Outrageous! What's Going On With You Gangster, You Gangster?

Chapter 87 Are All Eavesdroppers So Perverted?

Chapter 87: Are all eavesdroppers so perverted?

【Wolf】In the headquarters,

It might be another good morning for drug dealer gangs,

But for the operatives in the headquarters,

Another day of hard work begins.

Due to last night's absurd actions,

Now the drug dealer's lair, a total of 30 monitors, plus an implanted monitor on the back molar of the drug dealer boss,

It's all running!

In order to ensure that every message can be monitored,

Li Mo, the leader of the special operations team, decisively divided the people in the headquarters into two shifts,

Now the first batch of people who were on duty all night last night have completed their shift, and fell asleep after a quick breakfast.

The successor group sat engrossed in front of the monitors.

"Hiss...the toothache hurts so bad!"

"Sure enough, it's on fire!"

Listening to the angry voice of the drug dealer boss coming from the monitor,

The technician in charge of monitoring grinned and thought,

An implanted monitor was installed in the back molar,

Can it not hurt?

Brother, you don't know what you went through last night, do you?

Now in the headquarters, the boss of the drug dealer monopolizes a monitor,

He even assigned a special person to stare at his every word.

The technician wore headphones, glanced at the time, and quickly wrote on the monitoring record,

"Record at 7:36: The boss of the drug dealer said that his toothache was severe, and he thought it was from "750" that he got angry!"

"7:38 Record: The boss of the drug dealer said that he was suffocated in the mountains, and he was going to vent the fire after the work was done! (Here, you can search for entertainment venues frequented by the target! Or there is a suspicion of prostitution.)"

come here for a while,

After resting for a few hours, Li Mo walked into the headquarters and specifically asked the technician monitoring the boss of the drug dealer,

"How is the situation? Has there been any useful information?"

The technician took the headset off and shook his head,

"not yet."

"However, everything went well with the monitoring, and nothing abnormal was found.

Hearing that there was no news, Li Mo just nodded calmly,

After all, the monitor has just been placed, and basically there will be no information coming so early.

Whether it is a crime-solving operation or an anti-drug operation.

In fact, most of the time, it is boiled!

Find clues bit by bit, organize evidence, and finally connect.

The success of so many big actions is actually pieced together bit by bit!

"Leader Li, this is the monitoring record."

The technician handed a stack of reports to Li Mo,

After receiving it, Li defaulted to really look at it,

It densely records all the words of the boss of the drug dealer.

"Record at 7:48: The boss of the drug dealer ordered other drug dealers to maintain their weapons and firearms!"

"Record at 7:57: The sound of chewing lasted for ten minutes. According to the sound, it is estimated that the possibility of the boss of the drug dealer eating dry buns for breakfast is 89%!"

"Record at 8:03: The boss of the drug dealer said to one of his subordinates, nicknamed White Face, that you come to my room after cleaning up."

"Record at 8:09: five minutes of interlude sound, interspersed with command verbs such as lay down."

"It is 51% likely that the boss of the drug dealer is gay! This is important information that has not been grasped before!"

"Record at 9:36: The boss of the drug dealer expressed doubts about the mysterious disappearance of his subordinates, but he didn't say much."

There is really no information on the monitoring record,

The only thing that works is that the boss of the drug dealer might be gay?

And a little more important,

It was the drug dealer who was knocked out by Chen Ming and carried him back.

For this subordinate who suddenly disappeared, the boss of the drug dealer has already begun to feel suspicious,

But at the moment it is just doubts, not to mention fear or worry.

It's just the beginning, and it needs to be done gradually.

"Well, I've been working harder recently, so keep an eye on it."

After explaining to the technician, Li Mo walked out of the cubicle and walked to the warehouse behind.

As soon as I walked into the warehouse, I could hear faint pleading voices,

"Brother! Please don't torture me..."

"Brother! I really don't know anything!"

"Brother! Don't hit! I hurt..."

Upon hearing this voice, the corners of Li Mo's mouth twitched unconsciously,

Then he opened the warehouse door and walked in,

I saw Chen Ming squatting on the ground, cooking rice with a stainless steel rice bowl in his hand.

And before him,

The drug dealer who was carried back last night was being forced to assume a golden rooster independent posture.

Standing there with one leg trembling, the whole body was drenched with sweat.

"What are you doing again?"

Li Mo came to Chen Ming and squatted with him,

Chen Ming eats, he smokes.

Chen Ming raised his head and glanced at the drug dealer, then lowered his head and started to plan rice,

casually said,

"Nothing else, get up early and let him exercise."

"Many of these drug dealers are still taking drugs themselves, and their bodies have collapsed."

I don't know, upon hearing what Chen Ming said,

I really thought he was thinking about the drug dealers,

But drug dealers know,

What the hell is exercising!

The golden rooster stood alone for more than an hour!

My legs are numb, my hands are weak, and my whole body is shaking!

But dare not stop,

Anyone who stops will be beaten.

Thinking of this, the drug dealer wanted to die.

