Outrageous! What's Going On With You Gangster, You Gangster?

Chapter 80 I'm Here To Inform You! I'm Not Here To Discuss With You!

Chapter 80: I'm here to inform you! I'm not here to discuss with you!

"Do you think the matter of sending people here is over?"

"Take me to see Canglong!"

Chen Ming looked coldly at the thugs who brought him here,

The meaning in the eyes is obvious,

If you dare to say no, you don't even think about leaving.

Under this gaze,

Several people visibly froze, not daring to move anymore.

One of them said slowly,

"I can't be the master of this matter."

"I need to ask the boss."

As he spoke, he walked to the side and called Canglong,

Wang Jianfeng behind him subconsciously wanted to stop,

"Are you really going to meet that blue dragon? No way! It's too dangerous!"

Chen Ming nodded, and said stubbornly,

"I'm sweeping this place just to find that guy."

"If you want to bring down the crime rate in Nancheng, it will never work if you only catch Xiaomeng."

"Catch one batch, and there will be another batch."

"Only by cleaning up these big guys behind the scenes can we reduce crime in the entire region.

"So, that guy named Canglong, I'm definitely going to greet him!"

He's talking about "reducing" crime, not eliminating it.

No matter which world you are in,

It is impossible to truly eradicate crime!

No matter how strict the law is, no matter how hard the police work,

There are always people who can't help but do illegal and criminal things.

The time he can stay in Cloud City is running out,

So what he has to do is to create a balance first!

Then leave the rest to a long time, let justice slowly crush all evil!

Wang Jianfeng didn't know the meaning of Chen Ming's words, and the helplessness hidden behind them.

But what he had to consider now was Chen Ming's safety.

Go alone to meet that black dragon,

Still in this Ten Mile Alley,

That's completely different from being on the street!

If you are really in a hurry to do something, those people will run away afterwards,

Chen Ming is equivalent to free!

While the odds are not high, the danger is enormous!

After thinking about it, Wang Jianfeng gave a compromise suggestion,

"You can go, you have to bring someone with you!"

"Bring ten people in!"

Chen Ming turned his head and looked at Wang Jianfeng with a smile.

"It's useless."

"Ju Wang, do you think ten people can handle things that I can't handle alone?"

The corner of Wang Jianfeng's mouth twitched, he was so choked that he couldn't speak,

Good boy!

Talking nonsense about the truth.

"Don't worry, Director Wang, I know what's going on."

Chen Ming persisted,

Although Luo Zixin on the side was also a little worried,

But the wise remained silent and did not speak,

When doing business like this,

It's not that she, an outsider, should talk too much,

Although 433 was in her capacity, Wang Jianfeng had to think carefully about what to say.

And she can predict without opening her mouth,

As long as she dares to persuade her now, Chen Ming will immediately turn around and stare at her,

then what to say....

Why do women worry about men's affairs, play while playing!

On the other side,

The person had finished making the phone call and came back to Chen Ming,

Said with a little nervousness,

"Captain Chen, let's go."

"I'll take you to see the boss.

Chen Ming waved to the people behind him,

motioned them to go back first,

Then he followed that person alone and walked to the depths of Ten Mile Alley.

In the dark alley, I walked around for a long time,

In the end, they came to an unfinished shopping mall on the second floor.

The person leading the way stopped downstairs,

Pointing to the rusty stairs, he said to Chen Ming,

"Follow this staircase to the second floor, the boss is on it."

"Captain Chen, go up."

Chen Ming turned his head to look at this person, then patted his shoulder with a smile,

"Well, Lu Ling is pretty good."

"When you go back to the prison and surrender yourself, you should also behave better.

The boy who was patted on the shoulder froze,

Leng did not dare to say that he did not intend to surrender himself...

Chen Ming didn't stop either,

With his hands in his pockets, he went straight up the stairs made of iron frames to the second floor,

And the building is an empty abandoned space,

A private room is partitioned by a screen in the center,

There are tea tables, sofas, tables and chairs and other objects...

The contrast with this unfinished environment is quite obvious.

At first glance, it looks like an imitation of Big Brother in a certain Hong Kong movie.

A person stands alone in the screen,

Bald, topless, with a red dragon on his chest,

Playing with a butterfly knife in his hand,

Looking at Chen Ming with a ferocious expression,

"Hey, Captain Chen is so brave."

"Do you really dare to come to see me alone?"

Chen Ming stood still in front of Canglong, glanced at the butterfly knife in his hand,

smiling mouth,

"Do you know what kind of person I hate the most?"

"The one who fills the glass, especially the criminal who fills the glass in front of me!"

"In this case, I usually slap a few more mouths."


Canglong's face turned black,

The butterfly knife in his hand suddenly transformed into a dagger,

It stabbed straight at Chen Ming's rib.

