Outrageous! What's Going On With You Gangster, You Gangster?

Chapter 62: In A Hurry! Moved Your Boundary Marker, Believe It Or Not?

Chapter 62: Urgent! Move your boundary marker, believe it or not?

Just when the rear headquarters was celebrating because all the robbers had been arrested,


outside the boundary marker,

On the territory belonging to the northern part of Burma, heavily armed people on the 7th and 8th suddenly poured out,

Heidongdong's gun was aimed at Chen Ming who was still riding on the robbers from northern Myanmar.

The sudden appearance of armed forces made the special service team on Longguo's side instantly vigilant, and also reacted quickly.

The guns of the two sides were all aimed at each other.


"Armed forces suddenly appeared in northern Myanmar!"

The captain of the secret service team quickly reported the situation in front of him,

In rear headquarters,

The Commander's face instantly became serious,

Myanmar armed forces?

The border has always been a sensitive area,

Now almost stepping on the border line, there is a police and bandit chase, which is very sensitive.

Moreover, people from armed forces also appeared in northern Myanmar,

In this situation, both sides are very nervous,

Otherwise, there will be a conflict!

"Pay attention to safety, try not to conflict!"

"Under this premise, the secret service team has the right to deal with the scene first!

Commander, hurry up and give orders,

no small matter at the border,

Once a conflict arises, it will involve diplomatic matters between countries.

So the first purpose must be to reduce friction,

But the boss also added a sentence of "priority on site".

That is, if something unexpected happens,

Warriors of the Dragon Kingdom don't have to back down either!

near the boundary marker,

The two forces are extremely tense,

The northern Burmese armed forces on the opposite side seem to have glanced at the northern Burmese on the ground,

Didn't say much, just slowly came to the few backpacks that were kicked by the northern Burmese before,

Shouted in broken Long Guo dialect,

"People don't care, things do!"

"We have the right to dispose of these packages that fell within our borders.

"People from the Dragon Kingdom, you can't step on our land in northern Myanmar without permission for the "September 20th"!"

when the other party appears,

Chen Ming has already stood up, upon hearing this,

He walked directly to the border and stared at the other side coldly,

As soon as the opponent saw him, he immediately pointed a part of his gun at him.

And the special service team on Longguo's side also moved forward a few steps oppressively to help Chen Ming.

Both sides are in a tense state that as long as the other party makes any changes, they are likely to shoot at any time!

The corner of Chen Ming's mouth twitched,

Pointing to a few backpacks on the other side of the border,

"That's something from our Dragon Kingdom."

He quickly replied,

"Within our territory, it is ours.

Chen Ming rolled his eyes,

It's nonsense, isn't it?

This wave of armed forces must have come to deal with the two northern Myanmar robbers.

I just saw that the robbers in northern Myanmar had been restrained and no one could control them.

That's why I put my mind on those backpacks full of gold and money.

But this dragon country thing, can you pick it up for nothing?

Chen Ming was very unhappy.

"You said that it is your thing in your territory?"

Chen Ming stood on the border and took a deep breath,


A mouthful of thick phlegm was spit on the land outside the northern Myanmar line,

pointed and said,

"Then tell me, is this phlegm yours or mine?"

Behind the Secret Service team,

Seeing Chen Ming suddenly spit on their territory in front of the opponent?

Hurry up and take another step forward collectively,

I'm afraid that the people in northern Myanmar will be so angry that they can't think about it!

After all, the act of spitting in the face

how to say?

Very decompressing!

What they and Chen Ming couldn't think of was,

On the opposite side, the seven or eight armed forces from northern Myanmar gathered together to discuss,

Someone actually came out, pointed to the phlegm on the ground and said,

"If you spit on our land, it's ours too."

This made Chen Ming stunned for a moment,

I have seen shameless,

I've never seen such shamelessness!

There is a high probability that this group of armed forces will not be regular armed forces in northern Myanmar.

Otherwise, eating would not be so ugly.

Well, since you guys are shameless,

Then I don't want it either.

Chen Ming put on a quarrelling gesture of a rural aunt,

"Okay, you said this phlegm is yours, you should pick it up!"

"Why don't you pick up something if you drop it?"

"You only want to pick up other people's money, don't you?"

The opponent soon sent out a person who spoke Longguo fluently to challenge Chen Ming.

"We won't pick it up now, we'll check it after you make an order."

"As long as you cross the border, it's all ours!"

Chen Ming rolled his eyes,

"Then I just farted and was blown by the wind, did I also occupy your airspace?"

"Half of the water you drink comes from our Longguo River, why don't you tell me?"

"Have you asked for a fee? Have you asked for money?"

The northern Burmese on the opposite side have already planned to carry out their shamelessness to the end.

