional plane, the means to deal with the current problem of the plane is bursting, so that the whole Monate has to consider this embarrassing situation for the entire multi-dimensional plane.

From the perspective of "knowledge": the extreme Wei Keng will greatly collapse the "God" system of the entire multi-plane.

When "Destiny" (Michaelena) checks the future of the multiverse after Wei Keng's thorough advancement, rounds of harsh "big screening" will be carried out on the plane group of modern culture.

The upper gods in the pantheon would absolutely not allow such a result.

Monath: I would rather elevate his (Wei Keng) "Godhead" to the position of God on God. Force him (Wei Keng) to leave some leeway.

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