Out of the cage

Chapter 801 Chapter 18.29 No suspense

In the year 3252 of the Fire Emblem Calendar, during the period from the beginning of September to the 20th of September, when the Swan City hurriedly announced Su Ni as a rebel. Su Ni's new planners, on the other hand, proceeded methodically.

On the one hand, active military preparations are being carried out. The multi-way Dragon Guard Corps has blocked the road traffic of the Minlar Group, preparing to strike later, but it is absolutely possible to strike first.

On the other hand, the new planning faction continues to take advantage of the rhetoric.

Facing Swan City, Su Ni hastily announced the 'rebellion', but he was not as indignant as his subordinates. Amid the shouts of "beat him up" from the Dragon Guards, Su Ni was quite calm.

Su Ni emphasized to the legion that he must obey the organization's command and action, and then Su Ni gave instructions in the planning faction information hall, "Prepare for the worst, but don't give up hope for a peaceful solution."

That night, when responding to the accusation of "rebellion", the New Planned Economists sent a deadly question to Swan City as if they were serious: "In what name did you declare the rebellion? Is it in the name of the High Command or in the name of the Provisional Government?" name?"

Narrator: This is because legally, only these two centers can declare a party to rebel.

"Declaration of rebellion" requires qualifications. Swan City just lacks qualifications at this time. The so-called "rebuking others for rebellion" is precisely because you are overstepping the rules. On the opposite side of everyone in the sky.

Because from the perspective of everyone in the sky, if the mob organization in Swan City successfully uses this name to solve another group of opponents who are able to resist militarily, then tomorrow they will use this name to pervert.

Therefore, in order to prevent the kinetic energy of the Swan City from being "unscrupulous", various cities began to cooperate with the new plan faction consciously or unconsciously.

Wei Keng: Even if the "central leadership" is recognized, the middle and lower levels of different systems admit that they are "onlookers and supporting players" in fact, there is a choice in the chaos. After all, no one wants to be in an environment where "the upper level monopolizes the power of life and death with its own good" Trembling with fear.

In other words, at the moment when the two factions in the sky are confronting each other, the bystanders in the various regions of the sky will not really choose the imperial system!

As for the runaway internal affairs department of the Minlar Group, those "capable men" in neat uniforms with a strong aristocratic air, only paid attention to the expansion of Su Ni's strength to the point where it threatened Swan City. He didn't consider that his own attitude was arrogant and domineering, and he was unpopular in Iron Star.

The Ministry of Internal Affairs is filled with a "tyrannical" atmosphere from top to bottom, addicted to the feeling of being superior to others. In this disadvantageous situation, seeing the uncooperative scenes on various maps, the preferred method to solve the problem is still the following The thunderous method of "killing one to warn others".

Of course, those who are skilled will find those who have no background to use cruel methods to deter them.

In Swan City, after a row of "dereliction of duty" people were executed by the Ministry of Internal Affairs, someone finally turned against them directly.

In a certain execution site that the Ministry of Internal Affairs searched around, someone shot and killed the chief of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, shouting "Hit the Mobs" and "They have no right to point guns at us".

The gunshots pierced the night sky, and the terrified members of the Ministry of Internal Affairs finally realized at this moment that they lacked a name at this moment.

However, the Ministry of Internal Affairs had to move out Minlar, who had a high enough prestige, to suppress such a mutiny.

And Minlar stepped forward to pacify the mutiny (letting the mutinies leave Swan City and join the new faction). When facing this mess again, a mouthful of rebellious blood welled up in his heart. Feel.

...Su Ni's call to action gave the Minlar reactionary group very few choices. …

In the case of Swan City, in the name of the provisional government, it is necessary to convene all regional meetings and obtain the consent of two-thirds of the participating representatives before declaring its rebellion.

However, the various districts of Iron Star will not give Swan City this face. If Minlar holds a meeting but fails to gather representatives, it will indirectly show that Swan City has been unable to become the center, and the entire Iron Star is also sure that Minlar Group is alone. It may be the time for "a group of unscrupulous people to rush to Huang Silang's watchtower to get things back".

