After a while, the two of them ordered something, and the bartender himself opened it and poured half a glass for the two of them before leaving.

Wu Xue took the initiative to raise her glass.

Seeing this, Yan Gaoxin raised his glass and touched her, and then took a small sip.

He frowned as he drank.

It's like blended wine, it's really not delicious.

After taking a sip, Wu Xue pursed her lips and smiled, shaking her head slightly: "It's different from what I imagined, and there are indeed some disappointments."

Yan Gaoxin laughed: "Then what do you imagine the bar to look like?"

After taking another sip, Wu Xue thought about it and looked up: "Put on heavy metal music, the whole is chaotic, and men will go up to talk to beautiful women, and even for a woman, some men who are afraid will fight."

By the way, there is still a lot of money to pay. "

Hahaha..."Yan Gaoxin laughed.

"What you said is true, but basically it won't appear in the bar, and it's not as good as before, now it's fighting, winning and losing money, losing and going to the hospital, how good can you fight? Or how thick is the family to fight every day?

And what you said about paying, it will only appear on TV, for example, here you can see that there are more than forty or fifty in the past, let's order this thing will cost tens of thousands of yuan, if you drink it casually, it will not be four or five million at a time, how much money will be burned? Or is it a strong wind?

Wu Xue pursed her lips and smiled, and nodded: "Drink bar." The

two drank for nearly half an hour and chatted for nearly half an hour, most of which were non-nutritious words.

During this period, only two bottles of these wines were drunk.

The wine that comes out of the blend is really unbearable.

Even so, Wu Xue's face was red.

"Let's go back."

said that Wu Xue was about to stand up, but maybe because of the strength of the wine, she didn't stand up and sat down on the chair again.

Seeing this, Yan Gaoxin walked over and grabbed her by one arm, and then helped her up.

"Are you alright?"

Wu Xue shook her head: "It's okay." "

It's okay, but it's dizzy and about to fall.

"You're drinking too little." Yan Gaoxin couldn't cry or laugh: "Where do you live?" I'll call a substitute driver to send you back? Holding

her, he walked out as he spoke.

Wu Xue seemed to have really drunk too much, and only knew how to shake her head.

I didn't say anything until I got to the door.

Now Yan Gao's salary is difficult, go to his own home? Clearly inappropriate.

Opening a hotel? Will it be misunderstood.

Just when he didn't know what to do, Wu Xue put his arm around him: "Help me... Help me open a room.

The corners of Yan Gaoxin's mouth twitched: "You asked me to help open the house, but I didn't take the initiative." "

I looked up, and there happened to be a family speed seven not far away.

"Can you still go?"

Wu Xue didn't react after asking, so Yan Gaoxin had no choice but to carry her on his back.

went in, opened the room, took the elevator, and Yan Gaoxin didn't breathe a sigh of relief until he threw Wu Xue on the bed.

Looking at the appearance of blushing and still pulling his clothes, Yan Gaoxin hesitated: "I have taken a fancy to your beauty, but I will not take advantage of others, alas!" Saying

that, he sighed and was about to leave, but at this time, Wu Xue suddenly sat up, and her eyes became sober.

"You're pretending!" Yan Gaoxin finally understood that Wu Xue's girl was pretending!

Because Wu Xue did drink wine, her face was red, she stood up and walked in front of Yan Gaoxin step by step, pushed him to the wall, and pinched Yan Gaoxin's chin with one hand: "You approached me, didn't you want to get me?" Why is it cowardly again?

The corners of Yan Gaoxian's mouth twitched: "Woman, you are very good at pretending."

Wu Xue pursed her lips and smiled, getting closer to Yan Gaoxian's face: "I know you have a lot of women, but I don't care."

"So what do you want to get like this?" Yan Gaoxin asked lightly.

"A chance." With that, Wu Xue's face moved closer to him.

"What chance?"

Yan Gaoxin looked at the top of her head.

[Name: Wu Xue

] [Age: 21

] [Occupation: Corporate Finance

] [Favorability: 90]

Seeing the favorability, the corners of his mouth twitched.

When did you lift so much?

He remembers that the last time they met, they only had 70 points of affection.

Is it because we talked so long this afternoon?

However, you can't add so much.

"I haven't thought about it yet, just say if you dare."


Wu Xue was a man of action, and directly stepped forward and gagged him.

It's just that in the next second, Yan Gaoxin pushed her away: "Why are you biting my tongue?"

Wu Xue's face turned red, and she didn't know the reason why she was ashamed or drunk: "I won't."

"Then I'll teach you." said that Yan Gao's salary changed from passive to active, and posted it.

In the evening, Wu Xue received the most precious gift.

Yan Gaoxin was lying on the side of the bed, feeling emotional in his heart and reminiscing.

How to say it.

Because of her frequent dancing, Wu Xue's skin is firm, her flesh is firm, and her arms are not as soft as Chu Ruoxi's, giving people a feeling of tightness.

And she has a very good figure, because she practices dance, she can easily cope with all kinds of difficult movements.

The only bad thing is that you are not allowed to touch PI shares.

She can touch you, you touch her a little, and immediately give you a hurry.

What to say about itchy, not used to it, in short, the reaction is great.

Are you angry?

And I like to learn from the saints and ride the bull upside down.

Ask her why, what she says to take the initiative so much, and eat as much as she wants.

Of course, because she really has no experience, Yan Gaoxin is used to her like this.

Yan Gaoxing also thought about it, and in the future, she will definitely be pressed to fight, the more she doesn't want to do Yan Gaoxing.

Women, you can't get used to it.

It seemed that she was really tired, and after a while, Wu Xue fell asleep, and at this time, her hand rang.

Wu Xue's mobile phone was on Yan Gaoxin's side, he reached out and took a look, and the note was: Feng Xia.

shook her arm: "Xiaoxue, Feng Xia's phone."

Wu Xue was confused: "You help me pick it up."

"So what do I say?"

"Say whatever, don't talk to me, I'm too sleepy."

Looking at Wu Xue who fell asleep again, Yan Gaoxin answered the phone helplessly.

"Snow, my mother wishes you a happy birthday."

Hearing that it was this female voice, Yan Gaoxin quickly analyzed it in his heart.

is so intimate, it must be an acquaintance, using the mother's self-title, Wu Xue must have played very well, otherwise she wouldn't have joked like this.

But Wu Xue doesn't seem to play well with anyone, and she doesn't have a name for Fengxia.

"Ahem." Yan Gaoxin coughed twice: "That... Xiaoxue fell asleep. The

other side seemed to be stunned for a moment, and only reacted after a few seconds: "Who are you, how do you know that Wu Xue is asleep?"

Listening to the tone on the other side, Yan Gaoxin was also a little angry.

"I'm her boyfriend, is there a problem? Who are you?

"Who am I?" The other side laughed twice: "I'm Wu Xue's mother!" "

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