Out of the cage

Chapter 797 18.25 Temptation of the devil, abandonment of the gods

July 23, 3252. In the Imperial Library, Yun Li stood on the ladder next to the bookshelf, and took out some ancient books that had been dusty for a long time. Some of these books come from ancient books before the emergence of modern scientific records on the Wanlun Continent. These books were recorded in ancient characters from the Southern Empire period.

Of course, the perspective used to record phenomena was different then than it is today. The difference is like the difference between ancient Chinese medicine records "blood is the essence of qi", and modern medicine records "a mixture of red blood cells, white blood cells, platelets, and serum that transmit a large amount of oxygen".

"Objective things" are described by different methods on the earth, and objective things are still objective, but this is not the case on Wanlun Continent. For things that cannot be solved by science, the description of ancient times in the past has become particularly important.

In the past few months, the Anglo Aurors have failed so far in controlling and sealing the "Gate of Hell".

Yun Li originally thought that burning the "Mechanical Demon" book would prevent the opening of the gates of hell, but something went wrong. Anglo eliminated the book carrier, but increased the phenomenon of circulation and private printing. All in all, this made people read with emotions (forbidden), which in turn accelerated the penetration of the gates of hell.

Throughout July, various gas explosions, out-of-control factory gears, iron wires ejected from hard manhole covers to form palms, and more and more weird things like this.

The invasion of hell does not depend entirely on the fighting power of evil creatures, "spiritual pollution" is a very important link.

Contrary to promoting fear when chaos demons invade. The devil will cleverly plant all kinds of temptations and traps.

Just as the Anglo intelligence agencies under the banner of commerce did in the weak countries of the Southern Continent, at this time the devils praised the "freedom" (whitewashing selfishness) of all levels of the empire, and the devils wanted to establish Under a new order that is more decadent and more liberal.

Therefore, "space mezzanines" have appeared in many cities where humans live. Whenever these space mezzanines reach special times like 7:07, the seventh floor of buildings in certain areas will suddenly open. will enter another world.

In fact, many degenerates in the city have come to those "psychedelic forbidden places" on their own initiative.

They are Luse in the original world, but after entering these space mezzanines, they can directly break into the real city, where they cannot go.

Then anchor the women and wealth they want to anchor in reality, and drag them to that world. Enjoy the world of drunkenness and death after the fall of the devil.

For demons, seducing mortals from another world, the feeling of self-defeating hope is the sweetest.

The rich and powerful in the major cities of the empire, as well as the nobles, had to wear a powerful arcane barrier.

Many other people were afraid of being dragged into a different plane by the sudden dark trap and fled the city.

So now it is no longer a question of whether the Anglo military can stop the devil.

The Anglo-mystics and the upper echelon of the empire already know that only by clearing the growing forces of the fallen in the mezzanines of various cities can the summoning gates generated by the "information breakthrough critical point" in the ether world be blocked.

At this time, a large number of mechanical beasts have been stockpiled in the dark sides of Anglo's various spaces. They also gathered a large number of strange tank devils, corroding the ground with scorched and withered traces of walking, and rampaging wantonly in the mechanical city.

...Multiple planes, evolved to the interstellar era, such a disaster scene is like an earthquake, accompanied by human history...

Yun Li walked out of the Imperial Library and put on her bamboo hat, when her spar communication device rang.

At this moment in the station, a formation covered by a huge arcane structure enveloped the entire station, and Fern was looking at the flickering arcane patterns in the station.

In the past, this station was set up as a "teleportation station" by Anglo-mystics, and it was only used by Aurors. Now the Anglo-government has taken over here, and a large number of electromagnetic facilities have been connected to this once magical facility.

The rows of modern weapons in the station are waiting for the opening of the etheric gate.

The quaint clock on the platform is counting down one by one. As long as the time reaches zero, this army ready to go will come to the pustule of the etheric world, which is the information interlayer where the devils of hell are now entrenched in the dark side of the capital of the empire. Destroy the demons.

Before Fen was preparing to fight the hell devil, he received a call from his sister.

When Yun Li heard that Fen was about to rush to another world, she couldn't help raising her eyebrows. Out of anxiety about the unknown, she wanted to dissuade her. But Fenzheng responded with a guaranteed ticket: "Even if I don't go to these evil people, they must have their eyes on me. Instead of waiting for them to come to me, I might as well go to them. Don't worry, I will come back, we Mom, tell me for me."

Here, Fern was hanging up the phone. He boarded the steamy train, looked at the weapons loaded on the train, and the soldiers who were about to go to hell with him, and raised his hands to give a speech. But at this time, the logistics team rushed over and reported: "Sir, the battle is about to start, and now you should enter the combat position."