If the interim government is bypassed and the rebellion is forcibly declared, it will not only ignore most of the entire sky, but also the current political power of Swan City, which is simply unable to mobilize the resources of various regions, which can be described as a "lonely city".

The most important thing in modern politics is "consensus". When it is normal and peaceful, although most people in the meeting cannot speak, they just want all local forces to respond! But this process is still required.

Because every lower force, while responding to the voice, is the upper level that has been affirmed by everyone in the law.

Imagine, in a modern company, the leader notifies you via WeChat. The leader knows that you dare not object, but still asks you to answer to make sure you heard it and admitted it. Because he also knows that "if you don't speak up, don't promise, and there is a problem with the foreign worker, he won't be able to seriously pursue you."

…In the Iron Star Revolutionary War, the part of using knives and guns was completed that year, and now the military can win with a single push, but the "non-sword and gun" part must be added...

Braun City, where Su Ni is located, is emphasizing that Swan City has not fulfilled the basic framework of the provisional government, is it just finding fault? No, that's because I'm doing this thing myself! Begin to implement the framework of the interim government.

During the first half of September, the Suni Mechanization Group has been carrying out military exercises in most of the southeastern region, secretly reaching consensus with various urban areas.

Under Wei Keng's control, these cities had no chance to wait for the "two powers to decide the winner", and they were forced by Su Ni to make a preliminary statement.

This kind of statement is not a public declaration of "inconsistency with the Swan City camp", because the New Iron Star side has no such victory to prove it, but is required to declare that "the legal procedures of the provisional government" have not been followed.

In various places in the Su-Ni series, the words "support the law" are used,

Su Ni: We have to state the facts here, such as "Swan City's current procedures are insufficient", and then explain "under the Iron Star political rules, what kind of behavior is illegal."

When the propaganda work is in full swing: Su Ni's working group has stationed in railway stations all over the city, and the worker reserve teams cultivated in various cities during the "Rolling the Reflection World" are currently supporting Su Ni Group with practical actions.

Although Su Ni did not claim to be an interim government, he had a "struggle-centered policy and a framework organization responsible for implementation."

Among them, the new Jipai frame organization spreads over two-thirds of the agricultural and industrial areas of the entire sky. And when it comes to the policy of fighting for the interests of the entire sky class, it can even mobilize the resources of the entire sky in name. After all, even people who are not on the side of the Xinji faction dare not stop most other people from fighting for their own interests.

This is the fact that Swan City hastily announced legal principles in the past ten days, and Iron Star's seemingly unhurried verbal battles are behind the scenes!

Minlar of Swan City looked at the increasingly severe situation outside, and the persuasion from the Ministry of Internal Affairs: the suggestion to "decisively" send troops, his head hurts.

Minlar looked at the desk full of various paperwork suggestions that "as long as you attack, the situation will be better". Suddenly looking at the butterfly on the spider web outside the window, I felt the same way.

What is politics! Politics is not about using slogans to force others to submit.

Political alliance can unite forces, stabilize neutral forces to make a statement slightly in favor of oneself, isolate opponents and make opponents make mistakes.

Wei Keng's logic: Politicians must keep in mind that only after absolute victory has been achieved can they be qualified to formulate rules.

Zheng Nian's comment: Before winning, we can only do things and establish credibility.

...As for Minlar, he was asking himself: When did he become like this...

The gang in Swan City, who are engaged in intelligence and spies, know nothing about politics. If it goes down all the year round, the pattern will also go down. Now hastily announced the slogan, the biggest problem in these ten days is how to control the people below, not to use the slogan of "provisional military government" to suppress the rebellion and erect the enemy!

The intelligence chiefs at the top of Swan City who "helped" Minlar make up his mind are now quietly monitoring Minlar. They were afraid of Minlar's hesitation.

At the same time, the Ministry of Internal Affairs colluded with the Propaganda Department of Swan City, trying to intimidate the "Suni Group" with slogans, so that they tried to use some tricks of sealing officials and making wishes, causing "a split within the Suni Group" but ignoring their own Human "stupidity".

