Out of the cage

Chapter 79 Chapter 2.36

In the main world in 2645, the sun rose again and again and set again and again. The way of heaven is eternal, but the world is always changing.

The teaching building in Puhai remained unchanged, but what Wei Keng didn't know was that the house he lived in had been emptied long ago, and sublet to an unknown number of juniors. The main body of the building in this area has not changed much, but it is wrapped in a fairy tale world by fluorescent liquid nano clusters.

These nanorobots are a mix of fluorescent bacteria and silicon-iron-based nanoparticles. It has penetrated into every aspect of the city, even the ecological community.

People in the city wear full electronic induction clothing. Even if such fluorescent nanorobots penetrate into the skin, they will quickly decompose into small molecules and leave the skin under the command of electromagnetic force. It will not be affected much, but the small animals in the city are not so lucky, even some bugs are shining, including the birds, cats and dogs that gather in the city, they are also twinkling and twinkling. .

Fluorescent flickering is the trend of this era in this world.

Just like in Shanghai in the middle of the 20th century, all the shops are flashing with neon lights, making the streets full of all kinds of brilliance.

In the 21st century, it is not so coquettish. They unfold the pictures and use lights to brighten the pictures, or hold a big screen to play the master's craftsmanship in the shop.

Biotechnology and nanotechnology are advancing rapidly, and space technology has successfully established a space station in orbit around Saturn and Jupiter. And the shuttle is still going on. Thirty years have passed since the last plane war, and new contradictions are becoming increasingly acute.


Thirty years ago, things only barely reached an agreement on the ownership of adjacent planes, and thirty years later, the planes cultivated by some high-level traversers have passed for hundreds of years.

The time travelers of the same generation as Wei Keng, it can be said that they grew up watching these planes. Decades ago, they followed the old time travelers. Today, they have grown up in these new planes. Have your own strategic ideas.

The conflict broke out again. Although the main world has not yet been mobilized, the intensity of some conflict points is no less than that of the world war thirty years ago.

Desperate Plane, a certain piece of history downstream, in 2344 AD.

Seen from space, the edges of the earth's sea and land are gray and black. When these black and gray are magnified thousands of times, you can see that it is composed of densely packed skyscrapers, and this place has been completely urbanized. The interior remains a distinct color of green (jungle) and buff (desert). But being divided by the traffic lines, at the points where the traffic lines intersect, you can often see flowing points. These points are giant steel beasts with a tonnage of hundreds of thousands of tons.

But looking at other planets, Venus and Mars are all green. This is not the green of living things, but the green of some crystal minerals. Oh, and in an alternate timeline, it's called Tiberium. But now it is called nuclear fusion life ore.

In 2190, spaceships from the East and North America discovered nuclear fusion life crystals at the same time, and then determined their pollution and mineral value, so they were planted on Mars and Venus respectively. In 2270, the entire two planets have been covered, and the earth has perfected the entire production process of mining and space transportation.

But in 2283, a group of aliens came over and claimed that the minerals belonged to them. After the communication with the earth failed, a war broke out with these aliens. The war started in 2290, and finally won a decisive victory in 2299. These alien forces who called themselves Sijin were beaten away, and then the earthlings snatched their space shuttle technology.

It's just that this kind of space transmission technology has certain risks for life. If the transmitter cannot complete tens of thousands of self-checking and confirmation procedures within an hour, large-scale thinking and memory blurring will occur during the transmission process, so The current strategy of the earth government here for interstellar development is to send a large number of criminals to outer space.

Send criminals? This strategy cannot be viewed from the perspective of the 21st century.

Most people in the 21st century take work for granted.

However, in the lower reaches of the Destiny Plane, technology and industrial production are becoming more and more centralized. When work becomes as difficult as the key universities in the 21st century, most people lose their jobs. Without management, the crime rate is very high, and petty theft is common.

For example, if you accidentally damage the paint of a high-end fuel-electric flying car, or pick up the turf in front of a private apartment without compensation, you will be listed as criminals, and will appear on the list of space immigrants after a simple process.

Where there is injustice, there is resistance. Resistance organizations have emerged in all major regions of the earth, and they continue to accommodate members of anti-space immigrants.

This is the 24th century. Although various resistance organizations do not have space warships, they can still build temporary bases in a hidden area one kilometer underground.

