Out of the cage

Chapter 86 Chapter 3.07

In the 2212 year of Qin Tongli, three years have passed since the Piao Ping disaster.

The resources harvested from the tributary country have barely allowed the economy of the southeast of China to survive the past few years, but how can the income from the mere origin of mineral raw materials fill the bottomless greed that has been cultivated in this prosperous place in the southeast for decades?

Compared with industrial countries, the output value of agricultural countries is too low.

[In the same period of the main world, after the downfall of Mao Xiong, Mi Di would choose fat sheep like Japan, Korea, Germany, and France every ten years to pluck the sheep. Later, he would catch honest and fat rabbits to eat, even This rabbit has a full offense and defense and is not easy to talk about, nor can it escape the coveting of the remnant eagle. Because Africa, Latin America, and Southeast Asia, the output value of South Asia is only enough for tycoons to squeeze their teeth. 】

Therefore, the giant gluttons in the east of China cannot forget Western Economic Union.

Just in the past three years, the power generation of the West Economic Union has exceeded that of the East by 1.5 times, and the electricity consumption is about to exceed. Such a size can definitely delay the financial crisis in the eastern region for 20 years.

After Guan Yiyan from the Ministry of War of Shenjing came, the misunderstandings between the two sides disappeared. The Weikeng plateau area did not shy away from absorbing Shenjing personnel, and Shenjing also adopted the military model of the plateau area. Such good communication made Shenjing Military Department think that as long as they maintain a tacit understanding, the previous worst guess will not happen.

Therefore, the Economic and Strategic Department of Shenjing also wanted to follow suit, and also met with Wei Keng, and persuaded the national policy in detail, but this time there was no good result.

From the perspective of the elders in Shenjing, in terms of financial affairs, with these 20 years, they can sit firmly on the Diaoyutai. In terms of strategy, there is no need to worry. You can wait for the crisis in Europe to break out first, and Shenzhou will follow behind to profit and benefit the country.

But they have their strategies, and Wei Keng has Wei Keng's principles. Their persuasion only allowed Wei Keng to further deepen his views on principles.


After the royal family in the boa robe of the Ministry of Economics and Strategy returned.

Wei Keng stood in the hall, under the glass panel under his feet, projecting the rotating five continents and seven oceans.

These people who come to persuade themselves are right. In the case of the global economy's incremental growth, it depends on who will be the first to fail in the major industrial countries. Start the military first model to solve the instability of the national foundation after the increase in the refugee rate.

In the second global conflict in the main world, the reason why the New World was able to win was because it was able to survive until the end. The European continent took the lead in rekindling the flames of war, which disrupted the plans of the old British and French colonial powers to restore their blood.

And the same is true of the current plane. With the accumulation of Wei Keng's state reserves over the past two decades, Shenzhou theoretically holds a trump card that can end in the final battle!

And can this trump card be played?

It is also just like the pleadings of the princes of Shenjing in the letter of crying blood: "The rise and fall of the country depends on the thought of Duke Wei."

However, even if he spoke softly, Wei Keng was still unwilling to make the decision, and blocked the national policy set by the cabinet.

Everyone laughs, Northwest Wei is indecisive, unwilling to give up the small and make the big. But Wei Keng was actually hesitating in his heart, whether he should be so ruthless. This ruthlessness is not about being reluctant to part with the goods in the west of China, but whether to be willing to part with hundreds or tens of millions of lives in the east of China.

From the perspective of the cabinet, if the war is raging in China, the local casualties are at least 30 to 40 million. If the permanent property in the northwest is discarded, it will save Shenzhou at least 20 million deaths. If the right generals are used, it is impossible to push all the way, and the casualties brought by the tributary state cannot exceed tens of millions.

Of course Wei Keng knew that if the war ended in the end, the destructive power of the war would be greatly reduced on the mainland, and there would be very few casualties among Chinese citizens. However, saving this generation of 30 to 40 million Chinese people has let go of the "bad karma". After decades or hundreds of years, the bad karma will continue to poison the living beings, and even let it remain for generations to come. is it worth it




In the main world, Wei Keng, as a post-millennium winner, as a netizen, would of course say "worth it" without hesitation. After all, the blood of the ancestors has already been shed, so we can't think that waste is not worth it. But at this time, as a witness of the era, it is difficult to say so. In the historical process of the main world, on the eve of completely stepping from an agricultural country to an industrial country, the price was so painful that every Chinese can't bear to look back.

If this is the price to be paid for leveling the evil karma of history and fully awakening, who can take it lightly?

There was another half hour of silence.

In the end, Wei Keng looked up at the "corona rim" hanging on the meeting hall. The dazzling coiled dragon pattern entangled the great sun, making the originally shining sun invisible on the country's coat of arms.

Finally made up my mind.

Wei Keng stubbornly insisted on his original point of view: In this era, it doesn't matter how many people die, and it doesn't matter if Shenzhou can continue to have a dazzling aura in this era. It is very important not to have this group of gluttons. Come here, at least one thing must be done, and you should not be half-hearted if you look for it!

It's a bit ironic,

When Wei Keng made this decision, he was very calm as expected.

