Chapter 51: Desperadoes!

screen unfolds,

Chen Ming seemed to be there in person,

In the picture is the night time,

The night wind carries thick water vapor,

The location is an abandoned pier by a river.

Chen Ming looked up at a faintly visible iron signboard on the pier,

Lanjiang No. 9 Pier.

At this time, on the abandoned pier, there were three people waiting, smoking,

Among the three, the leader had a small blue birthmark on his arm,

This inconspicuous cyan birthmark imprint,

Chen Ming had seen it on the corpse before.

This boss is the one whose corpse was mutilated!

Behind the three of them was a large iron box, which was heavy, and they didn't know what was in it.


Another wave of people came quietly from the darkness.

Asked coldly to the three people waiting,

"Did the goods come?"

The head with the birthmark kicked the box behind him,

"The goods you want are here, where is the money?"

Chen Ming who was inside took a look,

The opened box was full of guns!

a lot of!

In the shadows, came a gloomy response,



"I'll burn it back to you."

The next moment the screen slowly went dark.

But the sound of gunshots can still be heard faintly,

And the sound of sharp knives piercing flesh.

Chen Ming waited patiently,

Three seconds later, the screen reappeared,

Just changed a scene,

The previous three people had all fallen to the ground,

Including the head with the birthmark on his arm.

Another group of people stood on the pier,

seven or eight,

Two of them caught Chen Ming's attention,

Because the words spoken are not the language of the Dragon Kingdom.

"Huh? From the Burmese shop?"

in the screen,

These seven or eight people have already hung two of the corpses with stones and thrown them into the Lanjiang River.

The last remaining one with the birthmark,

A man who spoke Burmese dialect, holding a strange hatchet,

He stepped forward and slashed.

"Find someone to separate the corpses and throw them away!"

"Let the police in Yuncheng solve the case."

"We.....ready...after the break...action!"

I can't hear the words after that intermittently.

Because at this point, the scene of the case completely stopped.

Chen Ming shook his head lightly, and his thoughts returned to reality.

Sure enough, the dismemberment case was similar to what he had guessed before.

This sensational case was actually deliberately created by someone to divert attention!

And not one was killed, but three.

From the screen given,

Chen Ming has probably been able to restore a large part of the process,

two groups of people,

A wave of buying guns, a wave of selling,

Then black eats black, prostitutes guns and kills people.

To cover up some other action,

That wave of people who were obviously more fierce deliberately created a corpse case.

Prepare for the final action.

But there are also several critical issues.

Who are the people in that wave, and why are there foreigners in it?

The three gun sellers are obviously not good at it.

But it was wiped out by the opponent group almost instantly,

It can be seen that the ferocity of that wave of people, most of them are desperadoes!

And most importantly,

What are they buying so many guns for?

Even the corpse dismemberment case was brought up, why is it diverting attention?

Once such a dismemberment case comes out, the police will definitely put their focus on solving the case and ignore them.

"Obviously, these seven or eight people are not only fierce, but also have good brains."

"Such a guy...what the hell is he doing in Cloud City?"

Chen Ming pondered,

one way or another,

This group of desperadoes who killed people casually and carried so many guys with them,

It must be hiding somewhere in Yuncheng now.

Too dangerous!


In the eyes of Wang Jiang and Wu Gang,

Chen Ming seemed to be stunned for a few seconds suddenly,

Then when he came back to his senses, his face suddenly became serious.

With that look, even the two of them had a bad premonition in their hearts.

"What's wrong?"

Chen Ming looked up at the two of them, and said with some seriousness,

"This case could be...complicated."

"Team Leader Wang, your people can go up the Lanjiang River and find an abandoned pier called Lanjiang No. 9."

"Search there carefully to see what's going on."

"Captain Wu, please contact other police stations and focus on investigating a group target."

"There are seven people in a group, and there are two Burmese people inside, and there must be a big bag with them."


Chen Ming has already started to divide the troops into two groups and make arrangements.

It's just that he couldn't go into such detail.

That's all I know now!

Wang Jiang and Wu Gang looked at each other, both of them were a little surprised,

According to this arrangement of Chen Ming,

There is a feeling that a big event is about to fill the city.

"Okay, let's arrange it now!"

Without the slightest hesitation, the two of them quickly started to make arrangements.

And Chen Ming picked up the yellow dog who was lying on the ground sad for spring and autumn,

asked with cold eyes,

"You threw the body away, where's the head?"

The yellow dog seems to have expected the day when he will be asked,

In particular, the person who asked him was Chen Ming, whom he least wanted to see,

Resignedly pointing to the resident upstairs,

"In my rented house."

"Team Chen! Someone gave me a sum of money to separate and throw away the corpse."

"I also specifically asked that the head be kept and not thrown away, so I put it in the refrigerator to freeze."

"But this has nothing to do with me! I'm just an errand runner!"

The yellow dog led Chen Ming upstairs,

While explaining in detail,

Chen Ming didn't express his opinion, just said,

"Needless to say, didn't you see what the person who gave you the money looked like?"

The yellow dog nods its head like a chicken pecking rice,

"Yeah yeah!"

"It was midnight when that man came, and he was so wrapped up that he couldn't see anything!"

"But the accent is not from our Yuncheng local."

Chen Ming also guessed that they are not local,

Among the seven people, the composition is very complicated,

There were two Burmese, and other strangers,

But there must be at least one Cloud City native!

And here, the yellow dog has honestly opened the door of the rental house,

A little scared, he pointed to the refrigerator inside.

"Brother, the head is in the refrigerator..."

To put it bluntly,

The yellow dog didn't dare to open the refrigerator,


There's a human head in the freezer,

He dared not close his eyes when he slept at night.

That's why I played cards day and night.

It's finally all right now,

The yellow dog was faintly relieved.

"Didn't I see you so timid when you took the money?"

Chen Ming mocked,

Then he opened the refrigerator and found the frozen head easily.

I took it to a place with good light outside and looked carefully.

At this time, Wang Jiang, the leader of the serious crime team who had already arranged work, also ran up,

At a glance, I saw Chen Ming holding his head in his hand,

Then his eyes were fixed on the small black hole between the brows of the head.

Couldn't help taking a deep breath,

"Hiss... gunshot wound?"

Even Wang Jiang, who is used to serious cases, couldn't help but look at Chen Ming with a hint of astonishment.

"This issue....."

"It's big again!"

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