Out of the cage

Chapter 793 Chapter 18.21 (Part 2) Don't Forgive (God)

The perspective returns to the north of Wanlun Continent. In the brick and tile cage, the wrenches ran out and smashed into the exquisite iron fence. During the metal collision, the paint chips were shaken away, revealing that the paint on the railing has long been rusted and iron-colored

Here is the center of the battle of gods, the confrontation of the highest will in the highly prosperous area of ​​civilization, which at this time has attracted the attention of the world.

After the liberation of the capital of Osima, the old nobles of the kingdom were put on public trial in this war and sent to the "Fubaosen" prison for ideological reform. The concept of reform has completely defined the truth by Iron Star!

After the reform, Osima began to rejuvenate the willpower of the "big country". The new minister abroad issued a strong statement to Anglo through Sirol: asking Anglomo to be the old king next door and do cheap things.

This is often the ideological generation gap between big and small countries. Only the glory of a big country can make tens of thousands of soldiers persist. After more people bleed, they will naturally think that the connection between the glory of one's own great country and the concepts of "life" and "civilization" will further sublimate the glory of a great country!

Great powers are constantly on the right path, and in the process of defending to the death, the core and foundation will grow taller and taller. Therefore, when facing various disasters such as genocide, they will not give priority to falling into the thinking trap of "the opponent is strong or not". Is it right or not, how to find the right way to solve it! Complete variables, increasing possibilities on the road.

Let's put it this way, Zheng Nian has completed the creation of Osima's national soul, while Wei is watering the soul of this nascent civilization!

In the Battle of the Osima Capital, 37 land cruisers were annihilated in 13 hours. This unimaginable feat, in concept, turned the iron wall that the sub-civilization of the southern continent thought of as a piece of paper that could be punctured at will.

When the Iron Star shines again on the Plain of Wind Whispers, more than 200,000 Iron Star warriors participated in this battle, so all the Iron Star warriors who entered the city proudly held their heads high and waved red flags over the city.

The mobilized soldiers who had been loyal to the kingdom lowered their heads and handed over their equipment under the victor's high morale, washed their hair, washed their hands, and took the iron plate to receive the hot buns. A few hundred meters away, the heavy armor they were once proud of was now rusted and the paint was peeling off on the wreckage.

Of course, a month before the final siege, a group of clowns who restored the empire appeared in Osima, and paid the price for the empire they restored on the 18th. Iron Star was charged with "subversion" judged these "unrighteous ones".

In this war, from the beginning of the Osima conservatives' "two votes in one" attempt to monopolize the economy, to the later restoration, from the beginning to the end, these are the cultural ideas of the Osima kingdom that slipped through the net. Want to return to being a master, now he is pulled out and criticized thoroughly, and stepped into the cesspit of "injustice".

Literati under the influence of the salon culture in the Fengyu old regime even felt as good as eating snail noodles. There are even constant public "quibbles" explaining that the "flies" they hold in their mouths (Anglo Aid) are sweet due to the sweet air and good hygiene.

Until now, these "unrighteous people" trembled in the "defence dock" where they wanted to overwhelm certain voices and looked down countless times to meet the trial and the coming iron fist.

"Neither just nor strong", they lost their ability to defend themselves, and in the environment of "a dog to help them whitewash", they could not speak a word, and some even had a mental breakdown. Crying bitterly, expressing all kinds of ugly expressions of "I don't want to".

In the fortress occupied by the rulers of Fengyu, as the New Deal plans to turn these buildings into national museums, when the entrance fee is 30 yuan, the concepts of "luxury" and "curtain" have been poked holes one by one, and began to become Get transparent.

In the streets cheering after the liberation of Osima, a certain Wei Keng split wearing a worker's hat, the narration records this historical moment: the concept of the upper circle cannot be defeated by one change, but after every historical change, it has to Enlightened, so that grassroots supervisory eyes can see more and more clearly what is going on above.

...Osima's rising flames exceeded the expectations of the gods. The gods originally thought that Wei Keng's consciousness would not have the power to set off Sina again...

The gods stood on the scene of the big game in Wanlun Continent.

Poma, the traveler, is standing on his "middle-level game perspective". For the purpose of effectively integrating the international resources of Valor in future conflicts, Poma devoted his attention to suppressing the younger brother in the south in this spare moment he thought

But at this moment, fate is a god, seeing him (Poma) in the Wanlun Continent, at this moment, the future destiny has lost its autonomy and can be used as a pawn.

Poma still plays chess according to his cognition, but it is not the same game now. The development of new things crushes old things.

