The Lord of the Immortal Alliance, the Lord of the Dragon Clan!

He actually wanted them all.

This news quickly reached the hands of interested people.

The speed at which the news leaked was no slower than the speed at which the carp girl returned to the East China Sea.

Qingxuan Shenjun looked at the information in his hand and sneered. Finally, with a shake of his hand, the information disappeared. People are greedy. Qingxuan Shenjun was not surprised at all when Dou Changsheng made this choice.

It's just that I never knew what the Dragon Clan was thinking. Now it seems that the Dragon Clan is also very ambitious.

If they hadn't given me a big enough bargaining chip, it would have been really tricky this time.


Qingxuan Shenjun's eyes suddenly condensed.

At this time, Lord Qingxuan suddenly discovered something. At that time, the Great Demon God deliberately mentioned the Immortal Alliance. It seemed that it was out of grudge, in order to embarrass Emperor Ziwei. But now that he thought about it carefully, there might be something wrong with it.

What does the Great Demon God probably know?

That's why we talked about the Immortal Alliance and promoted the establishment of the Immortal Alliance.

There is a dragon clan colluding with the Great Demon God, and Lord Qingxuan came up with this idea.

When you begin to doubt something, prove that it is basically true.

Qingxuan Shenjun believed in this judgment very much and began to think about it. The Great Demon God colluded with the Dragon Clan. This was to attract foreign aid after their breakup, and the relationship between them began to become tense.

Qingxuan Shenjun was not angry, because there was also someone sitting in front of him.

This is a tall woman wearing colorful clothes. Her face is covered by a veil, and only half of her face can be seen, but even so, it can be seen that she is a beauty.

The woman held a feather fan in her hand and was fanning it gently. The hair on her forehead was flying continuously.

Lord Qingxuan spoke slowly: "I've kept Feng Nu waiting for a long time."

"I just received news that the Dragon Clan is inviting Dou Changsheng to join the Dragon Clan and serve as its leader."

A glimmer of light appeared in Feng Nu's beautiful eyes, and she smiled and said: "Being the leader of the dragon clan is just the beginning. The next step must be to establish the divine court, start contacting the four races, and jointly elect Dou Changsheng as the divine emperor to compete with the immortals for the divine state. Finally a new order was established.”

The Lord Qingxuan approved and said: "This is basically the way the Dragon Clan thinks."

"I have to say that the Dragon Clan has been shrinking in the East China Sea for so many years, and it is getting worse and worse."

"Our world is not an isolated island, and we have extremely frequent contacts with the outside world. Just looking at these advantages, the layout is really too small."

Feng Nu shook her head and said: "This is not because the Dragon Clan has low vision, but because they are pragmatic."

"What you said is so illusory. Who in the world would believe it?"

"It's purely a lie. It's like attacking the heavens and unifying all realms. Dou Changsheng is walking the path of the Immortal King, so he can be unparalleled in battle and become the best in the world."

"But no dynasty in the world can last forever. The most prosperous dynasty will inevitably decline. This is an iron rule."

"In a few hundred years, a thousand years, or at most no more than ten thousand years, the dynasty will collapse."

"The attack on the heavens and the unification of all realms will not be completed in such a short period of time. This is destined to be a great achievement that can take hundreds of thousands or millions of years to complete."

"And Dou Changsheng will naturally fall in status after losing the blessing of the dynasty. Even if he escapes from tribulation, his strength will still be reduced, because he is already a past Buddha, not a present Buddha."

"So it's not as realistic as the Dragon Clan's plan. Get the benefits first and then talk about the future."

"This Dou Changsheng is also moved, but he is also very pragmatic. He has not given up on the Dragon Clan. He directly wants to bring the Dragon Clan under his control and make the Dragon Clan his basic base and direct power, so that he can gain the right to speak in the Immortal Alliance. "

Lord Qingxuan shook his head and said: "Feng Nu, you have misunderstood. We immortals always say one thing and two things, and we will never lie."

"Inviting Dou Changsheng to be the leader of the Immortal Alliance means that he will be the leader of the alliance with real power, not a puppet."

"I still say the same thing. The world is so big and has countless resources and treasures. Don't just focus on world advancement."

"Let Dou Changsheng become a puppet. We have been fighting among ourselves, and our strength has been wasted. How can we still have the ability to conquer the heavens?"

"The Great War of All Realms has begun. Everything depends on strength and achievements. Whether Dou Changsheng can secure his position as leader depends on whether Dou Changsheng has established meritorious deeds. If Silver Spear Wax Head is defeated by one blow, even if we continue If he is allowed to serve as the leader of the alliance, Dou Changsheng will take the initiative to resign."

"Let's not talk about this matter. We invite Feng Nu here this time to discuss Yuan Feng's escape from trouble."

