Outrageous! What's Going On With You Gangster, You Gangster?

Chapter 106 Outrageous! He Made Himself A Magic Costume!

Chapter 106: Outrageous! He made himself a magic costume!

time back to a few minutes ago,

The sniper of the special team was laying an ambush on a high ground in the rear.

In the sniper scope, the cunning figure has been locked.

Although the previous shot missed,

But the sniper has self-confidence, as long as the opponent's footsteps stop for a while,

He can seize this fleeting opportunity and "kill" him with one blow!

While locking on to the galloping figure, he reported through the earphone connector with some excitement.

"Captain, I just~ just saw the target!"

"Shot fired, missed!"

"But I've found his approximate location!-"

Finally locked the fucking position,

He had been cats on this high ground before, but he couldn't find their target.

Moreover, news of team members being knocked out came from the channel from time to time,

Don't be in a hurry!

Well now, as long as you get targeted by the sniper, unless you keep running,

Otherwise, there will always be times when you will be shot!

The captain's joyful voice also came from the earphones.

"One-eyed, I will send two people to protect you!"

"You lock him with a sniper rifle and shoot at any time. Once you find the location, I will take the rest of the people to rush there!"

"By the way, where is the target now?"

Hearing that the captain wants to send someone to protect him,

He really wanted to say no, and since he only had six people left, why should he protect him?

"The target is running extremely fast, and the direction is..."

While responding, he continued to lock on the target.

But the next moment,

He suddenly discovered,


Why did the person who was targeted by the sniper run in front of me in the blink of an eye?

After looking at the direction,

He panicked instantly.

"Nest grass!"

"His direction is coming towards me!"

"Captain, help!"

Immediately he picked up the sniper rifle and prepared to transfer,

but it's too late,

The figure had already rushed in front of him,

without further ado,

He directly used the dagger in his hand to hit his celestial spirit cover.

Then he heard a hey laugh.


"Pay your gun and don't kill!"

was cut close to the back row,

He had no ability to fight back at all, so he was "killed".

It doesn't matter if you die in battle,

His precious sniper rifle was also taken away at this time.

The target that made the whole special team jump,

At this time, he was lying on the spot where he had ambushed earlier,

Excitedly pulled the trigger.


far away,

A special fighter was shot and eliminated!

This is the full story of what happened a few minutes ago.

Chen Ming reproduced the arc-drawing tactics, bypassing the special fighters over there, and directly stole the house.

After taking over the sniper rifle from the Special Forces sniper,

Just fire a shot and try it out!

With the talent of [Gun Specialization],

The sniper rifle seemed to grow in his hand.

But this is the first time he has used a sniper rifle seriously, and it feels good!

Especially when you see a shot that kills someone,

There is a sense of satisfaction in my heart.

"No wonder many people like to be a sniper."

"This feeling of a headshot shot thousands of miles away is really cool! Haha!"

Chen Ming rejoiced and started aiming again,

in the scope,

The last four special soldiers over there, after discovering that a companion was "killed" by a sniper rifle,

Quickly took dodging action.

But Chen Ming's gun is faster,

Two more bang bang shots soon, but only "killed" one!

Previously, these remaining special forces fighters played around and huddled together to keep warm.

Now with a sniper rifle, he directly starts the long-distance point kill mode!

Cool to fly!

Chen Ming's finger pulled the trigger again and again,

I don't care if I hit or not,

Even if they miss, it can still make a few evading special fighters dare not show their faces.

The main thing is to feel this way!

Watching Chen Ming pull the trigger,

shot after shot,

The real sniper who was sitting at the side tried to persuade him with a bitter face.

"Brother, take it easy"

"This is my gun. You used my gun to beat my team members hard."

"I'll be beaten later..."

Chen Ming glanced back in his busy schedule,

"What is your gun?"

"It's mine now!"

"Shut up! You have been killed by me! How can you still speak?"

The sniper wants to cry but has no tears,

Met a bandit this is it.

Watching "his" sniper rifle kill another person,

The sniper could only murmur bitterly to himself,

"It's over."

"The task is over, I will definitely be beaten..."

He is very self-aware,

The sniper missed the target,

was also robbed of the gun by the target,

The target also used the stolen gun to shoot his own people!

If this crime is not punished severely, it will definitely be hard to get over!

When snipers feel sorry for themselves,

For Chen Ming, it's almost the end.

When using the sniper rifle in your hand to snipe another special soldier,

He dropped the gun,

"There is the last one left, it should be your captain?"

