Outside of Time

Chapter 1034: Don’t think of eating alone!

Chapter 1037 Don't think of eating alone!

The voice of the young man in the gorgeous robe was full of anxiety. When it reached the blood mist, he rushed in without caring about his own safety.

At the same time, the monks and guards under his command had also burst out with their fighting power.

These guards were all personal guards arranged by the young man's family. They had good cultivation and were numerous. At this moment, the blood mist, although extraordinary, could not withstand it.

So the next moment, with a roar, the blood mist exploded as if it was hit by an invisible big hand.

It broke into pieces, and in the rumbling sound, it seemed to be swept by the strong wind.

Three figures were revealed inside!

One was Yue Dong. At this moment, her face was cold and contained evil spirit. She was pinching her fingers and emitting fairy art fluctuations.

The other was a black-faced corpse puppet about seven or eight years old. It was located opposite Yue Dong, forming a pincer attack. It was cooperating with the spell to bind the blood dust in the middle.

The magic from Yue Dong and the corpse puppet has transformed into a large number of colorful silk threads, which have covered Xue Chenzi, and some of them are connected to his fate.

Obviously, if this continues, it won't take long for Xue Chenzi to be refined by the magic.

And Xue Chenzi is also struggling, but it doesn't work.

It's just... the sudden change in the outside world and the roar from all directions caused the blood mist to collapse, and also affected the refining here.

The original purpose of the strong wind was to disperse the people fighting here. This was the act of the young man in the gorgeous robe to save people.

But now... by mistake, it has become the life-saving wind of Xue Chenzi.

So in the blink of an eye, Xue Chenzi's struggle suddenly surged, and his whole body cultivation burst out regardless of everything, even at the cost of collapsing two of his own big worlds, forming a destructive force, sweeping around.

The anxious voice of the young man in the gorgeous robe who rushed over quickly made Erniu's eyes widen and his mind tremble. It seemed that he was confused, so that the fairy magic thread began to waver.

So the next moment, the corpse puppet that cooperated with her was also affected by her, and the corpse shook and broke the thread.

This made the struggling force formed by the collapse of Xuechenzi's world grow and decline, and it churned in an instant. He burst into blood all over his body, unfolded a secret method that also damaged his foundation, and turned into a blood light...

In a flash, he finally broke free.

Disappeared between Yuedong and the corpse puppet, and appeared in the distance.

The moment he appeared, he did not hesitate, and the blood light flashed again, heading towards the sky, fighting for everything, and suddenly disappeared.


As for the seven or eight-year-old boy corpse puppet that Xu Qing transformed into in the air, he was expressionless at this moment, with a dead aura all over his body, and his lifeless eyes looked at the direction where Xuechenzi escaped, motionless.

Did not chase.

Because the puppet he transformed into now only had the cultivation of Guixu and did not have its own intelligence, any extraordinary action would become a flaw.

Although the arrival of the young man in the Chinese robe accidentally let his prey escape, the traces had been left.

So Xu Qing was not in a hurry, the prey could not escape.

But in the final analysis, the occurrence of this incident had some twists and turns. Xu Qing could not care less, but Yue Dong, who was transformed by Erniu, had to express something.

So she turned her head suddenly and stared at the young man in the Chinese robe.

"What do you mean!"

This scene was indeed beyond the expectations of the young man in the Chinese robe who was eager to save people. He smiled bitterly at this moment, knowing that he had done a bad thing with good intentions, so he hurried to explain.

"Miss Dong'er, I heard on the road that you were back and was worried about your safety, so I came here as soon as possible. I didn't expect it to be like this... I..."

"Shut up!"

Yue Dong shouted in a low voice, with a bad look in his eyes. The other party was disrupting the situation, which made Erniu unhappy, and the one who called Miss Dong'er also made Erniu feel uncomfortable.

Especially... in Yue Dong's memory, although he knew that there was a pursuer, it was very vague. It was obvious that Yue Dong didn't care about the pursuer at all.

So for the person in front of him, Er Niu couldn't recognize his identity for a while.

And under the two emotions of dissatisfaction and discomfort, his killing intention also rose, but... Er Niu's eyes swept over the other party's guards around him, and he still put away his killing intention.

But thinking of Yue Dong's usual coldness, Er Niu snorted coldly.

"Don't let me see you again!"

