early morning.

On the green leaves, a drop of dew is rolling slowly.

A figure floated out, its movements were as ethereal as a fairy, as if it was traveling on the wind.

[Blue Dragon Breathing Technique] not only has breathing methods, but also has matching martial arts. Now Dou Changsheng has started to learn [Wandering Dragon Body Technique], which is a seventh-level martial arts, and [Blue Dragon Breathing Technique] Same grade.

This further increased Dou Changsheng's speed and his strength was once again promoted.

In just three to five days after leaving the Heavenly Corpse Sect, Dou Changsheng had completely reborn, and his strength had been promoted to the seventh level. Anyone who knew what was true or false would secretly curse, "The devil is so fast in cultivation."

This is the allure of the Demon Sect.

After ten years of hard training, no one knew about him, but once he became a demon, the world was shocked.

If the Demon Sect had not been able to break through the talent and quickly increase its strength, the number of demon-cultivating warriors in the world would have dropped by half.

After walking out of the woods again, Dou Changsheng had taken the initiative to tear off the beard he had attached. There was no need to hide it. This face had been exposed in Linghu Mountain City, and Dou Changsheng did not know how to use high-end disguise methods.

Once again, after being reborn, ordinary warriors are no longer Dou Changsheng's opponents, and their safety has increased significantly.

After giving up treatment, Dou Changsheng walked aimlessly.

The direction was towards the venue where the Famous Swords Conference was held. As for which way to go, Dou Changsheng didn't care at all. The time when the Famous Swords Conference was held was about the same as the final test.

Under normal circumstances, Dou Changsheng would not be responsible for this important task, and both parties would have missed it.

It's a pity that the final test has been brought forward.

After walking for an unknown amount of time, Dou Changsheng finally spotted a crowd of people. After re-entering the official road, Dou Changsheng walked for more than an hour when he saw a tea shop in front of him.

The tea shop is very simple. This kind of tea shop opened next to the official road is just a stall on the ground. It doesn't matter how luxurious it is.

He was holding a white cloth and writing the word "tea" on it, and tied it directly to the branches of the big tree with a rope. Now it is fluttering in the wind. Due to the sun exposure, wind and rain, the writing has been blurred a lot.

Below is a simple shed covered with thatch.

This is used to avoid rainy days, but the weather is nice today and the sun is shining brightly, so no one is sitting in the shed. Instead, they choose to sit on a bench outside under the shade of a tree, drinking a bowl of herbal tea in the hot summer. , so happy.

Dou Changsheng glanced at it and could see that the people sitting in the tea shop were very mixed and normal.

Even high-ranking officials and dignitaries in this remote place still want to drink a bowl of herbal tea to moisten their throats and cool down.

Dou Changsheng walked to an empty table, and then slowly placed the package on his shoulders on the table.

This is Dou Changsheng's disguise. Those who walk without luggage are not to be messed with, because they have treasures to store. This kind of people are either strong or have high status.

So Dou Changsheng got a simple package, which he had prepared before going down the mountain. However, before he could use it, he was involved in the destruction of Linghu Mountain City.

When the tea shop owner saw the guests coming, he immediately came over with a smile and gave a brief introduction: "A bowl of herbal tea costs three low-grade spiritual crystals."

"If you, sir, want to take a bite, we have authentic knife-sliced ​​noodles here, which only cost five pieces of low-grade spiritual crystals."

This price is the real deal.

Spiritual crystals are broken spiritual stones. Low-grade spiritual crystals are the least valuable because they are broken crystals whose spiritual energy has been consumed. High-grade spiritual crystals contain part of the spiritual energy.

One low-grade spiritual stone can be exchanged for ten high-grade spiritual crystals and one hundred low-grade spiritual crystals.

The prices in this wilderness are quite expensive. If they were in the city, the prices would drop a lot. A low-grade spiritual stone would have good purchasing power.

It's not like Linghu Mountain City, where a low-grade spiritual stone is required for mountain climbing and transportation. It's simply robbery.

Dou Changsheng reached into his arms and finally took out a money bag, then slowly opened it, and after digging around, he counted out eight low-grade spiritual crystals, then threw them to the boss and said, "First, let's have a bowl of herbal tea. Above."

I have been practicing in the woods for the past few days, waiting for the storm and heat outside to dissipate, so my food is not satisfactory. Although there is no big fish or meat, compared to the days when I eat steamed buns, this bowl of noodles is like a fairy.

The herbal tea was served quickly, and the bowl was so full that it almost overflowed. No corners were cut.

Dou Changsheng picked it up and took a sip directly.

Feeling relaxed all over.

My bones feel lighter.

After simply moving his shoulders, Dou Changsheng heard someone calling his name.

Although the voice is not loud, Dou Changsheng has been practicing so far and has a sharp ear and eyesight. Although he does not have any extraordinary abilities, Dou Changsheng can clearly hear the conversation while sitting one meter away.

"Have you read the latest Wulin wanted list?"

"Another new talent has emerged in the Demonic Way."

A man with broad bones took a sip of herbal tea and said, "I saw it, Dou Changsheng of the Heavenly Corpse Sect."

"This is a killer star."

"He is ruthless and scheming at a young age."

The young man who spoke at the beginning sighed and said, "There are too many talented people in the world."

"This Dou Changsheng is so tolerant. In the past twenty years, he has been robbed and even climbed up Beimang Mountain."

"But who could have imagined that this is the result of careful preparation by the other party."

"The speed of his rise was so fast. When others reacted, they could only see Dou Changsheng riding a horse, and they could not catch up."

"The most ruthless thing is to kill everyone, and he did it in Linghushan City."

"Not only Linghushan City, but also many wealthy households outside Chiba County, their estates were slaughtered. It is rumored that Dou Changsheng was also responsible."


Did the news spread so quickly?

. . . . . . . . . .

Three Ghost Temple.

A great war has ended.

In the brief silence, Dongfang Weiyang rubbed his temples. His temples had been beating in the past few days, and he always had a bad premonition.

The Three Ghost Temple is remote and it is inconvenient for news to spread. This is also the reason why good and demons discuss swords here. The destructive power of the master level is too great. No matter how prosperous the place is, it will become ruins after a big war.

The sound of rapid footsteps was heard, and a man with a sullen face walked quickly to Dongfang Weiyang and said in a deep voice: "The old patriarch is not good."

"News just came that Linghushan City is gone."

Dongfang Weiyang's expression changed drastically, and he said in surprise: "How is it possible?"

"Why did Linghushan City disappear so easily?"

"Who did it?"

The man said in a deep voice: "It's Dou Changsheng."

"What a little devil."

"He took the initiative to attack us without waiting for us to avenge Wuji."

"And at this critical moment, I want to mess up the old patriarch's mind. When the time comes, I will lose the sword with Zhengdao and prevent the old patriarch from going back alive."

"This plan is linked to each other, it's too cruel."

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