Outright Favoritism

Chapter 326: Remember to draw the curtains next time

Chapter 326, remember to draw the curtain next time

Li Qiao was right, even if she wanted to sit peacefully by the pool and watch the excitement, these thugs would not do what she wanted.

Shang Yu's slender figure stood still on the spot, his thin lips arched, and he said in a deep voice, "Don't get hurt."

When the words fell, the two joined the battle.

These thugs are indeed more agile than ordinary bodyguards, waving the machete in their hands, punching and kicking with strong force.

There was blood shining faintly, and it seemed that Mochizuki was injured.

Li Qiao squinted her eyes, bent over to avoid the opponent's attack, and quickly threw the knife in her hand towards Mochizuki.

"Thank you Miss Li!"

Mochizuki Yang held the handle of the knife in his hand, sneered and waved, the bladed long knife directly cut through the opponent's belly.

The battle was not particularly intense, but the fighters seemed to have changed their offensives.

The first three and the last three rush forward one after another, similar to the style of wheel warfare.

After Li Qiao fell down one person, she turned her eyes to look for Shang Yu's figure.

Without moments, she saw such a scene.

A black-clothed man in training clothes was squeezed by his wrist. The severe pain forced his knee to soften and he knelt in front of Shang Yu.

The eyebrows and eye corners of the man’s face were sharp and cold, and he leaned over to look at the man in black who was kneeling at his feet. He didn’t know what the other party had said. The next second he released the man’s wrist and held his head. Smiley bends his legs, his knees pressed hard against the opponent's apple.

Killed in one blow.

He was still smiling.

Li Qiao rolled her throat and clearly caught the contempt and fire in Shang Yu's eyes.

For him, human life is comparable to ants.

Li Qiao was still watching and seemed to be distracted.

Until a muzzle hit her temple, a hoarse and proud laugh came into everyone's ears.

"Stop it, do you want her to die?"

Everyone stopped in an instant.

There were more than 30 thugs. At this time, only five or six were still lingering, and the rest were lying on the ground, dizzy or dead.

Standing among the crowd, Shang Yu's dark eyes were so dark that he couldn't see the bottom, and a huge wind and waves were set off.

Liuyun and Mochizuki were also panting and anxious.

Damn it, why is Miss Li being held hostage?

He lowered his head and rubbed the blood stains on his fingers, then raised his eyelids to look at Li Qiao, his tone was deep and helpless, "Why are you so careless?"

Li Qiao pouted her mouth, ignoring the muzzle of her temple, and sighed with her head raised, "Lure the enemy out of the hole."

Along with her feelings, the man in black with the gun didn't react, only his eyes flashed, his wrist hurt, and the gun was gone.

Take a closer look, oh, on his forehead.

This person had been hiding in the dark for too long, and Li Qiao felt that something was wrong during the fight.

The thugs did it when they appeared, and they didn't say a word during the process.

This situation has probably been rehearsed countless times long ago, but the person who gave the order has never appeared.

The siege thugs did not bring guns, but came with swords. The melee tonight was obviously not for their lives.

At this moment, Li Qiao raised his gun to the man's eyebrows, tilted his head and looked at him, "Finally can you give it up?"

The other party did not speak, and stared at Li Qiao's index finger vigilantly, for fear that she would suddenly pull the trigger.

Shang Yu paced up and stood in front of Li Qiao, his **** palm was pulled directly into her arms around her waist, he held the gun in his other hand, and said nothing. The sound of gunfire had already sounded on the beach.

The man fell down, with a hole in his brow.

Immediately afterwards, multiple gunshots sounded. Shang Yu held Li Qiao with one hand, and locked her in sight with a deep gaze. He even shot several shots without looking at the oblique rear and stood still standing still. Famous thugs, fell in response.

He can play with each other, but they should never play Li Qiao's idea.

Shang Yu, who had never thought of harvesting lives in front of her, made an exception tonight.

He dropped the gun in his hand, hugged Li Qiao and walked to the ocean view room not far away, ignoring the injured thugs, but coldly and coldly ordered, "Handle it cleanly."

When someone answered, Li Qiao turned her eyes to see that it was Zuo Xuan who had appeared on the island without knowing when, and there were many people behind him.

Ok? The dark hall is still coming? !

There are no signs at all.

In a blink of an eye, the figures of the two disappeared near the Guanhaimen of the Seaview Villa.

As for another villa not far away, Shen Qingye also panted open the French windows, took two steps outside, and gestured twice with his thumb to his back, "There are still ten in this house. "

Shit, he's exhausted.

Liuyun and the others looked at the living room behind Shen Qingye and saw a bunch of people in black lying on the ground.

And Bailu squatted right next to these people, looking for something on them.

Liu Yun couldn't help feeling a little ashamed. He thought that Mr. Shen was afraid of death in the sixth inning, so he kept hiding in it.

It turned out... the battle on his side was also quite fierce.


In the living room of the villa, Li Qiao was led by Shang Yu all the way in. Before she could stand still, she was directly pressed on the sofa.

After the world turned around, it was a deep kiss like a gust of wind and rain.

Li Qiao: "..."


At the end of the kiss, Li Qiao opened her misty eyes and looked at the ceiling above her head, feeling that she was lack of oxygen.

The man seemed to be angry, with his elbows on the side of her brain, his jaws clamped on her chin, and his clear breath poured into his nose, "Use yourself as bait?"

Li Qiao was a little dizzy, pushing his chest, and snorting, "Well, it doesn't count, they obviously didn't kill tonight..."

The words were not finished, and the words were blocked again.

I don't know how long it has passed. A second before Li Qiao passed out due to lack of oxygen, Shang Yu let go of her and whispered hoarsely around her neck: "Don't have another time."

After a while, the man calmed his breath, pulled her up from the sofa, turned and walked to the bathroom.

Li Qiao bent one leg to her side, feeling a bit cold.

Looking down, I don't know when the corner of the clothes was rolled up.

She wiped her face, tidyed up her clothes in silence, sat on the sofa, and waited for Shang Yu to come out.

In less than half a minute, the man went and returned.

With a hot towel in his hand, he walked to Li Qiao's, and sat down with his thin lips tightly pressed, and then pulled her wrist and started to wipe gently.

Li Qiao looked at it intently and found that there was blood on her white wrist.

Not hers.

Probably the marks left by Shang Yu's hands were dyed on her hands again.

The man wiped her hands, threw the hot towel on the coffee table, folded his legs against the sofa, and looked gloomy.

Li Qiao buckled his wrist twice, looked at the man's deep and distinct face, and pulled the corners of his mouth, "Which company did this tonight?"

Intuitively, he should know something.

Otherwise, it would not be so easy to get rid of the man in black who took the lead without even asking.

Shang Yu narrowed his eyes and didn't answer. The French window next to him was knocked twice from the outside.

Shen Qingye held his waist with one hand and clicked on the window with the other, "You two, remember to draw the curtains next time!"

(End of this chapter)

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