Out of the cage

Chapter 787 Chapter 18.16 The number of days is just right

March 1, 3252.

When the internal ideology of Sky Iron Star is developing towards "chauvinism".

Under the invitation sent by the Iron Star of Osima, a volunteer force of dragon guards from the east of the sky rushed to the south of Osima. And this support force was led by Su Ni, and Osima was in charge of receiving Wei Yun.

Osima Iron Star invites the Sky Iron Star because the revolution has basically established a victory situation. Asking for support to participate in the war at this time is not so much asking for help, but rather passing the combat experience back to the comrades of Sky Iron Star.

After the arrival of Su Ni, all the Dragon Guard troops were studying in the listening position in the staff headquarters. Of course, there are many comrades in the sky who want to "guidance" and lag behind (pointing fingers). left over from the revolution. Su Ni dealt with it seriously. According to the discipline, what should be written for supervision should be written for inspection, and should be read aloud in front of Comrade Osima.

Su Ni: War is a matter of seeking truth from facts. If you recognize the military discipline here, you must place yourself under the discipline.

...When the remnants of the Sky Empire began to rebuild fortresses within the Iron Star shell, Su Ni's team was the seed of fire...

So at this time, the two core teams of Sky and Osima Dragon Guards did not carry out transactions related to territory and trade, but began to form a friendship of struggle on the same road.

Zheng Nian: We are establishing a great faith in the comrades in the "sky" in advance.

"To achieve great things, you must establish great faith, and to establish great faith, you must achieve success."

For Zhengnian, the earlier a trustworthy "commitment" is made, the more trust can be borrowed from progressives when seeking changes in the future.

Wei Keng’s side: It’s making allowances. The ideological contest can be that the (advanced) sky iron star burned to (behind) the Osima iron star, or it can be burned back in reverse now, and the southern old continent will be ignited in the future. Thought stagnates in the northern industrial countries, and then burns back.

On the advanced side, there should be no Big Brother. "Learningism" is different from "Musicism".

...Great-power chauvinism is a highly deceptive "poison" and an obstacle to the development of advanced ideas in various regions of the world...

In the Dragon Guard cockpit, Su Ni (one of Wei Keng's splits) looked at the information screen. At this moment, the cockpit was divided into two operating systems.

One is the palm and visual neural operating system.

One is under the body setting technique, the whole body is calibrated from the basics, and an operating system of "neural network docking information context" is built.

Su Ni is currently switching between the two operating systems during the march.

Among the three pillars of Wei Keng's firm education system, mathematics, Chinese, and physical education, among them, physical education in the 30th century is fixed body art, and the most stringent physical training standards are for manipulating the nano-cloud system in space.

Therefore, in Wei Keng's view, there is no doubt that Zheng Nian's Dharma pulse operating system must be high-end and advanced.

But that was the "children's work" since childhood, and he was born to work hard to shape the direction of "astronaut" and "big overload fighter pilot". Compared with the basic education level of the steam era, it is too advanced.

But right now, war is a war involving the participation of the whole people, and it is necessary to train a large number of available combat machines.

Wei Keng's current technical direction is still centered on the core development of the "hand-eye neuron integration" operating system.

This set of operations is simple, but Wei Keng is not "coveting for simplicity" and blindly sticking to the "minimum standard".

Instead, the "simple" is perfected. Every time the "hand-eye system" is operated, the chip is compared with the "famai system" to conduct continuous "optimization tests".

Wei Keng: "The hand system is divided into six layers. The first layer only needs three months of training, the second layer needs one year, the third layer needs four years and has a huge elimination rate, and the fourth layer starts to compete with Biao Zhengnian. The set of body-fixing techniques has reached the primary standard, because the rigorous training of every weight control and motor nerve of the body is similar to that of body-fixing techniques, and the operating system can basically be interchanged at this time."

