Outside of Time

Chapter 1039 Your Majesty, I need a secret realm qualification

Dong Moyu originally had nine dominant mountains.

Since the return of Lu Lingzi, the tenth disciple of Emperor Mingyan, the Lan family declined, and many resources within its sphere of influence were naturally taken over by Lu Lingzi.

Not far from the Lan family's land, the tenth dominant mountain stood.

This mountain is as high as the clouds. From a distance, the mountain is majestic, exuding a majestic power, and there are also waves of pressure from the master, covering all directions.

Suppressing this world.

It caused a huge vortex in the sky here, which has been rotating for several months, with a huge sound.

It attracted countless lightnings, wandering inside, with a magnificent momentum.

As for the surroundings of this mountain, within three miles, it is like a restricted area, empty.

And outside three miles, now a large number of cultivators of the Moyu clan have gathered, tens of thousands of them, with this mountain as the center, each meditating.

From the sky, it is densely packed, surrounding the mountain.

There are independent cultivators and forces that originally belonged to the Lan family. Their purpose of coming here is to become the subordinates of the Tenth Lord.

In the Demon Feather Holy Land, whenever a new Lord appears and forms his own Lord Mountain, similar things will happen.

And the new Lord, in addition to his own power, will also expand his influence due to the promotion of his cultivation, and thus recruit a large number of subordinates.

Therefore, at the foot of the Tenth Lord Mountain, cultivators come from afar every day, and after gathering for several months, it has formed the current scale.

After all, if you can become a subordinate of the Lord, your status will be completely different from before, and in the current war period, it will be much safer to have the Lord's protection.

But... So far, the new Lord Lu Lingzi has not recruited anyone into the mountain.

Even his previous subordinates have not been summoned by him.

So this huge mountain where everyone gathered now has only Lu Lingzi.

As for the foot of the mountain, because there are more cultivators, a market has spontaneously formed, trading goods and exchanging information with each other, all waiting to become the Lord's disciples.

Over time, it gradually became lively.

However, all the cultivators who came here spontaneously did not step into the three miles of the mountain, and kept all the noise outside.

When Xu Qing came here, he was looking at the bustling scene three miles outside the Dominate Mountain.

Looking at the market town that had formed, and the cultivators from all sides of the holy land inside, Xu Qing, who had transformed into a blood-dust child, did not stop, and flew past, heading straight for the uninhabited three-mile forbidden area.

At first, not many people paid attention to Xu Qing's appearance, until Xu Qing sped all the way, crossed the market town, and stepped into the empty three-mile area, which attracted some gazes.

But that was all.

In the past two months, there have been many cultivators like Xu Qing who flew there. They all went to see the master after approaching the mountain, but in the end they waited for a long time, and there was no response, so they could only leave the three-mile area and wait around.

So for Xu Qing's actions, those who saw it here just followed him with their eyes.

Xu Qing didn't care about those eyes. He had no expression on his face at the moment. When he was near the Domination Mountain, he stood in the air and looked up at the huge mountain in front of him.

His eyes were deep and he was in deep thought. After a while, Xu Qing took a deep breath, his eyes showed determination, bowed and uttered a low voice.

"Xuechenzi, I want to see the Domination!"

His voice was like thunder, echoing in all directions, attracting more attention.

This was Xu Qing's test.

If he saw him, everything could be discussed.

If he didn't see him, Xu Qing had another strategy.

But as time passed, a stick of incense passed, and there was no response from the towering Domination Mountain.

So most of the eyes that fell on Xu Qing were withdrawn, and they all sighed in their hearts and communicated with each other.

"Another person who doesn't believe in evil has come."

"Isn't this Xuechenzi? Relying on his own cultivation and military exploits, does he think that the master can look at him differently?"

"He clearly saw that we were all waiting here, but he still went to pay his respects, making such a loud noise... If I were the master, I would definitely not like being disturbed like this."

"If you want to worship under the master, you must let the master see your sincerity, so the best way is to wait around. One day, the master will see our sincerity."

Everyone here shook their heads and ignored it.

In their judgment, it won't take long for this Xuechenzi to leave in disgrace.

Xu Qing ignored the discussions of the crowd. He remained calm, still standing in the air, bowing and waiting.

In this way, another stick of incense passed.

Almost all the attention of the people around him was moved away, everything returned to normal, and the market became lively again.

But at this moment...Xu Qing spoke again.

"Xuechenzi, please see the master!"

The same words echoed again, attracting the attention of the people around, so one after another looked at him again, some of them were dissatisfied.