The person urging in front of Fen is the logistics officer (Wei Keng split) from the Suer area.

Among the troops entering hell this time, there are at least ten Wei Keng splits.

In the face of alien invasion, Wei Keng did not need the empire's slogan to mobilize, because the reasons for "why to fight" are completely different, so he has already urged everyone to take up combat positions.

Fenzheng paused, and walked into the command cabin in the middle of the train.

There is actually another reason for his active combat at this time.

That is, he knew the identity of Iron Star's "Holy Great Wall", that is, his half-brother, and his father was killed by this Iron Star general. He wants revenge. As for the tactics of the Dragon Guard mecha, he felt an inexplicable sense of urgency in his heart.

Wei Keng (separate body) frowned after watching Fenzheng leave, "Compared to Zhengnian, Fenzheng is a little less interesting."

For Wei Keng, seeing a fiery saving thought, he couldn't help but expect more. So I looked for it with anticipation. Generally speaking, Fenzheng looks very similar to Zhengnian on the outside, but he doesn't have the kind of "not knowing the heights of the world, but knowing the good and the bad" in his core.

Fenzheng's principles of right and wrong are all established by blindly following the narratives of his own class. And Zheng Nian is very skinny, and will jump out of multiple areas to distinguish right from wrong.

...If there were true heroes in the world, would monsters dare to come? On the other hand, if demons run amok, can young heroes grow into adults? …

As the clock of the subway station rings, the cards on the clock tower clatter and turn.

Lights flickered throughout the station, and then the sky outside the windows took on a dull purple. And the magic pointer has been confirmed, and the mechanized corps has entered the different space mezzanine of the Anglo capital.

The train came out of the train station immediately, and when it drove out of the cave, the three demons outside were crushed to death on the spot, and the train appeared on the track on the hillside, which happened to overlook half of the imperial capital.

After the armored combat vehicles with dark colors different from the alien plane drove out, in the entire city overlooked by the mountains, the city devils who were happy and depraved in the building stopped "entertaining". With one eye, compound eyes, and pockmarked eyes of intensive phobia, looking at this mechanized unit from the real world.

At this time, the launch tube on the armored train has been deployed, and all the ultra-long-range rockets fired have been smashed down, and the formation of the air dragon guards "Swan Knights" has also galloped to the street, and the gliding warhead thrown is also completed. Accurate roll call.

The quick-response force formed by Anglo faced the densely packed vicious monsters on the street, chanted hymns and mass to maintain their mental stability, and operated rockets to bombard the demons mercilessly.

Fenzheng unfolded the sharp concept field, and the winged knife swept across. Most of the monsters on these streets were just mutated monsters enjoyed by the fallen citizens enjoying the carnival, and now they were cut into pieces. The mutants were inhuman carnival for a second, and turned into screams. At this time, the curses they screamed showed that they were still human.

The mutants cursed the content, "Be rich, be rich," "You look down on me and kill you" "I'm the top leader, you all obey me"...

The whispers of the mutants are their purest desires.

The so-called fearlessness of these half-degenerated human beings was accomplished in a dream.

During the catastrophe, these degenerates within Anglo waved their knives at the weaker ones and cut open the abdomen of women with iron picks. The so-called doing things that they dared not think of before was not "breaking through fear", but abandoning conscience.

In the face of modern coordinated combat armed forces, they feel this incredible slash in the middle of their confusion. The fear they thought they would no longer have is back now.

These humans from the middle and lower classes have intelligence on modern mechanical warfare, which actually comes from the conceptual information of literary works.

Heh, serious military fans who watch military movies. The range and power of modern weapons are often wrongly portrayed in movies, but this kind of mistake cannot truly weaken the power of ammunition weapons through conceptual influence.

At this time, the legions descending on the ether world led by Anglo-Fen are quite firm in their willpower, and the power of their weapons has not only not been weakened, but has been strengthened.

… Just like whether the game world is strong or not depends on the setting, in the ether world where all things leave traces, whether everything is hard or not depends on the concept...

Anglo's mecha formation No. 001, Fen is rushing into the grand theater outside the palace of the imperial capital in this reflection world. The palace is next door to this grand theater, but looking at the Anglo palace in the ether world, it is still shrouded in the luster of diamonds, and all evil cannot invade.

The palace has a powerful arcane barrier, and the demons can't break through it for the time being, but the Grand Theater is open. In the Grand Theater reflected in the ether world, all kinds of powerful demons are entrenched here. On the other hand, they hold the kidnapped prostitute and open the party ladder.