As he said, Er Niu raised his hand and grabbed Xu Qing, as if he had grasped the invisible silk thread, and was about to leave here with Xu Qing's corpse puppet.

And the young man looked at Yue Dong cautiously, worried about gains and losses, and his face was full of uneasiness.

At this moment, seeing Yue Dong was about to leave, he suddenly became anxious and shouted.

"Miss Dong'er, I really didn't mean it. I... I was worried about your safety. I missed you every moment during the more than 500 days you left."

Er Niu felt even more disgusted in his heart, felt sick, and sped up.

Xu Qing had no expression on his face, but he was paying close attention to the young man in the fancy gown. It was really... this kind of drama happening to the senior brother was very interesting.

The young man in the fancy gown was pale at this moment, and his heart was filled with endless regret. Looking at Yue Dong's figure getting farther and farther away, he was full of bitterness and murmured.

"Dong'er, I really didn't mean it. For this meeting, I have carefully prepared gifts for you in these five hundred days..."

Erniu, who was galloping in the distance, suddenly stopped.

The voice of the young man in the fancy gown was still murmured bitterly.

"I know you won't want it. In the past, you have rejected the gifts I gave you. I..."

Before he finished speaking, Erniu suddenly turned around.

"what gift?"

The young man in the Chinese robe was stunned for a moment, then his face was filled with ecstasy and he quickly spoke.

"It's the Star Dragon Marrow. I heard from the Lan family before that your practice of immortality is harmful to yourself, so I specifically asked for this marrow from my ancestor for you..."

Saying that, the young man in Chinese robes immediately took out a jade bottle from his storage bag.

In the next moment, Er Niu's figure disappeared in the distance, and when he appeared, he was suddenly in front of the young man in gorgeous robes. He took the jade bottle, opened it, smelled it, put it in his arms, and spoke lightly.

"I accepted your gift, but your previous behavior is still unacceptable..."

The young man in Hua Pao was excited. He had been pursuing Yue Dong for many years, and this was the first time that Yue Dong accepted a gift from him, so his heart was boiling. He thought this was a signal.

Dong'er, this is a sign that you are moved by yourself!

“Strike while the iron is hot!”

So while Er Niu was talking, he quickly took out another bracelet.

"Dong'er, this is also a gift I prepared for you, made of star crystal."

Er Niu paused for a moment before he could finish what he said.

Looking at the shining bracelet, he blinked, took it, put it in his arms, and then coughed.

"That's all, your sincerity..."

"Miss Dong'er, I still have a gift. This hairpin is made of the finest fairy jade..."

The young man in Hua Pao became more and more excited, and kept taking out one gift after another, while Er Niu kept it, his eyes getting brighter and brighter, until finally... With the look of admiration on his face, the young man in Hua Pao proposed the idea of ​​escorting him.

Erniu hesitated for a moment, and then the young man in Chinese robe took out another gift.

Looking at the gift, Erniu took a deep breath. He could no longer say any words of rejection and could only nod with a smile.

This smile made the young man in Chinese robes feel excited.

Xu Qing was on the sidelines and saw everything. On the way, he paid close attention to the whole process and continued to watch the show.

Along the way, the young man in Hua Pao talked about the Holy Land in the past five hundred days since Yuedong left. It can be said that every word he spoke was extremely gentle, every title contained deep affection, and was accompanied by one gift after another...

It was obvious to Er Niu that he had never experienced anything like this, either in this life or in many previous lives, so that in the end, his expressions were a little dazed.

Through this young man in colorful robes, Xu Qing also gained an in-depth understanding of the latest developments in the Demon Feather Holy Land.

Especially...the other party talked about Lu Lingzi, the disciple of Emperor Mingyan, and the Lan family.

Erniu also paid attention to these things after hearing them, so he asked about them.

Faced with Er Niu's inquiry, the young man in Hua Pao gave more details.

Lu Lingzi came back a month ago!

"As for the affairs between Lu Lingzi and the Lan family, what I have seen before is only superficial, so Miss Dong'er, don't blame me for not telling you before."

"It was also during this period, after my family's status was promoted, that I heard my ancestor talk about it and found out...it turns out that the conflict between the Lan family and Lu Lingzi, the senior officials of all the Holy Land are well aware of the reason."

"But they didn't interfere. Whether it was the Lan family or Lu Lingzi who won in the end, it doesn't matter who it is to all parties, as long as they support the final winner."