Yesterday was fine, he went out to take a pee,

Then I just felt a pain in the back of my head, and immediately I didn’t know anything.

When I open my eyes again,


Good guy!

A gang of policemen is watching him!

His mind went crazy!

I even thought it was a dream for a while!

And it's a nightmare!

I dreamed that he was a drug dealer, but he ran to the headquarters of the anti-drug police!

Could it be a nightmare...

But worse than nightmares,

The next moment, a mouth was drawn over,

He directly smoked a shock, and then heard a voice ringing in his ear.

"Why are you staying here?"

"You think this is a dream? Then you are really dreaming!"

"Get out!"

Then he knew,

This is not a dream!

This ride is real!

He's a drug dealer, he's really just taking a pee,

Then he was miraculously transferred to the headquarters of the anti-narcotics brigade!

The point is that he doesn't even know where he came from!

But.....he probably knows what happened to him!

It's ridiculous!

"This guy really doesn't know anything."

Chen Ming finished his meal, wiped his mouth casually, and continued,

"As I said, maybe the location of the batch of drugs is only known to the boss of the drug dealer.

"Is there any news from the monitor?"

Li Mo also finished smoking a cigarette, smashed the butt of the cigarette, and took the lead to walk outside.

"No news."

"Go and listen too, and see if you find anything.

Chen Ming followed Li Mo to the headquarters,

after entering,

Many people cast their gazes subconsciously.

Everyone saw what happened last night for real.

So even if this is only the second day of Chen Ming's visit, the people here have been completely convinced,

The title of "capable man" has also been spread in private.

The monitoring equipment is placed in a separate compartment,

When Chen Ming walked in with Li Mo, he could clearly hear a strange voice,


From time to time, there will be a dull or long and sharp sound...

Occasionally there will be a rattling sound similar to firecrackers.

Chen Ming was a little puzzled,

"What kind of sound is this, there are quite a few..."

The person in charge of monitoring didn't answer without looking back,

"The voice of thinning."

"There's a lot of humidity in the mountains, and the food isn't very good."

"So this gang of drug dealers must have a little bit of a stomach upset."

"We've been listening to this sound all morning, and we're used to it."

Even though he is extremely strong psychologically, after hearing this answer,

I couldn't help raising my eyebrows fiercely!


Are all eavesdroppers so powerful?

I can actually hear the sound of rushing all morning!

"Great, great!"

Chen Ming gave a thumbs up,

The people in the monitoring team said calmly while drinking coffee to refresh themselves,

"What's the matter, we've all heard of worse things than this!"

"Small idea!"

Chen Ming felt a bit chilly,

When I thought about if I had a monitor on my body,

Every day when I eat, sleep, shit, take a bath, or even go to bed, there are a group of six-year-olds eavesdropping all the time behind my back.

I feel a little intrusive!

At this time, Gao Qiang, the captain of the Armed Police Corps, also hurried in,

His complexion didn't look very good.

"A gang of drug dealers who are targeting Evian City has been arrested!"

Hearing this news, Li Mo's expression changed instantly, and he asked hastily,

"what happened?"

Gao Qiang said with some self-reproach,

"The person we sent to follow over there accidentally showed some traces."

"The gang of drug dealers were as smart as rats, and they were transferred immediately after they found out."

"Probably this time they will cancel the meeting with the drug house! Backtracking!"

"This matter is the responsibility of my Armed Police Corps."

The major general slammed his fist hard on the wall of the compartment,

Li Mo's face was gloomy and he didn't speak,

This time [Wolf Hunting] targeted several gangs of drug dealers,

The gang in Jinghong City is currently the fastest follow-up,

So it was listed as a first-level follow-up target, so he put the key breakthrough here,

In Evian City, there are several other gangs of drug dealers who are targeting them as secondary targets.

There was originally a strict 5.2 deployment, but I didn't expect that this time I was shocked!

"Team Gao, it doesn't make sense to say these things now.

Li Mo quickly adjusted his mentality,

As one of the persons in charge of the operation, all unexpected situations must be quickly adjusted.

"Since Wozi is already shocked, I suggest arresting him directly!"

"Anyway, those drug dealers can't let go!"

Gao Qiang nodded,

"The armed police have already wrapped them up, and they are ready to arrest them now!"

"The drug dealer in Evian City doesn't have much drugs, and the hiding place has been found. It's good news!"

Li Mo also breathed a sigh of relief when he heard that the location of the drug had been found.

Such a result is acceptable.

"Ten quotas have been issued for drug demolitions, and we are currently targeting a total of six drug dealer gangs.

"Now one is shocked, and there are 5 left."

"So, this one in Jinghong City! There must be no more mistakes!"

"And time is running out!"

Speaking of which,

Both Li Mo and Gao Qiang looked at Chen Ming involuntarily.

Chen Ming also understood the seriousness of the matter at this time, grinning,

"Don't worry, nothing will go wrong here!"

"I'm going to start tonight!"

The plan to hug the grass and beat the rabbits has been made,

that night,

Chen Ming touched the drug dealer's lair again. .

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