There are no assassins traveling downstream through time and space. It seems that those people outside of China in later generations did not think that this matter was really related to the cultural heritage of China.

Wei Keng sneered helplessly: "After all, the stage is full of princes, generals, and romantic talents. In the system of Dharma and Dao, the ranks from the mud have not awakened at all, so it doesn't make much sense, right? The mud legs after awakening are all They're annoying thugs."


In Shenjing. It was night now, the lights on the street had been dimmed, and the brilliant light of Tongque Pavilion had just started to shine.

Bai Kui (son of Bai Jingqi) is inviting a distinguished guest,

This distinguished guest happened to be the eldest son of Guan Yiyan, Guan Shiyuan. He came back from training in the plateau area, and now he was sitting in the guest seat watching these friends brought by his friends.

The fourth son of the Minister of the Household Department: "Today, there is a new batch of Qingmen. Your Highness will come back this time to taste the spring water from the south of the Yangtze River."

[The title Your Highness is only used for the princes who held great power under the emperor before the first global war of supremacy, not to mention the fact that the constitution has been established now, even within the royal family, the three generations of the emperor are collectively referred to as the Huangdu Xiaowei. Using this title at the moment is just a compliment. 】

Bai Kui: "Go and go, the fireworks in the south of the Yangtze River are too weak, if you want to taste it, you can taste Dongying's lead."

A man's cheerful laughter came from the screen.

At the end of the night, this His Highness was carried into the car in a drunken state. Of course, after being in the car for dozens of seconds drunk, he immediately sat up and straightened his appearance after confirming that he had left the group of cronies.

Half an hour later, he arrived at the aviation base. A green dragon warship was floating in mid-air. Such a huge monster hung above the sky at night, giving people an invisible sense of oppression. On the roads several kilometers away, vehicles or Go around, or sprint past.

When His Royal Highness arrived, a mechanical ladder hung down directly under the battleship. With a "click", the mechanical buckle was locked. At his waist, the captain stretched along the mechanical ladder and reached the bottom entrance of the Qinglong floating ship. .


After boarding the battleship, he got a little dressed up and saw his father,

In the not-so-big study room, Guan Yiyan looked at the latest topographic map of the Pacific Ocean wearing glasses.

Seeing his son coming in, he teased a little: "It's not bad to play, Dongying Qianhua, is there a gold powder and jade leaf from the Bai family, who is intriguing?"

Guan Shiyuan: "Father joked, it's just a show."

After this matter is skipped, the following is the business.

Next, the captain of the imperial capital, no, should be a disciple of the royal family who was a capable man in the plateau area, and began to talk about the current forces in the plateau area.

White Tiger Heavy Artillery, still has two departments,

Zhurong heavy tank maintains two departments,

The rest of the main force is still the Kirin main battle tank, the total should be five hundred.

In addition to comprehensive information automation, improvements have been made in the power system to optimize maneuvering. There is no outrageous act of overriding the system and supporting the self-respect of soldiers, but the degree of emphasis on military specialization can never be described as "burning ointment and following the sundial".

The lieutenant clicked on the map: All the airports have also been modified with electromagnetic systems. There are four formations, a total of 82 heavy air transport aircraft, which can deliver 50 military vehicles and 3,000 people to within 4,000 kilometers. in any area.

After the introduction, this Guan Yiyan took off his glasses and asked, "Isn't there more military expansion?"

Guan Shiyuan: "No, the logistics in the plateau area are difficult, and the military drills can only maintain this amount. If my father doubts the general guard, he might as well start with the reserve. According to my knowledge, although the general guard has not increased its strength, it does drills every year. The scale of the training is very large, but most of the soldiers retired after three years, and then under the arrangement of the Western Economic Union, they entered all walks of life, which is a huge force."

Guan Yiyan (father): "You don't need to tell me about this matter. Others have already reported it to me. And your boss Wei Zongbing also reported this matter in the document."

Guan Yiyan wiped his glasses and said, "Do you know the letter of recommendation your boss gave you?\

,"(child) eyes blurred.

Guan Yiyan sighed: "He is still so organized, you have to learn." Then he opened the electronic interface.

On the interface, it is Wei Keng's recommended destination. This captain is working in the most elite tank delivery brigade. The transportation team mentioned just now has three regiments in the plateau area, and this captain is about to take over one of them.

The captain thought that he was still making a small report just now, and he didn't know what to say for a while.

Guan Yiyan said: "You can take this military position. After a while, you will be transferred to Menggang to serve."

The captain paused: "Father?"

Guan Yiyan sighed: "Six months ago, I proposed to let him expand the army. Fifteen years ago, he was a capable general. Nowadays, there are not many mature and prudent generals. But he refused and recommended other generals to me. A few people. It seems that they are not going to go down the mountain."

The captain paused. He wanted to say something, but he became bored.

[Separatist regime? Is there anything on the plateau that can be divided, the king of Tubo? In the past two years, as a member of the royal family who had worked hard on the plateau, he couldn't find Wei Keng's ambitions in the army. 】

Guan Yiyan clicked on the map on the Eastern Pacific Ocean and said slowly: "On the Eastern Ocean, there is going to be a war. Although you are thousands of miles away in the Tianzhu Ocean, after the Tianzhu fleet is withdrawn, you must always pay attention to the Western Yi's fleet." trend."

