Outright Favoritism

Chapter 377: Meet the big brother Li Jun

Chapter 377 Meet with Big Brother Li Jun

Li Qiao looked at the two-story guest house through the dim street lamp, her eyes sinking.

She did not expect her eldest brother to be locked up in such a place.

The door opened and the two leaned out.

The night is as thick as ink, and there is a patchy area of ​​demolition near the guest house.

Shang Yu took her hand and walked across the bumpy ground. In front of him was an iron door painted with red paint.

Liuyun stepped past them and knocked on the door. Soon the iron door was opened, and a man in a black standard suit walked out quickly.

He was extremely serious, with a gold badge of the national emblem on his neckline, shattered lights flashing under the street lamp, and nodded to Shang Yu and said, "Mr. Shang."

Shang Yu answered, curled his thin lips, and said in an indifferent gesture: "Lead the way."

"Okay, please."

The staff of the Commission for Discipline Inspection politely stretched out a hand inside the door to signal, glanced vaguely over Li Qiao, pursed his lips, turned and walked inside.

Li Qiao naturally saw the other person's expression and lowered her eyelids to cover the restless waves of her eyes.

She always thought that Shang Yu was named as the overlord of the South Seas, probably because he had the absolute economic lifeline, so he would be respected.

But now it seems that it is obviously more than that.

It is beyond the scope of a businessman's treatment to be able to make the top inspection agency treat it so politely and thoughtfully.

The moment Li Qiao walked into the iron gate, her eyes fell on Shang Yu's three-dimensional and deep outline.

The man noticed her concentration and turned his head and ran into her eyes.

Her eyes crossed, she smiled with her eyebrows, and subconsciously grasped his fingers.

Shang Yu watched her expression, his thin lips raised a slight arc of laughter, and led her through the dark.

In a blink of an eye, a group of people passed through the dim courtyard downstairs of the guest house, and found that the atmosphere here was more rigorous and solemn when they came to the second floor.

There are people in almost every room, but they are not residents. On the contrary, they are all staff in suits and leather shoes with a gold standard national emblem.

In the innermost room of the corridor on the second floor, two police officers from the Security Section stood at the door.

They are dispatched personnel to protect Li Jun's safety.

Such a battle is indeed very different from ordinary cases.

The door opened and Li Qiao and the staff walked in.

Shang Yu did not go with him. Instead, he leaned on the window sill in the corridor with his long legs bent slightly. He took out the cigarette case from his pocket, and asked Liu Yun, "How is the investigation?"

Liu Yun nodded and replied stubbornly: "It is certain that someone is going to target Mr. Li Jun. At present, several suspects have been locked, but..."

"Huh?" If no one placed the cigarette next to the man, the handsome face blurred by the smoke turned towards Liuyun.

Upon seeing this, Liu Yun stepped forward, his voice slightly low, "Boss, judging from the current news, it is very likely that the other party will target Miss Li."

The voice fell to the ground, and the temperament of Shang Yu's whole body instantly became fierce and intimidating, and his dark brows and eyes could not hide the evil spirit.


At the other end, Li Qiao walked into the guest house's room unhurriedly.

Under the bright incandescent lamp, a single wooden bed, a table, two chairs, and an old bathroom with old facilities on the left. The simple and sour pattern made Li Qiao's face sink instantly.

Right in front of the field of vision, Big Ge Li Jun stood with her back facing her in front of a square window surrounded by barbed wire.

He was also wearing a dark blue suit, and he looked the same.

That upright back is still engraved with the pride and stability of a mature man.

Hearing the sound of opening the door, he did not make any movement, with his hands behind his waist, he said bluntly: "It doesn't matter how many times you ask, it's the same. I haven't done it, I will not admit it."

Li Qiao looked at Li Jun's back, pursed her lips and walked to the wooden table in the middle to sit down.

Afterwards, she tapped her fingers on the tabletop, joking clearly, "Big Brother is a person, there is no need to doubt."

Li Jun's shoulder trembled, thinking that he was hearing a hallucination.

Turning around suddenly from the window, Li Qiao was sitting at the interrogation table with her cheeks upright.

His pupils tightened and he strode forward, "Qiaoqiao, how did you come in?"

It's not that he made a fuss, it's incredible.

Unlike ordinary cases, with special locations and special rules, ordinary people can't find their footing at all.

The organization knows that once it is taken away, it may be released for a few days, or it may be...

The time to assist in the investigation often ranges from a few days to a few months.

So from the moment Li Jun came in, he didn't expect to see his family in the short term.

At this moment, Li Jun leaned over to look at Li Qiao with both hands on the table. His eyes were surging, and he couldn't even keep calm. "Qiaoqiao, go back soon, this is not where you can come."

Compared to his nervousness, Li Qiao was calmer and more indifferent.

She turned to the chair opposite, "Sit down and talk."

Li Jun wanted to say something, but Li Qiao's next words flashed a trace of embarrassment on his face, "I've seen Ye Yun."

Li Qiao looked at her eldest brother for a moment, and from his performance and reaction, she probably guessed something.

Li Jun hadn't spoken for a long time, and even the movements when he was seated showed a bit exhausted and exhausted.

He didn't look at Li Qiao, he seemed to avoid her eyes intentionally, "Hey, it's all evil fate."

As soon as this sentence was uttered, Li Qiao squinted her eyes and pressed her fingers on the desktop, "Big Brother still likes her?"

Li Jun's eyes trembled, and it took a long time before he raised his head and looked at Li Qiao directly, "Qiaoqiao, you are still young, and these things don't want you to bother you.

This time I was indeed caught, but I will not admit the unwarranted charges either.

After you go home, tell your parents and tell me... to be safe. "

Hearing the sound, Li Qiao pouted, slowly leaning on the back of the wooden chair, and staring at him coolly, "I shouldn't be a microphone, you have to report peace to you."

Li Jun: "..."

Seeing Li Qiao's expression was faint and obviously unhappy, Li Jun immediately let go of his attitude, "Qiao Qiao, you are obedient, brother is just..."

"It's just what?" Li Qiao sullen her face, and stopped her tapping with her fingers. "I just never thought that my first love I never forgot would come back to show you?"

Li Jun was stunned, and his breath sank sharply, "You all know?"

"Is it difficult to check?" Li Qiao replied lukewarm.

Li Jun's expression was gloomy, and the corners of his lips wriggled for a long time, but he could not say a word.

During the whole day, in addition to dealing with the inquiry and investigation of the Commission for Discipline Inspection, he also kept covering up his inner suffering.

He was indeed drunk on a business trip that night.

I went back to the hotel where I was staying temporarily, and soon there was something strange in my body.

After many years of mixing, Li Jun has long been surprised by certain methods of indiscriminate use.

But he didn't expect that it was Ye Yun who was on a business trip with him who prescribed the medicine.

Peachy transaction does not exist because he did not touch her at all that night.




(End of this chapter)

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