Chapter 76: Can't Teach! You're Only Handy!

in the compartment,

With a pale face, the peaked cap walked towards the toilet,

It seems like it's going to die one step too late.

Chen Ming knew that once such a drug-addicted guy became addicted, it would be more painful than killing him.

This is also a coincidence!

Originally, he wanted to close his eyes and sleep for a while,

As a result, as soon as [Guilty Perception] was opened,

Then I found that sitting next to him was a guy with a blackened head!

Is this good luck, or bad?

Anyway, good or bad luck,

Since everyone is destined to come a thousand miles away - get together,

Then you must be imprisoned for ten years!

Chen Ming was not in a hurry, and waited patiently for that guy to walk into the toilet,

Then went up and grabbed the doorknob and twisted it,


It just so happened that a flight attendant was by her side, and she gave a strange but considerate reminder,

"Sir, there are people in the bathroom now, you can wait a moment."

Chen Ming turned his head and smiled brightly,

"Sorry, I'm in a hurry and can't wait."

"Do you have a key here?"

The flight attendant shook her head in embarrassment,

"The key is not with me, and... there is someone inside!"

"Why don't you go to the bathroom in the No. 8 car, sir?"

Chen Ming still had a smile on his face,

But his ears kept paying attention to the movement in the bathroom,

Until hearing a sharp panting sound,

instant force in hand,


"This door cannot be opened without a key..."

However, the next moment,

The flight attendants almost felt as if they had seen a ghost!

In Chen Ming's hands, the doorknob was twisted out of shape,

Then bang,

Chen Ming pushed his shoulder hard,

He even knocked open the iron door of the bathroom!


Can a door made of iron be smashed open?

The flight attendant's sister opened her mouth wide open.

after knocking open the door,

Chen Ming has already walked in,

In the bathroom, the man in the cap was sitting slumped on the ground, his eyes blurred.

The sleeve on one arm is rolled up,

There was also an empty syringe on the ground.

Injecting Drugs!

The peaked cap that I was enjoying originally, after seeing him break in,

His face changed instantly,

Struggling to pick up the syringe on the ground and wanting to throw it into the toilet,

Then he slapped him back hard,

"Want to destroy the evidence?"

"be honest!"

The flight attendant stretched her head out of the toilet to take a look,

I didn't see anything else, only the scene of Chen Ming twitching his ears and mouth,

I thought I encountered a malicious beating!

Just when I wanted to call, Chen Ming stopped me with a smile,

"I'm a policeman."

Looking at the police certificate in his hand,

The flight attendant sized him up a few more times,

I hesitated to think about a question,

It turned out to be the police,

The police smashed the door of the toilet, shouldn't they be compensated?

At this time, the other two people who got up with Chen Ming in the carriage also came over,

Chen Ming had already discovered the trace of the other party, leaning against the toilet door and waiting for the other party,

The first action of the other party after coming over is to look into the toilet,

But he moved his body to block it,

Otherwise look!

"What are you looking at?"

Chen Ming looked at each other vigilantly,

The older of the other two had no choice but to take out his ID in his bosom,


"Li Mo, from the anti-drug brigade."

"Did you catch that drug dealer inside?" TIL

Seeing that it was his own brother, Chen Ming gave way,

By the way, he pointed to the collapsed guy inside,

"Yeah, I found out that something was wrong with him just now, so I followed him."

"Sure enough, he was hiding in the toilet and taking drugs."

Since the people from the anti-narcotics brigade are here,

Then he is ready to hand over this guy.

But it didn't work out,

The younger anti-narcotics team member had a constipated expression on his face,


"You ruined our big business!"


Chen Ming was taken aback,

Li Mo of the anti-drug brigade was also a little helpless, and explained,

"This guy was a drug dealer who did drugs himself and we've been with him for a long time.

"This time he was planning to trade drugs, and we followed him all the way to arrest people during the trade.

"See if we can knock down the entire drug trade line, this time..."

Hearing Li Mo's words,

Chen Ming finally understood,

Isn't this a mess!

This drug dealer is a bait! The anti-drug brigade is going to use it to catch big fish.

The result made him stir up the nest.

"This... I'm sorry."

Chen Ming was a little shy, but quickly waved his hand,

A remedy was devised.

