20,000 meters above Xia Kingdom, a black shadow quickly flew in the direction of the East China Sea.

"Xiaodu, help me dial Li Lao's phone.

""Good hosts.

A few seconds later, a vicissitudes of voice came from the other side: "Xiaoxin, have you thought about it

?" "Let's not mention this matter first, Li Lao, don't you know what Pingtou is doing now?"

Hearing this question, Li Lao was puzzled: "It should be on the way back now, do you mean the dozen or so "viruses", I believe he can bring them back safely." "

Come on, it's not the same thing at all.

"Elder Li, if... What is the crime of a cruiser when a man returns from a beautiful country?

""Haha... Xiaoxing, don't be kidding, if anyone can get a cruiser back from the beautiful country by themselves, old man, I will take the lead in welcoming the hero back

!" "That's what you said!" After speaking, Yan Gaoxin immediately hung up the phone.

In the courtyard, Li Lao, who was holding the phone, was stunned, and Zhao Lao laughed when he saw his appearance: "I said Lao Li, just answer the phone, as for this?"

Li Lao's stunned expression gradually turned into a smile: "Lao Zhao, let people prepare, let's go to welcome the hero home!"

"What? Lao Li, you make it clear."

"Just now, that kid with a high salary called me, listen to him, he got a cruiser back from the beautiful country, hahahaha..."

From where?"

"Uh... Is that kid okay?"

"Fuck, Lao Li, are you reliable!Hurry up and call and ask!

" However, half a minute later, Li Lao shook his head: "In the busy line, Lao Zhao, I will let someone check immediately, you should immediately notify the navy and defend the border of our waters!"

"Flathead, your brain is pumping, right, high-tech, do you know what high-tech is, now listen to my command!" "

You immediately let the Vibranium Warframe's built-in intelligence invade the enemy network.

"No, instructor, the real Xiaoai system is in the general command room, and the artificial intelligence on our armor is at most the same as the system in the world, and it can't be invaded at all!"

Yan Gaoxin was silent, he forgot about this stubble.

After such a long time, it is estimated that hundreds of sets of vibranium armors have been made on it, and the artificial intelligence Xiao Ai can't control them all.

The small degree made by the dog is a black technology, which can be connected to more than ten sets of armor at home.

And Xiao Ai can only be left at the headquarters as the commander-in-chief to issue orders to the It-special battle armor.

"What's the configuration of that armor on you?"

"It's loaded with a lot of weapons, but instructor, I'm done, and I don't have much energy left in the armor.

Yan Gaoxin was a little stunned when he heard this, what kind of person is this, how bold he is to dare to follow a cruiser, I am afraid that I don't know how he died.

"How far are they from you now?"

"Report to the instructor, there are less than 30 nautical miles left.

"Won't I drive faster on you?"

"Report to the instructor, I have stopped, because, further on, there is the sea area of Xia Kingdom, which will provoke an international war."

Yan Gaoxin's teeth creaked, and after a while, he said lightly: "I am still less than 500 kilometers away from you, and I will be there in 10 minutes at most, is there firepower on the cruiser?

Dongshan Villa 156, 3rd floor.

Bai Jing quietly came to the door of Yan Gao's room, leaned on the edge of the bed and listened, grinning, revealing two little tiger teeth.

"Xiaodu, help me open this door, gently.

Bai Jing stood on tiptoe, walked in gently, and when she saw the quilt nested in a ball on the bed, she immediately smiled: "Brother Xin, I have taken leave for the afternoon." As

he spoke, he lifted the quilt, but there was no one under the quilt.

Bai Jing was stunned with a smile on her face, then grinned, and tiptoed to the door of the bathroom: "Brother Xin!" As

she spoke, she pushed open the door of the bathroom again, however, Yan Gaoxin was not inside.

Bai Jing was puzzled, and asked Xiaolan before coming up, and the answer he got was that he hadn't gone down, but where had the person gone.

Angry, Bai Jing came to the side of the bed, lifted the quilt to the other side, and her expression was stunned when she saw Yan Gao's clothes: "Strange, the clothes are still there, where did the people go?" looked at the

gap under the bed, and it couldn't go down at all.

"Xiaodu, where did Brother Xin go?"

"I'm sorry for Mother Bai Jing, I can't report my master's current location.

Bai Jing pouted: "Then is he out?"

Bai Jing's mouth pursed even higher, it turned out that he had just fought with the air for several rounds.

On a black red flag car.

"Lao Li, have you found his location?"

"Why did that kid run away to the East China Sea! Still flying out? Lao Li, you can't be mistaken, right?" "

What, the satellite has discovered that there is a beautiful country's cruiser on the edge of the East China Sea! Is there any mistake! I can't find out, what does the navy do to eat!"

"Ah? Did I transfer it? I hung up first. "


Over the East China Sea, at an altitude of 100 meters above the sea surface, flying fast in a set of pitch-black battle armor, a sonic boom can be heard from time to time, because it flies too fast, driving the air current, and even the sea surface 100 meters below has a burst of waves, just like an invisible ship moving fast on the sea.

"Detection, a cruiser was found 10 kilometers ahead, is it blocking the signal?"

"No!" Yan Gaoxin immediately replied, it should be a flat head.

"Detection, two cruisers were found 35 kilometers ahead, configuration, main gun caliber 200 mm, with 40 shells, displacement of 10,000 tons..."

Yan Gaoxin immediately interrupted Xiaodu's analysis, why can he still stand still to meet

the cannonball? Such a large cannonball, even if it hits the nano battle armor, it is estimated that it will have to shed its skin.

"Turn on the human detection!" Under

the extreme speed of the flight, almost before the other party could react, the black armor had already landed on the heavy cruiser.

"Woo... Woo... Although

the signal was blocked, it was visible to the naked eye, and it was soon discovered by the people on the cruiser and the alarm was sounded.

Looking at the little red dot on the map, Yan Gaoxin didn't have any nonsense and rushed directly.

"Bang, bang!",


For a moment, the black armor rushed into the crowd, and almost every punch could send a person away.

In the past two days, Yan Gaoxin has seen too much information that destroys the three views, and he has no mercy for the people of the beautiful country at all.

Every stroke of the nano spear in his hand can send away a person's life.

From time to time, the other hand gathers energy and blows the opponent's head.

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