In the Palace of Mirrors in Poma, soldiers and politicians stood on the map of the mainland.

Because of the previous misjudgment of the Iron Star Corps' combat situation in the Wind Whisper Capital. So now Van Er is now deploying a provocative corps in the Alpine Mountains, and it is now impossible to advance or retreat.

Van Er's strategic analysis department originally planned that the Austrian Railways would take three or four months to take the capital, and after taking the capital, they would be severely damaged, unable to quickly carry out large-scale operations.

But now if Val continues to fight, he will face a counterattack from Osima Iron Star's high morale!

For the generals of Ver, the biggest problem in the sudden change in Osima is the Austrian Railway's siege tactics against the capital.

In an officer’s rapid-fire at the Saint-Cyr Military Academy in Vernes, a young general from Anglo communication, Nutt, was wearing white gloves and holding a pointer. Some forward-looking topics discussed by Orr, a good friend of Vers, such as: "How to fight in 13 hours!" Research on topics such as "Dragon Guards, a weapon that will be defined in the future battlefield".

Narrator: The thread of fate is entwined on Nuoute, and the thread of fate is also entwined in Orr. They are the new pawns of the gods.

The appearance of the "Holy Great Wall" in the Great Revolutionary Battle of Osima, and the rejection of the "Holy Great Wall" in the North Ocean, more or less forced the traditional powers such as Vail and Anglo to admit that "light and high-speed mechs" are in the future. Potential for development on the battlefield.

However, in the fortified battle of Fengyu Capital, it has to be mentioned that Master Wei once again dug a psychological pit for the conservatives in Anglo and Vail.

Conservatives always have a fluke mentality when facing new things.

"Heavy artillery and heavy armor" performed well in the battle of the capital of Osima. This makes the commanders of Valor, including Boma, feel that as long as military reforms are carried out at this stage, as long as the existing "addition" is added to the Dragon Guard mecha, it is possible to obtain the Osima Iron Star Such a "new qualitative combat capability" leaps forward.

Wei Keng's split narration: Due to the huge investment in traditional land cruisers, these old-school forces are going to make repairs to the original combat system. Instead of changing the command system from top to bottom.

Of course, there is a big problem with the idea of ​​"bottles and cans" left in this way: this is like before the Pacific War, the conservatives of the old Japanese navy believed that building and retaining a group of super battleships such as the Yamato class as the main core of naval warfare, increasing aircraft carriers to do miscellaneous tasks, The "reform" can be continued; before the Westernization Movement, the Qing Empire believed that as long as foreign guns and cannons were added, it could continue to maintain the empire's "Chinese body and western use".

An aircraft carrier needs a cruiser and a destroyer, whose missions are air defense and anti-submarine respectively. This kind of thing cannot be done by the battleship that still seizes the core, and the speed is too slow. The foreign guns and cannons in the late Qing Dynasty required a new military system to be effective.

New weapons match new legions, and new legions require a brand new command system.

As for the brand-new command system, only by changing the way of thinking can the benefits of the new system be brought into full play during the changes. And if you want to change your thinking in such a crucial department as the military, it will involve deep political efficiency reforms.

Iron Star is now in the Dragon Guards Group, whether it is Zhengnian's sea assault operations or Su Ni's urban operations, the construction of the Dragon Guards Group is directly under the "highest level of the military."

This is extremely important.

Since the Dragon Guard assault operations are calculated in "minutes".

In order for the traditional armored forces to keep up with the rhythm of the Dragon Guards, it is necessary to change the "hour" unit of action in the past campaigns to the ten-minute level. As for the large-scale shelling, the original preparations were ten hours or even days. , compressed into an hour.

The command system has always been that the high-speed command system is compatible with the low-speed command system.

For example, in modern times, the Second Artillery was changed to the Rocket Army, which directly enhanced the status of missiles in combat strikes, and used this rapid strike force as the base point of the entire campaign. All other troops will carry out the next step of tactics based on the strike effect of the Rocket Army.

Specifically, let the rocket army with a short cd come on the stage directly, smash and paralyze all the key nodes of the opponent, and create a time margin (there is a paralysis time after some key nodes of the enemy are hit). It's over, create more time margin, let the warships fire, clear the resistance in the enemy's area, and create windows for the airborne troops and amphibious landing troops.

This set of "control to death" combo moves, so that the opponent will die before he has time to react.

However, if the Rocket Army is used as leftovers by the sluggish command system, then it is nothing more than increasing the number of theaters, losing a few rapid bombing campaign capabilities, and not being able to make full use of the empty window time caused by missile strikes to cause chaos to the enemy.

