Outrageous! He became the Elf King at the beginning

Chapter 41 The Queen and the Dryad!


Queen Ifra cast her soft eyes at the elf princess and said softly: "The ruins of the imperial capital are occupied by a large number of evil forces, and there are countless evil and dark creatures."

"Now, the blood moon disaster has just passed."

"The ruins of the imperial capital must be in a very chaotic state."

"You should stay in the territory and practice well."

Princess Aina is extremely talented, but has a wild temper and likes to take risks.

Queen Ifra planned to take advantage of this outing to keep her daughter by her side and teach her well.

After all, one day, the princess will also ascend to the position of queen.

Elf Princess Aina said: "Don't worry, mother, I will definitely pay attention to safety. Compared with the ruins of the imperial capital, the Demonized Forest is more dangerous, and I have been to the Demonized Forest three times."


Queen Ifra rubbed her forehead.

Just as she was about to speak, Elf Princess Aina had already run to her side, hugged her arm and said coquettishly: "Mother, just let me go. In all my life, I have never really entered the ruins of the imperial capital."

"It contains the most glorious history of our elven clan and witnesses the glory of His Majesty the Sun Elf King..."

"I really want to go there and see it."


Queen Ifra hesitated.

Finally, he turned his attention to the great elf elder standing in the hall.

The elf elder immediately said: "Your Majesty the Queen, it is not impossible to let the princess go to the ruins of the imperial capital. As the princess said, this can be regarded as an experience."

"All right."

Queen Ifra finally agreed.

He turned to look at the elf princess Aina beside him and warned: "You are the princess and the future queen of my flower elf clan. You must think twice before doing anything and remember not to take risks."

"After you go, you must also listen to the words of the great elder."

"I know, Mother."

Elf Princess Aina immediately nodded happily.

Soon, a team of dozens of people set off from the Sea of ​​Flower Spirits and headed straight for the ruins of the ancient elf city where Lin Yi was located.

"Your Majesty, is there really a Tree of Life over there at the ruins?"

After the other elf elders also exited the meeting hall, a figure wearing a cyan dress suddenly appeared. The magic power fluctuations emanating from her body were even stronger than some elders.

Queen Ifra shook her head and said: "When the elders sensed the breath of life and nature, I was in retreat, so I couldn't be sure."

"You, on the other hand, should be more sensitive to this kind of aura than us flower elves."

"The breath does appear and disappears in an instant."

The figure in the green skirt answered.

She is tall and has a delicate and beautiful face.

But she is not a flower elf, nor does she have the characteristics of an elf.

The most special thing is.

Her eyes are dark red, and there are sharp teeth on both sides of her mouth.

If Lin Yi were here, his first reaction would be to speculate that this woman is a vampire.

The figure in the green skirt said: "But Her Majesty the Queen, you know, I am a tree demon, I do not have the blood of an elf, and I have never seen a real tree of life, so I can't judge."

"If we proceed from theory, the Tree of Life should not exist over there at the ruins."

"After all, it's been abandoned there for thousands of years."

"Even if the seeds of the Tree of Life were buried back then, the traces would not be revealed until now."

"What you said makes sense."

Queen Ifra said: "However, the final result still has to wait for the news from the Great Elder."

"If there is really a Tree of Life in the ruins, then no matter how dangerous the road ahead is, our clan will move there. Protecting the Tree of Life and maintaining the inheritance of the natural elves are the obligations and missions of all elves!"

Hear this.

The figure in the green skirt suddenly had her eyebrows slightly twitching.

She is a tree demon, classified as a magic plant, but does not belong to the elf camp.

At this moment, she felt Queen Ifra's eyes falling on her, and she said without hesitation: "No matter where Her Majesty the Queen goes, I will follow her closely."

"Thank you, we will be friends forever!"

Queen Ifra smiled, the smile on her beautiful cheeks full of sincerity.

The ruins of the ancient elf city.

A mighty army of elves poured out from the north city gate.

The elf huntress riding the magical beast Gale Leopard cleared the way in front, followed by a large army of elf swordsmen and an army of elf archers.

The elf priests and elf magicians were protected in the center of the army.

High in the sky, there are still black shadows, large and small, hovering.

The big one is the hippogryph knight.

The smaller one is the owl summoned by the elf huntresses.

After leaving the city, the elven army did not set off immediately, but gathered in the open space outside the city. In front of the army, a distance of more than 600 meters, was a dense forest lined with ancient trees.

"To the northeast, about three kilometers away, there is a tribe of lizardmen with about four thousand people."

"About five kilometers to the north, a lizard man tribe was found with a population of three thousand."

"Two kilometers northwest, there is a large group of Warcraft monsters..."

One message after another came back from the released owls, and a few came from the hippogryph knights. When there is no war, Hippogryph Knights are also good at detecting intelligence.

In the center, a group of elf priests are discussing.

"The owls are still continuing to explore."

"Four tribes of lizardmen have been discovered so far, and they are not very far away."

"Should we advance one by one, or attack in separate groups?"

"Of course we divide our troops to attack!"

Elf Priest Anna said: "The war strength of these lizard tribes is too weak. There is no need to attack them with the whole army. It is a waste of time."

"I suggest that the army be divided into four groups."

"Each legion is assigned one thousand, five hundred elves."

"The tree warriors and elf huntresses we summoned will clear the way in front, while the hippogryph knights will press the formation at high altitude. Then the elf magicians and elf archers will lead the attack."

"Those lizard men are absolutely irresistible!"

"What Priest Anna said makes sense."


All the elf priests agreed.

At this time, an elf asked: "Each legion has 1,500 people, and the four legions are 6,000. The total size of my army is as high as 8,000. What will the rest do?"

Anna said: "Clean up the monsters in the forest."

"The number of monsters in the ruins of the outer city is much greater than that of our inner city."

"There will definitely be a big harvest this time!"

"In addition, news just came that His Majesty the Elf King's newly expanded Elf Legion is on the way. This time, His Majesty has trained a total of 140 Elf Priests, which can greatly increase the strength of our army!"

"Praise Your Majesty!"

All the elf priests present were extremely excited.

Is their priest camp finally going to prosper?

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