The huge hyena-shaped mind beast summoned by Barbatol reached an astonishing four meters in body length, and the high-temperature flames entwined on its body seemed to make its body grow a thick layer of flame-like hair, which fluttered with the wind.

This is [Bully Dog] Barbatol's second thought ability, its name is [Hyperthermia Syndrome], and its ability is to summon huge flaming hyenas to assist in combat. This kind of beast not only has strong melee combat ability, but also has high-temperature flames on its body surface. It can even exhale flames from its mouth, which is very powerful.

The deadly flame breath gushes out from the hyena's mouth, and the spiral fire column rushes towards Heather, but Heather avoids it with extremely fast moving speed.

The hyena shook its head abruptly, and the horizontally jetted spiral fire column instantly turned into a huge fan-shaped attack surface, and Heather, who could not dodge, was enveloped in the raging fire.

Hit it! The Shepherd Dog Kadora rushed toward the flame-shrouded direction. He knew that even a strong man like the group leader could not sustain such a large-scale and high-destructive attack for a long time, at most five seconds!

As the mind pouring out, the bully dog ​​Barbatol's pale face began to turn into a sickly dark red, and he exerted force under his feet and rushed towards the flame-shrouded position.

【Hyperthermia】The full flame jet can last for four seconds. Even if the opponent's mental defense is severely burned, it should be able to leave a trace of resistance and escape residual power, and he can't let him escape! if only……

Suddenly, the flame Uzumaki dissipated.

The huge hyena that was transformed by Nian Qi collapsed into a sky full of flames, and then the entire giant beast was cut into two halves from head to end, collapsed to the ground and gradually turned into Nian Qi dissipated. The running Baba Tor also shook his feet and fell to the ground severely. The feedback caused by the killing of Nian Beast had a huge impact on him.

Heather, who was supposed to be severely burned, was completely unscathed. He maintained the posture of swinging his sword, with a lazy smile on his face that only appeared when he took a hot bath.

As long as he holds the legendary fire sword of'absolute kingship', the raging high-temperature flame is nothing more than'the water temperature is a bit hot during the bath' for Heather, and even the thread on the clothes can't be burned. .

The eyeballs of Kadora in the rush are about to stare out, and the defensive power of the hyena Nenmon summoned by [Hyperthermia Syndrome] is the best they know, even if it is bombarded with a sniper rifle at close range, it can only stay on its skin. Under the shallow wound, this guy can kill the Hyena Nianmon in seconds with just a simple swing of the sword? What kind of monster is this! Is the Hunter Association’s new "Twelve Earthly Branches"?

You must do everything you can to kill him, otherwise the life of the giant hyena mercenary group will be difficult after this serious trouble is left.

The surface of the five fingers of Kadora's right hand was covered by Nian Qi, and then high-speed tremor occurred. This is the Nian ability he developed by simulating a chain saw [chain saw finger]. There are traces left on it, what can you, a person with the ability of the modernization system, take to prevent it!

The five fingers picked up the sound of breaking through the air, and grabbed the back of Heather's head!

But Heather seemed to have long eyes behind his head, and he turned the cross sword in his hand upside down without even looking, and slashed his backhand towards the attacking Kadora.

Between the electric light and flint, Kadora even made a sneer in his heart. How strong is the hardness of the current chemical weapon? When my five fingers are covered with [chain saw fingers], there is nothing in the world that I can't destroy! Watch me directly squeeze your sword off!

Five severed fingers flew in front of him.


Before Cardora had time to think about it, his vision suddenly turned upside down. It's strange, who owns that crumbling headless corpse, a bit familiar...

The so-called invincible Mind Qi at the moment of contact with the golden cross blade is like a straw paper approached by a fierce fire, and instantly disappears, and then the Mind Qi used to strengthen the body of Kadora is instantly reduced by at least 70%. First, the five fingers were cut cleanly like butter with a hot knife, and then the blade drew a beautiful arc, bringing up Cardola's sluggish head.


The Shepherd Dog Kadora, the second-in-command of the Hyena Mercenary Corps, a well-known giant in the mercenary world, a master of thought ability with first-class combat ability, is as fragile as a baby in the face of Heather and absolute kingship.

There was a whistling sound of the wind above his head, and Heather rolled to the side without even looking. Then the ground trembled violently, and the strong wind exploded!

Condensing Babato's whole body's full-strength punch, it has gathered [wrapped] [absolute] [practice] [fat] and [condensed] advanced mindful application skills-[hard]! Like a bomb that exploded, this fierce punch directly blasted the entire lawn into a mess by the flames, blowing up the dust and smog!

The power of this blow was too strong, which caused Heather's feet to be unstable and unable to regain his posture. Then Barbatol, whose skin was red and hot, broke through the smoke and dust blockade, and the strength of the thought energy covered on the body almost reached the previous two. Times! He gritted his teeth, the cheeks and temples on both sides bulged high, seizing Heather's flaws and blasting out a heavy fist full of angry thoughts!