Captain: "My son takes orders." Then he asked a little bit embarrassed: "If I am stationed in Mengwan, what about the logistics here?"

Guan Yiyan: "Your old boss has arranged for you."

He opened the map, and at the southern foot of the Himalayas, tunnels have been opened, and hydropower stations are complete, and electricity and materials can be transported across the plateau.

The captain looked at the map, couldn't help clasping his hands together, and bowed deeply to the plateau on the map.


After letting his son go back,

This Guan Yiyan continued to watch the intelligence on the Pacific Ocean.

Outside China: According to satellite intelligence, in the northern Aleutian island chain, the area controlled by the Sun Empire is covered by a rising fog. It is impossible to detect the movement of the Imperial Navy in this area. It seems to be building some kind of super existence.

[Oh, Wei Keng knows what this thing is, Xuanwu Sea Fortress! It's just that Wei Keng knew about it, but he couldn't tell Guan Yiyan. 】

And in China: the Governor's Mansion of Fujian and Zhejiang Navy. The officers in the navy uniforms embroidered with black and white killer whale prints were arguing about whether or not the navy in the Eastern Ocean was going to fight against Mi Qicheng.

Such complicated information made this Guan Yiyan's hair turn gray again after tonight.


However, in Shengyang, a bald prince is also worried about the current bad situation.

Shengyang Empire, imitating Tang-style buildings, is very ostentatious. The characteristic is that the cornices are extremely overhanging, but it seems that because the Japanese are short, the steps and column heights are not enough. Only the canopy can be seen, and the door wall is not conspicuous.

The horizontal extension of the cornices of the local palace buildings in China is not so exaggerated, but the beams, columns, and purlins are highlighted, and the vertical system is taller.

If you compare it from the photos, it is natural that Sunshine is relatively open, while Shenzhou is fortified.

But if you have seen the buildings of Shenzhou and Shengyang on the spot, then all the palace temple buildings in Shengyang are a bit short and not grand enough.

Right now, Shengyang and Shenzhou are too close, just like the buildings of the two. If they are too close, Shengyang's national strength, which is not weak in Europe, appears to be weak in all aspects. As a tributary country for thousands of years, Shengyang was really suppressed too hard.

Crown Prince Dalang has now built "Xuanwu" in the Pacific Ocean according to his timeline to prevent rice animals from coveting Honolulu (Hawaii). At the same time, heavy troops were deployed on the island of Kilia in northern Australia to prevent New Zealand's Allied fleet from going north.

However, what Dalang is most worried about is the people from Xilu (Shenzhou), who is so strong that he is desperate. When he arrived, he saw with his own eyes the majestic scene of the "Qinglong Flying Fleet" flying slowly across Tokyo Bay. Oh, this spaceship is for a visit, but what it brings to the entire archipelago is a "surrender" mentality.

Even though she was dissatisfied, she just complained, but only Xiao Miaomiao was suppressed.

For example: Shirai Shipbuilding believes that China is very arrogant and refuses to transfer its shipbuilding technology (unique embedding technology.) Can only complain. However, they never dared to say to Shenzhou that "if the technology is not transferred, the Sunshine Navy may become an enemy", such a blunt threat.

As for Tianxi Machinery, in terms of artificial intelligence technology, it is following the same pace as Shenzhou, because all the personnel are second-rate students who have been selected from the Shenzhou Intelligent Technology Department.


According to the normal situation, it is also an industrial country, and it is impossible for Shengyang to have the slightest delusional thoughts about his father's country.

But Sunshine has the same technology brought by time and space as Shenzhou.

Shenzhou has dragon boats, and Shengyang has super fortresses.

Shenzhou has armored infantry, Sun has energy bows, and individual anti-armor beams (tank killers).

Shenzhou has electromagnetic energy storage technology to make armor and chariots more powerful, and Sun has nano energy boost technology to increase the output damage of all weapons (the side effect is slowing down actions)

Under the link space-time printing technology, the past production problems are no longer affected by resources and manpower, and wars can be supported by wars in occupied areas.

Therefore, this national fortune can be gambled. The first step is to carry out advanced deployment under the nose of Shenzhou.

And the second step, when Shenzhou sees the expansion of Shengyang and wants to stretch out its greedy dragon's mouth, it must take the lead in sneak attacking the eastern navy of Shenzhou to eliminate Shenzhou's ability to interfere. Sheng Yang took advantage of this to quickly digest the occupied area.

However, under such a disparity in national power, such a gamble requires "courage", no, the "actuarial heart" under the madness must carefully pinch the fate.

Dalang looked at the current mobilization situation of Shenzhou in the intelligence, and the "Mandate of Heaven" was coming soon.

The information that Shengyang is currently receiving is sent back by the "swallows" sent to Shenzhou.

The space-time editor pointed to the naval strongholds in the Eastern Continent, and at the same time, they were also on the Indochina Peninsula, preparing for an undercurrent.

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