Outrageous! What's Going On With You Gangster, You Gangster?

Chapter 69: The Spike Special Team Was Hammered And Spits Blood!

Chapter 69: The Spike Special Team Was Hammered and Spits Blood!


"If you are asked to come undercover, you will become a little scammer?"

In the dark and damp dormitory,

Zhao Wenbin, Sun Wu, and Jiang Tao all opened their mouths.

what an international joke,

Didn't you agree to go undercover to get clues?

How did you get promoted secretly?

Become a small supervisor in two days!

If you stay here for a year,

Can you become the leader of a fraud group?

"Luck luck..."

Chen Ming didn't have the nerve to explain anything,

Then he said to the three of them,

"You guys wait here, I can get the news about Luo Zixin tonight!"

Under the gaze of the three strange eyes,

Chen Ming walked out of the dormitory again,

Now that the key figures have been found,

That said, it's all good!

I was planning to move the dormitory, but now it seems unnecessary,

If things go well,

Surely he's going to turn this place upside down very soon.

Because of the supervisory authority,

So he can enter and exit a large part of the park at will.

Nearly ten o'clock in the park,

Except for the patrolling northern Myanmar security guards, there was basically no one else.

Strolled around the park for a while,

Sure enough, Chen Ming found the person he was looking for in an office building.

The bald head is leading one of his men, squatting by the flower bed and blinking,

After seeing him approaching, he quickly turned his bald head aside,

I do not want to see!

Disgusting to look at!

But the next moment,

I heard a bang,

Turning his head suspiciously,

But found that the subordinate who was smoking with him just now,

Has it fallen to the ground?

And the person I don't want to see the most,

Now he is dragging that subordinate's leg with one hand, dragging him to hide in the flower bed?

"Director Chen? You... what are you doing?"

The bald head asked subconsciously in a daze,

Chen Ming looked at the innocent and lovely bald head, and touched the bald head in distress,


"Can't you see that?"

"I'm going to beat you!"

talking room,

Chen Ming grabbed the bald man's arm with one hand, and slammed his knee hard,


The crisp sound of broken bones sounded,

Then the other hand grasped the claw instantly,

Grab the bald head by the throat, and move slowly!


Originally, because the arm was broken, the bald head wanted to howl subconsciously,

But now the hand on the neck is pinching his throat like iron tongs,

abruptly interrupted the screams,

Turned into a hesitant voice!

Can't call out!

pain, plus choking,

Let the bald face instantly turn into liver color,

And Chen Ming's hand holding his neck was still exerting force,

By the way, the other arm of the bald head was also interrupted.


The pain again made the bald man's eyeballs almost pop out,

like a dying dog,

Want to struggle but can't do it.

Chen Ming loosened his hands a little,

Air reflowed into the bald head's nose and mouth.

He said calmly,

"If you dare to make a sound, you will die."

Listening to the calm death-like voice,

The bald head who took another breath of air gritted his teeth and nodded,

Bearing the pain in his arms, he just breathed wildly.

Just at that moment,

He seemed to embody pain that he had never experienced in his life!

With bald head and eyes full of endless fear,

His throat was already so red and swollen that he could only make a barely hoarse voice.

"You... who the hell are you...?"

The calmness and coldness on Chen Ming's face immediately turned into a naive smile,

He reached out and patted his bald face,

"I'm Director Chen."

Looking at Chen Ming whose face changed rapidly,

There are only two words left in the bald head's heart,


he is the devil!

"Is there a guy with you?"

Chen Ming asked, his hand has already touched the bald head,

Sure enough, he touched a folding dagger.

Then he grabbed the bald head's neck with one hand,

Folding the dagger, it stabbed directly into the bald head's back,

"woo woo woo woo!!"

The bald head almost lost his eyes and fainted.

Wait until the hand holding the throat is loosened,

panting heavily,

Even though he was stabbed suddenly again just now, he still didn't dare to call out,

because he knows,

If you have any signs of speaking,

Really die!

Chen Ming smiled and wiped the blood from the dagger on his bald body,

smilingly said,

"The knife just now, although I stabbed it from the back.]]."

"But it's less than two centimeters away from your heart!"

"Except for guns, I'm pretty good with every other weapon.

After a silent torture,

The bald head is completely scared,

Suppressing pain and hissing for mercy,

"Brother! Just tell me, what exactly are you looking for?"

"Stop torturing me!"

Seeing that the bald head has been trained almost,

Chen Ming clapped his hands and put the dagger on the back of the bald head,

"Let's go, take me to the security captain in the park."

"Don't talk nonsense, I have a knife."

knife on the back waist,

The tip of the knife had pierced the skin about a centimeter.

Always remind the bald head that he may die at any time.