"Those who enter our territory don't need money, they are all free!"

"What we find is ours!"

The northern Burmese pointed to the backpacks filled with gold bars and money on the ground.

A hint of greed flashed in his eyes.

Chen Ming was so angry,

In the final analysis, the heat of the quarrel is not enough to get home,

But it's shameless.

He simply darkened his face and said,

"Those backpacks belong to my Dragon Kingdom."

"I have to get it back today!"


Chen Ming's foot moved forward a step,

It seems that he will step on the border at any time.

And when he moved his steps,

The person on the opposite side instantly raised the muzzle, with a cold edge!

And the special service team on Longguo's side,

They all rushed to the border line with a clatter, aiming their weapons at the past,

the distance between the two sides,

Just separated by a boundary marker and an invisible line,

The muzzle of the gun was about to hit the opponent's head.

The scene was anxious for a while.

At this time, the captain of the secret service team,

Suddenly took off his earphones and handed them to Chen Ming,

"The headquarters has something to tell you."

Chen Ming took it and put on the earphones,

Then a majestic loud voice was heard,

"Chen Ming! Be honest with me, boy!"

"Don't even think about going to other people's borders! This is no small matter!"

Chen Ming rubbed his dizzy ears and whispered,

"It's our family's stuff, we can't let them take it away."

The roar came again from the earphones,

"Then you can't cross the border now either!"

"They just know how to shoot!"

"Be honest, come back first, I will find a solution!"

The conductor's tone was already very serious, but Chen Ming still shook his head stubbornly,

"No, no, I have to take these bags back."

in headphones,

The commander was obviously very angry, took a deep breath and cursed helplessly.

"Why are you so stubborn, kid?"

"The situation is tense now. I am applying for an entry application. After the approval is approved, I will go to the door in person!"

"The most important thing is, you... you can't have anything to do now!"

Speaking later,

The commanding boss has already revealed some of his true feelings, and even explained it in a rare way.

But Chen Ming is possessed by a little stubborn elf today,

It doesn't matter what you say!

"Leader, stop talking."

"Today, the robbers caught everything and had to take it back!"

"This bunch of Burmese who want to whore for free, I'm not used to him anyway!"

Chen Ming returned the headset to the captain of the secret service team.

After the captain puts on the earphones,

He could clearly hear the angry roar of a certain boss.

Even looking at Chen Ming's gaze is a bit strange,

Concealedly made a gesture to the team members, the captain knew,

Today's matter...

If it doesn't work out, it's going to make a big fuss!

The armed force on the opposite side looked at Chen Ming as if he was eager to try.

He was also extremely nervous, and said emphatically,

"There are international laws! Anyway, your feet can't step into our territory!"

"Otherwise... it's a violation of the agreement!"


Little bastard!

Very good at catching top hats!

in a hurry,

I turned around and moved your boundary marker, believe it or not?

Chen Ming looked at them coldly,

slowly raised one foot,

just step on it,

Just beyond the border!

this moment,

I don't know how many people's eyes,

Stare at his dangling foot!

Ka Ka Ka!

On the border, the guns on both sides burst out with icy mechanical sounds,

at gunpoint,

There was a faint drop of nervous sweat.

The atmosphere is almost suffocating!

Then when Chen Ming's foot stepped down immediately,

Suddenly a little playful turned a corner,

Take it back!

Chen Ming said with a smile,

"Hi! I didn't step on it!"

"Is it nervous? Is it exciting?"

Looking at his naughty look,

The people in northern Myanmar, and the special service team on our side,

They all looked helpless,

brother, this is serious,

can you please stop...

If anyone's mentality is messed up, it will be a big problem if they steal the fire!

Chen Ming squinted at each other,

"Did you just tell me about the law rate?"

"Does it mean that without permission, my feet cannot step into your territory?"

The person on the other side was taken aback by the question, subconsciously thought about it,

That's what I said, there's nothing wrong with it,

So nodding,

"um, yes!"

Chen Ming also nodded with a serious face,

Then without a word, he ran to the side of the previous three robbers,

holding one in each hand,

Another one under the armpit,

Then walked over to the border.

The soldiers on both sides all looked at him,

I'm afraid that he will make something wrong again.

Come to the border and stand still,

One in each hand, Chen Ming threw the three robbers on the ground,

Neatly arranged in a line.

The commander who saw this scene through the screen,

frowning deeply,

But after seeing the results of Chen Ming's tinkering,

And helpless, and laughed with a headache.

"Damn it, it turned out to be like this!"

"This kid..."

"He actually used robbers to build a bridge?"

on the border,

A strange scene appeared.

Chen Ming used the bodies of three robbers to build a "bridge"

extending deep beyond the borders,

while in

On the other side of this "bridge" are the positions of those backpacks...