Right now on the Osima Plain, the "Sacred Great Wall" is certainly not sharp enough, but if there is a conflict between the two sides, Wei Keng is confident that he can "barely" face this sharpness within ten years. And after twenty years, when the next generation's "dharma training" is completed, then this era will be turned over.

…Wei Keng: In this harsh environment, geniuses are not drawn to worship, but rolled together after finding the right path. …

Judging from Wei Keng's operations in the war, when he saw the virtuous and thought of the same, and saw the bald eagle's fleece, the most eye-catching peak on the Wanlun Continent is "Salvation".

Wei Keng: What the gods support is unchanged, but from various perspectives, Zheng Nian is currently his own family.

For the first time on Wan Lun Continent, Wei Keng has allies! Well, what surprised Wei Keng at this time was that such allies also appeared in thousands of other worlds.

In the multiple planes, the existence of "Zheng Nian" is not an isolated case, but most of them are watched by Wei Keng, because the two have similar temperaments.

Or perhaps it can be said that under the "repressive" belief environment of multiple planes, people like Zheng Nian can thrive and become the hottest guns only under the deliberate "indulgence" of Wei Keng's "brilliance of humanity".

Under the umbrella Wei Keng opened back then, now Zheng Nian has grown into a blazing spear piercing the dark clouds.

It is also because of such a tacit understanding in time and space, it is no wonder that the gods can't tell the difference between "Zheng Nian" and Wei Keng now!

If Bai Linglu was with him, he would definitely be able to see the difference between Zheng Nian and Wei Keng, and he would be highly vigilant.

In Bai Linglu's words: "That stuffy guy can't get a shitty fart in three shots, and if he can really be lured away by other people, this is definitely a big problem."

However, she is now locked in the mezzanine of the space to play chess, study cooking, and go on vacation with Zhao Xingchen and other obsessed people.

The order of supervisors that began in the pastoral era, the main safety valve that restricted Wei Keng, a pivotal product, seemed useless.

But Wei Qiang, Bai Linglu, and Qin Xiaohan were all arranged, and friends such as Jing Guyu and Luo Hongxing were also separated, so that for Mr. Wei, "Bravely Traveling to the End of the World" appeared once in hundreds of years. .

...In the sea of ​​stars in various universes in the multidimensional plane where Wei Keng is located, the black hole in the distance of civilization is trembling...

After Su Ni switched back to the Dharma system, beep beep, the communication rang.

Su Ni paused, looked at the source of the communication, smiled, and opened the communication interface.

One thousand kilometers away, in Limin Steel City, Minlar snatched the receiver immediately after the call was connected: "Su Ni, Su Ni, are you there? I order you to return quickly, or you will bear the consequences!"

On Su Ni's side, in the cockpit, he adjusted his sitting posture, as if he didn't hear the voice of the leader behind him, but hummed to himself: "Walking in all directions is a long way, the water is long, the water is long, and the village is confused. Yizhuang watched the setting sun go down and came back again, the earth is not old, the sky is not barren, the years are long and long”

Master Wei implicitly expressed the meaning of "wait and see" to Minlar with his singing voice. Minlar was so angry that he dropped the phone.

Now the iron stars in the sky are being conservative, but these conservatives are very wary of someone saying that they are "revisionist".

Minlar, who sits in the center of Swan City, is trying to use prestige to integrate the forces of various factions, and then adjust internal and external contradictions. But the "Osima Volunteer Action" reported by Su Ni is obviously ignoring his authority. Of course, Su Ni submitted an application for retirement before taking action, and this action was all "personal action."

In Minlar's eyes, Su Ni's purpose is to oppose him. In the name of "Iron Star dogmatism" to seek mountainization.

The "Su Ni" grouped by Wei Keng wants to oppose chauvinism, so we disagree with him!

Wei Keng: There is no need to adjust the economic model. The Wanlun Continent is going to fight a world war. Isn't your economic liberalization "cutting meat to feed demons"?