"Yuanfeng ascended to the position of the holy beast and became the body of the Suzaku. It is the auspiciousness of heaven and earth and the cornerstone of the world."

"Such a pillar of heaven and earth must be respected."

Feng Nu sneered again and again, and finally said mockingly: "The cornerstone of the world is such a good word."

"Is it the cornerstone that has been suppressed or sealed that is the good cornerstone?"

"Now that it's used, it's released to say a few nice words."

Qingxuan Shenjun was criticized and questioned, and he did not feel embarrassed at all. He continued to speak calmly: "Feng Nu misunderstood."

"In the past, the duel between the emperor and the great devil was to avenge our close friend Huanghe Longbo."

"I never thought that the Great Demon God, without martial ethics, could not defeat the emperor, but he deliberately touched Empress Ci Yuanfeng and rushed into the Immortal Mountain on her own initiative."

"The emperor kept explaining at that time, but it was a pity that Empress Yuanfeng didn't listen. Of course, I also know that it's not the fault of Empress Yuanfeng. It was the Great Demon God who was too offensive and rude, which made Empress Yuanfeng angry and did what she did to attack everyone. Order."

"The emperor and I have always regretted this matter. The purpose of inviting Feng Nu here is to resolve this old incident."

Feng Nu waved her hand to interrupt Qingxuan Divine Lord, and said directly: "Stop talking about this nonsense, I want to ask, if you don't agree to resolve, will you not release Empress Yuan Feng?"

Qingxuan Divine Lord quickly explained: "Feng Nu still misunderstood, it is not release, but rescue. Even if Feng Nu resents us and Empress Yuan Feng has hatred, we are still willing to rescue her."

"For so many years, we have been working hard to rescue it, but it is a pity that the Great Demon God blocked it, causing us to fail."

"Feng Nu also knows that destruction is always easier than construction."

Feng Nu raised her eyebrows. Why did the Qingxuan God Lord in front of her start to chatter more than before? She directly interrupted the sermon and said: "Shall we just tell you the conditions?"

Lord Qingxuan corrected him: "There are no conditions, this is our friendship."

"The next step is to establish an Immortal Alliance. This will definitely not be done by just changing the name of the Immortals."

"Inviting Dou Changsheng to join the Immortal Alliance and become the leader of the Immortal Alliance is also to subdue the evil gods from outside the territory and start a war between the two realms at the same time."

Goddess Feng's expression became solemn and she said in a deep voice, "I knew your plan wouldn't be that simple."

"How can it be possible for all of them to be cunning and evil, just to promote the advancement of the world and bring opportunities to everyone in the world?"

"You must have a hidden conspiracy, and now it's finally exposed."

"It turns out to be a war between two worlds."

Feng Nu paused for a moment, then continued: "If my estimate is correct, you have never taken the alien evil gods seriously from the beginning to the end. Why did you let them hand over their origins and turn them into fuel for the promotion of the world? It’s all your lies.”

"It is used to attract attention and fool the evil gods outside the world. It also makes those outside the world relax their vigilance."

"Your real purpose is to start a war between the two worlds, break through the world directly, plunder the origin of the world, and then integrate into our world."

"It takes a lot of time and effort to let the evil gods from outside the territory hand over their origins, and then they get the favor of God. You only get a small part, which is purely thankless. It is better to be destroyed. You first plunder a part of the origin, deliver a part to the world, and then you can also get the favor of God."

"This way you can eat with a mouth full of oil, which is in line with your status."

Feng Nu suddenly realized that she finally saw through the fog behind the promotion of the world.

Recently, all the immortals have become like living bodhisattvas. They have unblocked the evil gods from outside the territory, allowed them to obtain heavenly favors, and allowed dragons to enter the divine state. Their presence has suddenly decreased, as if they have let go of all restrictions in order to advance in the world.

But what if there was another possibility?

Many of the Immortals have begun to establish passages between the two worlds, or have lurked into the outside world, and have begun to prepare for the war between the two worlds. They are just waiting for all eyes to be attracted to their own world, and they directly steal their homes.

For the sake of war, they launched Douzhan Tianjun, such a high-end combat power.

Feng Nu frowned and asked: "If you have high-end combat power, the current immortal is naturally unparalleled in the world. Why are you blocking his appearance?"

Lord Qingxuan said calmly: "The limitations of immortals in this world are too great, and they can only be invincible in this world."

"If you go out, your strength will drop a lot."

"So we need a Fighting Heavenly Lord. We don't have much demand for the Immortal of the World, but we also want to bring chaos to the world. We are always ready to launch the next Immortal of the World."

"This is when the World Immortal appears and will take away part of the world's promotion. We don't want a competitor."

"It's also to deceive. If a current immortal appears quickly, this is not in line with our position and it will be easy to see the flaws."