Chen Ming stood at the end of the "bridge", took a deep breath and walked up,

He said very seriously,

"See clearly!"

"I didn't set foot on your soil, so it doesn't count as entering the border!"

Then he turned his head and said to the secret service team on his side,

"I'm not violating the covenant right now."

"If they shoot later, don't worry about me, you will shoot too!"

After speaking,

Chen Ming didn't even look at each other anymore,

Stepping on the bridge built with three robbers, crossed the border, and took all the backpacks back.

when you come back,

He didn't forget to pull the three robbers back again.

the whole process,

The northern Myanmar people on the opposite side were almost stunned.

Can you still play like this?

But people's feet really haven't stepped on the border!

He is stepping on someone else!

Indeed, there is no encroachment on the right to territorial integrity,

But did it infringe on air rights?

It seems that it doesn't count...

The person on the other side will naturally not be completely fooled like this,

It's just that whenever they want to raise the guns in their hands and aim at the Long Kingdom man,

The eyes of the soldiers of the Dragon Kingdom will be swept over fiercely,

The muzzle of the gun is pushed forward even more!

As the man from the Dragon Kingdom said,

If they dare to shoot,

Tell others to leave him alone and shoot too!

Under such pressure,


The armed forces on the northern side of Myanmar,

They watched Chen Ming take back several backpacks from under their noses.

This scene spread to the rear headquarters,

All the bosses in white also had expressions of astonishment on their faces,

In the end, I don't know which big guy it is,

Suddenly burst out laughing uncontrollably,

Then a burst of laughter broke out.

"Hahaha, this kid, really... can do anything!"

"Using the robber's body to build a bridge? He really wants to come out, haha!"

"This method, probably only Chen Ming dares to use it..."

"Tiger, tough and cunning! I like this kid!"

Even the commander has a smile in his eyes,

no one received,

It's not cheap,

There are so many Dragon Kingdom fighters staring at them,

The northern Myanmar armed forces on the opposite side felt that it was meaningless to stay any longer.

So the leader waved his hand,

Take people away in silence.

just before leaving,

Chen Ming suddenly reminded loudly from behind,

"It's windy on the mountain."

"Maybe the boundary marker may be blown down at some point."

"If the boundary marker is accidentally moved forward by 180 meters, that's normal, isn't it?"

Listen to his reminder,

The corners of everyone's lips twitched!

good guy,

What evil wind can blow down the boundary marker?

I also carefully moved forward a hundred and eighty meters...

It's normal!

at the foot of the mountain,

At this time, no less than 30 police cars and armed police cars had gathered,

Enclosed almost the entire footline of the mountain,

Among the mountains,

In addition, many policemen and armed policemen jointly went to the mountain to search,

Then at some point,

The police and the armed police all received an order of 0.2,

Then slowly withdrew from the mountain.

on the periphery

Liu Jianguo paced back and forth nervously,

When I saw a group of armed police returning from my side, I hurried over to ask about it.

"Comrade, why did you all withdraw? Did you stop searching the mountains? Did the robbers catch you?"

One of the armed police soldiers shook his head with a serious face,

"We don't know the details!"

"It's just that the order says the operation is cancelled."

"Oh yes, thanks."

Liu Jianguo returned to the police car a little disappointed,

A policeman from the Nanmen Police Station asked cautiously,

"Boss, are we?"

Liu Jianguo glanced at the dark forest, shook his head,

"Don't go!"

"That kid Chen Ming hasn't gone down the mountain yet."

Liu Jianguo squatted down, lit a cigarette,

The trembling fingers can reflect the uneasiness in his heart at this time,

Originally, the Nanmen Police Station did not receive an order to participate in the mountain search mission.

It's just that he knew that Chen Ming had chased up the mountain before, so he was worried, so he followed him to have a look,

But now everyone has returned, but Chen Ming has not been seen coming down the mountain,

Wait until all the police forces have withdrawn,

Liu Jianguo still didn't see Chen Ming, and because of the secrecy of the operation, he didn't get any news!

When I saw several soldiers from the secret service team finally returning from the forest,

With his last hope, Liu Jianguo hurried forward and asked,

"Comrade SWAT, have you seen Chen Ming?"

The secret service team looked at Liu Jianguo suspiciously,

"Who are you?"

Liu Jianguo quickly explained. "Oh, I'm his director."

The secret service team nodded, then pointed to the helicopter overhead,

"I can't say much."

"He was injured and is now on the helicopter going to the hospital.

"Go back and wait for the news."

Helicopter, send to hospital, go back and wait for news?

Upon hearing this,

Liu Jianguo's heart began to sink unconsciously. .

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