The breeze is gentle.

It brings bursts of coolness to the face.

Dou Changsheng closed his eyes tightly, not daring to look straight ahead, but he raised his head slightly and rushed towards the main hall.

His posture was very cowardly, but his words were very tough.

Dou Changsheng had the confidence to dare to do this.

This time you go up the mountain not to die. If you follow the right path, it is just a test of your character. As a demon sect, the Heavenly Corpse Sect will naturally kill people, but the group will definitely not be wiped out.

Just feeding the evil god baby in front of you, why bother using the outer disciples as food.

So in Dou Changsheng's view, this is a life and death game.

No matter what the style of Ludo is.

These are the rules.

Now Dou Changsheng is alone and boring.

But think about it carefully, if eight people play together.

Start eliminating one person at a time, and the loser will play with the Evil God Baby.

This is a veritable death game.

The atmosphere created step by step constantly oppresses the mind. In the end, it can make a person collapse when he cannot bear it anymore. In addition, this evil god baby has its own mental shock, which will make a person lose his mind.

This can be said to be very dangerous, but now all the competitors are dead.

Dou Changsheng also knew that this Evil God Baby had not expected that most of the outer disciples who came this time would be corpses.

After all, he is an evil god kept in captivity at home, not a crazy, irrational monster outside.

The evil baby must abide by the rules and cannot go on a killing spree without any reason. In this death game, at most about half of them will die. Six more people will be enough, and there is no situation where all eight people will die.

Whether fewer people die depends on how thorough they are and whether the Evil God Baby is in a good mood.

But this was of no use to Dou Changsheng. He had brought enough corpses with him, so he decided to take the gamble in one step.

Just bet that the Heavenly Corpse Sect has restrictions on evil gods and does not allow the group to be destroyed.

In summary, everything that happened in the outer gate was just a cruel trial, and there must be a winner in the trial. Otherwise, what is the meaning of this death game if the group is wiped out again and again.

It was precisely because he grasped this point that Dou Changsheng became hardened.

In fact, Dou was strong on the outside and strong on the inside, and could be easily poked and leaked. However, he was not attacked in the first place, and Dou Changsheng felt at ease.

But the childish voice that sounded immediately made Dou Changsheng's hair stand on end. He staggered and almost fell to the ground.

"People in the world are ignorant, and they always mislead themselves when they are wise."

"Who said food must be eaten from the dead, not the living?"

"Even if you think in your heart, I am restricted and cannot kill people wantonly."

"We have to keep a living person alive, but alive and intact are two different concepts."

"I'll eat your heart, liver, intestines, and lungs, and then give you a great gift, allowing you to live one more day. That's okay."

"Besides, even if I act willfully once, what if I kill all of you?"

"I'm just a seven-day old baby, so I don't understand anything."

The words changed again, and the childish voice became sinister and pitiful: "I am the evil god, how can I know how to weigh the pros and cons."

"Destruction, destruction, this is my nature."

"Regardless of the consequences, this is my daily routine."

The voice suddenly changed again and became brisk: "But who gave you such good luck?"

"Meet me, the evil god of justice."

"Don't worry, I've stopped eating people a long time ago."

"Now I am a vegetarian."

"You just think too much. The sacrifices I want to eat are two at a time, but you didn't say anything about people,"

"You have misunderstood."

"I have two steamed buns and a plate of cucumbers at a time, which makes me full."

Ghost words and evil words.

Can it be trusted?

Only a fool would believe it.

Dou Changsheng exhaled heavily, his expression relaxed, and he happily spoke: "As a partner of justice."

"I'm too stressed and want to go down the mountain to have a rest. Would you mind?"

A light and childish voice sounded: "I don't mind."

"You can leave now."

"I like the words "Righteous Companion" very much. As a thank you, I give you great gifts.

"Bishop? Archbishop?"

"too low."

"As a partner of justice, I have decided."

"You are my Pope."

"Subvert the Heavenly Corpse Sect and defeat the Evil God Cult. This sacred responsibility is entrusted to you today."

"do not be afraid."

"As the God's Favored One, the great Pope of the Evil God Cult, your power extends to every corner of the world. There are hundreds of millions of minions in the shadows, and they are waiting for your call."

"The true dragon, the celestial demon, and the sword fairy will all be defeated by you."

"You are the Destroyer of Destiny, the conqueror of the world."

"When all sentient beings call your name, you are destined to be crowned emperor,"

Wait, I haven’t been in business for many years, and I have forgotten some words. What’s the next sentence?

never mind.

No need to think about it.

Dou Changsheng had already turned around, shook his head repeatedly and said, "I'm leaving now. We'll never see you again."

Dou Changsheng did not want to delve into the messy words. These words were very magical, as if they could inspire people's ambitions and make people's hearts surge.

The other party's words have special power and can interfere with the mind. Don't listen to too much.

Otherwise, many inconsistent, illogical, and very stupid words will be believed without doubt.

Especially since this evil god has this ability, he can do more than real dragons, sword immortals, and celestial demons. How can he be so aggrieved here? He has already turned the world upside down and harvested the world.

After all, those people above are immortals.

Long-lasting and long-lasting, immortal and immortal.

Immortals from other worlds are so weak that they can be beaten to death.

"Righteous partner, if you want to leave, just leave."

"This guy in the back must stay for one day."

"I'm just a seven-day-old righteous baby. If I don't have anyone to serve me, I won't be able to survive."

"My messenger will return him to you tomorrow."

Dou Changsheng nodded and did not bargain. Since the strength was not equal, there was nothing he could do if he did not pay back. As long as he survived, everything else was secondary.

Dou Changsheng carefully groped his way down the mountain, not daring to open his eyes for a long time.

On the top of the mountain, the girl in black dress appeared without knowing it, and she was standing respectfully.

A childish voice sounded: "This world has changed so much."

"I just squinted for a while, and when I woke up, the world was different."

"The price to pay for using this ghost weapon is too small."

"It's simply negligible, so small that it costs almost nothing. This is the rule of the world, but it has been tampered with?"

"Or have times changed?"

"Or maybe madness has taken over again, and everything I saw and heard was not real."

"I'm going to verify it. Before the investigation is clear, you have to warn him not to be so negligent again."

"The evil god as justice."

"I want to protect my faithful Pope."


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