"But we will not stop Dou Changsheng from ascending to immortality. He has obtained the favor of heaven. This is great. It perfectly explains our incompetence and rage."

"Those foreign evil gods must have seen it, and the news has spread. Many powerful people in the outside world know it, which confirms that our attention is on world promotion."

Feng Nu sighed and said, "With your planning and careful preparation, your plans must be quite big."

"The other realm you choose must be a big realm, and its strength is not low."

Qingxuan Shenjun laughed and said with a bright smile: "If the strength is low and can be destroyed with a snap of a finger, what fun is there?"

"In the past, when Dao Zuo and I met each other, I met the emperor and had a hearty conversation. I just felt that the world is so big and life is so boring."

"You only know how to be brave and fight ruthlessly, and don't think about the future."

"At that time, the Blood-robed King Buddha was ruling the roost with Buddhism, but he suddenly had a whim. Instead of taking the right path, he wanted to become a rebel Buddha."

“As a person and in everything you do, you must be unique.”

"He sat with me and discussed the truth as a mere mortal, which made me sigh in my heart that there are so many heroes in the world."

"The Blood-robed King Buddha single-handedly fought his way from the mortal world to the path of immortality. He successfully suppressed the Blood God, seized his immortal weapon, and fulfilled his oath to rebel against the Buddha."

"He came back after becoming an immortal and said shocking words."

"It's time for the world's order to change."

"He recommended a hero, and the four of us discussed it and started the first war between good and evil."

Feng Nu frowned deeply. The Qingxuan Divine Lord in front of her had not changed from beginning to end, but his tone was completely different. The one in front of him was chatty, tactful and a hypocrite.

And the one behind him was so energetic that he seemed like everyone in the world was a chess piece in his hand.

Feng Nu has a clear understanding that this Qingxuan Divine Lord is no longer in this world. He has always been an incarnation, with incomplete wisdom. Now he has truly arrived.

Lord Qingxuan spoke slowly: "The Great Demon God lives up to his reputation as a hero."

"Even if there are Xiao Dongshui's plans and help, Longting will dominate the world and stand firm for tens of thousands of years."

"There are many real dragons among them, and there is no shortage of immortal formations and immortal weapons. There are also powerful immortals like Yellow River Long Bo."

"He actually dared to charge straight into Longting, and he killed himself in front of Huanghe Longbo."

"This battle established our victory."

"If there is no great demon, there will be no future for the immortals."

"That battle was thrilling and our most difficult battle. Then we took action against Yuan Feng."

Qingxuan Divine Lord became contemptuous and said with a low smile: "It's an empty reputation, it's just flashy."

"Dragon and Phoenix, both tribes will be eliminated."

"The trend is decided."

"This time we start a war between the two worlds. We use the promotion of the world as a temptation to lure the strong ones out of the world to peek at the opportunities for promotion in the world. When the time is right, we will lure them into the world to seize destiny."

"Dou Changsheng suddenly became enlightened. God is really helping me."

"With their great strength, they can just stand up. So many evil gods from outside the territory, plus the outsiders who will come later, will definitely be enough to hold back the powerful people in the Earthly Immortal Realm. If their own realm is empty, we will be able to decide in a battle."

"Plunder the origin of its world and feed it back to our world. The world begins to advance, becomes stronger, favors us, and is blessed by destiny. What can these outsiders do to fight with us?"

"In the end, there is no way to escape the fate of being suppressed, or to integrate into us and become one of us."

Feng Nu was shocked and said: "You are crazy. With so many outsiders coming in together, it is easy for big trouble to happen."

"If you let them into the world, the world will be gone."

"This plan is too risky."

Lord Qingxuan said leisurely: "The plan has already started. The Emperor and I are at odds with each other. I am trying to find out about the Emperor's injury. I don't know how many people know about it."

"The emperor has been living alone for so many years, and the misunderstanding has deepened, and he thinks he has been seriously injured."

"Actually, the Emperor and I are already in the Earthly Immortal Realm."

"Do you really think that Master Zhang is the one who supports the Sword Immortal to become the supreme immortal weapon?"

"Wrong, it was the emperor and I who supported him."

"Dou Zhan Tianjun, the supreme immortal weapon, are all the highest in the world. We have been preparing for countless years for this battle."

"Breaking the Earthly Immortal Realm is the real advancement of the world."

"Become the first realm among all realms, then attack the heavens and complete the great cause of unifying all realms."

"Releasing Yuan Feng this time is to increase the Phoenix Clan's combat power. I'm afraid that if I lose you, the Phoenix Clan will be gone. After all, you have to enter the immortal world with me."

"I want Li Dai Tao Zhan to give you a good fortune and become a Suzaku in the Earthly Immortal Realm."

"Do you want to do it or not?"

Phoenix Goddess bowed solemnly:

"Whenever I enter the world, I am ready to die for the world!"

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