Under the leadership of the bald head,

Chen Ming turns left and right in the park,

Finally, I came to the place where the security captain lived,

Seeing this luxurious villa in the park,

It was only then that Chen Ming realized that he was indeed wrong in thinking before.

Originally, he thought that the security captain would live in the security room at the entrance!

The big deal is to have a separate small house.

I really didn't expect,

The security captain sent by an armed organization here in northern Myanmar to guard the park,

Is it possible to live in such a big villa?

"You guys are really... luxurious here!"

Chen Ming couldn't help sighing,

And the hoarse, bald-headed grinning explained,

"In this place, if you have a gun, you are the boss."

"Although he is only a security captain, it is not a problem for him to kill a thousand people with the firepower in his hand."

"In addition to paying protection fees every month, we have to send a few women here every now and then.

Chen Ming sneered,

The tip of the knife in his hand immediately stabbed another half an inch.

"I suggest you don't talk too much, or it will make me want to poke in!"

The bald-headed lower back was hit hard again,

My whole body is trembling with pain,

Honestly shut up and no longer speak.

Both arms were broken, and now they are dangling in the wind,

There was also a cut on the back, bleeding profusely.

When torturing those people before,

The bald head often said with a smile that he was an imp in hell.

just found out now,

It turned out that behind him stood a living King of Hades!

front of the villa,

There were three or four guys in camouflage with guns standing guard,

After seeing the bald head and Chen Ming,

The muzzle of the gun came right over in an instant.

The bald head wanted to raise his hand to signal,

Only later did I realize that both of my arms had been broken,

So he shouted as loud as he could,

"It's me, bald!"

"Look for the captain if you have something to do!"

Then said softly,

"Brother! Help throw them the cigarettes in my pocket."

Chen Ming took out a pack of cigarettes and threw it over,

The guys with guns on the opposite side smiled and let go.

And also helped to open the door of the villa.

after walking in,

Chen Ming's eyes swept away for a moment.

All the lights in the villa were turned off.

Something seems wrong.

So he put away the dagger, and softly explained to the bald man beside him.

"It will be of no use to you."

"I'll knock you out first, don't worry, I'll wake you up when I leave!"

God damn it, knock me out first and then wake me up!

Brother, just beat me to death, don't torture me!

The bald head just wanted to open his mouth to ask for a good time!

Chen Ming has already slashed over with a knife in one hand,

Hum didn't even hum,

The bald head fell to the ground.

with some vigilance,

Chen Ming touched the room on the second floor of the villa,

Sure enough, the lights were all black along the way,

It's just before twelve o'clock,

A security captain with guns and money, turn off the lights and go to bed so early?

If you say you haven't been fooling around with women, you won't believe it!

Touch the master bedroom on the second floor,

the door is not closed

After gently pushing the door,

Then the dim light,

In the huge room, there is a huge red round bed in the middle!

Moreover, on the shelf next to the bed, tools such as leather whips, candles, and handcuffs are all available.

huge bed,

Three white bodies can be vaguely seen.

It could be vaguely seen as the silhouette of a woman.

Tut tut.

can play.

"But what about people?"

I didn't see a man on the bed,

Does that mean the captain of security isn't here?

Just when Chen Ming was about to open the door and enter,

A hand suddenly stretched out from behind the door, grabbed and clasped his wrist,

Then he pulled it inside, clearly wanting to pull him into the room!


attack me?

Chen Ming was shocked,

The strength of the opponent's pulling is not small, and he is also excited!

Flip the wrist, grasp the five fingers, clasp the opponent's hand and pull it out,

Instantly compete with the people behind the door!

The people inside seem to be aware that their own strength seems to be unable to pull him in,

quickly changed tactics,

Started to free the wrist.

"Huh? Want to run?"

Just now the other party wanted to pull him in,

So he doesn't

Now the other party does not pull,

He wants to go in!

Taking advantage of the trend, Chen Ming knocked open the door with a shoulder patch,

The person behind the directly smashed door lost his center of gravity,

Then quickly close the distance,

The main reason is that the other party has a gun on him or something,

There's Ultimate Fighting,

He is invincible!

The two sides collided,

With stronger strength, he knocked the opponent sideways again,

Then he punched straight to the heart with a no-frills punch,

If this punch is real,

People lie down immediately!

But to Chen Ming's surprise,

The other party's reaction was extremely fast!

The one-armed cross block abruptly changed the trace of the fist.

The punch that was supposed to hit the center hole ended up on the shoulder.

But Chen Ming's punches are not so pleasant,

The other party snorted directly,

Use the strength just now to fly backwards, and quickly distance yourself from Chen Ming!