"I'll give him a chance to fight him hand-to-hand!"

The corner of the sniper's mouth twitched,

Let's fight hand to hand, is this called giving a chance?

And isn't this sentence the opposite? It should be the person who pursued it, right?

And Chen Ming has already run down from the high ground,

Go straight to the last remaining captain of the special team.

As soon as the person arrived, he yelled loudly,

"Come on, don't say I bully you."

"We just had a chat when you came out."

Then I saw a rough figure,

Slowly walked out from the shadow of the boulder.

The captain of this special team is already full of anger.


So fucking embarrassing!

There was a whole special team, but it turned out that he was the only one who was played by others!

This is a chase!

Their special team is the one responsible for the pursuit! The result?

Was directly wiped out by the backhand group!

can achieve this feat!

I'm afraid there are more than 20 special teams on the entire battlefield, and this is the only one!

If it gets out, he, the captain, will fall to the ground in the face!

Now I heard the target say that I want to have a gang with Gang!

He just couldn't ask for more!

Just now, just now!

It just so happens that the evil fire in my stomach is gone!

He should really know how strong this person who single-handedly destroyed his entire team is!

just in case,

If you really can just win, the team's face can be regarded as saved!

The pressure can only be given to him, the last captain!

So the captain held the dagger in his backhand,

Almost with a sonorous heart of "Victory or perish", he came out of his hiding place.

But when he saw the target in front of him clearly,

Everyone is numb.

I couldn't help but exclaimed,

"I wipe!"

"Chen Ming??!!"

Suddenly being called out by name,

Chen Ming was also taken aback,

Then look intently, happy.


"Sun Wu?"

Isn't it Sun Wu, the captain of the special team who carried out missions with him in northern Myanmar before?

"Aren't you from the Provincial Special Forces? Why are you here?"

Chen Ming was a little curious.

And when Sun Wu saw that their target turned out to be Chen Ming,

A wry smile appeared on the corner of his mouth,

"I said, why does the previous fighting style look familiar? It turns out that my target is you..."

"After returning from the last mission, I was transferred to the capital."

"After half a year of study, I didn't expect to lose to you."

After returning from northern Myanmar last time,

He was also credited and given the opportunity to join the capital's special services.

After half a year of desperate study, he finally became the captain of one of the special teams.

Originally, he thought that after half a year of training, he had changed his wrist.

who knows.....

Only after meeting Chen Ming did I realize that becoming stronger was just an illusion!

People can still do a group of people alone...

meet old acquaintances,

Chen Ming was also a little dazed, shrugged his shoulders and asked,

"What should we do? Are we still fighting?"

Sun Wu gritted his teeth fiercely,

"Fight! Why not fight!"

"Now you and I are enemies, are you still waiting for me to take the initiative to admit defeat?"

"My task is to hunt you down, even if I'm the only one left, I still have to fight.

Chen Ming narrowed his eyes and smiled, and nodded cheerfully,


"I like unconvinced ones! Come!"

The aura on Sun Tzu's body suddenly turned aside,

Holding the dagger in reverse, looking for an opportunity to attack,

When he performed the mission last time, he knew that Chen Ming was very strong,

Now this time, get stronger!

So he can't help being careless!

But Sun Tzu also has his own pride in his heart,

He may not be as good as Chen Ming in other respects,

But in close combat, he can!

In the past six months, he has been training almost day and night, and no one works as hard as he does!

It was also because of his extremely fierce fighting skills that he was able to compete for the position of captain!

"If I only use melee combat, I should be able to fight him!"

Sun Wu was cheering for himself in his heart.

Then grinned at Chen Ming,

"Be careful!"

Immediately, his body exploded.

two minutes later,

Sun Tzu lay on the ground with a bruised nose and a swollen face.

Wipe the two blood stains on the nose,

He spat out two more back molars, and waved Chen Ming fiercely,

"Don't fight, don't fight, I'm already dead."

beaten to such an extent,

It should be considered a kind of death...

Only then did Chen Ming stop his figure, with his hands behind his back, his expression was that of a master.

"You are the only one who can force me to make a mouthful and use my unique skills."

Those special fighters before did not let him use the trick of smacking his mouth.

In the battle just now, only Sun Wu was lucky enough to see him twice.

The price was the nosebleed on his face and the two back molars that had just spit out.

Sun Wu panted heavily, and smiled helplessly,

"I'm really honored...thank you.