Chen Ming slammed down a fist, blocked it directly, and then drew his left hand towards Canglong's temple,

Canglong raised his arms to hold Chen Ming's arm,

The right hand sank down, flipped over, and then an elbow hit Chen Ming's chin ferociously from bottom to top.

Chen Ming leaned his upper body back to avoid the elbow strike,

Raise your legs and bend your knees with lightning speed,

Directly put one knee on Canglong's chest.

bang bang bang!

In the silent unfinished building,

The sound of fists and feet colliding continued to be heard.

After the two met and only said one word,

They began to attack each other close to each other.

Chen Ming is too lazy to bother,

With a direct horizontal punch, violently knocking Canglong's block away,

Then he slapped Canglong's face forcefully,

When beating him slightly dizzy,

With a clasp on his hand, he snatched the butterfly knife from Canglong's hand,

Then the backhand directly pierces Canglong's palm!


Canglong is also tough,

slap on the face,

The palm is completely pierced,

Even just snorted.

He spat out a mouthful of blood and pulled away his figure.

Chen Ming waved his palm casually, looked at Canglong with a smile,

"Watch less movies in the future, and don't play tricks with me when you meet."

"You are good at martial arts, but you are still useless when you fight with me."

This Canglong has obviously trained hard, and he has a lot of moves,

It is estimated that it is because of this kung fu that he has killed all the way to the current position.

But he happened to meet such a fierce policeman who used violence to control violence,

It seemed a bit insufficient.

Mysterious moves, flamboyant fists and so on, are useless.

Chen Ming took the path of crushing with strength.

No matter how fancy the boxing is, it must be able to resist a slap from him first.

Canglong rubbed his numb cheeks hard,

Then he gritted his teeth and pulled out the butterfly knife that pierced his palm,

It didn't stop bleeding, just picked up a bottle of spirits and poured it directly on the wound,

The remaining half bottle took a few swigs arrogantly,

Grinning in pain, hoarse smile,

"Team Chen really can play."

"Especially the handwork, it's really tough.

Chen Ming blinked.

"It's really hard."

"Otherwise, I wouldn't knock out two of your back molars."

Canglong's face turned black,

The tongue licked in the mouth, and then spit out a mouthful of blood, plus two back molars.

Chen Ming smiled,

How powerful his own slap is, the door is clear!

The moment the slap was drawn up just now,

He can feel the force of rebounding from his face,

The two back molars on Canglong's left side must be knocked out,

It's just that this guy must have been afraid of losing face before, so he deliberately kept it in his mouth and didn't spit it out.

Canglong also has no temper,

Originally, he wanted to show his power to Lu, a policeman who was registered on all the roads of Quanyun City,

In the end, he had two teeth pulled out, and even Ju was assassinated!

So he said directly,

"Okay, Team Chen, you can draw down the road! Let's see if I, Canglong, can catch it!"

"How can you not sweep my place?"

This scene is really strange,

A boss who engages in evil forces actually said to a film policeman,

Draw a line and see if I can take it?

Chen Ming didn't speak at first,

Turned around slowly for half a circle, picked up a bottle of wine and a glass,

Sitting on the sofa poured a glass of wine and pushed it in front of Canglong,

Not in front of him.

Then he looked at Canglong calmly, and opened his mouth

"three things."

"I say three things, you can't do it."

"From now on, I will bring people to Shili Lane to clean the place every day, a small sweep every day, and a big sweep every three days."

"And no matter where you go, I'll stop you and send you to jail!

"Do you believe it or not?"

didn't say what to do,

Instead, let me first talk about the consequences of not doing it.

This is Chen Ming's pose,

He won't negotiate with any criminals,

He is just stating a fact calmly to Canglong,

What happens if you (cbej) don't do this, I've already told you,

It really doesn't matter if you want to do it or not.

Looking at the calm expression on Chen Ming's face,

Canglong's eyes were dim, and he gritted his teeth fiercely,

"you say!"

Chen Ming spoke slowly.

"First, in Shili Lane from now on, no policeman will be injured, no matter if it's my south gate policeman or not."

"As long as one hair is missing, I'll punch your shit out.

The crimes in Ten Mile Alley cannot be cleared away in a short time,

So what he has to do is to ensure the safety of the police when they come to Shilixiang to arrest and investigate people.

This is actually not difficult,

Canglong nodded with a gloomy face,

"OK, alright!"

It's a big deal to make a rule in the future, as long as the police come into Shili Lane,

Whoever dares to reach out to the brats below will be crippled!

Think of it as a bodyguard for the police!

Seeing that Canglong's attitude is not bad, Chen Ming said the second thing,

"Second, the business in Shili Lane, which is related to pornography, gambling and drugs, should not appear again.

"In the future, as long as I find one, you will personally send twenty criminals to the prison!"

Upon hearing this,

Canglong's face changed instantly,

He punched hard on the table in front of him, roaring fiercely.