"Then what if the drug dealer takes the initiative to explain his up and down lines?"

"After the confession is over, he is still willing to take you to a drug deal.

"You will still be able to arrest them on the spot. With his cooperation, maybe it will be easier?"

The younger anti-narcotics team member was stunned.


Brother, do you think this is playing house?

If anti-drugs were really as simple as you said,

So what's the deal with the Narcotics Squad?

Why are we still working so hard to follow the drug dealers?

The world is peaceful!

The anti-narcotics team has a look on your face,

But Li Mo thought for a long time, and then said with some helplessness,

"Well, if it's according to what you said..."

"He's really willing to explain who's on and off the line, and is willing to actively cooperate with us in arresting him. That would be great."

"It's also the situation that our anti-narcotics brigade most wants to see."


But maybe...

That kind of situation can only happen in dreams!

But Chen Ming has already waved his big hand sonorously and forcefully!

“Nothing but!”

"Leave this matter to me, you wait."

Saying that, in front of Li Mo and the two of them,

Chen Ming walked into the bathroom and closed the door.

The young anti-narcotics team member asked in a daze,

"Master, what is he going to do?"

Li Mo looked at the closed toilet door, shook his head,

"How would I know."

Then he said solemnly,

"Now that the drug dealer has been caught, the line will no longer work."

"Notify the family later, focus on killing the other one!"

"This line is dead, and the last line must not go wrong again!"

As the captain of the anti-drug brigade, Li Mo has subconsciously and quickly arranged,

This side must have already frightened the snake, and it is probably abolished.

I can only take it back and interrogate slowly, to see if I can find the news of going offline.

He was also very helpless in his heart,

The drug dealer inside, he, the captain, personally took charge of watching for half a month,

Finally caught the time to deal drugs!

I didn't expect to be disturbed halfway!

Alas, it's all over...

After ten minutes,

The toilet door opened again,

Chen Ming came out wiping his hands,

Li Mo's eyes looked over instantly,

"How? Did you say nothing?"

Chen Ming felt a little uncomfortable when asked,

first time,

Someone actually doubted his interrogation skills.

Isn't this equivalent to doubting his slap?

Paused, he smiled and shook his head,

"The situation is good, and he is quite cooperative. Tian has explained everything."

Li Mo suddenly entered the room,


"Yeah, he said he went to Jiangli City to buy drugs this time, and then sold them when he went back."

"The trading place is in a fish market in Hongshui District, Jiangli City."

"It also said that he has an upline, that person's nickname is Liu Daxian'er, and he lives in Building 18, Jianghuayuan.

Chen Ming focused on part of the information he just asked,

The young anti-drug team member was instantly dumbfounded.

"Did you find out Liu Daxian'er's address?"


"You actually asked??"

What this drug dealer bought was a ticket to Jiangli City,

That's where they're going to do the drug deal.

Moreover, there is an upline named Liu Daxian'er!

These are the intelligences that the anti-drug brigade finally obtained.

Nature is true!


The drug dealer inside just now really confessed?

Not only explained these.

Even the most important trading place,

Did you give Liu Daxian'er's address online?

The young anti-narcotics team members are suspicious,

Is it because the drug dealers are getting too excited inside, talking about everything?

"No! I'll go in and have a look!"

The young team members hurried into the toilet to see what was going on.

And Chen Ming added another sentence,

"That guy also said that he would cooperate with your arrest and pretend to trade with the upline.

"At that time, you can directly arrest them."

Li Mo, captain of the anti-drug brigade, took a deep look at Chen Ming,

He naturally knows the news that Chen Ming just said,

Really can't be more true!

That is to say,

During the ten minutes Chen Ming entered,

Make the drug dealer inside open his mouth completely!

There was a trace of heat in Li Mo's eyes, and he asked with some anticipation

"Brother, do you have any special method to make criminals speak?"

"If yes, can you teach me some tricks? Thank you very much!"

After ten minutes in, everything was asked,

If you say that you don't have anything on you, you won't believe it!

If you can learn the trick from Chen Ming,

After that, if the drug dealer catches one, he will pay it back!

...asking for flowers...

Trial one, catch two more!