…the fire of Osima, which may be kindled on the hearth of the sky. …

Therefore, when "Zheng Nian" was doing real swords and guns on a large scale in Osima, Su Ni also re-integrated the foundation on the west side of the Sky Federation.

The super-mobile military system of the Dragon Guards requires the training of a large number of reserves. Su Ni selected the best among the Dragon Guards, but those "middle-level" were also included in the organization.

This "speed-type" paramilitary force controls the communication channels between rural areas and cities, takes over the personnel affairs of the Youth Agricultural Association, rectifies the management of officials, and uses new information technology and personnel rotation scheduling methods to ensure the exchange between agricultural production areas and industrial areas.

The Dragon Guard Mecha directly took advantage of some newly formed interest groups in the city!

Yes, now in the Sky Iron Star Federation, after those "xiu" came to power, they began to seek commercial freedom and began to support the interests of oligopoly.

These oligopolies started from nightclubs, vegetable markets, and these public markets, but if they are not controlled, they will soon form a frenzy of devouring core assets such as urban housing properties, electricity, and running water by a few people.

And now in the sky, due to such a process, the local city leaders of "new economics innovators" sent by various cities recently are playing with the new industrial model of stock dividends.

Compared with the sunshine of Zhengnian in Osima, Wei Keng is "digging graves" in the sky in sections. With the support of the Southern Military Group represented by Su Ni, the New Economics faction has been established and is methodically "anti-capital system":

First, within its own region, stock dividends are not recognized as a legal operation. In any region where stock dividends are distributed, the Nongqing Association directly defines it as a high-risk industry, directly cutting off the supply chain, and increasing the risk!

In fact, the next step in the late stage of commercial and private business is to short-sell in this way, and Mr. Wei is one step ahead.

Second, find the acquirer and conduct "friendly" negotiations.

Now that there are private business talks in the early stage of the sky, "bold" and "dare to do" individual business and private groups have emerged in various cities to collect retail stocks. Naturally, they will not use normal and fair business methods to lure most people to sell at low prices, and then use social idleness to sell them. personnel, intimidating other worker teams that also gathered equity to hand over their equity.

Predicting that business and private interests will not be reasonable, Wei Diaomin is also unreasonable. As an individual, Wei Keng directly found these city trading systems one by one, took advantage of the legal loopholes in the new finance, and directly hacked into the database. They "market There are risks, investment needs to be cautious!"

Troublesome people are not "heroes". But when the upper classes start to use public tools to seize power to break public rules and make private profits, the unscrupulous people will shake violently at the basic level and tell them what shaking is!

...Zheng Nian is stir-frying, Wei Keng is simmering slowly...

On January 13th, Braun City, when the southern business giants acquired the building here as the first financial transaction center in the south. Under Su Ni's command, a "disobedient" Dragon Guard detachment defected, and then directly and quickly crossed a thousand kilometers, ran to the commercial giants in the south, and broke into the core of the commercial city.

These gangsters wiped out all the utility poles in the city with wing knives, and robbed No. 15 of Commercial Street, which was the largest bank vault, within fifty minutes.

Then swaggered northward, and when the city defense garrison arrived and was about to go north to pursue it, the "thugs" immediately assembled a team of a thousand people, drove a mountain giant chariot as a response, and faced the four land ships of the city defense force. The cruiser countercharges!

In this: "Bandit" battle, all four Land Cruisers were destroyed. Shake the entire sky Iron Star.

The entire Iron Star knows, what the hell is this "thug"? The gangsters didn't escape the border, but went south swaggeringly? Can the gangster be calm when being chased, and in turn dispatch his land cruiser to counter-attack?

Of course not. After further investigation in Swan City, Su Ni led his troops to attack and "eliminated" this wave of bandits.

In fact, at the scene where the gold was stored, Su Ni took the Dragon Guard mech and accepted the salute from the commandos.

In less than an hour, when Swan City was still dealing with the routine, Su Ni sent a notification: "All the gold is in good condition, is the case closed!"

