Out of the cage

Chapter 803 Chapter 18.31 (Part 1) Hell

In the ancient industrial age of the main world, people would say: even if it is a wrong path, miracles can be achieved with great strength.

This is because doing the right thing in the old days will leave inertia, so that the person who controls the steering wheel thinks that he can go by turning it at will.

In June 3252, when Iron Star was still in the early stage of internal conflicts, Anglo was concentrating on dealing with the "World Kuroshio" incident.

Wen San sold earlier in Anglo: When their opponents are not hit by hell, but they themselves are still entangled by the devil, they will lead the power of the world to fight against the "black tide" and save the hope of "the world". Well, that is, prioritizing their problems, they acquiesce themselves as the hope of the world.

It's just that the more Anglo dealt with it, the worse the situation in hell became.

The Anglos just wanted to be beggar-thy-neighbor, and when they were fighting in the etheric realm of the city, they deliberately let the devil in the railway station escape, allowing the power of hell to enter the world.

...And Anglo's glorious and righteous "Paladin" image has made this kind of "leadership" favored by many second-rate countries in the world...

As a regional power in the entire Wanlun continent, Xiluoer was once attacked by the imperial faction in the Sky Iron Star five years ago, and it has completely become an anti-Iron Star country.

Then, with the commercial entry of Vail and Anglo, those economies that could only produce watches and had no civilian industry but only military industries were easily crushed.

In the past twenty years, it is another era of a new round of cognitive transformation, and technological progress has never been faster.

"Steam Computing" in advanced countries has gradually become popular, and a considerable number of people have already begun to think about how to write programs to realize the digitalization of production and military.

Xiluoer, a sub-first-class country in the south, still only understands science at the level of chemical energy and mechanical transmission, and can only produce its own artillery and wooden stock rifles in the military. Faced with the increasing cognition of the northern powers, the south seems to be stuck in an old era.

...This is the tragedy of backward countries, who have to use ideas that are an era behind to fight against the transfer of developed countries...

In ancient times, in the era of the elves and the human empire, there was a problem of cognitive gap. This directly created the so-called "magic race" of the elves.

Due to their long age, the elves, as the advanced party in the Arcane era, have led to the general perception in their society that they are completely different from humans who have only a short hundred years. Therefore, some phenomenon cognitions of common sense in elf society are magic everywhere for human beings who did not learn "mathematics, physics and chemistry" at that time.

Therefore, some very unfamiliar concepts among human beings, arcane magic is a mysterious object, and arcane magic is not even recognized in small mountain villages, but it is a lot of common sense of energy phenomena for elves. Many items that are rare in the human world are mass products in the elf handicraft industry.

This leads to humans and elves, technically as if they are two different worlds.

Of course, there is no industry in the age of elves, and they cannot use their "cognition" to produce materials through large-scale industries and forcefully spread them to the world.

Now humans in the Wanlun Continent can do it. Strong industrial countries crush weak industrial countries far more than the main world.

…From a macro point of view, Anglo is still a model of “advanced” in the cognition of the nobles of the old southern continent…

When the forces of hell came to Xiluoer, its combat power could not be solved by the military forces in the region. Xiluoer had to rely on the help of the Anglo "White Helmets" peacekeeping military.

As a result, all walks of life in Xiluoer have become more dependent on the Anglo soldiers, just like villagers trapped in the "age of the dead", seeing the paladins rushing over.

The Anglo combat team airborne arrived here in May, and has already broken into the dark mezzanine of many cities. In these dark interlayers, the monsters are weaker than the Anglo-native demon army in terms of metalization and mechanical complexity.

And the Anglo mech combat team, after countless times of hunting demons, in the dark interlayer, the power of firing and unarmed attacks has been magnified to dozens, or even hundreds of times. A human can hammer open the mechanical demon's thigh with a mechanical fist.

Yun Li is the captain of such a demon hunting team. In the capital of Xiluoer, she found these missing half-demonized soldiers in the lower level of Xiluo in the dark mezzanine.

And these demonized soldiers conform to the concept of the Xiroleans. Most of their faces are tattooed with crooked, slanted, and irregular five-pointed stars. (Sirorne smeared Iron Star very much.)

Five years ago, due to the invasion of the Iron Star in the sky, Iron Star was demonized in the propaganda of Xiluoer. The people of Xiluoer believed that Iron Star was engaged in "co-marriage" and "legal robbery". In addition, Anglo, who has an advantage in international public opinion, claims that the devil comes from Iron Star.

And the cunning devil also wanted to restrain Wanlun Continent and other countries in the world to follow suit after the sky and Osima hit a wall, so he did so on purpose.

In Cyroll, the devil uses the name of Iron Star to instigate the lower class to rebel, just like what "Selina" (Willie's beautiful wife) did ten years ago.

...In an old country where the traditional nobles occupy the right to speak, the Iron Star Uprising is equivalent to the mob, and it is synonymous with destroying society, family, and chaos between husband and wife...

