Outright Favoritism

Chapter 821: Art high people are bold

  Chapter 821 Masters are bold

   "It's better, just a small cold." Li Qiao and Zong Yue exchanged a few words. Seeing that she looked good and her eyebrows were brighter, they smiled and said: "I have something else. You should go back to the company first."

  Zong Yue took a step back and nodded, "Then you should pay more attention to keeping warm. It has been very cold recently."

  As soon as Li Qiao got into the carriage, Zong Yue ran over and knocked on the window, "By the way, Qiao Qiao, are you free this weekend?"


  Zong Yue said with a smile: “It’s Mo Mo. She just finished the simulation test this week. My mother asked me to take her to buy some clothes. Would you like to go with me?”

  Li Qiao readily agreed, "Okay."

  She hadn’t seen Mo Jue in a while.

  There are two days left on the weekend, so you can ask her about her current situation at school.


  Dantang, Li Qiao and Luo Yu got off the helicopter, it was just after 11:30.

  Zuo Tang, wearing a training suit, stood at the gate of the valley waiting for her. She hadn't seen her for many days, and she greeted her with a smile, "Madam."

  I don’t know when it started, and the people in the dark hall consciously called her his wife.

  Li Qiao smiled at Zuo Tang, "Is he here?"

  Zuo Tang and Luo Yu nodded, followed Li Qiao’s footsteps, and said truthfully: “The hall master hasn’t arrived yet, he asked me to take you to Chengmo first.”

  In the information room, Cheng Mo was already waiting at the door when he heard the news.

   Seeing Li Qiao coming out of the elevator, she helped her down the frame and nodded to greet him, "Madam."

  Li Qiao glanced randomly in the valley lobby, and suddenly found that the glass room originally belonging to the information intelligence center had a small medical room at the very corner.

  It looks like it is newly decorated.

  There are countless types of medical equipment, and there is also an ornamental aquarium in the corner...

  Zuo Tang observed two eyes, and then gently explained in front of Li Qiao: “That is the research room of Yaotang. It has just moved over recently and specializes in a species called blue-ringed octopus.”

  Li Qiao retracted her gaze to look at Zuo Tang, "Blue-ringed octopus?"

   "Yes." Zuo Tang thought she didn't know, so he patiently popularized a few words, and finally added with a smile: "That toxin is said to have no solution, so the hall owner arranged a scientific research team to analyze the pathology and try to develop an anti-toxin serum."

  Li Qiao pursed her lips, her eyes fell back to the aquarium, "Is there a blue-ringed octopus in there?"

  Zuo Tang nodded, "I was airlifted from Australia last week."

  Li Qiao lowered her eyelids, her heart hot and hot.

  Shang Yu, she always did a lot of things in silence without her knowing.


After a while, Li Qiao and Cheng Mo went to the information room.

  As an idle person, Luo Yu had nothing to do, so he simply moved a chair, and Dama sat down at the door of the information room, opened the WeChat mini-game, and jumped.

In the   Information room, the keyboard sounded endlessly, and dozens of Hongke members looked serious and competed with each other’s hackers.

   Cheng Mo led Li Qiao to the last single position, pulled a chair to sit down, and whispered: "The other side's hacker foreign aid has increased a lot in recent days, trying to counterattack our system operation."

  Li Qiao pushed the external keyboard in front of Cheng Mo, "Log in to your account."

  Chengmo is not a talkative person, although he was confused, he quickly logged into his Hongke account.

  Li Qiao opened the virtual map, looked at the crisscross attack source, and squinted, "Which intercepted target did you find before?"

   Chengmo pressed the keyboard shortcut to zoom in on one of the neon line segments, "I used decimal encryption to exchange messages with the other party as you said, but I didn’t get a reply."

  Li Qiao glanced at the visualized data graph in the upper right corner. The number of attacks between the two parties has exceeded 100,000.

  She didn't speak any more, and typed a string of codes intently.

   Cheng Mo looked at it without blinking, and soon frowned, "Madam, SQL injection attacks need to be implanted in the web application. You directly initiate the attack source, which has no effect."

   "Yeah." Li Qiao typed the code to herself, and responded casually.

  At the moment the attack source launched, a fluorescent attack source flew to the opposite side of the strait on the virtual map.

  Li Qiao’s computer skills may not be as good as Cheng Mo, but she is good at pioneering new ideas.

  A SQL injection attack is confusing, and even other Hongke members can’t help but click on the source of the attack, paying attention to Li Qiao’s operation with distraction.

  In less than three minutes, the other party cracked the source of Li Qiao's attack. Upon seeing this, Li Qiao raised her lips freely, and again used a set of Rootkit tools to forcibly obtain the other party's root permissions.

   Cheng Mo's eyelids twitched, "Madam, hide the back door, otherwise the command to obtain permission will be followed by the other party...".

  The last two words have not been spoken, and the counter-attack program has been followed.

  Cheng Mo stopped talking with his forehead: "..."

Mrs.   , if you want to expose the position of the celebrities, you can just say, why bother to be so exciting.

  At this time, the red guest members in the information room also began to whisper, Rootkit forcibly obtains permissions, the most taboo is not to hide the back door, their wife...Yigao people are bold!

  Just as Cheng Mo was about to let other members violently demolish the tracking program, Li Qiao’s computer screen popped up a black code box with a word on it: "Baby?"

  Li Qiao focused on typing on the keyboard, and replied a few words, "How is the situation?"

  The counter-attack program on the other side is actually a chat device hidden in the tracking path.

Cheng Mo's suspended heart fell slightly to the ground, touched his forehead, and whispered to the red guest members in the front row: "Fix the loopholes first."

  Li Qiao typed the keyboard while replying, "No, the program will be destroyed in three minutes."

   Cheng Mo replied hesitantly: "Oh..."

After a while, the door of the information room was opened. Cheng Mo raised his eyes and quickly got up and walked over.

  Li Qiao did not notice the changes in the outside world, and continued to send out the source of the attack, and at the same time used the chat machine to communicate with the other party.

  A tall and tall figure walked slowly, lifted the hem of the windbreaker, and bent into a seat.

  Li Qiao, who was immersed in the world of code, uploaded the virus data, and soon another paragraph of text came from the black chat machine.

  "Stabilize the staff, the relationship between the two brothers deteriorated. Xiao Da asked to open the coffin and was rejected. The couple fell into the cold war for their daughter. The old man forced the marriage in advance. Xiao Da's rebellion was fruitless.

  Three seconds later, this paragraph of words using the abbreviation automatically disappears, the chat device flashes twice, and then the program shatters and self-destructs.

  Li Qiao’s fingers stopped on the keyboard, and there was no need to withdraw the rootkit attack source. Everyone saw that the attack line segment disappeared on the virtual map inexplicably.

  Even just now the anti-tracking program is gone.

  Li Qiao curled up her fingers, and leaned gently towards the back of the chair, "Add a honeypot attack trap, and take in the source of the neon line segment attack just now."

  The words fell, Cheng Mo, who was stuck in the back of the chair, did not speak, Shang Yu’s magnetic smiley voice floated into his ears, "Pharming is more effective."

   6000, ask for monthly ticket~




  (End of this chapter)

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