Maozi's war in Eastern Europe in the 21st century is like this. There are a lot of missiles bombed, but only bombed.

It's not that Maozi's missile parameters are backward, but that the navy, army, and air force are still in the last period and have not adapted to the fast-paced battles of the new century. The unit's window period cannot be used.

…the emergence of new weapons does not eliminate old weapons, but changes the way old weapons are used,…

Su Ni's battle against Osima's capital city was based on this command system. High-speed troops, play in the battle window of low-speed troops! Maximum lethal effect.

Su Ni's system with the appearance of a middle man, no one really sees it? The multiple planes are enlightened by gods.

Still the same sentence, thinking, sometimes it takes courage!

So what if you see it, now the military systems of Vail and Anglo are all "noble" conservatives, can they be suddenly stripped of their personnel rights? We can only wait for a group of emerging and outstanding young people within them to make bold changes.

Thousands of years, tens of thousands of years, even all planes, all multi-plane histories where Wei Keng is not present are like this, because under the gods, the world's high-level monopoly knowledge and high-spirited spirit.

And only this time, Tian Zongying, who was born in the lower class like Zheng Nian, stood on Wei Keng's side. sparked change. In the process of reform, because there is no longer the constraint of the upper-level conservative rules and regulations, the development of Zhengnian can be described as "peerless".

The point that even the gods are powerless now is that the power of their belief base cannot match the speed of change, the "Originator" side.

After two waves of revolution, Wei Keng created industrial rationality, and made some mistakes in the process of rapid change bravely stood up and corrected by "troublemakers".

The reformers who don't submit to these gods and try to "scribble" try to stay in the forefront of civilization and tide, like the relatives of the boss in the ancient industrial era who have no culture, but want to speak out in the management to prove their own level

...When Wei Keng, a "middle man", tried his best not to let himself go astray, the gods' methods became more and more despicable,...

After the victory, the Osima Iron Star Legion quickly marched to the city wall after a victory parade on the square passage.

The order of Fengyu is slowly recovering, and a split of Wei Keng is wearing a red armband and participating in maintaining order. Of course, after the tour guide introduced the tourist flow, at noon, this Wei Keng came to the Fengyu Temple with a lunch box and squatted to eat.

Fengyuguo, the god she believes in, is the tenth daughter of the God of Mechanics, with an elegant heart and a godhead of precision.

As for the name, Master Wei, who knew the God of Mechanics' heels, sneered, "Why don't you call yourself Athena, and then make a golden saint?"

This "precision" deity is biased towards the structure of exquisite metal parts. As for this deity, human aristocratic temperament is very paranoid, thinking that human beings should be led by human beings of elite blood.

Therefore, this kind of paranoia conflicts with other enlightened gods.

Wan Lun's last millennium world war was the accumulation of thousands of years of will friction between this god and other gods. Even now, Wei Keng's final battle against the gods could not make this "tsundere young lady" restrain her temper among other gods.

Master Wei also learned that this girl and the "Goddess of Finance" are good friends. (Wei Keng's understanding is that some gods inadvertently revealed to Wei Keng the secret of split body.)

So now that Osima has been wiped out by the Great Revolution, there is no lack of the god of steam, the god of metal tempering, and the god of torque standing by and letting the girl out of the game early. It is an exception to re-send experience to such a high level.

After the capital of Osima was liberated, Wei Keng (split ordinary people) paid the entrance fee and began to enter the temple.

The sinister Master Wei came to this young lady's shrine at this time, and his mouth began to break.

Wei Keng stood in front of the red belt that said "no approaching, protect cultural relics": "Tsk tsk tsk, this is the temple of gods who love artworks. For the banknotes given by the goddess of finance, the doorway created such evil as undead technology. Dirty stuff. Art has no bottom line, indeed.

The temple was quiet, and many other visitors left the hall inexplicably.

Wei Keng continued to offend this goddess: "You have long hair but short knowledge, and you can't see the world clearly. This time, you agreed to kill the lion side by side, and you said that you are brothers." But after going to the toilet in the camp, you casually wipe your poop-sticky hands on your body. This kind of attitude of treating you like a rag, you keep silent, or are you really broken shoes?

The pop-up window of the traverser system (which has been illegally stolen by the Liberals) repeatedly flashed warnings, and at this time Wei Keng clicked on it and asked with a smile: "What, the system?"

The system was silent for a long time and said: "Your Excellency, this is a temple, please accumulate some morals."

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