Outrageous! What's Going On With You Gangster, You Gangster?

Chapter 85 Everyone Is Numb! You Brought Back The Drug Dealer Boss?

Chapter 85: Everyone is numb! You brought back the drug dealer boss?

Because of the rigor of the task,

Chen Ming was forced to make a comprehensive preparation before the action,

It even includes an assessment of his physical condition that day!

Then there is the choice of weapons and equipment!

He followed a member of the logistics team to an equipment warehouse that was built in the factory!

As soon as you enter, you will be attracted by all kinds of novel high-tech products.

What micro-radar detection, camouflage monitors, stealth drones

Compared with this small weapon warehouse in the Nanmen Police Station, it is almost like a poor household with five guarantees.

"Because of the special operation, I don't recommend you to carry too many heavy weapons."

"After all, if you are really discovered, you can only run, and you cannot fight head-on."

The technicians in the logistics team reminded me intimately,

Chen Ming also thinks so,

It was originally a stealth-type operation, and it was useless to bring heavy firepower.

Besides, there are nearly 30 people in the drug dealer's lair, and it is estimated that there are at least 20 guns,

He shoots one shot at a time, tough?

He is tough, but not stupid!

So in terms of weapon selection, he just took a new type of pistol on his body,

After thinking about it, I hung two high-explosive grenades on the tactical belt,

This thing was used very well in northern Myanmar before,

If it is found out, it will be easy to fight.

The people in the accompanying logistics team looked at him with only a pistol in his hand, with no expression on his face.

But as soon as he turned around, he saw two more grenades hanging on his body, and the corners of his mouth were twitching.


Taking this thing on an infiltration mission?

No matter how you look at it, it doesn't look like it...

But since this is Chen Ming's choice, he won't say anything,

The equipment department in the later stage is originally designed to meet the needs of all missions!

The technicians of the logistics group took a light and small box and introduced it to Chen Ming,

"This is the latest bug patch, with a diameter of less than 1 centimeter, but a listening range of 30 square meters."

"It's very simple to use, just stick it to a hidden place.

"There are a total of thirty in this box, which is enough."

Chen Ming opened the box and took a look,

I always feel that it looks similar to a Band-Aid, only smaller, and the color is also anti-reflective black.

It is very small and convenient to use. I can't help but sigh,

"Sure enough, the times are advancing! Such a small thing can monitor 30 square meters!"

The technician in the later group smiled proudly.

"What is this? There are more advanced things than this."

"There is a nanoscale bug that can be implanted directly in a person's teeth."

"And there will be no strange feeling at all."

When Chen Ming heard the excitement, he asked,

"The implanted person won't find out?"

The technicians in the logistics team like this kind of people who like to ask questions, and they explain 753 times in a calm manner,

"No! When we implant, usually even the teeth are replaced."

"At most, I will feel a bit of toothache, and I will not notice it at all!"

"This kind of implantation is generally difficult to do, and no criminal will take the initiative to allow it to be implanted.

Chen Ming had an expression of "Little brothers, you are not very enlightened",

unwilling to actively implant,

Then we can let him be passively implanted, right?

asked again,

"How long does it usually take to complete the implantation?"

The technician in the logistics team didn't think too much, and answered directly,

"It's a very simple operation, if I do it, two hours will be enough!"

Chen Ming didn't ask any more questions, thinking silently in his heart,

two hours...

Including the round trip, about two hours,

So it takes four hours in total?

It's totally doable...

Seeing that he didn't speak, the logistics team technician thought he was thinking about bringing other equipment.

So I picked up a small launcher from the shelf and recommended,

"This is a high-elastic launch gun. You may need to climb over the wall when you are on a mission tonight, one?"

Chen Ming shook his head,

"No, I can turn over directly."

It's just over the wall, as long as it doesn't exceed ten meters, it's the same as nothing.

asked instead,

"Is there anything here that can stun people all of a sudden?"

"It's like the kind of dizziness that is said in some advertisements. No matter how you do it, you won't wake up?"

The technicians in the later group obviously did not expect to hear such tiger-wolf words,

He looked at him strangely, and said,

"You mean something like high-purity ether? What do you want that for?"

"Hiss... let me think about it."

The technicians in the later stage group bit their fingers and thought for a while, then rummaged through the deepest part of the warehouse,

Eventually a vial was produced, and a glove.

"This is the leftover anesthetic from the previous use, and the medicine is very effective!"

"Drop it on this special glove, just cover your face, and you will faint after a while."

"I can give it to you, but I don't want to do anything messy!"