In the 20th century, people in Hubei, Henan and Anhui relied on tunnels to resist invaders. It's the same strategy today, only technological advances have made it more convenient. Directly move the empty area of ​​the underground area out with space transmission technology, and then let your own metal spaceship drive in for production. Like a dog digging a hole,

As long as the government does not build a seismic well on the surface for monitoring, it will not be able to find that the resisters have reached this area, and the resisters will not allow the Earth General Government to easily build a seismic well on the surface.

It's the 24th century. A large number of humanoid intelligent combat robots are just like the mobile phones in the 21st century. They can be pieced together from the trash dumps eliminated by the Internet of Things in the city. As for the direct mass production in large combat bases No.

In the urban network of metal passages, the mechanical corps led by humans from both sides competed for every inch of space for human activities


In the Ural Mountains, in the base of the 14th Rebel Army, a space-time rift area was temporarily constructed here, connecting the thirty-seven time-space rift space stations that belonged to the Resistance Army.

In the time-space rift space station, in a highly confidential area (an area not open to the natives of the target plane), several high-level ministers from the main world are having a conversation.

Luo Hongxing: As I said decades ago, there will be a temporary truce between our two major groups, but conflicts and differences are eternal.

Shangqing Wang Jiahong: "There is not enough manpower, the boys in the main world still need to work hard."

The space in front flickered, and a lady came out. Luo Hongxing raised her hand to say hello, and sent a light box to her: "Li Ximengzhongqing, this is the list of conscripts for this combat plane defense battle."

She glanced at the list, opened her system, and the system asked, "Where is Wei Qiang Shaoqing? When will he arrive? We are waiting for his regiment."

System: "There are still four hours to arrive."

Luo Hongxing: "Don't worry, Li Ximengzhongqing, don't worry about that guy's work."

Li Ximeng nodded: "Yeah, it's fine if we have more people like him in our war zone. By the way, I heard that he has a brother. Why haven't I seen him in decades?"

Wang Jiahong: "I heard that the infiltration task is being carried out on the 2nd-dangerous level plane, and communication is temporarily impossible. Lao Luo, do you have a channel?"

Luo Hongxing wanted to open the interface and change the topic, but was pulled into the conversation. He said: "The plane of Wei Qiang's brother is very special, and it is currently top secret."

Wang Jiahong sneered: "Heh, I have the highest authority. Please report your name and see if I can find it out."

Luo Hongxing backhandedly added a permission to his mission in the Pandora plane. Then he smiled and said to him: "I'm sorry, I have no comment."


four hours later

Wei Qiang Shaoqing arrived, accompanied by 989 new generation traversers from the earth.

These people were selected by Wei Qiang through continuous assessment on the surrounding timeline. Many of them did not come from the main world, but from the blood of the traversers in the adjacent planes. For example, Wei Qiang's son Wei Qixian in the Shenzhou plane.

In the early days of the great traversal era, when creating an optimal traversal timeline for the main world, some bloodlines would always be left behind for the traversals who were the first to develop in the near plane. For those who come here from the main world later, these people are the background boards.

For example, Wei Keng Wei Qiang's father first came to the plane of Shenzhou to run a force. The existence of this force is convenient for the follow-up traversers in the main world to act. For example, Ke Feijia is very convenient as the second wave of traversers, but the rooms of Wei's house are the background board for him.

However, among the second generation of these traversers, there are many outstanding people.

Therefore, it will also be selected from the timeline by the traversers of the main world, and join the team of the main world to develop alien planes. They are called transcendent traversers.


There is a problem here, due to the continuous archiving of the main world, it is completely possible to pull out two transcendent traversers from the two timelines! Who is in charge? Traveling to different planes in the future, resulting in inconsistent values, what should I do if there is a conflict of human relations?

The main world strategy is fusion.

Let the second generation left by these traversers try their best to complete the self-integration on different timelines when they transcend!

Specific operation: set up a Hall of Valor, so that the heroes among the descendants of such traversers can review themselves on multiple timelines, and let all their selves complete unified identification.

Of course, this integration is a compromise policy. If the timeline is opened too much, it will still cause difficulty in integration, which will lead to contradictions in the self-awareness of the transcendent traversers.