Well, the group is gone.

Finally no more suffering!

Who let meet such a monster?

...asking for flowers......

At the beginning, the militants with dozens of vehicles failed to catch up with them.

It's normal for the dozen or so of me to be wiped out by the group.

Sun Tzu collapsed on the ground, inexplicably feeling relieved.

The other "killed" special team soldiers also approached at this time,

Spontaneously sat together, waiting for a while to be pulled away by the helicopter.

The whole team is eliminated! No one is missing!

I guess they are the first ones!

Now all the equipment on them has been forcibly confiscated by Chen Ming,

A small hill piled up in front of him.

And Chen Ming is nibbling on a compressed biscuit,

While picking and picking in the hill pile.

From time to time, I pull out two matching ones, and then put them on myself.

After a while,

He has already put on a set of luxurious individual special equipment!

A full set of night vision goggles, a full set of tactical equipment, a full set of auxiliary equipment, and a full set of supplies!

Behind him is a sniper rifle, an automatic submachine gun, and some ammunition.

His body can be regarded as a collection of the best equipment on all the fighters of a special team!

A person who came to participate in the assessment, while the others were running wildly in tattered clothes,

He's already fully equipped!

He insisted on making himself more special than special!

After simply getting used to the equipment on his body, Chen Ming nodded in satisfaction,

Then he looked at Sun Wu who was rolling his eyes.

"If there are any other good things, quickly take them out!"

"Your current supplies are mine!"

Although Sun Wu was reluctant,

But Chen Ming is right, they are dead, and all the weapons and equipment belong to him!

So he murmured and said,

"There is also an off-road vehicle two miles away, which was originally used for quick transfers."

"The road here is not easy to walk, so I didn't drive in.

Upon hearing this,

Chen Ming looked at Sun Wu indignantly,

"There are even cars! You guys are really inhuman!"

The soldiers of the special squad all curled their lips together,

Brother, think about it again, who is inhuman?

"Okay, you guys wait here."

"I'm going to continue the exam!"

Chen Ming happily waved goodbye to everyone.

And when he left,

The other special fighters all looked at Sun Wu,

"Captain, who is this boss, you seem to know each other?"

Sun Tzu nodded with a wry smile,


"A guy who also has muscles in his brain and is amazing..."

In the rear command center,

Everyone was a little dazed at this moment,

Only the data officer in charge of monitoring Chen Ming's actions is still broadcasting dryly,

"Report an abnormal situation, the 023 Regiment wiped out the entire special team!"

"Report an abnormal situation, 023 seized all the equipment of the special team, and put it all on himself!"

"Report an abnormal situation, 023 seized another off-road vehicle, and it is already driving!"

In the headquarters, quietly,

The other data staff also glanced over from time to time,

on the screen,

It's already getting light,

That legendary 023 is driving an open SUV,

Speeding on a flat terrain.

What he was wearing was the special equipment of the luxurious top-end version.

On the shoulders are a sniper rifle and an automatic submachine gun.

The morning breeze is blowing through the legendary 023's stiff short hair,

Faintly, you can still hear the sound of cheerful humming.

"I chased the sunset in my neighbor's Toyota

I have been to the most dangerous places my parents said..."

this picture,

If an uninformed person sees,

You may even think that this is a certain soldier, who is driving an off-road vehicle of the army, blowing the morning breeze, enjoying a happy vacation!

But this is no vacation!

This is an extremely strict national security assessment competition!

Looking at this weird style of painting, the colonel is in a bad mood.

"It's too embarrassing..."

"The people watching it really want to go up and get slapped!"

Colonel can only stride away,

Looking at it further, he couldn't help kicking 023 out of this assessment.

The only guy who wants to wipe out the special team without running away,

And, he actually succeeded!

Not only did he succeed, but he also made a magical costume and a mount for himself!

Although this does not violate the rules of the assessment,

But why do people who watch it always feel a little panicked!

such a guy,

If I were really recruited into Guoan, would I have a headache in the future.....

The colonel doesn't know if he has a headache or not, but Chen Ming is in a very happy mood now.

Food and drink, equipment and cars,

Although the driving distance is longer than the distance between the mountains and forests,

But this is driving!

Isn't it delicious to drive an off-road vehicle?

with a happy mood,

Chen Ming drove towards the final destination slowly.

Among the forests on both sides,

There are still occasional gunshots.

under the jungle,

It's all dirty, poor people who are running wildly. .

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