In the slums, there was no other flag of resistance, and those half-demon soldiers with flames on their bodies charged at the Anglo "International Rescue Corps" with their guns raised.

Yun Li used the horn to persuade her to surrender, "Put down your weapons and treat you."

However, on the other side of the concentration camp, instead of seeing water and food, they were beaten with gun butts.

The oppressive atmosphere will allow madness to brew in it, and madness will be contagious in the depression. Suddenly, a cry was shouted in the crowd: "The empire will destroy us!" The crowd became chaotic.

But soon, a whirling blade sliced ​​off a person. The blade swirled flexibly, cutting off the head to draw blood as if alive. On the armor, Kalis wiped her boots on the clothes of the corpse beneath her feet. There was disgust in her eyes.

The "Kalis" who came to the reflection world is now a blackened version, and she is called the Blood Lady. She has a taste for blood. And this unlucky guy whose head was beheaded by her was not a strong fighter, except for a pair of big eyes, he was just an ordinary lowly person.

Narrator: The timeline of the multiverse is infinite. Whether a hero is righteous or evil in different timelines is often determined by the gods to arrange the script. And in this way, the "ancient hero" who was re-summoned in the mortal world has multiple versions of justice and evil.

Yun Li saluted the officer: "General, I think we should distribute some food to stabilize people's hearts."

Kelly ordered to Yunli's communication: "Colonel Yunli, no, you shouldn't reason with them, you should die if you resist."

The two of them didn't know. In the real city of Xiroll they correspond to now, a person looks at the reflection of a puddle on the ground on the street, and the reflection of the puddle corresponds to the reflection world.

This is Wei Keng's split body, looking at the man with the severed head, his head is looking up at the starry sky, his eyes are very calm.

Wei Keng: "It's very common and normal for me to shout out in despair."

...In the eyes of noble people, people who are too ordinary are not within the scope of their "worth saving"...

On August 23, in the largest port city to the east of Xirol, a super huge demon gate opened.

A super monster with a head comparable to that of a bus is trying to pull the space door with its claws, and the wanton breath of fear spreads around. The pollution of this kind of quantum concept information is so serious that the dna sequences of all the plants around the reality have been replaced strangely, and the sensory eyes that only animal cells have grown on the plants.

Such a mutation will quickly consume the organic matter of the plant, and the instinct of the plant as a living creature will become extremely dangerous in order to survive.

In the past, when such a demon king descended, it was the spread of demon mutants all over the place. Less than 20 minutes later, the Anglo Dragon Guard mecha came from the ship on the sea, and clusters of rockets hit the port, forming a large crater.

These rockets are metal hydrogen charges. The chemical molecules and metal hydrogen of the warhead are bound in the carbon molecular grid. In general, the hydrogen-carbon ratio of the warhead is similar to that of alkanes.

The limit of this kind of compound accumulation involves very complicated calculations. In the past, only arcanists who could use nine rings and had extremely high attainments in evocation spells could infer this structure.

But now, Anglo's science and technology have an advantage over Xiluoer, just like the elf empire in ancient times had over human beings.

It was Fenzheng who made such a "superhero" appearance. At this time, he drove the Dragon Guard mecha, stood on the building, started the communication broadcast, and announced his arrival. Next, he's going to give a public performance to the whole of Cyrol.

On live black and white television around the world, the six-ton ​​glide bomb fell on the demon's head. In an instant, a circular light band appeared on the entire ground, which is the light radiation area irradiated by chemical energy instantly, just like the aperture illuminated by an incandescent chandelier. In the center of this halo, a mushroom cloud rises, and then the ring-mounted transparent shock wave spreads outward.

The whole filming and broadcasting screen was very shocking, the huge devil horn was vaporized in an instant, without the devil's original appearance at all.

The head whose horns were blown off had to be retreated. Fenzheng in the cockpit of the mecha: "Praise the tenacious vitality of this life." But he didn't know that purple blue appeared in his pupils.

Of course, such firepower projection in the real world is just to suppress the conceptual pollution of demons. If you want to solve it completely, you must have the same spiritual concept to fight against.

The scene of the explosion spread by the TV media made many Anglos dissipate their fear of demons, and believed that only the Anglo mech army could protect the peace of the city.

It is very similar to some film and television dramas in ancient times. If you want to kill the devil, you must find some kind of nemesis weapon, or a descendant of the corresponding hero's blood.

Fenzheng's dragon guards circled the city's port, gaining the admiration of many mortals. At this time, his gorgeous mechanical armor guarded the sky like a long metal dragon.

It's like ordinary people in the city in the classical era looking up at the dragon knight.

That's what the Anglos wanted. Behind this unified look up, it is not the unity of will. Cowardly mortals lacking courage, pin their hopes on the Guardian.

...Wei Keng: Oh, how come this is a bit like a children's cartoon where "XX Superman" transforms...

Fern was stroking his heart, and a purple pattern loomed on his chest. Lance's soul fragments received these beliefs and began to solidify. As a "father", he is now mentoring his son.

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