
The sun sets.

Dou Changsheng walked through the mountains and forests. His clean and tidy clothes also had many scratches. He looked very embarrassed, but Dou Changsheng was completely relieved.

It's a good thing that he didn't get entangled with that earth-level rare object.

After his life was saved, Dou Changsheng breathed a sigh of relief and suddenly felt hungry.

After finding a clean place, Dou Changsheng sat down, took out the cold steamed buns, and started baking them.

The golden flame kept burning brightly.

Dou Changsheng simply gnawed on the steamed buns while thinking about the harvest this time.

There are a total of thirteen draws, ten of which are white treasure boxes and three green treasure chests. In addition to the two draws that are still accumulated, Dou Changsheng is already planning to draw.

After a simple meal, Dou Changsheng began to smoke twice in a row.

This is a green treasure chest, corresponding to the third level. The specific level depends on fate.

The green treasure chest slowly opened, revealing the treasure bottle inside.

[Congratulations to the host for obtaining the Blue Dragon Water! 】

[Congratulations to the host for obtaining the antidote of Soul-Destroying Grass! 】

This was the treasure that was opened in the green treasure chest. Dou Changsheng was both happy and disappointed when he saw it.

One is useful, one is useless.

After a brief pause, Dou Changsheng began to draw the lottery again.

This time it was ten draws in a row.

So far, there is only one green treasure chest and two white treasure chests left, which can be used as a cheat when encountering danger.

[Congratulations to the host for obtaining the Bloody Sword Technique Training Card*1]

[Congratulations to the host for obtaining the Bloody Sword Technique Training Card*1]

[Congratulations to the host for obtaining the Bloody Sword Technique Training Card*1]

The reward for repeating it ten times has nothing fancy, it is very sloppy and simple.

All of them were [Blood Fiend Sword Technique Training Cards], which left Dou Changsheng speechless.

This thing is a deep pit, because every time after pulling it out, Dou Changsheng does not need to use it at all, it means that it has already happened, and it is not known whether it has tampered with the past or created a non-existent reality.

But after being drawn ten times in a row, it was no longer a matter of luck, but of the bad intentions of the dog system.

Dou Changsheng felt numb.

He couldn't help but rub his temples. This day was too exciting for Dou Changsheng.

The destruction of Linghushan City seems easy. It is impossible to count the number of people who died, and it is unknown how many dignitaries were involved. This will definitely cause an uproar.

Everyone was dead and no one knew about him. Dou Changsheng had no idea of ​​such a fluke.

Zhao Xuansan's actions were too rough. He mainly destroyed Linghushan City and did not kill all the remaining people.


This idea is too dangerous.

Dou Changsheng quickly dismissed this idea and looked at the ten training cards with a look of embarrassment. However, in the end, adhering to the principle of not wasting, Dou Changsheng started using them directly.

Use a [Blood Fiend Sword Technique Training Card].

Dou Changsheng's eyes blurred, and when his vision became clear again, he had already arrived in front of a mansion.

One hand was behind his back, holding a butcher's knife, and the other hand took the initiative to pull the copper ring on the door.

Along with the sound of the copper ring, not long after, there was a creaking sound, and the door had been opened. The servant glanced and saw Dou Changsheng clearly and said: "My master is heading to Linghu Mountain City to participate in the annual event. Fairy Society.”

"This great hero, please leave a greeting note and wait for my master to come back."

Before he could finish the rest of his words, the butcher's knife had already been slashed out at a weird angle, and it struck the owl's head. It was a striking blow from the evil shadow.

This scene made Dou Changsheng a Muggle.

This equipment can also be updated in real time.

After killing the slave with a knife, Dou Changsheng kicked open the door, and then looked at the nursery hurriedly approaching.

The strength of the guardian is still not weak, with the strength of a ninth-grade warrior, but he still has not escaped the fate of killing an owl with a knife.

He went on a rampage, stabbing everyone he saw, and not long after, he had already bloodbathed a mansion.

This family was a big family, with nine members in the family, plus the maids and nurses, a total of thirty-five people, all of whom were killed by the sword.

Dou Changsheng looked at the body that fell to the ground, and a secret letter in the other person's hand appeared clearly in his eyes.

This turned out to be a member of the Linghu clan. He was hiding in disguise, pretending to be someone with a different surname and working for the Linghu clan. He was really good at playing.

When everything was over, Dou Changsheng sighed.

With nothing to say, Dou Changsheng opened another one.

This time when the field of vision was clear, one could see the door on the opposite side open and corpses with their heads cut off, lying across the corpses in an inhumane manner.

But now he kicked open the door of a mansion, rushed in, and started killing people.

It's that knife that goes back and forth.

The evil shadow's sword skills are fierce, and with every killing, it is improving crazily. Coupled with the [sure-killing pig-killing knife], even an eighth-level warrior is not enough to kill Dou Changsheng with one strike.

After he sheathed his sword and stood up, another thirty people died tragically.

One family, two families, three families.

Every time the [Blood Fiend Sword Technique Training Card] is used, a whole family dies neatly.

Nearly three hundred people died. This was the result of practicing the [Blood Fiend Sword Technique].

[Blood Fiend Sword Technique] is only an eighth-grade sword technique, but with the crazy killing, its power has shown explosive growth. Now it has broken the eighth-grade limit, even beyond the seventh grade, and is already compared to the sixth-grade sword technique. The power of.

There was nothing he could do about it, plus the lives of those who had originally died tragically at the hands of Dou Changsheng, and they were already chasing four hundred people.

This is human life.

It is not surprising that it has such power.

The identities of these deceased people are not all members of the Linghu clan, but also real subordinates of the Linghu clan.

The combat power has increased significantly.

Nowadays, even an ordinary seventh-grade sword is a matter of one blow.

Dou Changsheng sighed again.

It is really difficult for me. With such a system, it is difficult to be a good person, even an ordinary devil.

. . . . . . . . . .

Early morning of the second day.

A team of six-door police officers came in a hurry.

They looked at the tragic scene, and the head catcher said in a deep voice: "So many people died?"

"How did you find out?"

One of the detectives couldn't help but whisper: "Boss, is it because too many people died, so this place became a no man's land, so the murder was not discovered immediately."

The head catcher glared at the policeman, and then said in a deep voice: "Have your identities been verified?"

One of the police officers said: "There is no need to verify, everyone here has status, not ordinary people."

"All of them are related to Linghushan City. They are either people from Linghushan City or the protective umbrella of Linghushan City."

The head catcher was shocked and said: "What a ruthless Dou Changsheng. He just destroyed Linghushan City with his own hands. Now he is going to kill everyone and massacre all those involved."

"It is extremely rare to find such a ruthless person in the devil's path."

"Everyone says that Dongfang Weiyang will not let Dou Changsheng go, but I don't know why?"

"What I feel today is that Dou Changsheng will not let Dongfang Weiyang go."

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