A total of more than 400 tons of gold, if it is just gone,

The southern business factions in Braun City claim to be immortal, and Swan City also wants to maintain its own ruling authority and strictly investigate.

But now, Su Ni said that "more than 400 tons" of gold has almost been recovered, is being counted, and the case can be closed and returned at any time. (However, Suni Group has attached a large number of conditions. All financial settlement rural and rural systems still occupy the majority, and urban financial centers only have "accounting" rights, and "cashier rights" are restricted.)

Then the South immediately became weak at that time. On the one hand, it said that it could not pursue it, and wanted to get the gold back immediately, and started "everything can be discussed".

On the one hand, they called for "reasonable" and "proper resolution" in the southern public opinion (for fear of angering the gangsters or the gold will not come back). On the other hand, through the official system, they asked Swan City not to let the gangsters in the north go.

This group of "petty bourgeoisie" chaebols in Braun City want to reduce their own losses, and at the same time want to obtain justice from the "national order".

This operation of jumping left and right and ungrateful for profit is exactly the same as that of the reformists in Yujing Harbor who repeatedly "weighed" (philistine) during the revolution against the Sky Empire. After all, in such a situation involving "force", if the benefits can be recovered "peacefully", who would take the risk of themselves for no reason and defend the so-called justice for the hypocrites?

As for the "conservatives" on Iron Star, they had to hold back when facing the western Suni Group's preparation to "imitate Osima Iron Star's ability to fight civil war".

At the end of January, Swan City closed the case by default, commended Su Ni for handling things properly, dispatched a notary to witness the complete handover of this batch of gold, and asked the Southern Military Group to strengthen training.

Of course, Swan City's tone of reminding the south to strengthen training is to hate iron but not steel.

Minlar reprimanded the southern general Little Henry (Henry, who passed away in Lanhua Port, was his grandfather): "If he can snatch the first time, he can snatch the second time. You thought you were careless the first time and had no defense. Well, in the future, the city can strengthen the defense of the treasury? But have you ever thought that next time he doesn’t grab the gold, he just breaks the granary for you, what should you do?”

In fact, after this incident, little Henry was full of helplessness!

The Southern Chamber of Commerce recovered 400 tons of gold, but when they helped the Southern Chamber of Commerce chase the thief, no one cared about it. Instead, he was denounced as incompetent.

The Xiuzhen faction has entered many second generations in the southern group army.

These young masters, facing the above, "strengthen training and be vigilant at all times?" "Master, I quit!"

...In the turbulent era, major events emerge one after another...

In the middle of February, that is when Zheng Nian won the title of "Holy Great Wall".

Sky's New Plan School has stabilized the commodity exchange model between rural and urban areas, and is engaged in a bloodless contest with the free economic forces in cities.

The attempts of the conservatives to "liberalize the revolution" (privatization) of all access to industrial and agricultural goods in the agricultural and urban areas have failed.

The liberals in Iron Star’s big cities suddenly realized that they still had to fill out the “plan application form” if they wanted to sell industrial products to rural channels. They forcibly annexed the resources of the cities, but they were still unable to annex the capital of the countryside. Feeling constrained, they began to denounce that "rural and rural conservatism has restricted the free development of the economy."

Su Ni: "In principle, it is not mandatory for everyone to fill out the schedule."

But in fact, the commercial capitalists below are sure that if they do not fill out the planned economy form, they will be easily found to be "overloaded", and they will be fined several times the cost of damaging rural roads.

Narrator: The key to rural capital accumulation is infrastructure construction. Roads, energy networks, information base stations, and physical transfer stations all require continuous capital investment. The pure investment side will not see returns, but the entire region will benefit.

The new party also has its own understanding of the so-called "free" and "vital" economy, and began to change the "shelf model" of the supply and marketing cooperatives to the "menu model", that is, a large number of products are placed on paper menus and handed over to consumers to order, thus eliminating " A model in which such large manufacturers can easily monopolize. (That is, the "shopping app" in the information age has not yet appeared, and the online shopping system was first created with paper menus) This has greatly increased the competition for product categories.

