Who doesn’t want to blink!

But you can get the buff in the blink of an eye!

Who can bear this?

Is there no one to take care of this living king of hell?


Half an hour later,

The first video has finally finished playing.

Looking at the picture gradually getting darker,

The two traffickers slumped on their chairs with relief.

I have never felt that being able to blink is such a happy thing.

The man in the hat said carefully,

"Brother! I'm done reading."

Chen Ming glanced at the darkened screen,

Nodding under the pleading eyes of the two traffickers,

"Yeah, I've finished reading it."

"Write your thoughts after watching it."

"With such a touching video, you two should have a lot to say."

"Half an hour, one person can write a thousand words."

? ? ? ?

In Chen Ming's eyes,

The two traffickers subconsciously looked down at the paper and pens prepared on the table.

Oh my god...what are your thoughts after watching this?

So this is what paper and pen are for? ? ?

At this time, the trafficker felt like ten thousand grass-mud horses galloping past.

I am a human trafficker!

Just let me watch the anti-trafficking propaganda video.

Are you asking me to write my review?

Why write a thousand words? ? ?

Are you sent by God to torture me...

The man in the hat raised his head sadly and angrily,

He gritted his teeth and shouted word by word,

"Me! No! Write!"

Chen Ming raised his head and glanced,

asked softly,

"you sure?"

The man in the hat had a fierce look in his eyes, almost going crazy.


"I really can't write!"

"I didn't graduate from elementary school... my composition is rubbish!"

Chen Ming stood up.

He spoke as he walked away.

"It's okay, use pinyin for words you can't write! What's important is feelings!"


"Okay brother!"


Half an hour later,

Two review articles filled with crooked words were handed over to Chen Ming.

Chen Ming didn't even look at it.

In the desperate eyes of the two traffickers,

Turned on the TV again,

"Okay, let's move on to the next one."

“Be careful, I’ll write down my thoughts later!”

Trafficker: "..."

"Don't do this, brother..."


And in the compartment,

Seeing the expressions on the faces of the two traffickers that they would rather die,

All the police officers twitched their mouths together.

"Hiss...how to say it."

"There's something in this move!"

"Human traffickers watch anti-trafficking videos and have to write down their thoughts after watching them. Isn't this called killing and killing people?"

"If it were me, I wouldn't be able to bear it. I would probably go crazy..."

"If you don't know how to write, you still have to use Pinyin...it's so difficult for others, haha!"

"Chen Ming would be too humble if he didn't do the torture!"

Director Liu Jianguo,

I again remembered what Chen Ming said before,

It doesn’t take 48 hours, it can be reviewed in just 12 hours.

Keep going at this pace,

Who the hell can survive 12 hours? ? ?

Then he smiled bitterly and said to the other police officers,

"Don't be happy anymore."

"Record Chen Ming's move."

"If we ever catch a human trafficker again, we'll let him watch the video!"

Chapter 19 I really don’t want to commit a crime anymore, it’s too painful!

Chapter 19: I really don’t want to commit a crime anymore, it’s too painful!

6 hours later,

Director Liu Jianguo was having dinner in the cafeteria.

Then a policeman hurried over,

"Liu Suo! Recruited!"

"The two traffickers confessed!"

Liu Jianguo threw away his job and hurried to the interrogation room.

"Grandma's! You confessed in 6 hours?"

"I thought those two could last at least 8 hours!"


And in the interrogation room,

The two traffickers had slumped down on their chairs.

The eyes are blood red but dull,

His cheeks were swollen like a pig's head.

Scarface turned his head numbly and looked at the hat man next to him.

"Brother, let's be human beings in the next life."

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