Chen Ming naturally understood the expectations and fantasies in the eyes of the captain of the anti-drug brigade,

But I can only shyly refuse,

"Nothing special."

"Only familiar with hands."

Hands-on familiarity?

What do you mean?

Li Mo was a little dazed,

The young team members who had gone into the toilet earlier opened the door and walked out again.

First, he looked at Chen Ming with strange eyes,

Then ran to Li Mo's side, said in a small voice with a headache on his face,

"Master, the drug dealer inside... fainted.

"I took a look, and my face was full of palm marks, and six of my back molars were missing..."

The corner of Li Mo's mouth twitched,

Six of the back molars have been removed? How many are there in total?

How powerful is this...

Subconsciously, he looked at Chen Ming,

It happened that Chen Ming was also looking at him, he shrugged his shoulders calmly,

"I said it, I know you well..."

"It's okay to faint."

"I'm here

There is also a free wake-up service to ensure that your arrest will not be delayed for a while.


Li Mo finally realized,

good guy,

It turns out that this is the secret of the interrogation!

I really can't learn...

Li Mo took a few deep breaths, looked at Chen Ming with burning eyes,

"Brother! Come to the anti-drug brigade?"

"Direct deputy captain!"

Chen Ming was taken aback for a moment,

so direct?

Before he could speak, the voice of the calf guard on the side had already come first,

"Sorry comrade, we still need him in Yuncheng for the time being."


Wang Jianfeng walked up with an upright face,

He stretched out his hand and shook hands with Li Mo, the anti-drug team.

"Director of the South District Bureau of Yuncheng, Wang Jianfeng!"

Li Mo's expression also changed,

"Captain of the Kunming Anti-drug Brigade, Li Mo!"

The chief of the sub-bureau came here in person,

Naturally, Li Mo couldn't pry the corner of the wall face to face, so he turned his head to look at Chen Ming,

Chen Ming introduced himself with a smile,

"Yuncheng South Gate Police Station, Chen Ming, policeman!"

Hearing the word police,

Li Mo's eyes faintly startled,

But then he smiled sincerely,

"Thank you for your help this time."

"Go back and drink tea in the team!"

Chen Ming smiled and nodded,

And Li Mo also led his disciples to bring out the drug dealer from the toilet,

Then put it in another compartment.

Naturally, it is not really necessary for Chen Ming to wake up the unconscious drug dealer again,

This small matter, he, the captain of the anti-drug brigade, can still do it.

It's just that before, he really wanted to get Chen Ming into the anti-drug brigade,

After all, the special anti-drug operation code-named "Wolf Hunt" is about to start.

Now he is worrying that he has no one to use!

"Go back and see if you can apply for a loan from the leader."

"After all, such a big operation can't be done without a good hand!"

Li Mo has secretly made up his mind.

As for Chen Ming,

I have already returned to my seat with Wang Jianfeng,

Wang Jianfeng joked,

"Look, someone has pried the corner of the wall right under my nose!"

"The little hoe is really powerful!"

Chen Ming smiled and said nothing,

I remembered the time when I was injured in the hospital before,

The trumpets of all the big guys ran to the hospital to squat him,

can only say,

Where you can't see Wang Ju,

There are also people who wave their small hoes and fly up...

The drug dealer episode is over,

This time, Chen Ming first used [Guilty Perception] to confirm that there were no other criminals in the carriage,

Only then did I close my eyes and prepare to make up for it.

no way,

Who made him a paranoid,

Whenever there is a petty thief around, don't catch it,

He feels worse than a million checks dropped on the ground and not picked up!

Finally drowsiness hit me,

But he vaguely heard that Wang Jianfeng beside him seemed to answer the phone,

"Well! When did it happen?"

"is it serious…………"

..... Has anyone caught it..."

In Chen Ming's residual perception of the outside world,

Wang Jianfeng hung up the phone, and seemed to be silent for a long time,

Then he tilted his head and whispered hesitantly in his ear,

"There is something... I still need to tell you."

"Your master... Liu Jianguo, when he was arrested, he was stabbed in the chest..."

"But don't worry..."

Wang Jianfeng was about to say a few words of relief,

suddenly saw,

Chen Ming, who had his eyes closed,

At this moment, I suddenly opened my eyes,

in the eyes,

There is a faint scarlet color. .

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