"Honey, are you going to the market?"

Pushing open the door, Wu Xue walked in.

Sitting on the bed board, Yan Gaoxian's gaze shifted from the mobile phone to Wu Xue's face: "Have you talked to Auntie?" Wu Xue

nodded: "She shouldn't be so nervous, Feng Xia said that there will be a meeting today, will you go to the market?"

Yan Gaoxin stretched out his hand.

"Let's go. Wu Xue pulled him up, and the two walked out of the room together.

just kept walking out of the yard, and Yan Gaoxin didn't see his mother-in-law.

"Where's Auntie?" he asked.

"It's out. Wu Xue shook her head: "Regardless of her, let's go to the market, I haven't been there for a long time." Walking

through the muddy section, the two got into the car, and Wu Xue showed the way.

Ten minutes later.

"Do you see the school in front of you? just park over there, there's a lot of people inside, let's walk past." "

Wu Xue will do whatever Yan Gao's salary is.

Indeed, there are many cars on the street, most of which are electric three-wheeled and shed kinds.

But there are more people, most of them are older people and children, because the young people have gone out to work.

"Xiaoxue, what about your uncle?"

In fact, Yan Gaoxin wanted to ask this question for a long time, but he never had a chance to speak, and after repeated hesitation, he still asked.

Wu Xue looked at the stalls around her with two eyes, and replied nonchalantly: "I don't know, I haven't seen it since I was a child, and she won't say anything when I ask Fengxia."

After speaking, he continued to add: "I heard from our village that my mother was not originally from the village, she was pregnant with me when she came, and the people in the village left her behind when they saw that she was pitiful, and our house was still paid for by the village to get it for us."

Hearing this, Yan Gaoxin had mixed feelings in his heart, and at the same time admired her very much.

Mother-in-law, there is a hardship.

It is really not easy to give birth to a child and raise it alone.

He didn't sigh for long, and was pulled by Wu Xue.

"What's wrong?" Yan Gaoxin looked over with Wu Xue's gaze and found a group of children arguing around a stall selling cotton candy.

Wu Xue pointed to the snow-white marshmallow: "I want to eat it too." "

Buy. After that, Yan Gaoxin took the initiative to take her hand and squeezed into the crowd of children.

"Boss, how do you sell it?"


Okay, two. "

The process of making marshmallows is very simple, a bottle of white sugar with holes in it, pour a little into the marshmallow machine, and the bamboo skewers in your hand keep rotating, and in a short time a snow-white marshmallow is made.

The overall look is round and sleek without any beauty, but even so, it is very popular with children.

"Come, take it.

After scanning the code to pay, the two held hands, one holding one.

Wu Xue always had a smile on her face and was very happy: "I never ate it when I was a child, so I especially envy those friends who have change in their hands, so I have had an ideal since I was a child, and one day I must buy a lot of marshmallows and eat them in large gulps."

After speaking, she took a big bite, and then shook her head: "I secretly bought one when I was in junior high school, but it was not as delicious as I imagined, and now this one does not taste like before."

Next to him, Yan Gaoxin had mixed feelings in his heart.

He has been pampered since he was a child, even if there is a situation in his family, he is not as difficult as Wu Xue when he was a child.

He hadn't experienced it, and he didn't dare to imagine it, so he could only silently tell himself in his heart that he would be better to Wu Xue in the future.

"Eh, there's a ring!" Wu

Xue was like a bird out of a cage, stopping Yan Gaoxian's hand and trotting over.

"Boss, how do you sell the circle?"

"10 yuan for 12." "

It's 20 bucks." Wu

Xue was very excited, she was very envious when she was fourteen or fifteen years old, and now, she wants to have a good time.

Wu Xue gave Yan Gaoxin the usual colorful plastic ring, holding it in her right hand and gesturing.

There are a lot of things inside, a fist-sized fish tank with a small goldfish in it, a larger cage with rabbits in it, all kinds of toys inside, and a few half-human-tall dolls at the back.

The further you go, the higher the value.

"Let's go!"

After two temptations, Wu Xue threw the ring in her hand out, but it didn't hit what she wanted.

"Oops, it's a little bit worse!"

After two or three minutes, Wu Xue had fewer and fewer circles in her hand, and she became more and more angry, and she didn't catch any of the 10 or so circles.

Seeing her appearance, Yan Gaoxin handed over the circle in his hand.

Wu Xue shook her head with pity: "I'm unlucky, you can throw it away."

Yan Gaoxin smiled slightly: "Do you

want that?" "I want that, just the biggest toy!" Wu Xue was like a child, her eyes shining and pointing to the white doll that was the farthest away.

It was a white teddy bear, packed in a clear plastic bag, with a box of toys on it, meaning to cover the toy box before it counted.

Yan Gaoxin nodded, took a circle and tested it, and threw it directly.

The blue plastic ring slashed in an arc in the air, just in time for the toy box.

"yes!" Wu Xue jumped up excitedly: "It's here, boss, bring it to me!"

Seeing his appearance, the boss couldn't cry or laugh, and walked over to bring the teddy bear.

"Boy, that's amazing!"

"Luck. In response, Yan Gaoxin looked at Wu Xue: "Which one do you want?"

Wu Xue shook her head: "Don't do it, you can't get it all more."

Seeing her like this, Yan Gaoxin also threw out the rest of the circle casually.

Wu Xue walked in front with a teddy bear, Yan Gaoxin followed behind, and walked around twice before stopping.

Before going back, Wu Xue bought some cooked food on the street, the kind that can be eaten directly when opened.

The two went back, and Feng Xia just came out of the kitchen with steamed buns.

"Come back, wash your hands and eat. Seeing the things in Wu Xue's hand, he said to Yan Gaoxian: "Don't spoil her too much."

"It's okay aunt, I didn't buy much. "

Wash your hands and eat, dinner is very simple, shoot cucumbers, tomato fried beans, a fried eggplant, and a canned fish, plus cooked food brought back by the two of them.

The canned fish was specially bought by Feng Xia.

Although there was very little talk during the meal, most of them were talking about it, and Yan Gaoxin was listening.

"The bed has been made for you, you can rest early, Xiaoxin, if you want to take a bath, I will boil water for you.

"No need, Auntie. The

two packed up their things, and Yan Gaoxin couldn't help, so they went to Wu Xue's room.

The bed has been made and new quilts and sheets have been replaced.

It was a happy thing to come to the mother-in-law's house, and the mother-in-law was also very polite to herself, and she didn't ask about her situation, but Yan Gaoxin couldn't be happy.

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