There is a saying called "upper action and lower action". When the upper class tries to use "technical means" to flexibly move left and right in politics to seek benefits, the lower class is so mercenary and mercenary.

Before the war, Swan City was actually able to control the resources near the Sky Capital Circle. However, when the people in Swan City began to announce the suppression of the rebellion, the end executors under it also began to use the slogan of "suppressing the rebellion".

It began to rob unreasonably the resources of the middle and lower classes. In the Xilina era, some urban youths went to some shops where they formulated the "Imperial Faction" and smashed them.

And now, although Xi Lina was denied, these people are still going smoothly. Today they changed into the official uniform of Swan City and continued.

And this scene was often done by "expropriation gendarmes" in the era of imperialism decades ago.

A trickster concluded: The banner of the king at the head of the city changes, the small officials in the city change their clothes, and the bad guys who pull the flags to mess with people are actually one type of people, one type of thinking, and they create chaos in the gap between different times.

Note that this is not a levy! It is snatching.

Expropriation is organized and credited to make notes, and the accounts will be remembered. These clear account files will support future compensation work. Even if there is no interest in the feedback, everyone may not care about this account at that time, but after receiving the feedback, they will understand that their contribution is "recorded" by this organization. Citizens at the bottom are actually very generous for the country. The only thing they need is a fair attitude from the government, and they don't want their efforts to be forgotten.

Because for the "middlemen" at the bottom who are begging for a living, replacing an "unfair" ruling machine with a relatively "fair" ruling machine, although they are slightly at a loss, think that this is a creation that will prevent future generations from kneeling. It is also a necessary obligation to make continuous efforts.

Wei Keng's split body (identity as an ordinary person) looked at those small people on the streets of Swan City who relied on the so-called rules to revel, and when they pushed their own carts to avoid fleeing, a sneer appeared on the corner of their mouths.

These little people are full of proud words, "I rob you to save face, if you don't rob me, you are violating government laws and regulations".

The gang of pigheads around Minlar in Swan City have no idea how their Military Expropriation Division, War Zone Circuit Court, and Security Inspection Department, all kinds of small bureaucrats from dozens of departments, are scrambling to be the first, holding the "Provisional Government to Suppress Rebellion" In the name of ", in the streets and alleys, with wartime IOUs, forcibly purchased goods (secretly reselling). Or, in the name of checking rebels, search, coerce and lure vulnerable groups, present wives and daughters to accompany wine, and...

The only credits that the provisional government had were given to this group of unorganized, undisciplined, and full of money-seekers from their superiors during this period of time.

Within 15 days, within the capital circle of Swan City, before the Su Ni Corps came to attack, the interior of Swan City began to be chaotic.

Representatives of electricity, steel, and transportation departments began to no longer worry about the dark rule of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and openly questioned Minlar's legitimacy.

Among them, the most famous one is Iron Star Veteran Bass. After Minlar took control of the army, he was pushed out of the army, but his industrial concept made him still an important figure in the industry.

After Bess spoke, Minlar's intelligence minister immediately wanted to control Bess, but Bess left Swan City overnight, and on the 18th, arrived in Braun City, oh, and declared "neutral".

This one ran out of the territory of Minlar, and then ran to the territory of New Iron Star to declare neutrality. This can be said to be a "signature" event of Swan City's political failure.

…Su Ni: Minlar, if you don’t come to see him off, your team will be disbanded…

On September 20th, strictly speaking, the first war began.

Wei Keng did not adopt the strategy of directly raiding key nodes and then airborne! Because this is not a foreign war but a civil war.

There is a foreign war style of play, for example, to paralyze the enemy's key nodes as much as possible, and strategically intersperse to disrupt the rear. The ultimate goal of foreign war is to defeat the opponent's stability and force the opponent to agree to its own conditions. Well, after the war, we still have to consider the existence of the opponent.

But in a civil war, it is necessary to crush the opponent step by step. Show not only military, but also political, economic, all-round superiority.

