Outlaws Start by Climbing to the Top of the Wanted List in the Martial Arts World

Chapter 4: Heart like a poisonous scorpion, wisdom like a ghost fox

late at night.

The bright moon is in the sky.

The moonlight is like water, clear and transparent, shining in the quiet night, bringing a peaceful beauty to the earth.

When Dou Changsheng heard the sudden sound, he became alert. He looked towards the place where the sound came from, and could see a black shadow slowly walking out of the dark corner.

As the visitor continued to approach, Dou Changsheng could clearly see his face with the help of the hazy moonlight.

This is a young man, about fifteen or sixteen years old. What is particularly noteworthy is that his lips are very thin. He wears a plain white gown, which is like a mourning dress. He wears a piece of scarlet jade around his waist, which is like a hardened The blood, located in the night, seemed to be glowing.

Dou Changsheng took a second look. Because this person had not stepped out, there was no light at all on the beautiful jade.

Dou Changsheng had already recognized who it was.

Compared with his own reputation, he is unknown and unknown. He is one of the countless outer disciples of Tianzhi Sect. Although the person in front of him is also an outer disciple, everyone knows that sooner or later, he will become an inner disciple and a direct descendant. Disciple, because the other party has never been a disciple, but he is the son of the elder of Tianzhi Sect.

When the other party appeared at the outer door, he shone brightly, like the protagonist on the stage, the center of the world. There were countless people fawning over him, and countless women offered themselves pillow mats and wanted to climb into Li Mubai's bed.

There must be something wrong with such a person who does not directly become a disciple and does not enter the inner sect.

Therefore, Dou Changsheng has always been a person who stayed at a distance from, and was completely opposite to the countless people who fawned over each other. Just because he got involved in the other party's fight, even if it was just the aftermath, it would kill him.

Especially since the other party has a problem, he likes to call people his senior brother.

This is not to call everyone, but to specifically call those who are interested in him as senior brothers.

This also indicates that the opponent is being targeted.

Although Dou Changsheng has no contact with Li Mubai, as a celebrity, countless people care about Li Mubai's every move. Naturally, relevant rumors are inevitable. Even if you don't take the initiative to inquire, they will continue to spread to Dou Changsheng's ears.

Li Mubai smiled and said, "Senior Brother Dou is too vigilant."

"I am not a bad guy."

"I just admire Senior Brother Dou."

Li Mubai showed a look of longing, as if he was a little fanboy, and slowly said: "This year, the sect has accepted more than a thousand outer disciples."

"But there aren't many names that I can really remember."

"Zhao Guanghan, pseudonym Fang Han, this person ranks among the top ten in my heart."

"But he was killed by the unknown Senior Brother Dou. Senior Brother Dou really gave me a big surprise."

"Also let me know that there are crouching tigers and hidden dragons among the outer disciples, and we cannot underestimate the people of the world."

Li Mubai stroked his palms and praised, saying: "Zhao Guanghan is extremely talented, his muscles and bones are working together, and he is only a hair away from reaching the top level. Such a character is most suitable to be made into an armored corpse, invulnerable to weapons and bullets, and sweep through thousands of armies."

"But precisely because of his extraordinary talent, anyone who dared to take Zhao Guanghan's advice was killed by Zhao Guanghan."

"I thought that with Zhao Guanghan's illustrious reputation, no one would dare to plot against him."

"I never thought that Senior Brother Dou would massacre Zhao Guanghan's whole family and dig out Zhao Guanghan's true identity. Senior Brother Dou is really capable, but I didn't expect that this Zhao Guanghan would change his name to Fang Han, not to protect his family, but to In order to prepare for the practice of annihilation of emotion and nature, it is left to yourself to kill.”

"So the news of the tragic death of his relatives is not enough to shock Zhao Guanghan's mind and cause loopholes in his mind, causing errors in his practice. It is simply not feasible to use the [Nine Ox Iron Demon Fist] reverse training method to turn Zhao Guanghan into an armored corpse. "

"And at this moment, Senior Brother Dou suddenly exposed his body spots, showing that he was not very talented and weak in strength."

"Tell Zhao Guanghan that there is someone behind him. Zhao Guanghan was successfully deceived. He became suspicious of the people around him and killed more than one of his younger brothers."

"This also caused Zhao Guanghan to kill Senior Brother Dou, but there was no one available, so he had to do it himself."

"This move not only cut off Zhao Guanghan's minions, but also made Zhao Guanghan despise Senior Brother Dou."

"Next, Senior Brother Dou staged a good show of the weak defeating the strong. He first created a dummy, used Zhao Guanghan's contempt to attract Zhao Guanghan's attention, and then secretly attacked and chopped off Zhao Guanghan's right leg with a knife."

"With Zhao Guanghan's ability, he really underestimated the enemy. Otherwise, Zhao Guanghan would not have been destroyed like this and then easily killed."

"Senior Brother Dou really brought me a huge surprise, and he also let me know that Senior Brother Dou was not trying to refine Zhao Guanghan into an armored corpse from the beginning to the end."

"But to practice the [Blood Evil Sword Technique]. This Zhao Guanghan has strong blood energy, which is a great supplement to the [Blood Evil Sword Technique]."

"This will not only greatly increase the power of the [Blood Fiend Sword Technique], but it can also feed oneself and make great progress in cultivation."

"Senior Brother Dou is mediocre tonight. Even if he is practicing the [Blood Fiend Sword Technique], in terms of ability, he can barely squeeze into the top fifty ranks of the outer sect."

"But after killing Zhao Guanghan and devouring his strong energy and blood, the [Blood Fiend Sword Technique] went a step further. Coupled with the increase in his own cultivation, Senior Brother Dou's strength showed explosive growth."

"It's worthy of me remembering it and writing it down specifically."

While Li Mubai was talking, he had already taken out a pen and paper, started writing by himself, and at the same time he spoke:

"Talent is average to below average, heart is like a poisonous scorpion, wisdom is like a ghost fox, natural seed of demon, future pillar of the sect, summary: Excellent!"

After putting away the pen and paper, Li Mubai smiled and said, "Do you know why I gave you the highest praise?"

"Because we are a demon sect, unlike the righteous way who values ​​talent. For us, talent is not enough. We sacrifice to foreign evil gods, massacre the city in blood sacrifices, swallow thousands of blood in mass graves, and cast my immortal demon body."

"The sages have opened up one bright road after another for us."

"The [Blood Fiend Sword Technique] is a derivative of the secret skill [Abi Dao Jue Sword]. This is a sword technique that does not value talent. As long as you are ruthless enough, you can change your destiny."

"Although the sequelae are severe, it is easy to become obsessed, lose your mind, and turn into a madman who only knows killing."

"But that's not a bad thing, after all, we are demons."

A magic word appeared, Li Mubai's face flushed, his eyes glowed with a strange light, and he was no longer normal.

"Only ten people out of more than a thousand can become inner disciples and receive a number. In the future, they can join the Three Mountains and become direct disciples."

"If you reach the top level of martial arts, you will automatically be promoted to become an inner disciple. However, these people are inherently weaker in treatment and cannot join the lineage of the three mountain masters. They can only choose the tenth palace."

"I don't allow people I evaluate as good to become useless."

Li Mubai's voice became excited, gradually became more and more passionate, and became more and more perverted. Finally, he preached in a morbid manner:

"Please, Senior Brother Dou, you must obtain the quota of inner disciples and seize your own number."

Then he bowed and said:

"Please, Senior Brother Dou."

"Please don't let me kill you!"

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