Looking at the other party covered in black,

Chen Ming is also a little serious,

This guy's skill is really not bad,

Able to escape with a slight injury under his hands,

This is still the first.

The two shook each other,

The opponent's eyes hidden in the shadows seemed to be sizing up Chen Ming,

Then tentatively said two words.

"red flag?"

Upon hearing these two words,

The aura on Chen Ming's body suddenly subsided,

Smiling, he turned on the lights in the room,

"So it's my family."

"Hi! Sorry sorry."

red flag,

Before leaving the country, Wang Jianfeng said,

Besides him, there are other people in Longguo who are also secretly active,

As long as you hear the word red flag,

That is my brother.

"I'm Chen Ming, a policeman from Yuncheng Police Station."

Chen Ming took the lead in self-reporting,

The punch just now probably made the other party vomit blood, so I feel embarrassed.

But it seems that he also received information to find the security captain,

It's just that people touch it directly,

He walked in with someone tied up.

Seeing Chen Ming revealing his identity, the man opposite also took off the mask on his face,

Showing an ordinary and simple face.

"...Chen Xiaodao."

"Vice-captain of the Dragon Kingdom Spike Special Team."

drink boy,

Five hundred years is one family!

And is it a special team member from the capital?

A tough guy who is a few levels higher than Su Wu,

No wonder it's so good!

Looking at the look of admiration in Chen Ming's eyes,

Chen Xiaodao shyly lowered his head,

"You can't beat you with skill."

"What's more, you're still a...policeman.

Let a policeman beat himself up and vomit blood,

If you let the people in the team know later, you will probably die of laughter.

"You came here to find this security captain too.

"It's been tied up by me, right here."

Chen Xiaodao lifted a white cloth,

revealing a naked man tied to a chair,

With a rag stuffed in his mouth, he was unconscious.

The three women on the bed should also be unconscious.

Chen Ming glanced excitedly and asked,

"How is it? Did you ask?"

Chen Xiaodao shook his head,

"No, I have used many means."

"This guy has a tough mouth."

How many methods have been used?

It's all legal, right?

It's not legal...

Chen Ming knew what was going on as soon as he heard it,

He took over with a grin.

"It's okay, it's normal for this kind of character not to speak!

"I'll come, I'll come! Take a break first."

"It must have been a pain to get punched.

Seriously, Chen Ming didn't want to hit anyone,

Just listening to Chen Xiaodao's ears, it seemed a bit unpleasant,

It doesn't feel good to get punched now

But there's no need to say it...

But on Chen Ming's side,

Already started to get excited,

First, two slaps,

Wake up the security captain directly from his coma.

Then, regardless of asking, just hit hard.

Xia Mawei gave a lot.

Until the security captain who woke up, almost rolled his eyes and passed out from the hammer,

Chen Ming stopped his hands and asked,

"Did you (Wang's Hao) catch a woman named Luo Zixin? Where did you go?"

"Ah! Kangbaha at least thinks more about Sawady!"

The security captain murmured,

Chen Ming turned his head to look at Chen Xiaodao, who was recovering from his injuries,

"What did he say?"

Chen Xiaodao translated it,

"He scolded you."

"Yo swearing at people? It's impolite!

Chen Ming got a little angry,

Crackling and tidying up,

Chen Xiaodao at the side was almost stunned,

Was there such an interrogation?

Chen Ming started acting like a demon excitedly again,

"Everyone has likes and fears!"

"For someone like him, what do you say he likes and what is he afraid of?"

Chen Xiaodao thought for a while, then looked at the three women on the bed,

"Like women and money?"

"Binggou! That's right!"

Chen Ming snapped his fingers,

"He likes women, so what he is most afraid of is also about women.


Under Chen Xiaodao's surprised eyes,

Chen Ming found a long and thin rope in the room, and tied two strange knots.

At one end of the rope, a gold-plated ashtray weighing almost seven or eight catties was tied.

Then the other end of the rope,

It was tied to an unknown part of the security captain's lower body.

After finishing everything, I hurried to wash my hands,

That ashtray was just dangling back and forth by the rope,

The security captain's complexion instantly turned a liver color.

Chen Ming smiled evilly,

"If you don't open your mouth for a second, it will be possible for one more second to become undefeated in the East."

"Translate this sentence for me."

Chen Xiaodao help translate this sentence in a daze.

It was as if ten thousand mud horses were galloping in my heart.

It's okay to ride a horse...

It turns out that

This method works very well!

The security captain didn't hold on for a minute before speaking.

After hearing the address finally given by the security captain,

Chen Xiaodao said solemnly,

"You go first, I'll finish here!"

"If the people on your side want to do something, do it as soon as possible!"

"The target is in the hands of the mind of an armed force!"

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