"Haha... Come on! "


Bao Chu laughed, and the rifle in his hand flashed tongues of fire, constantly harvesting the lives of the enemy.

He wasn't worried in the slightest because he trusted the boss.

Hearing the words coming from the headset, he laughed even more: "Boss, hurry up, the enemy is about to rush up." As

he spoke, he looked back in Lu Ying's direction.

Suddenly, his pupils shrank.

"Captain, be careful! You've been outflanked! Hearing

the words coming from the headset, Yan Gaoxin couldn't help but turn around.

I saw the position where Lu Ying was lying on the hillside, on both sides, a few hundred meters away, and two groups of people quickly rushed up the hillside.

Seeing this, Lu Ying immediately turned the muzzle of the gun and fired quickly.

At the same time, he spoke: "You continue to break through, I have a way to deal with it!" "

The muzzle of the sniper rifle kept ringing, and the people were getting closer and closer, but fortunately there was a slope to avoid the bullets, otherwise Lu Ying would have been beaten into a sieve.

Two groups of people rushed over, getting closer and closer, Lu Ying changed into a pistol and shot quickly.

It's just that there are too many of them, and the two waves add up to more than a hundred.

A minute later, those people finally rushed to the slope, and Lu Ying was also drowned by some people.

Yan Gaoxin raised his eyebrows: "Lu Ying, use the watch quickly!" As

soon as he wanted to rush over, the next second there was a light on the hillside.


After a while, an Iron Man in silver armor floated in the air, his palm gathering energy and quickly hitting those people's bodies.

Seeing this, Yan Gaoxin was completely relieved.

He was really frightened just now.

Feeling the bullets hitting his body, he smiled coldly, and his figure quickly disappeared, turning into a god of death with a military thorn, constantly harvesting the lives of those people.

"I'll rub!"

Brother Pingtou's eyes widened and shouted, "Captain Niu Pi!" At

the same time, he was shocked.

What is it!

Iron Man?

Is it a new high-tech developed by the state?

Awesome my country!

In fact, the excitement in his heart was far greater than the shock.

For a time, the grenade was thrown out like one who didn't want money.

When the grenade is dropped, immediately open the case of the bazooka.


"Hahaha... Come again and again! Looking

at the people who were blown up, the flat-headed brother laughed, he was very satisfied with his dubbing.

Assemble and launch!

"Chirp~bang! Hahaha..."

The next second, a stray bullet slashed across his shoulder, leaving a bloody trail.


Brother Pingtou immediately retracted his head!

"Captain Iron Man, I only have two magazines! Request support! "

After a few rounds, the silver armor completely eliminated those people, and immediately flew here to relieve the pressure for the two of them!

Those who don't want to die on the other side are shocked and scared, but more often excited!

When they see this humanoid mecha, an idea pops up in their minds.

If you snatch it back, won't you be invincible in the world?

Then continue to rush forward without dying!

The two hands of the silver armor continued to gather energy and launch it out, but there were more and more of them, and they couldn't be busy at all!

Unless they rush in and completely disrupt their camp!

Thinking of this, Lu Ying immediately had an idea in his heart!

"Buns, catch!"

Seeing the watch thrown by the captain, Bao Chu immediately stretched out his hand.

"Xiaodu, grant Bao Chu the right to use it!"

After speaking, she flew towards Yan Gaoxian's side.

Lu Ying was too worried about Yan's high salary.

In case something happens to him, how can he explain it to those sisters?

But the safety of the two team members was not guaranteed, so she hesitated again and again and gave the watch to Bao Chu.

On the one hand, he is an acquaintance, and it is also worth believing.

On the other hand, Bao Chu is also going to retire, so take this opportunity to try to win him over, after all, the security guard at home is only Dongzi alone, and he is a little weak.

The king of soldiers is retired, is there such a powerful security guard in other places?

Xiaodu: "Understood!

Seeing that he was about to receive the boss's watch, the next second, the watch turned into a ring and directly avoided his fingers, and suddenly put it on Bao Chu's arm.

Then the whole bracelet quickly turned into a flowing body, covering Bao Chu's entire body.

If this scene were put in a movie, it would definitely be the best special effects of the year!

"Holy! Cow Pie! "

I knew the boss's watch was not simple!"

Wearing a nano battle armor, Bao Chu felt like he had been inflicted an invincible buff and rushed directly into the crowd.

For a time, chickens flew and dogs jumped.

The flat-headed brother who was huddled behind the bunker was envious, and his saliva was about to flow out.

I can't wait to wear the armor now, so handsome, and so good!

"Buns! The bracelet on the left is a shield, and the one on the right is a spear. Hearing

his boss's words, Bao Chu immediately ordered the formation of weapons.

He threw his shield to the flat-headed brother and rushed into the crowd with his spear wide open.



Seeing the shield planted on the ground, Brother Pingtou was struck with a spirit.

picked up the shield to block half of his body: "Baozi, although you are a senior, I still have to say a few words to you, get me a few guns!" I'm running out of bullets!

Bao Chu in the armor grinned: "You can watch the play in the back!"

Brother Pingtou was suddenly aggrieved: "I don't want to watch the show!"

He looked around and saw an AK47 20 meters away.

Through the middle of the shield, the glass-like shape can be seen through the line of sight.

The flat-headed brother crouched down, shrunk the whole person behind the shield, and moved towards the AK little by little.

It's a bit of a joke here, but Yan Gao's salary is in full swing.

Lu Ying has a shield in his left hand and a gun in his right hand, flying low and surrounding Yan Gaoxian, scattering the people who rush over from time to time.

But gradually, she found that she couldn't keep up with the speed of Yan's high salary!

He's so powerful.

In a trance, a group of people surrounded the silver armor.

Then, the silver armor burst them all.

Half an hour later, Yan Gaoxin sat outside in the open space, gasping for breath.

Such a long and high-intensity exercise, there is indeed a little, only a little.

Beside him, three people who had been tied up by the big flowers knelt there, gagged, and they were the three leaders of this den.

In an open space in front of them, hundreds of people were honestly squatting there with their heads in their hands.

The silver armor fell to his side, and the armor quickly disappeared, turning into a watch, revealing Lu Ying's somewhat ruddy face.

"I just scanned everything around with a thermal image, and I didn't find anyone hidden, all the ones who were moving, and the ones who were still alive were all here."

At this time, Bao Chu also came over and respectfully returned the watch to Yan Gaoxian.

Then he stood behind him with a gun, staring fiercely at the men who were crouching on the ground.

No one dares to guarantee that these people are all ordinary people, what if someone is afraid of death and hides first, and then jumps out when they find an opportunity?

Brother Pingtou also came over, several times, opened his mouth to say something and closed it.

Looking at his appearance, Bao Chu pouted: "Don't say everything that happened today, and don't say anything above." Brother

Pingtou scratched his head: "But, there is a lie detector." "

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