The technician carefully explained,

I really doubt whether Chen Ming wants to take this thing on the street to stun the little girl!

"Don't worry (cbbd), I'm a cop!"

Chen Ming happily put the small medicine bottle and gloves on his body.

Sure enough, it's a special operation, and you can find everything!

Now it's much more convenient!

After tidying up the equipment, it was almost dark,

After eating and drinking, wait until twelve o'clock at night,

Chen Ming set off alone and groped into the woods outside.

And he has a tracker on him,

So now Li Mo, Gao Qiang, and others are all watching the screen closely in the command center,

On the screen, the light spot belonging to Chen Ming is constantly moving towards the target area.

This factory building is just a front-line headquarters,

For a special operation with a code name like this, there is also a command center in the rear with a big boss.

Watching every move in the headquarters throughout the process.

And what Li Mo knows is that,

I don't know if it's because of Chen Ming, this time in the command center behind,

The level of the sitting boss is higher than any action!

Even the two of them got a little nervous!

In order to relieve the pressure, Li Mo suddenly asked something,

"What equipment did Chen Ming adjust when he went to the equipment warehouse?"

The logistics team technician who brought Chen Ming earlier replied quickly,

"I didn't bring much, just a gun, a tactical vest and a belt. A backpack."

"Plus a vial of anesthesia and gloves."

Li Mo and Gao Qiang were taken aback,


"What is he doing with that thing?"

The technician in the logistics team spread his hands, "I don't know, I didn't say anything."

Li Mo glanced at Gao Qiang,

Why do you have an ominous premonition?

And at this time,

The action detector rang out with a nervous voice,

"Report! Chen Ming is approaching the lair of the drug gang."

"He's getting ready to enter!"

Everyone's nerves were instantly tense,

on the map,

The green dot representing Chen Ming is already approaching the dangerous area marked with the red line!

in the silent forest,

Chen Ming poked his head out beside a boulder, looking at the abandoned houses not far below,

There are houses like this everywhere in the mountains near Jinghong City.

People used to live there, but later the mountains were inconvenient and dangerous,

Most of the people have moved to the city, leaving only a run-down house in disrepair,

this time,

The gang of drug dealers used these adjacent houses as their stronghold.

These drug dealers are very familiar with the environment in the mountains, and basically they will not stay in the same place twice.

It is estimated that it took a lot of manpower and material resources to touch the lair of drug dealers this time.

After waiting for a while,

Chen Ming quietly walked over to those houses,

In order to avoid exposure, the drug dealers in the private houses also cunningly did not light up any lights,

If it weren't for sure that there were people inside, it would basically look like a desert from the outside.

After touching it,

Chen Ming saw two drug dealers standing vigil at the door of three private houses,

Carrying a heavy guy in his hand.

Fortunately, apart from the main entrance, this kind of private house has many other places that can be entered.

First go to the leftmost room,

Chen Ming rushed straight up, jumped onto the courtyard wall, and then jumped onto the roof silently,

Then he squatted down and turned on [Guild Perception].

On the same night, everyone's eyes are darkened,

And the [Guilty Perception] on him is the strongest cheat!

The biggest reason why he can do this and others can't is,

It is because there is no vision, even if other people come in, they cannot avoid the drug dealers inside.

In case, in the darkness, a peeing drug dealer comes out of the corner,

That action is ruined!

But there is 【Guilty Perception】,

Chen Ming can clearly control the location of all drug dealers,

He first took a look at the private house in the middle,

In that private house, the guy with the darkest light spot is there!

It must be the leader of this gang of drug dealers!

"I'll deal with you later! Do business first!"

Chen Ming acted quickly,

After reaching out, a monitor was pasted on the eaves of the roof.

Just step in and out from here, and all conversation sounds can be captured!

Then gently turn down the roof, first place monitors on several windows,

Then I leaned against the corner and listened for a while,

It was found that except for a few drug dealers who were on vigil, everyone else was sleeping and snoring loudly!

Listening to the drug dealers sleeping so happily, Chen Ming is also very happy,

Silently breaking the wooden bolt behind the window, he got in like a civet cat,

At the bottom of the bed, behind the door, at the corner of the cabinet...all the hidden places are pasted all over!

In fact, at that time, the technicians in the later group gave him a whole box of monitors,

As long as it can be found outside the lair, that's enough!

But no one expected that Chen Ming would go directly into the room where the drug dealer slept and install a bug!

And as if afraid that it would not be enough, the corners and corners were pasted.

