As the ‘former 1st warrior’, Cloud naturally knew something about the summoned beast magic spar.

In ancient times, those extremely powerful fantasy creatures turned into the stream of life after death, and the stream of life left the mark of the most powerful period in their lives in the river of life. Under accidental coincidence, the stream of life condensed into the stream of life through nature. In its solid form, this red magic spar carries the "shadow" of a certain fantasy creature.

If you are a powerful warrior, you can resonate with the magic stone of the summoned beast when fighting a powerful enemy, and use the power of the magic stone to summon the mind of the summoned beast.

Even if they can't exist in this world for a long time, those powerful summoned beasts usually have terrible power to reverse the situation and even capture the army. Some powerful summoned beasts are even called ‘gods’.

"Vulcan" Ifrit can freely manipulate and create flames, the terrifying fire storm and the breath of flame are nightmarish existences for the enemy.

The "Ice God" Shiva can freeze the water vapor in the air, and if necessary, can also make huge ice spears out of thin air. He is like a mermaid swimming in a sea of ​​ice, unpredictable.

'Thunder God' Ram, summons the sky thunder to crush the enemy.

The ‘earth god’ Titan, created a super-scale earthquake.

Leviathan, the ‘Water God’, set off a huge tsunami and swallowed all enemies.

There is also the so-called strongest summoned beast, the "Dragon God" Bahamut. Legend has it that when Bahamut appears, everything will come to an end under the shining of billions of dragons.

Generally speaking, the same kind of summoned beast magic spar can exist in this world in plural forms. When Shinra and Wutai were at war, there was even a spectacular scene of Ifrit on both sides. But with the war, fighting, loss, and ultimately to nothingness, many magic spar stones were destroyed or lost in a certain corner of the world, including the summoning stones.

I don't know if the stronger the summoned beast is, the harder it is to condense into a summoning stone. There are very few Bahamut summoning stones that have been recorded since ancient times. Even for the Shinra Company, which was at its peak during the Wutai War, only three Bahamut Summoning Stones were kept, two of which were lost after the war, and the remaining one is currently being kept at the Shinra Company headquarters for scientific research. Department.

The Ifrit Summoning Stone in Jesse's hand was a treasure she accidentally got when she was traveling the world as an actor in the early years. It was collected by her. Even her mother did not know that her daughter had such a summon. stone.

Claude looked at the red summoning stone in his hand, and there seemed to be faint flames flashing in it. This is [Vulcan] Ifrit’s summoning stone, Claude hesitated for a moment and did not refuse Jesse’s invitation, carefully put the summoning stone in his arms and prepared to find a chance to be inlaid with his metal giant sword [Destruction Sword] Above.

Jesse was extremely happy when he saw that Crowder decisively accepted the ‘commitment token’. She took the opportunity to squeeze in front of Claude and agreed on a time and place to meet. Claude pushed Jesse away with shorthands. In addition, Jesse was a super-high-level beauty, and he didn’t think so Consciously a little secretly happy.

Soon, the time came to the night of the next day.

Claude and Jesse met at the station, only to find that the train did not arrive on time. More than that, there were no people near the station, so I don't know what happened.

When the two of them were in trouble, Biggs and Wiggie struggling to push two motorcycles over.

"Huh? Biggs? Wiggy? Why..." Jesse was very surprised, and he obviously didn't tell the two buddies of his plan tonight.

Little Fatty Wiggie gave a thumbs up: "Bigs saw that you were absent-minded and guessed that you plan to go back to the city on Qifan Street to see your family before the next action, right?"

"There are no trains today. Shinra has advanced the time of the last train. I borrowed a motorcycle and ride this to Shangcheng District."

Biggs smiled and nodded.

Jesse clutched her chest and smiled: "Really, I was thoroughly seen through."

Biggs patted the motorcycle: "Although it's a bit cheeky, I hope you can let the two of us who have no parents experience the feeling of being filial to our parents."

Jesse's heart warmed, knowing that the two besties were afraid of accidents after they went to Shangcheng District, so he insisted on coming over and wanted to help. She turned to look at Claude: "Where are Claude's parents?"

"...Not anymore." Claude's expression dimmed.

Jesse looked at Claude's sad expression, and her heart seemed to be poked. She patted Claude on the shoulder, deliberately enlivening the atmosphere with a cheerful tone: "Okay! Then everyone go together and share the guilt of unfilial children!"

"Oh oh oh!"

Biggs and Wiggy immediately raised their arms to respond.

Then the distribution of motorcycles is very simple. Claude and Biggs drive one each, Jesse rides in the back seat of Claude's motorcycle, and Wigie sits in Biggs's side.

