"You!" Bao Chu held back his anger: "I can't lie to myself, just take it as a dream!" "

Uh-oh." Brother Pingtou nodded.

Yan Gaoxin nodded, raised his finger and pointed at the hundreds of people who were squatting with their heads in their hands.

Most of these people, including adults and children, men and women, were dressed in tatters, and some were well-dressed.

They had different expressions, some of them looked excited, secretly looking up to observe the four people, and some of them lowered their heads expressionlessly, as if they had become numb.

More or more, they don't know who these people are, what are they gathered for?


The pungent smell of blood around him came to his face, and Lu Ying really couldn't help it and retched.

Seeing this, Yan Gaoxin helped her sit down gently, turned over and took out a bottle of mineral water.

Lu Ying shook his head and squeezed out a smile: "I don't dare to drink the water here."

Yan Gaoxin laughed: "Don't worry, I brought it out." "

This bottle of water is what he stored in the space, and the purpose of storing water is to deal with emergencies, and now, isn't that just the right thing to come in?

Behind the two, Brother Pingtou's eyes were big, and he turned his head to Bao Chu, wanting to ask something.

Bao Chu responded with a "shut up" look.

After taking two sips and suppressing the nausea in his stomach, Lu Ying stood up and said loudly to the crowd: "We are the ones who have come to rescue you, and someone will come to pick you up later, and send you back one by one." Lu

Ying said this sentence in the languages of several countries.

"I'm not going back!" A well-dressed man in the crowd stood up.

Yan Gaoxian's eyes narrowed: "Why don't you go back?" "

I'm a fugitive, and I'm going to go to jail when I go back!"

The man spoke, and several people responded.

Most of the people who responded to him were well-dressed and seemed to be doing well here.

"Squat!" Lu Ying took out his pistol and pointed it at those who were about to become angry.

Seeing them squatting back honestly, she said coldly: "We don't care what you face when you go back!" "

I'm not going back!" The first man said he was about to rush up!


Lu Ying didn't hesitate to shoot, causing the man's head to shatter.

Most of them shrank their heads in fright, and some of them were expressionless, as if they had become commonplace.

"Who dares to move! This is the end! Vomit!

Seeing Lu Ying's appearance, Yan Gaoxin was directly angry, got up and took the gun in Bao Chu's hand, and hit the ground with a shuttle.


Da Da..."

Who would dare to say another word of nonsense! I'm going to kill him! "

Hundreds of people were too scared to speak, and the man scared them more than the woman.

Recalling the ghostly speed of this man, two words popped into everyone's minds, Death.

Seeing that no one spoke, Yan Gaoxian's eyes turned to the second master who was kneeling in the middle and wearing glasses, pulled out the thing that blocked his mouth, and asked in a cold tone: "You, why did you betray?"

Li Wenda was very calm, extraordinarily calm, he shook his head: "I didn't betray, but I'm guilty, and when I go back, I won't explain everything!" "

You confess your!"

Bao Chu walked over and kicked him in the chest.

Li Wenda's whole body flew back two meters, and he collapsed to the ground, panting for breath.

Bao Chu smashed his glasses, walked over and stared at him fiercely: "You help the abuse!" The country trusts you so much, but you have killed so many gray people! What else do you have to explain! With that,

he kicked him twice in the stomach.


Li Wenda spat out two mouthfuls of blood foam, gritted his teeth and endured the pain in his stomach, but still didn't say a word.

Seeing this, Bao Chu became even more angry.

"Why don't you speak! Why don't you speak! You mean! As he spoke, he

continued to beat.

"Wait a minute!"

Just then, a voice came from the crowd!

Everyone looked over.

The same is true for Yan Gaoxin, his eyes are cold!

This man dares to take his words as a deaf ear!

I can't say why I will send him to hell directly!

A young man in his 30s stood up with his hands above his head, looked at everyone's eyes, and took the initiative to walk out.

He looked at Li Wenda, who was spitting blood, and said, "He's not a traitor, he's a hero!"

"Every gray man will be tortured by this demon after being discovered, water prison, skinning, and Ling Chi!"

He pointed to the bearded man who was kneeling on the ground with a look of hatred.

"Li Wenda is not a traitor, he just wants those people to suffer a little less!"

"For some reason, he killed his wife with his own hands! And his son!

Speaking of this, he couldn't help crying loudly anymore: "My name is Wang Sheng, Daxia nationality, and my profession is... Gray man, who has seen it with his own eyes... Watch two greys being beaten to death!

Yan Gaoxin's heart beat violently, and he looked at Li Wenda who was spitting blood in a daze.

Wrath? Wretched? Admire? Bemoan?

He had it all in his heart.


He's counted.


That's right, he killed his own people, killed his wife and children with his own hands.

He's the second boss here.

Morally, he is a hero.

Standing in righteousness, he is a demon.

Lu Ying's eyes were red, and she didn't dare to imagine that scene.

Bao Chu was even more stunned.

Is it too late to say I'm sorry?

Wang Sheng's words seem to have broken Li Wenda's psychological defense.

"Hehe... Hahahaha... I'm guilty... Hahaha..."

Laughing, but the tears couldn't stop flowing.

Buzz –

From far to near, three transport helicopters flew over.

Smelling the smell of blood rising to the sky, Secretary Wang frowned.

Looking down through the window, the poppies were delicate, but more often than not, corpses, stumps and severed arms, all but the most central area were stained red with blood.

He was more shocked in his heart.

How many people have to die here.

The four of them did it?

couldn't help it, Secretary Wang felt a little more afraid in his heart.

Three transport helicopters landed not far away, and one by one soldiers in camouflage uniforms ran out and quickly surrounded those who were squatting on the ground.

Secretary Wang also walked down, and with him was a middle-aged man in a standard suit, with a foreign face.

Seeing that there were no injuries on the four of them, Secretary Wang breathed a sigh of relief.

"Thank you for your hard work! Hero! "

This is Admiral Laplace, cooperate with our operation, you go and rest first, and we will take care of the rest."

Yan Gaoxin didn't speak, just sat on the ground and looked at him with a flat look.

"Let me ask, if he has made a lot of contributions to the country, but he has to kill his teammates, what will the country do to him?"


Seeing Secretary Wang's speechless appearance with his mouth open, Yan Gaoxin shook his head with a smile: "I know." Then

he pulled the landing shadow into the helicopter.

The transport helicopter has a lot of space and can seat twenty or thirty people.

"Don't overthink it." Lu Ying gently tugged at his arm: "When I go back this time, I won't go anywhere." "

PS: Today's two more chapters are over.

Thanks to the reminder of "Art is an Explosion".

(I won't play the symbol)

thanks to the urging of [Huangfu Crane who loves to eat home-cooked noodle soup].

Thank you for the blade of [Huangfu Crane who loves home-cooked noodle soup],

thank you for the urging


[Xu Future, who likes Yungui],

thank you for the love letter X2

, thank you for the little gift you sent, Mo Mo Da

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