So it leads to,

Now in the headquarters, in the monitoring transmitter in front of Li Mo and Gao Qiang,

It's all a blast of snoring!

Gao Qiang touched his head with doubts on his face, sucked his teeth,

"Chen Ming put a monitor in the mouth of a drug dealer?"

"It's a fucking snoring sound, and there's a bend in it!"

Li Mo also had a sad expression on his face,

"Probably, we'll be listening to these purrs every night for the rest of our lives!"

Once the monitoring device is turned on, there is no way to turn it off remotely.


It can't be closed either!

Not sure when will be able to hear useful news?

So not only can't close it!

You have to listen carefully! Listen without saying a word!

But now this is the case!

Snoring loudly!

From now on, I guess I will have to listen to the snoring of drug dealers every night,

Can't help but listen!

What if the drug trafficker utters some key clues in his sleep?

After pasting the room,

Chen Ming has 12 monitors left,

Then I smelled it and ran to the place where drug dealers specialize in solving physical problems,

Picked two clean locations and put monitors on them,

Chen Ming's principle is simple,

Now that we have accepted this task,

That must give you a step up to the stomach!

What if the drug dealer leaks something while he's shitting and pissing?

Don't you know that the men in Longguo have the habit of reviewing memorials in the toilet?

It's just that he didn't expect that,

Because of his responsible attitude,

It led to two monitors who were specially responsible for monitoring, and went to see a psychiatrist directly after the task was completed!

instead of hearing the snoring,

I just heard the sound of sputtering and rushing,

Life in the mountains is not good, and drug dealers often feel a little uncomfortable in their stomachs.

Wait until all the outside corners are pasted,

Chen Ming finally came to the private house where the boss of the drug dealer was.

It also touched in through the window,

First go and put bugs in the living room and the other two rooms,

Wait until all the thirty bugs in a box are used up.

He finally found the room where the boss of the drug dealer slept alone.

As soon as I entered the door, I smelled a strong smell of alcohol,

I guess I didn't drink less at night!

Drink more, and sleep better naturally!

On the tattered wooden bed, the boss of the drug dealer was snoring all over the place,

From time to time, he hummed and chirped a few times,

Chen Ming squatted on the bed, watched the drug dealer boss for a while,

Resisting the urge to slap down,

Instead, he took out the small bottle of anesthetic, poured it on the special glove, and wiped it evenly!

Then he stretched out his evil hand towards the face of the boss of the drug dealer.


After a while, the boss of the drug dealer suddenly stopped snoring.

Chen Ming slapped lightly,

no response!

Hey! The medicine works well!

The boss of the drug dealer has unconsciously passed out completely.

Chen Ming is not talking nonsense,

Carrying the boss of the drug dealer on his shoulders, he jumped out of the window,

After completely walking out of the range of these private houses, Sa Yazi started to run wildly.

under the moonlight,

Chen Ming just carried the unconscious drug dealer's head all the way,

Until we get back to the command center in the plant!

"Report! The map shows that Chen Ming has returned!"

"And the speed of running...extremely fast!"

When the monitor's voice sounded,

Li Mo and Gao Qiang rushed out,

Li Mo subconsciously ignored the meaning behind the sentence "extremely fast",

Otherwise, he will definitely think about why Chen Ming is in such a hurry!

When Gao Qiang and Li Mo came outside the headquarters,

Sure enough, I saw a figure in the night running towards me very fast.

"How? Have you been exposed?"

Before the person arrived, Li Mo couldn't help but speak out!

Judging from the operation of the monitoring equipment, this implantation task was at least successful.

As long as Chen Ming is not exposed, it is perfect!

"Not exposed!"

"I didn't find any drugs in their lair, so I put all the equipment away!"

Li Mo and Gao Qiang both had smiles on their faces when they heard the shout "Not exposed".

"Very good!"

But the next moment,

When the two saw that Chen Ming was actually carrying someone on his shoulders,

The smile on his face froze instantly!


"You... brought someone back?"

Chen Ming finally ran in front of the two of them, and ran past them to the warehouse behind without caring about taking a break.

Night Breeze brought his response,

"Yeah! I brought back the drug dealer boss!"

"Hurry up, pull out his back molars, and implant a monitor into it!"

"Quick! Hurry up! I have to send it back to you later!"

Looking at the back of Chen Ming who has gone away,

Gao Qiang and Li Mo, the two highest action commanders of [Wolf Hunting],

As if struck by lightning!

Everyone is numb!

let you perform infiltration missions,

You stepped on the horse and brought back the boss of the drug dealer...

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