...Both parties in the Sky Iron Star claim to be "innovating". Relatively speaking, the Xiuzhen faction has more eloquent rhetoric, claiming to bring "spring"...

In just a few months, the economic contest was one-sided.

As the competitiveness of factories in the new region (the group Su Ni is loyal to) gradually strengthened, they began to defeat the "non-progressive" products of those old-school monopolized factories in the domestic market of the Sky Iron Star Federation.

When the urban faction began to realize that they were gradually losing economically, a large number of factories were not doing well.

Wei Keng: "The core purpose of the industry is large-scale cooperative production. At the same time, the industry must maintain profitability in the development. This profit is not to cut out the last penny of consumers, but to kill the competitors at the same production cost. "

So a year later, with the iron star in the sky, people in the city began to give up the "big mall" after the "temporary freshness", and began to follow the "menu" more and more when shopping by phone. The so-called "new economic variables" of Swan City have become very embarrassing.

Wei Yun commented: "The so-called 'new economic variable' is just to package and sell the "necessary consumption patterns of citizens" to businesses and private parties, just like the free contracting of school canteens, because the contractor buys the "monopoly commercial right" at one time. , so the food in the cafeteria is unpalatable, and it is still unpalatable."

Narrator: If there is no adjustment of commodity trade by the new school, and the so-called "free economy" of the Xiuzhen school is allowed, then the dual equality economy of "rural and rural areas" and "urban workers" will still be destroyed.

Then the first batch of people who get the authority of the shopping mall will quickly accumulate the first pot of gold, then become an oligarch, and then quickly turn to the right. Then it will be whitewashed, they are self-made.

But now, the consumption in the shopping malls they get is dismal, and they can't lock up urban residents to spend in shopping malls like some schools in the 21st century "prohibited students from ordering takeaway".

Narrator: These "investors" who have opened up the relationship with the above are indeed planning to do so, but the voices shouting "free economy" in front of them are too loud.

Now they can sell freely, but consumers can't buy freely. Isn't it a joke.

So just when an expert put forward the idea of ​​"making cities exclusively for monopoly, developing local service industries, making money in cities and spending money in cities" to test the air, the city residents cursed and turned off the fire.

In the sky, the abuse of the citizens can scare the city's business groups from messing around, but if it is Anglo and Verle, it will be directly blocked by the military police.

...Because the iron star flame has burned, the residual temperature is still there. …

In 3252, even with the lessons learned from Nongxiang Iron Star decades ago, the "Xiuzheng" couldn't bear it anymore, because if they didn't vent, the crater under their feet would explode.

Sky's "economic policy" innovation this time is a gamble by the "repairers", and those speculators who figured out what they wanted in Swan City and jumped from public service to the sea also added leverage, in order to stabilize the output value of large enterprises , Pressed directly, looking for a loan borrowed from Angloville...

So in just four months, the city's economy in Sky Iron Star was "innovating" and was on the verge of bankruptcy. A large number of service industries have been "transferred", and the population has begun to drain. However, large-scale technology and capital-intensive factories such as large iron and steel factories and machinery manufacturing factories in the city are directly insolvent and face bankruptcy and reorganization because of the wrong investment by the bureaucratic leadership in the factory.

Many urban heavy industry factories have been directly assigned to purchase by the new plan. The Xiuzhen faction, which is equivalent to occupying the state's public assets, directly gave the supply chain of "heavy industry" to the new planning faction.

If this economic war is a country facing a foreign country, then plundering can be prevented through "sovereign power", but the new planners are not foreign countries, they keep capital in the sky and invest in infrastructure. Therefore, it is unpopular for Swan City to use administrative power to interfere with the evolution of the national economic model.

