Outright Favoritism

Chapter 161: Stop getting closer, okay?

Chapter 161 is not close anymore, okay?

At the nurse's desk, Li Qiao came to Fu Luting's side with a sullen face.

The other party was holding the diagnosis report in his hand, and when he saw her, he handed it over, "The soft tissue was bruised and the wrist was broken, but fortunately, no blood vessels were injured.

I called the attending physician just now, and he said that the old man's bone density is good, and he is unlikely to be broken by moving things. "

Li Qiao took the report and glanced at it for a few moments, then placed it on the nurse's desk, "Well, I see."

Fu Luting saw that she was not in a high mood, and did not say much.

The two walked into the elevator, and Fu Luting thought, "I have been in the hospital recently, so I won't go to the laboratory temporarily. If you need help here, please tell me at any time."

Li Qiao looked at the beating numbers of the elevator without squinting, and nodded.


The next day, at ten o'clock in the morning, Li Qiao was sitting in the office of Emperor Yan and tapping on the keyboard quickly.

News came from the phone placed aside from time to time, but she didn't even look at it.

At this time, the door opened and Shang Yu's slender and high-spirited figure walked in.

The keyboard sound stopped abruptly.

Li Qiao switched the computer page, turned her head to look at him, pursing her lips and smiling.

Shang Yu walked slowly towards the executive desk, staring at her with deep cold eyes, and then walking towards her.

Li Qiao blinked, and glanced calmly at the computer screen, confirmed that it was the work page, and looked at the man directly, "What's wrong?"

Shang Yu came to her, thin lips slightly sideways, leaned over, raised her chin, and looked carefully at something.

The distance was too close, Li Qiao's eyes fell uncontrollably on his scarlet lips.

The curvature of the lip line is almost perfect, the color is light and beautiful.

Shang Yu caught Li Qiao's twinkling eyes, raised his fingertips and pressed the corners of her eyes, his voice was deep, "Where did you go last night?"

The state of the girl today is obviously exhausted.

Those black and white eyes were full of bloodshot eyes, and the ends of the eyes were also flushed. They were a bit faint without the usual publicity and refinement.

Li Qiao was startled for a second, blinking sour eyes, "Entertainment City."

"Drinking?" Shang Yu asked in a deep voice, dissatisfaction appeared in the pitch-black eyes, and even pressed his handsome face and sniffed lightly.

Li Qiao: "..."

Stop getting closer, okay?

She didn't sleep all night last night, and now her mind is not so clear, she is easy to... lose control.

Shang Yu looked at Li Qiao's gradually stupefied expression, silently, and the corners of his lips raised slightly, "What are you thinking?"

The little girl's eyes were almost glued to his face, and she was a little bit seduced.

Li Qiao looked up at the corners of Shang Yu's slightly raised mouth, swallowed, and muttered, "I want to..." Dear.

But before the last word was spoken, Mochizuki knocked on the door untimely and said, "Boss, Hongke’s interview..."

Fuck, he is dead!

Shang Yu let go of Li Qiao in a good mood, straightened up and closed his shirt collar, ignoring Mochizuki, but signaled to the sofa not far away, "Go to sleep."

Li Qiao glanced at the sofa, touched his forehead and recovered a bit of sanity, then turned to look at Shang Yu and asked, "Is it the red guest... Alliance?"

"Well, you know Hongke?" Shang Yu looked at her with a smile in his eyes.

More than that, that is Li Shaoquan's ultimate dream.

Li Qiao slowed down and stood up, "Of course I know. Then will Li Shaoquan participate in the interview of the Red Guest Alliance?"

She is indeed a little curious about whether Li Shaoquan can succeed in these years of obsession.

At this time, Shang Yu condensed her sleepy expression, and squinted, "Want to see him interview?"

 See you at 0 o'clock.



(End of this chapter)

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