Su Ni's eastern military force seized the upper reaches of Swan City during the civil strife in Swan City. The irrigation hub of the area was taken down.

This irrigation hub is left unattended in this mess.

In the area controlled by Swan City, the people here used to complain that every day should not be done, and that the land should not work.

On the 19th, the workers team of Xintiexing Group took over the management of the eight dams and began to receive the guarantee of Xinjipai to ensure that all backup parts for the safety of the dams were replenished. And personnel are rotated.

This super project built in the Willie era, a 15 million ton reinforced concrete dam, is responsible for the agricultural irrigation of the surrounding 40,000 square kilometers of plains and the power supply for many cities including Swan City.

Such an important project, why didn't Swan City pay attention to it before?

The smoky atmosphere in Swan City that has been disturbed by the "radical power grabbers" only has a sense of power and no sense of responsibility.

But after the Suni Group acquired the irrigation area of ​​the reservoir, the importance of the "irrigation hub" was discovered for the first time in Swan City. In the lengthy report, it is stated that this is "national public property".

On September 20th, the autumn was crisp and clear. In the rough wilderness. On the gravel road reserved for agricultural machinery in the agricultural area, a land armor is now crushed on it, cracking the road and finally turning it into a mud ravine. The truck driven by the reactionary army from Swan City was crushed.

In order to regain the dominance of the dam, the Minlar Group of Swan City did not care about these "details" at all, but because of such arrogance, they were stabbed in the back by the surrounding rural people, and began to move closer to the Xinji faction, which led to Then the war was lost.

...Whoever wins the hearts of the people wins the world, but it is easy to "public relations" from the top to the bottom, and I feel that the people's hearts are easy to manipulate...

From the side of Swan City, nine land cruiser mechanized corps and more than 300 carrying vehicles rushed towards the area.

However, at twelve o'clock at noon, there were dragon guards hovering in the sky, and a column of smoke from the Land Cruiser rising on the other side of the horizon appeared on the side.

On the side of Swan City, the person in charge, Mino (the son of the early imperial general Lilot), is now looking at the other army, what is he thinking about? As a rookie in the army that Minlar is optimistic about, he actually doesn't want to fight this war.

In the circle around Minlar, people don't know how much they are.

But Mino still met Su Ni. And when Su Ni brought the Volunteer Corps into Orly, they exchanged with the Dragon Guards. As a young faction in Iron Star, he also asked Su Ni for the "ppt" information of the Dragon Guard combat system.

This is the advantage of young people over old people. Even if it is because of their buttocks, they have a narrow perspective and always pay attention to changes in the outside world.

Regarding Su Ni's Dragon Guard system, Mino knew that this system was very powerful after a rough study. But at the same time, I also learned that it is very difficult for me (Minlar Group) to gather capable people to form such a high-speed unit.

...Now those who are "loyal" to Minlar are trash, and those who are capable but not so "loyal" are squeezed out by the trash who show enough "loyalty"...

Iron Star's frontline combat unit, Yu Run (one of Master Wei's splits), was driving the Dragon Guard mecha and hovering, and saw the Swan City land cruiser begin to change into a circular formation, with heavy armor in the center and light armor around it. The radome in the center of the tank rotates around, and raises the Terminator cannon on the turret to form a "hedgehog formation" against the air.

Wei Keng understood that the opponent was a knowledgeable combat force, and this was by no means an enemy that could be defeated with a wave of surprise attacks.

Commander Mo Heng also got a suggestion from the staff: delay.

In short, don't think that you can quickly defeat the opponent in the first battle. At this time, you must obey the overall situation and directly fight for the mobilization of the overall strategy of the two sides.

Mo Heng looked at the enemies on the map in front of him. Although he wanted his battle group to directly participate in the battle, if he won the battle, he would be famous.

But—in the serious and tense situation of the war, he followed the advice of the General Staff, and the best strategy was to "resist the opponent and shake him quickly."

After asking for instructions from the rear, Mo Heng received an instruction from the general decision-making authority of the rear: In this combat area, at all costs, hold off the opponent for 48 hours!