So now select the Transcendence Transmigrator. They are all those time flows that are greatly slowed down relative to the time flow of the main world. It is also the wreckage area of ​​the last plane war. These time and space are inflated by the massive archives of the traversers. The ratio to the main world time has dropped below 5:1. A plane like this no longer has a very high travel value.

The current law has also issued relevant prohibitions on the upstream timelines of these interplanetary planes, and does not allow the timelines where the "transcendents" are located to be disturbed.

Therefore, Transcendence Transmigrators don't have to worry about themselves on infinite timelines, they just need to integrate themselves on hundreds of timelines.




Time and Space Administration Confidential Document Library

Top-secret file 3434: Descendants of timetravelers merged with individuals from different timelines. Now it refers to a certain xx timetraveler who directly copied thousands of himself in the mission of Pandora plane. fit, no major contradictions were found.

But this traverser has certain specialties. The smooth fusion of a large number of individuals can only serve as a reference for the Transcendence Project.


In the lobby of the space-time rift station

Wei Qiang: "All the personnel line up. Next, you will have to fight head-to-head with the Transmigration Group of the Holy Alliance. Although you can be resurrected after death, you will lose a lot of memory every time you resurrect, and your consciousness will be weakened. Under normal circumstances, Your consciousness will be weakened to a level that can be imprisoned by the data system three times. Moreover, high-level traversers have special means, and if you kill them once, your consciousness will be finished."

Fifteen minutes later.

After Wei Qiang finished speaking, the newcomers from the main world and the Transcendents from the adjacent plane walked out of the secret hall, entered the public hall of the crack space station, connected with the resistance group in this world, and teleported into the target plane.

And Wei Qiang had a conversation with those veteran traversers.

Wei Qiang: "Senior Luo, you were just talking about my elder brother, right?"

Luo Hongxing: "This? He is on a mission in the Pandora plane."

Wei Qiang: "The time expansion of the Pandora plane caused too much time to be wasted in each shuttle, and he didn't even complete the initial mission (the Shenzhou plane)?" Moreover, the Shenzhou plane is already a protected timeline in contemporary times, and ordinary people are not allowed to enter it. .

Luo Hongxing let out a sigh of relief: "This is a problem left over from history."

Wei Qiang paused: "Okay, let's go slower, but I also heard that the space-time evaluation department thinks that my brother should suspend all related tasks and re-test?"

Luo Hongxing couldn't avoid it, nodded and said, "According to today's standards, Sergeant Wei Keng must conduct key training."

Wei Qiang: "Then he has completely completed the initial series of tasks, will he be in the next century?"

Luo Hongxing: "Low risk and fast, it's a choice."

After a long time, Wei Qiang nodded and said, "Priority is to let my brother complete the tasks in the first world (Dimension of China)."

Wei Qiang clicked on the interface, and pointed to Wei Qixian, the kid who was killed by Wei Keng's seven wolves in a certain timeline.

Since Wei Keng's timeline in the first stage of Shenzhou has not yet ended, Wei Qixian still lacks the fusion of the last timeline theoretically.

Seeing this, Luo Hongxing nodded understandingly: "Yes, the current upstream of our plane corresponds to the Desperate plane he is linked to. You can notify now."


On the plane of Pandora, on the night of March 25, 143, after the initial treatment of the first batch of genetic polluters, Wei Keng in each work area was analyzing the problem of studying in Jianye City under the dim electrode lights.

Wei Keng inquired about the modification information of various war beasts from the system. Instead of focusing on the shiny manganese steel shell and dangerous minions, as well as the integration of the electric system and other "exciting" systems, we start from the basic theories, such as giant wolves, war elephants, giant pangolins, and earth-boring worms. How does the living tissue of the human body merge with the machinery.

Along with the improvement of some mild genetic polluters, some moderate genetic polluters, and even a few severe genetic polluters, the eyes are shining. When it was still difficult to completely treat them, Wei Keng thought of mechanical limb bonding.

At least in this technical direction, let them quickly return to the human state and live like a human being. Then teach from the most basic, eating, drinking, washing clothes, tying shoelaces, and making quilts. Instead of staying at the same level as "pet rescue" now.

The reason why people are human is that they need hope. It is "being able to do what others can do" rather than "enjoying what others have."

When Wei Keng was constructing a model of the fusion of the human body and the metal skeleton, the system interface flickered, and the letter from home arrived.

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