To put it bluntly, the three things of pornography, gambling and drugs,

Which boss's business doesn't rely on this to make a lot of money!

Although with his current strength, leaving

These three things are not impossible to make money,

But the money is slow!

Once earning less money,

The other bosses in Yuncheng's underground world will leave him, Canglong, far behind!

Then fight and annex!

"Captain Chen, you are trying to cut off my money!"

Canglong stared at Chen Ming with a gloomy face,

Chen Ming sneered,

"Your source of income? Who stipulates that these things are your source of income? Have you asked me?"

"My request is only for pornography, gambling and drugs. Do you think I don't know that you people have other crooked businesses?"

Canglong's eyes narrowed, with a dangerous light,

Of course there are other businesses!

But those are just small heads!

He sneered hoarsely,

"Captain Chen, you should know that if I don't do this, the other bosses in Yuncheng will do it too, right?"

"Then I..."

Canglong didn't finish his words,

Chen Ming, who was originally sitting on the sofa, got up instantly,

Grabbed Canglong's head with one hand and threw it directly on the table,

The other hand took out a gun and pressed it firmly against the back of Canglong's head,

The muzzle made a mistake, and the trigger was pulled directly.

bang bang bang!

three shots in succession,

The bullet grazed Canglong's side face and flew out.

The huge gunshots so close at hand made Canglong's mind explode!


And his head was pressed on the table by Chen Ming, unable to move!

"I'm here to inform you, not to discuss with you!"

"You have to do it if you do it, and you have to do it if you don't do it!"

Chen Ming carried a trace of tyranny and irritability.

Originally, when master Liu Jianguo was stabbed like that, he felt an evil fire in his heart,

Now Canglong is still chattering in front of him,

Almost wanted to shoot it down.

took a deep breath,

He let go and sat back on the sofa again,

He opened his mouth as if nothing had happened.

"It's not just you in the future."

"The same goes for the other leaders in Yuncheng."

"It's not just your rules, it's theirs too."

"Everyone is the same, why are you panicking?"

The sound of the gunshot just now still remained in Canglong's mind,

Even his face was scratched by the bullet flow with a few bloodstains,

Just at that moment,

He almost thought that Chen Ming really shot him in the head!


was silent for a long time,

Canglong finally looked up at Chen Ming,

With a bitter smile, he said:

"Team Chen..."

"I finally understand why people are so afraid of you."

"You are more suitable for Yan Huo than me.

Chen Ming stared fiercely,

"Don't step on the horse and slander me! I am a policeman! I have a certificate!"


Canglong raised the wine glass on the table,

He drank the wine that Chen Ming had poured in before.

With some emotion,

"With you, Team Chen, in Yuncheng, it might really be different in the future."

Chen Ming ignored the words,

Say the third thing calmly.

"One last thing."

"Tomorrow you set up a table at Vientiane Restaurant and invite some other bosses from Yuncheng over."

"Just say I want to chat with them!"

"Those who don't come will bear the consequences!"

After speaking,

Chen Ming got up slowly, without saying a word,

Still with that lazy look with his hands in his pockets, he walked slowly downstairs.

Looking at his back, bit by bit he completely disappeared in the night,

Canglong suddenly leaned back on the sofa behind him,

This movement involved the wound, grinning in pain,

He looks a little miserable now,

Half of the cheek is swollen, and two back molars are missing,

On the other half of the face, there are bloodstains wiped out by bullets,

Tingling in the eardrums, buzzing in the head,

The palm is pierced, the blood is still bleeding,

His whole body was already drenched with sweat.

Not at all like a boss.

He stared blankly at the direction Chen Ming had just left,

After a long silence, he finally shook his head and smiled bitterly,

"The underground world of Cloud City, this time,"

"It's going to turn upside down..."

There is someone to lead the way when you come, but not when you leave.

The terrain in Ten Mile Alley is really complex,

After Chen Ming touched for a long time, he found the way out.

When you get to the archway in Shili Lane,

He found that Luo Zixin was still waiting there.

Holding a stick in his hand that he didn't know where to pick up,

He looked around vigilantly, obviously a little scared.

Chen Ming looked dizzy,

Thankfully it's today,

If in the past,

Such a big girl with yellow flowers like flowers and jade,

Dare to stand alone at the gate of Shili Lane in the middle of the night,

There will definitely be some lecherous guy who sneaks up and knocks a sap and carries it away!

It's just that today it's because he's in Ten Mile Alley,

So those criminals did not dare to come out.

"Iron Man! You're out!"

The first time she saw him, Luo Zixin ran over,

I checked up and down several times, and found that there seemed to be no injury, so I breathed a sigh of relief.

Chen Ming grinned lightly at the corner of his mouth,

God damn Iron Man, does this mean I am a straight man of steel?

Too lazy to answer, he directly took the lead and walked outside,

"Let's go, take you home."

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