Outside of Time

Chapter 1030: Seizing the Power of the True God

Chapter 1033 Seizing the Power of the True God

The words "Dao's heart is unstable" came from Erniu's mouth, which shows how firm Erniu's idea of ​​​​going to the Demon Feather Holy Land is.

After all, Xu Qing knew that the Taoist heart of his senior brother was the desire for treasures and creation.

And one thing that senior brother said was right. When Xu Qing recalled the experiences of the two of them, it was indeed several years since they last did something big.

The most important thing is that Xu Qing is also very excited about the opportunity to improve his cultivation in the emperor's retreat place.

Xu Qing knew that with his current level of cultivation, it would be extremely difficult to break through Guixu and step into Yun Shen if he followed the steps.

It is true that he has too much divine power and needs hundreds of them.

While this gave him strong combat power, it also became a terrifying restraint.

Only by realizing all the divine powers can he break through the realm of Guixu and become a powerful Yun Shen.

Although this Yun Shen will be unprecedented, surpassing all others in the same realm, and even to a certain extent, it is infinitely close to the gods, but... the time it takes must also be extremely long.

If it were peacetime, it would be easier to say.

But now the holy land is coming frequently, the war with Wanggu is breaking out, and the future destiny is unclear...

At this time, it is urgent for Xu Qing to improve his cultivation and become stronger.

So Xu Qing pondered and glanced at Feng Lintao and Yuedong.

Feng Lintao panicked and quickly put on a flattering expression.

Yuedong also bowed his head respectfully under Xiaoying's control.

After some thought, Xu Qing and Er Niu finally looked at each other and spoke in a low voice.

"Elder brother, if you want to go to the Magic Feather Holy Land to seek such a fortune, you need an identity."

Hearing that Xu Qing's tone did not mean rejection, Erniu was even more excited. His eyes quickly glanced at Yuedong and Feng Lintao, and he chuckled.

"Isn't this just a ready-made identity?"

Feng Lintao's heart became more panicked, and Yue Dong's eyes also showed despair, accompanied by strong resentment.

For Yuedong, although her body is controlled, she can see and hear. At this moment, she is watching the two people in front of her trying to steal her arrangement, and it seems that they have to do it in their own identity...

Her heart was tearing and bleeding.

However, neither Xu Qing nor Erniu would pay attention to Yuedong's feelings. At this moment, Erniu licked his lips and continued to speak.

"Little Aqing, do you still remember when we went to the Black Sky Clan? At that time, we transformed into the Black Sky Clan and used the Yi Clan's special elixir, the Xuantian Demonic Moon Pill!"

"And I have a close relationship with the Yi tribe. When I lived there before, they gave me a lot of good things, including that kind of elixir, and it was still a blank and unbranded elixir."

"So... you can become Yue Dong, and I can become Xiao Fengzi. With this identity, we can go to the Magic Feather Holy Land. Wouldn't it be perfect!"

Er Niu's eyes shined brighter, and when he thought about Xu Qingruo transforming into Yuedong, he couldn't help but look forward to it.

These words fell in Xu Qing's ears. Xu Qing immediately understood the evil thoughts of the senior brother, so he glanced at the other party and shook his head.

"Elder brother, didn't you say that you like Yue Dong? Her plan is so crazy and she is a perfect match for you. It would be better for you to transform into Yue Dong, as your nature is the most suitable."

"Besides, you have experience in transforming into a female cultivator. When you transformed into the princess of the Sea Corpse Tribe, you were lifelike and flawless."

When Er Niu heard this, his eyes widened.

"I am your senior brother, little Ah Qing. What you said is so hurtful and makes me sad."

Xu Qing was unmoved, looked at Er Niu and made a suggestion.

"Or, the old rules?"

Erniu gritted his teeth and felt depressed in his heart. He knew that the old rules Xu Qing mentioned were actually fighting each other.

It's just that if it were changed before, he would still have some confidence, but now Xu Qing's physical body is too unreasonable. If he continues to fight... Erniu feels that even if he is exhausted, it will be of no use.

Unless he unlocks more seals.

But... that was a method used when life was at stake. If it was solved like this at this moment, the consequences would be too serious.

But transforming into Yuedong like this made him want to see Xu Qing's evil deeds in women's clothing, but he couldn't succeed, and he felt a little tangled in his heart.

Seeing this, Xu Qing spoke softly.

"Besides, senior brother, only someone like you who knows the ways of the world, is extremely tactful in doing things, is extremely thoughtful, speaks impeccably, and has an exquisite heart can transform into Yuedong without being detected by outsiders."

"This is not something ordinary people can do. I... know that no matter how hard I try, I will not be as good as you, senior brother. This time, I want to learn from it."

These two sentences made Erniu feel a lot more comfortable and raised his chin.

"You're right!"

After saying that, he thought about the creation inside the magic feather, so Erniu coughed.

"Okay, okay, you are the junior brother, and as the senior brother, I will give you some time."

"I turned into Yue Dong. Anyway, this isn't the first time I've dressed up as a woman."

"As for you, little Aqing, you are my puppet, so learn from it!"

Er Niu glared at Xu Qing.

Xu Qing accepted the offer and nodded quickly. At the same time, with a touch of emotion on his face, he bowed deeply to Er Niu with his fists clasped.

"Thank you, senior brother. I will remember this for the rest of my life and will study hard!"