"This?" Su Ni answered Mo Heng's question: "The best way to show combat power is to fight more with less. But the correct strategy is to prepare margins and deploy tactics at any time to fight more with less!"

In the early days of Osima's sudden "fighting evil with righteousness", Zheng Nian had no teammates, and the subsequent teammates were all played by him, and he played more with less, which made the Dragon Guard tactics particularly shocking. But Wei Keng's strategy is to bury a lot of opponents' holes in the early stage, make a lot of his own teammates, and directly overwhelm them with momentum.

Wei Keng: Don't wait for your teammates, start a group directly, and rush up alone, that's not bravery, it's stupid, it's disobeying orders,

Within 20 days, at 2 o'clock in the afternoon, the land cruisers of the two sides confronted each other on this plain, crushing the large wheat fields to a disastrous state.

Because of the Dragon Guards, the New Iron Star side has a tactical advantage. The dragon guards formed a huge mobile control area around them. Mo Heng's land cruiser is always moving in circles, maintaining its mobile cruising capability.

On the other hand, Mino must maintain a relatively static circular formation. Mino's tactics against the Dragon Guard's surprise attack became weak against the land cruiser's orthodox artillery battle at this time.

The two sides fired continuously in the queue, and the shells fell on each other's positions. Although the Iron Star side only had seven land cruisers, they could always fight in the form of "horizontal lines cutting circles" in tactical positions.

According to the hieroglyphic description, the formation of the two sides in the whole battle situation is a constant confrontation between "Old" and "Dan", and "Day" is Mino's circular formation. As for whether the "One" formation is on the side or north and south, it is still up to the Iron Star side to choose.

The artillery battle lasted from morning to afternoon, and the troops in the central area of ​​Mino were not destroyed, but the light armored vehicle troops in the outer area were reduced to parts in large numbers under the confrontation of the two 00mm artillery, and their morale collapsed.

In the evening, Mino saw that a large number of damaged tanks in the inner battle group circle could not be repaired, and the mechanical concept of these tanks in the ether world showed signs of "clang bang bang dang" falling apart, so he had to issue an assault order.

In the early morning of the 21st, after the artillery fire ended. At 8 o'clock in the morning, Mino decided to lead a formation to attack, and six land cruisers led the concept field to directly attack the Moheng combat group in a "human" formation.

The two battle lines stretching ten kilometers began to meet.

But before the encounter, the Dragon Guards Assault Corps, which had always been considered by the conservative aristocratic officers as a supporting role in the war, made its debut directly at the c position.

At 8:43, the Iron Wing Corps suddenly attacked Mino's left-wing battle line.

Forty-five Dragon Guards flew to the far left of Mino like a steel gale, a 400-ton land cruiser and a 300-ton land cruiser. The incoming light penetrates both ships.

As the flames burst into flames, the two land cruisers were destroyed in a snap. The rapid-firing machine gun anti-aircraft vehicles that followed behind them had no time to lock on. They watched the dragon guard group that had finished the raid, turn from the side and walk away. go.

The original "first" formation of Mo Heng immediately began to "counterclockwise", like a beam, pressed down from the left, and hit the horizontal formation of the Mino formation with the word "person" on the left with short legs.

Mo Heng has gathered the victory conditions that traditional land cruiser commanders most hope for when "T" takes the lead in a battle line battle.

At ten o'clock in the morning, Mino's left wing was completely defeated. Except for the two land cruisers defeated by the Dragon Guards, four more land battleships were hit and lost their combat capabilities and were forced to stop in place.

Mino's battle has completely failed, and it belongs to the kind that is about to retreat.

After Mino failed, he sighed unwillingly when he saw the dust in the distance and the "one step late" reinforcements.

...After an hour, Mino found that he was not unwilling...

The six land cruisers that arrived were not the reinforcements from Swan City, but the new plan to send the militia group to the reinforcements.

The Iron Star Support Commander who rushed over, Shi Sun, checked the "battle situation" sent by the Dragon Guards, dialed Mo Heng's communication, and said, "Thank you (heavy tone)! You called me to have a sip of soup."

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