Hugging Claude around his waist, Jesse chuckled twice with a blushing face, and said softly in Claude's ear: "My safety depends on you, Lord Knight."

Claude held the motorcycle handlebar with one hand, and held the metal giant sword in the other hand, nodding slightly: "Grab firmly."

The two motorcycles passed through the huge, brightly-lit tunnel at high speed.

Jessie has a good set of high-tech technologies. The water purifier is a practical device she developed. She also forged many ID cards for various occasions. This time she just brought enough new ID cards and distributed them to everyone in order to cope with the ID scanning checkpoints that will appear in the tunnel next.

The lights in the tunnel swept back towards Jesse. Even at such a high speed with only one-handed grip, Jesse still felt that the motorcycle was more stable than ever before. He was a good man to rely on.

"Can you hear it?" At this moment, Claude's voice came from the front.

"Well, I can hear it, what's the matter?" Jesse hugged Crowder's waist, rubbed his whole body forward and almost completely stuck to Crowder's back, and said with his mouth close to Crowder's ear.

Claude seemed to want to break free from Jesse's bear hug, but considering that he was driving at a high speed, he had to give it up. He turned slightly to prevent the heat from Jesse's mouth from hitting his ears, and asked as calmly as possible: " Who is that Heather?"

"Heather? When I came to Qifan Street, Heather and Tifa had been co-operating a bar for more than a year."

Jesse thought for a while, and said unhurriedly: "I've heard a lot of rumors about him. Some people say that he has at least dozens of lives under his hands, and some people say that he is the underground king of the slums on Qifan Street. But. The Avalanche organization has always had a good relationship with him, probably because of the relationship with the former leader Helmer, right?"

"He and Tifa are brothers and sisters?" Claude finally asked the question he wanted to ask.

"Aha, I finally asked, I'm still thinking about how long you are going to hold back before you ask."

"...What's the answer?"

"Fortunately for you, Tifa and I are good sisters. Of course I asked her about this question. Yes, Heather and Tifa are indeed a real brother-sister relationship, and they share the same master. Tifagang five years ago When he came to Midgar, Heather took care of her as a guardian. Tifa is usually gentle and gentle and rarely gets angry. But if someone dares to speak ill of Heather in front of her, she I really lose my temper. You like Tifa, don't you?"

Jesse's sudden attack caught Claude off guard. He was silent for a while and then said, "Nothing."

"What does it matter if you admit it or not? I'm not blind, and there is no shortage of you who like Tifa. Looking at the slums of Qifanjie, who doesn’t like Tifa? It’s just that no one has ever been able to get a seventh heaven kanban girl. My heart, guess why?"

"...Because of Heather?"

Claude's tone was a bit bitter. He has been secretly in love with Tifa since he was a child, and even joined the Shinra Company resolutely in order to become a hero in her mind. ...

"Don't look at Heather's plain appearance, in fact, he is really a very good man. He is so powerful that no one can beat him, he is very caring for people around him, he cooks good dishes, he is rich and he never spoils him. Don't bully the weak. The most important thing is that he has been with Tifa for five years. Is it weird that Tifa likes him?"

Jesse patted Claude on the waist: "If you are really a friend of Tifa's hometown, then you should know her character very well-as long as you like it, you won't change it easily. Although you haven't thoroughly identified it, But she really likes Heather. You have no chance, handsome guy."


Claude stopped talking, but twisted the motorcycle's grip to make the motorcycle accelerate again.

At this time, there were several red grid-like lights flashing in front of the tunnel, and Jesse hugged Claude and shouted: "It's an ID scan! Be careful!"

"What's the matter, didn't you confidently say that the ID card you made is foolproof?" Claude was a little flustered by Jesse's shouting, and his sword was raised.

"The ID card is okay. But appearing in the tunnel at this point in time is the biggest problem in itself! The Shenluo army stationed nearby will definitely send someone over to check it."

As the two talked, the red grid had passed over them and the Biggsweiji two behind them.

Soon, several motorcycles sounded in the tunnel behind.

Crowder looked in the left rearview mirror and found that at least six more advanced motorcycles carrying heavily armed Shinra soldiers were chasing after him.

The leader of the Shinra soldier shouted with an on-board loudspeaker: "The motorcycle in front, pull over and accept ID scan verification! Repeat, pull over and accept ID scan verification!"

"Whoever parks is a fool!" Jesse stuck out his tongue at the Shenluo soldiers behind, and then said to Claude: "While they haven't reported to the higher level, hurry up and get rid of it."

Claude picked up the metal giant sword [Destruction Sword], the muscles of his left arm bulged, his eyes were cold:

"Right on my mind."

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