…It’s impossible to be “unpopular”, but if you sit at a desk all the time, you will often be praised lightly by posthumous beauty, and you will be stupid…

After 52 years, those "repair disease" factions gradually couldn't afford to lose. Looking back at their so-called "new turn", they just want to unshackle themselves.

It's just when the Xiuzhen faction is unscrupulous and despises order. The new planning faction can cut them off in time and quickly rebuild order. When the "repair syndrome" is chaotic and inconsistent due to interests, it is directly reversed.

Looking back at the gold theft case eight months ago, everyone was at a loss as to why Su Ni returned the gold. Now it seems that a big deal of "seeking the country" has been done.

Four hundred tons of gold! Looks a lot and is spectacular.

But these golds are a joke to the overall capital of an industrialized country after the "stabilized order".

A few years later, decades later, and hundreds of years later, later iron star historians, after reviewing this incident, all believed that this was the Suni Group, which dug a large cemetery for the Minlarsia Syndrome Group, and The gold returned is just a coffin for these bureaucrats with aristocratic backgrounds from the old empire era!

...the economy determines the superstructure, and some people in the superstructure do not want to quit, and that is war...

In February, Minlar and Greve joined forces in the military and parliament, and gained the highest power in the center of Swan City.

In fact, Su Ni completed the integration of Iron Star power in the west and south of the sky, and the attitude of fighting against the court has been formed.

As for now, it is now March, and at Zhengnian's invitation, Su Ni rushed over with his regiment for training.

The spring is bright, and a team of one hundred and twenty-seven Dragon Guards roars across the wilderness at the low altitude of the western front.

In charge of defending the border, Iron Star General Bess (the veteran who participated in the expedition to the Osima Kingdom with Enma), this officer stood on the tower, watching the flying cavalry passing through the canyon area, he whispered : "A new era, a new battle, the wave behind pushes the wave ahead."

History is driven by "new forces".

Everyone knows that those who are "one step ahead of the world" can reap huge dividends.

But even if one or two people on the old side know about it, they cannot make a "credible" promise to make their old interest group turn around.

In 52, when Saint Great Wall and Tomb Digger completed the military transformation of the "Ground High Speed ​​Assault Group" simultaneously on the Wanlun Continent. And other groups are still maintaining the old land cruiser system because of the rigidity of social thinking.

This made the gods above the Wanlun Continent feel that the situation was out of control.

...Wei Keng on the plane of Wan Lun: "I have the advantage, I have to declare a war"...

When Su Ni rushed to the border, he used the "traveler and monitor public system" to report to all himself in the Wanlun plane (comparatively speaking: the Weikeng cluster has a personal dimension encryption system, and a lot of important information comes from personal System. Now in the war between the planes, using an unsafe public system is "transmitting in plain text").

In the dimensional space, the supervisor Yan Beixiang asked Wei Keng, "Are you preparing for a decisive battle here in this operation?" After that, he actively submitted the plan.

Wei Keng looked at the girl in the team uniform, his expression unchanged, and said, "There is no need for a plan yet, and the battle is still in a protracted state."

Yan Beixiang: "Then what's the next plan?" At this moment, she wanted to know Wei Keng's thoughts very, very much. However, he was dumbfounded by Wei Keng's answer.

Wei Keng: "Old rules, when it comes to the time travel process, when I have to make a serious decision, you can just record it on the sidelines."

(This is the tacit understanding between Wei Keng and Bai Linglu, the consensus with Qin Xiaohan, and the agreement of Jing Guyu. Wei Keng has already realized that someone has become an insider at this time, but he might as well make a small hole first.)

Speaking of this, Wei Keng directly shut down the system again. Then he turned on his system.

Wei Keng looked at his luck value and took a deep breath. It has been negative for a long time.

Now the Great Wall of Saints is in front of him and is continuously fighting in the sky, and the gods are busy blocking this fur.

So Wei Keng suddenly and violently moved forward, so Wei Keng felt that he had to do something now!

The cycle of heaven, the hour is just right!

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