Who could have imagined that it was just a raid that was bound to win, and most of the mercenary groups thought about abilities, and there were even three of their most trusted captains! Damn, this kid, as well as Yuhu and Roda Kindom, all damn!

The fierce anger emotion further catalyzed the thought qi in Babator's body. At this moment, he exerted a stronger thought qi than he was in his heyday. It seems that the powerful force that controls everything has made him forget his physical pain for a while. Barbatol is convinced that no matter what kind of thinking ability he faces now, he can completely defeat it!

But unfortunately, his opponent is Heather, whose mind energy far exceeds the ordinary mind ability.

The violent thoughts burst from the surface of Heather's body. Barbatol only felt that he was hitting a thick sponge wall with strong flexibility. Heather only used his own thoughts to burst out of [practice]. You use the thought ability [Blood Red Blitz] to increase the level of the three-stage strengthening system, and most of the heavy fist strength has been removed! Immediately afterwards, the hilt of the golden cross sword in his hand was knocked on Babato's fist bone, and the latter only felt that the powerful thought energy exchanged for blood in his body had disappeared at least 70% in an instant!

At this moment, the surrounding smoke twisted, suddenly condensed into huge tiger claws, and broke Barbator's left shoulder and the entire left arm directly!

Seeing Heather's claws in a combat stance, Barbatol suddenly realized that it was not Rain Tiger Gryffindor before, but this kid was fighting!

He single-handedly confronted 330 heavily armed A+-level mercenaries, and beat the most powerful ones to death?

In the dark, Barbator felt the sound of footsteps named [Death] gradually approaching him.

"So, there is no rain tiger at all, only you and the cross sword in your hand..."

Barbatol could no longer sustain the consumption of mind energy. As the mind energy dissipated, the originally tall and strong man with a short head quickly became dry and weak, but he did not give up, hoarsely, and asked: "Can you die before you die? Tell me, what is the ability to help you kill the Giant Hyena Mercenary Corps alone!"

He has a telephone headset in his pocket. As long as he uses his own life to obtain information on this guy’s mind ability, with the powerful background of the United States of Sahelta, he can definitely study the flaws in his mind ability and then target and kill this kid. Take revenge for the giant hyena mercenary group!

But Barbatol couldn't wait for the answer in the end. The last picture in his eyes was an overwhelming golden flame, then plunged into eternal darkness.

Heather watched Barbatol, whose head was shattered by absolute kingship, fell heavily to the ground, and the golden cross sword in his hand turned into golden flames and gradually dissipated. After thinking about it, he stepped forward and flicked a few times from Barbator’s pocket to find the call headset, cleared his throat and said to the headset:

"In the next five years, as long as Roda Kindom dies or disappears, regardless of the reason and who the murderer is, even if he died naturally, I will put the bill on you."

There was a rustle in the headset, and suddenly an old voice came out: "Is it worth it to fight V5 for the sake of a mere rich man? You are a powerful mind with an infinite bright future. Join us, Roda Kindom can give you. We tripled!"

"My creed in life is-if there is a grudge, there is a reward, and if there is a gratitude, it is just that a group of dogs have died, are you really anxious? No, do you?"

"...As long as you can keep your mouth shut, we will have a cleanup with Roda Kindom from now on."

"OK, I agreed for him."

He smashed the headset that was no longer heard, Heather stretched out, akimbo and looked towards the mansion where gunshots were heard from time to time, and muttered to himself:

"Tsk, it's time to clear the venue, it's so troublesome."


Name: [Shepherd Dog] Cadora Sergey

Occupation: Mercenary

Attribute: Variation

Ability to read:

[Chain Saw Fingers]——Change the mind-qi simulation into a state of high-speed tremor, covering the ten fingers, bringing almost indestructible powerful destructive power, even the Carrony alloy, which is known as the hardness of diamonds, can be grasped Deep marks.

Name: [Bull Dog] Barbator Angsu

Occupation: Mercenary

Attribute: Strengthening Department

Ability to read:

[Blood Red Blitz]-Strengthening the system, which greatly strengthens your own strength, defense, speed, and qi, at the cost of consuming your own blood. The longer the duration, the faster the consumption. After the ability is interrupted, the ability cannot be reopened. The restart time is every day Three o'clock in the morning. When this ability consumes 5% of the body's total blood, it will be strengthened in the first stage, 10% in the second stage, and 20% in the third stage. Every increase in the stage will greatly enhance the all-round attributes.

【Hyperthermic Syndrome】——Release system, summon a hyena-shaped beast surrounded by flames. The price is that the body temperature will continue to increase during the call. The longer the duration, the faster the increase speed. After the call is cancelled, it cannot be called again on the same day. Click reset call. When the Nian Beast dies, it will cause a nearly fatal rapid increase in body temperature, and it will take three months to summon the Nian Beast again.

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