Seeing Xu Qing like this, although Erniu was still a little bit murmuring in his heart, it was mostly resolved, so he raised his chin and waved his hand.

"Wait aside first. To achieve the perfect effect of the Xuantian Yaoyue Pill of the Yi Clan, it is necessary to merge with the target first, cover them and turn them into a piece of clothing."

"After we put it on, as long as we are careful to avoid the other emperor, we will be safe."

"This will take some time, about... a month."

Xu Qing nodded when he heard it, thinking of the Long Jiu he met before, so he spoke in a low voice.

"Big Brother, since it takes a month, I also have some things to deal with. See you here in a month."

Erniu has always been diligent and enthusiastic about doing big things. After listening to Xu Qing's words, he waved his hand.

"Go, go."

After saying that, he took a step towards Yue Dong and Feng Lintao, raised his hand and grabbed them, and took them to a higher altitude and began to deal with it.

Xu Qing flashed and rushed to the outside world, quickly broke through the ice layer, and appeared in the world.

The cold wind whistled, and white snow flakes flew in all directions.

In this wind and snow, Xu Qing closed his eyes and felt.

When Long Jiu left that day, Xu Qing had secretly left a mark on him. He felt it and locked a direction at this moment. He shook his body forward and disappeared in an instant.

The sound disappeared.

Seven days later.

On the ice field, Long Jiu stood in a broken place, his face pale, but his expression was neither humble nor arrogant. He bowed to an old man in the Yunshen realm in front of him.

"I am Long Jiu, a disciple of the Beiming royal family. Thank you for saving my life."

"I will remember this favor in my heart. If you come to my natal royal family in the future, you can take this order to find me. If you have any orders, Long Jiu will do his best."

After saying that, he left a token, stepped back a few steps, bowed again, and left calmly.

The old man Yunshen looked at the token with the same expression as Erniu at the beginning...

On the sky, Xu Qing concealed his breath and looked at this scene.

He found Long Jiu on the first day. In the days that followed, Xu Qing followed him and witnessed Long Jiu's extraordinary experience all the way.

The other party... encountered three dangers in total, all of which were life-and-death crises. If he was not careful, he might fall.

But every time, he would meet a rescuer.

And there was no trace of arrangement in the whole process, everything seemed to be a coincidence.

And every time he was rescued, Long Jiu would send out the token.

"The fluctuation of the divine power in this person also became stronger and stronger as he sent out the token..."

"It will mature soon..."

Xu Qing looked at Long Jiu's figure from a distance, following him and pondering.

With the observation of the past few days, he saw more information.

"Why would this divine power related to luck appear in the body of such a cultivator who does not have any divinity?"

"And it is obvious that this divine power is incomplete, not complete."

"It's as if someone has split the real lucky divine power into countless parts, one of which is placed in Long Jiu's body."

A faint light flashed in Xu Qing's eyes.

"What is the truth? The moment the divine power matures in his body, it should be revealed."

Xu Qing took a step and disappeared.

In this way, under his secret following, another half a month passed.

Long Jiu's extraordinary experience happened several times, until he only had the last token left in his hand, and under Xu Qing's attention, he met his benefactor again.

After thanking and sending the token, Long Jiu left. Not long after, the fluctuation of divine power on his body suddenly boiled up and exploded.

This explosion did not affect a large area, but it caused ripples in the sky.

A breath of return rose from Long Jiu at this moment, guiding the sky...

And Long Jiu himself did not notice any of this, and continued to move forward, but his body was obviously thinner, and his spirit was dimmed in an instant.

It was as if his soul, his body, and everything about him had become nutrients at this moment.

It turned into a thread, connecting the starry sky.

But he himself still did not notice anything.

As if his cognition was blinded.

Even in the end, he lost the strength to move forward and fainted, his expression was full of satisfaction...

This strange scene made Xu Qing feel heavy-hearted. He took a step forward and appeared beside Long Jiu, raised his right hand and pressed it on his forehead.

The next moment, Xu Qing felt that there seemed to be a huge ball of light in the distant starry sky, which was constantly expanding and collapsing.

From this ball of light, there was a terrifying aura that made Xu Qing feel terrible. That was... the true god!

And thousands of threads rose from Wanggu, of different lengths.

Each one was the power of the God of Luck.

Thirty percent of them had a length that had spread across the starry sky and was connected to the ball of light.

Xu Qing's body shook, but because the other party was unconscious and the distance was too far, his body could bear it.

At this moment, he raised his right hand from Long Jiu's forehead, with a faint light in his eyes, looking into the sky.

"Senior Yu Liuchen once said that a true god will never truly fall. As long as his true name exists, even if he dies, he will return from nothingness..."

"This is a true god who is returning!"

"His method of returning is to split his divine power into thousands of parts and parasitize them in living bodies."

"But it is still too early for him to return completely. He needs the guiding lines formed by the thousands of incomplete lucky divine powers to mature completely before he can meet the conditions for his return."

"And the price of the maturity of each strand of divine power is the complete sacrifice of the parasite, just like the dying Long Jiu."

Xu Qing narrowed his eyes, looked at the withering Long Jiu, and felt the lucky divine power in his body. He quickly revealed a hint of decisiveness and madness in his eyes.

"In this case...what if I take it away? It can be regarded as saving this person's life."

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