"A month ago, Lu Lingzi returned with the master cultivation level and informed all parties that the Lan family wanted to do something against them, but he used his plan to break through the master, and then killed the ancestor of the Lan family."

"There are clues about this matter, but the attention of all parties is no longer here, because after returning, Lu Lingzi did two things. The first one was to disclose that he had obtained the pure blood of the Lan family and integrated the blood into his magic eye. Inside."

"It can be said that Lu Lingzi can now be regarded as the true successor of Emperor Mingyan!"

"Moreover, because of my promotion to Lord, I am now at the peak of my power!"

"The second thing Lu Lingzi did was to inform all parties that he will go to Emperor Mingyan's retreat in three months to carry out the final inheritance."

"At the same time, Lu Lingzi proposed that he will bring all the masters of the same sect and the geniuses of the five clans to go together, regardless of east or west, and share this good fortune!"

"This approach has been praised by all parties in the Holy Land. Even Emperor Mo Yu approved this matter."

"After all, the retreat place of Emperor Mingyan is closed. To open it requires a specific method. Now, the only one who can open the retreat place of Emperor Mingyan is Lu Lingzi, who has merged with the bloodline of the Lan family and is almost the heir of the mantle, and also needs other disciples of the emperor. assist."

"So, you can imagine that in the next three months, there will be undercurrents in the Holy Land, and all parties are vying for these five places."

"But Dong'er, you are still smart. Although you have a good relationship with the Lan family, you did not participate in the affairs between the Lan family and Lu Lingzi, so Lu Lingzi did not mention you at all after he came back."

The young man in a gorgeous robe spoke softly.

When Er Niu heard this, his heart was shaken, and he glanced at Xu Qing next to him with subtle eyes.

Xu Qing looked normal, but there were also waves in his heart.

They know the truth.

So now when I listen to this matter... no matter how I listen, there are clues.

But at this moment, there were outsiders present, and Xu Qing and Er Niu had no communication.

In this way, under the continuous disgusting words of the young man in Chinese robe, time passed and three days passed.

Xu Qing and Er Niu finally arrived at a city while being escorted by each other. This was their previously set destination.

When he arrived here, the young man in the gorgeous robe looked nostalgic, but as his jade slip continued to shake, he finally left helplessly and headed to the battlefield.

Before leaving, he affectionately gave Er Niu some more gifts.

Erniu took it and his expression became complicated.

After the young man in the gorgeous robe left, looking back every few steps, Xu Qing glanced at the senior brother beside him and spoke lightly.

"Senior brother has had a great love affair."

Erniu looked strange and sighed after a while.

"Damn it, I will be reincarnated as a woman in the next life! The gifts you gave me along the way make me feel that it is not a loss for us to leave the holy land now..."

Seeing the senior brother sighing so much, Xu Qing did not continue to tease him, but mentioned the matter about Lu Lingzi.

Erniu narrowed his eyes when he heard it.

"I feel that there is something wrong with Lu Lingzi's identity. I guessed it right at the beginning!"

At this point, Erniu looked at Xu Qing.

Xu Qing was silent and was also thinking about this matter.

After a while, Erniu coughed.

"No matter what, don't think about eating alone! Three months later, we have to find a way to sneak in."

"Now, I'm going to go to the Immortal Art Hall of Dong Moyu to help Yue Dong fulfill his dream. What about you, Xiao Aqing? Do you want to come with me?"

Xu Qing shook his head and looked into the distance.

"I won't go to the Immortal Art Hall. I'm going to get my identity."


At the same time, in Dong Moyu, not far from the Daotai of Emperor Mingyan, there is a huge peak that is earth-shaking.

This peak did not exist a month ago.

It has only recently stood up.

It is the tenth Domination Mountain built after Lu Lingzi returned because of his Domination cultivation.

At this moment, in the hall on the top of the mountain, Lu Lingzi, dressed in a golden robe, is meditating with his eyes closed.

His breath, like thunder echoing in the sky, shaking the hall, echoing the mountain, forming a terrible pressure.

And the next moment, his eyes suddenly opened and closed, as if there were stars in them, all blooming brightly.

His brows slightly furrowed, and he raised his hand to take out a jade slip.

Sensing the information about Yue Dong's appearance in the jade slip, Lu Lingzi's brows furrowed even more tightly.

"I have been sent so far, but he can still come here!"


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