Fen was chopping off the glass window with a wing knife, raised the cannon, and fired at the demons in the hall. After the pieces were shattered, he looked at the shattered bleeding soldiers, and the crimson magic circle in the center of the hall. There was a dark liquid soaked in the magic circle, he paused, and walked towards the pool of liquid, ready to spray flames.

However, he just glanced at the liquid at this moment, saw the reflection in it, and couldn't help being stunned.

He murmured, "Father."

In the black pool, there is an extremely clear picture of Lance's soul being bound, and this part of the soul is the most suppressed demon in Lance's heart. Including hatred for the world, there is hatred for Iron Star, there is also hatred for Anglo, and even Shirley, who he loved deeply when he was alive. Because the Shirley that fell into his hands was not perfect.

…The slaughterer will be stained with demon blood, the vengeful prince, and finally lost in hatred, these are common plots in multiple planes…

Four hours later, Fen returned to the base with the armored troops and returned to the plane of reality. The imperial military cheered for him long ago at the scene. The soldiers who rushed over harmlessly disposed of the demon corpses mounted on the train. Some generals were amazed at the corpses hanging on the train. arm of arm. But this mechanical arm has muscles and scales, and the perfect integration of biology and machinery has made the Anglo soldiers want to explore this kind of knowledge and apply it to warfare.

And Fenzheng greeted the supreme commander of the empire with a smile on his face, and stepped forward to say: It is an honor to be loyal to the empire.

The technocrat in charge of the radar in the train center (a Wei Keng split wearing an Anglo captain's military cap) stared at the commander from his humble position. ), noticed that when Fern was breaking into the theater, the weight of his soul seemed to expand by one-thousandth!

There are only two possibilities for this situation. The first is that Fenzheng’s soul has been tempered in the process of sublimation. After his friends left, he received gifts of beautiful concepts such as "courage", "kindness" and "justice".

And the second situation is that the unknown soul contract has locked his soul, and now the weight of his soul has increased because he is wearing "shackles" and "shackles".

The shackles of these souls can be "carrying the ugliness of the outside world", "drilling into the trap of greed", or "being heavily oppressed by something" (Master Wei's consciousness is currently under constant forging, insisting on self , becomes heavy.)

Wei Keng looked at Gu Fenzheng in groups and remained silent.

In Wei Keng's observation of fate, he saw the arrangement given to him by the gods.

Fenzheng, as the Iron Star hostile camp, may be used by God to become a new God's Blesser and become his new old enemy! Of course, Wei Keng didn't care about this kind of collision, and even wanted to see what kind of young people God could lead to fight against him. Could it be the Holy Great Wall like Zhengnian?

Wei Keng's logic when "tracing the source" in the dark plane is different from that of ordinary people: he doesn't ask about benefits, he only seeks possibilities, and he is not afraid of confrontation. The sharpness has been achieved, not only to determine the superiority, but also to determine life and death!

Wei Keng started to get in touch with Fen Zhengshi, but he was a little disappointed. This guy is much worse than Zheng Nian.

Before meeting, Wei Keng assumes his enemy based on Zheng Nian (in the mind field, Master Wei has fought against Gun Yan for thousands of years). As for Fenzheng, tsk tsk, compared to that leather goods, it's just a look.

And Wei Keng felt that when he came into contact with Fenzheng, God immediately abandoned Fenzheng.

Regarding the tragedy of "abandoned by God", it is painful for most multi-dimensional mortals. That means Fern is pathetic next.

For Wei Keng who has never believed in God, he has always been tough. (Li Yishuang cursed: "It's smelly and hard like a stone in a latrine"

Narrator: Ordinary people in this world can't do it. God is now smashing his own believers, showing Wei Keng, and then showing his ferocity.

Thinking of this, Wei Keng couldn't help laughing, the "metal tempering" god has reached this step, in fact, he is already violating the boundaries of order. Because, abandoning believers in the battle of gods is a change in the direction of "order and evil". Many evil gods today controlled good priesthood in ancient times. This is the first step in their change.

[During the Western Jin Dynasty, the nobles beheaded beauties who were not able to persuade them to drink, and some guests who were persuaded to drink had to get drunk]

As for Wei Keng's "tragedies", what should he do? In the information center of the train, Wei Keng, who was off work, bought a box of leather jelly (made by another split) with his captain's military cap of the Anglo Wyvern Corps, and began to leisurely read the newspaper.

After Fen Zheng returned, he called up all the summary materials of the battle, and attached a summary of his own detection of radar wave ejection during the assault and his application in the war.

This battle report immediately received the attention of the empire, and Fenzheng's boss, General Toss, specifically brought up this battle achievement.

In the words of the general: Fen was unable to be promoted before because he was worried about being dissatisfied by the imperial officers, but now there is no threshold.

Wei Keng: It's the result of my "well-intentioned arrangements" that "I arranged tasks for you, and you did well and achieved results".

Because, if you really pay attention to this arrangement, it is obvious that Wei Keng's split body is under Fen Zheng's command. The body has performed well in it.

After the successful raid, no one was sent to inquire about the details of Wei Keng's split work. Apparently, Fenzheng's superiors didn't read the battle plan presented to him before the war or the post-war battle summary.

This means that General Toss did not pay attention to Fenzheng at all at the beginning, and he only wanted to maximize political interests after the war.

...The reason why the Anglos on the Wanlun continent have been able to control the "backlash of their own sins" for a thousand years is because they have done enough...

Next, the Anglo Royal Palace awarded the honorable title to the soldiers who went to the etheric world to fight this time.

The king of the empire rewarded Fenzheng for his achievements in defending the imperial capital, and promoted the seventeen-year-old boy to the rank of major general.

Under the command of this major general, he has five land cruisers, a combat combination of forty Dragon Guard mechas, and a support base of 8,000 people. This is clearly a replica of Iron Star's battle group.

At the highest meeting of the empire, the admiral of the navy took the report prepared by Fenzheng, replaced Fenzheng in public, and solemnly introduced the summarized tactics of the mechanized assault to the generals in the empire, and the admiral added superfluous additions. He expressed his own view on the future battle: that is to use the frontier reconnaissance platform of the Sky Knight Mecha (Dragon Guard Mecha) to collect first-hand real-time data for flexible campaign planning. The commander deploys support firepower and armored units based on the information.

Wei Keng can see that the gods really want to protect the party that he wants to protect, and can occupy the first place in the trend of change, but the chip technology can keep up, but the advanced ideological system, the gods are always a little behind...

Let Wei Keng evaluate this set of tactics proposed by Fenzheng: set too ideal prerequisites, and presuppose 100% of the role that his own shortcomings can play in wartime. In fact, any non-"machine" player will give priority to the place where Finzheng's tactical shortcomings are off the chain.

Obviously, I think of an example: in the second half of the 20th century, Soviet Russia in the main world developed a variety of extremely powerful ultra-long-range anti-ship missiles.

To complete this theory, the Tu-16 and Tu-95 reconnaissance planes (plus the later white swan) take off from the shore with radar and go to sea to search for eyes, commonly known as meat reconnaissance. At that time, Soviet Russia's electronic radars were bulky, and they could only be carried by large aircraft.

This was the shortcoming of Soviet Russia at the time, and it was extremely easy to be intercepted by the US air superiority. However, every time Soviet Russia "missile saturation performance" at sea confirmed that its large bombers could not be shot down and completed the mission 100%.

If these large aircraft of the Red Navy fail to complete the tactical premise of the search. The so-called saturation attack with hundreds of missiles is basically impossible.

It is impossible for Yingjia HNA to let Xiongjia strategic bombers out of the shore-based air force support area. Xiong's nuclear-powered missile cruisers simply can't get into deep blue to unleash a rampage on the carrier. Still have to grab the air.

After all, Xiong's corn commander, a layman, is too confident in the missile advantage, thinking that the aircraft fleet is outdated, and prepares to overtake in a curve, but in the end he finds that the shortcomings still need to be made up!

Another big country in the East in the 21st century is also following the idea of ​​"arsenal ship". The 055 chocolate block is loaded with waveriders. Even with the "advanced satellite search mechanism", the carrier-based aircraft still follows the "air superiority stealth fifth-generation aircraft" idea.

Only after the shortcomings of traditional capabilities are blocked, can the carrier-based Dongfeng Group be locked and a new asymmetric combat system be created.

Back to the moment, the marshal of the Anglo Empire is obviously obsessed with his land heavy armor advantage.

For the already lagging Dragon Guard mechs, a square frame was forcibly drawn, considered as "auxiliary", and no analysis was made on the support points formed by "new quality combat power".

The Wei Keng group quickly simulated the tactical system formed under Anglo's thinking: once the "assistance" was spared, the so-called powerful new system immediately returned to its original form.

Anglo's next-generation super-heavy land battleships only want to attack, and they are all focused on stronger artillery and armor. However, such "offensive" capabilities will not help the "information acquisition" sector that needs to be strengthened most.

Short board or short board.

Finally, Su Ni in Osima (Wei Keng's new generation of military divisions) concluded: Let alone the "Holy Great Wall", as far as you are at the level of Fenzheng, Lao Tzu's attitude of being a man of the wave (Zheng Nian's hard-working underlings) Thirty fragments, one hundred and forty fragments under Su Ni's command) can now lead the team to level you up.

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