The voices of discussion were also heard one after another.

But the next moment, a scene that made all the cultivators here shut up and their expressions changed drastically appeared.

The Master Mountain suddenly roared!

The mountain shook!

Even in this roar, in the huge vortex above it, lightning surged, like a torrent spreading out, setting off a greater momentum.

The rumbling sound was like being blessed, deafening, and spread in all directions.

Then, in the vortex, a pair of huge eyes appeared.

This eye was silver, with coldness, like the eyes of the sky, looking down at the earth.


Anyone who was stared at by this eye was frightened, bowed their heads, and worshiped instinctively.

And the vastness suddenly rose, and the terrifying pressure made the earth tremble. When countless cultivators breathed rapidly and their minds were in great turmoil, Lv Lingzi's voice came out coldly from the Domination Mountain.

"Come up."

These three words, surpassing the thunder, exploded.

Forming countless echoes, falling into the ears of the people here, roaring their souls.

When the minds of these people were churning violently, Xu Qing took a deep breath and took a step forward.

Under the attention of the crowd, he flew directly to the Domination Mountain.

Soon, he disappeared inside the mountain.

The cultivators who had been waiting around until now, seeing this scene, were stunned one by one, and various emotions could not help but interweave in their hearts, and their eyes became hot.

The summoning of Xuechenzi surprised them greatly, but what followed was excitement.

Because the first one was summoned, it meant that there could be a second one, and it meant that their waiting was not far from seeing the dawn.

And compared with the excitement of the people outside at this moment, Xu Qing's thoughts arose in his heart, and his first test had a preliminary answer.

At this moment, he flew into the mountain, galloped inside, and headed straight for the top of the mountain.

Soon, a simple-looking palace appeared in his sight.

This palace is located on the top of the mountain, and the door is open.

As he approached, he could see a person sitting cross-legged at the head of the palace, meditating with his eyes closed.

It was Lu Lingzi.

When he saw the other party, Xu Qing lowered his head and took a few quick steps. In front of the palace door, he did not step in, but bowed.

He did not say a word.

After a while, Lu Lingzi in the palace opened his eyes.

There was no ripple in his eyes, and no emotional fluctuations could be seen. He spoke lightly.

"What's the matter?"

This voice contained rules, as if the words were spoken and the law followed, and waves of nothingness were raised.

Xu Qing responded to the low voice without thinking.

"Please grant me the qualification to enter the secret realm of Jieyuan."

Lu Lingzi's expression did not change at all, but he just glanced at Xu Qing and spoke slowly.

"The military merits are presented."

Xu Qing shook his head and said calmly.

"I don't have any military merit."

He really didn't.

When Xu Qing checked the task jade slips before, he found that there were many tasks in it, and the types were varied, but most of them were related to war.

Many of them even required fighting with the human race and killing strong men.

As for those that were not related to war, the cost of completing them was also very high, and there were not many military merits, and it took too long.

And the qualification exchange for the origin of the world secret realm required a lot of military merits.

If you really want to complete the task, it will take several months to accumulate enough.

In this case, Xu Qing felt that he simply didn't go the task route, and it would be easier to ask Lu Lingzi directly for one.

After all, in his and Erniu's analysis, there were clues to Lu Lingzi's identity.

If the other party was indeed Lu Lingzi, then with his status, even if he became the master, he would probably not recognize his causal grafting.

Then the possibility of being summoned by asking for an audience was very small.

But if the other party was not the real Lu Lingzi, then his identity...except for the empress, there would be no one else.

So Xu Qing felt that it was feasible for him to ask for a secret realm qualification.

That's why he came here this time.

After meeting him, Xu Qing was still not sure whether the Lu Lingzi in front of him was the one he saw at the beginning.

Or maybe it was the empress...

So he had been observing in secret.

At this moment, after hearing Xu Qing's words, Lu Lingzi spoke slowly after a while.

"It's fine if you want the qualification for the secret realm without military merit, but you say it so confidently, Xu Qing, you are so brave, even bigger than your senior brother!"

The pressure spread as his words came out, covering the entire Zhuzuo Mountain.

The vortex of the sky curtain roared more and more, and the whole mountain was shaking slightly, forming an isolated seal.

Xu Qing blinked his eyes after his identity was revealed in one sentence. Naturally, he heard that the other party was referring to his courage, so he raised his head and looked at Lu Lingzi.

"Your Majesty..."

After saying only these two words, Xu Qing fell silent.

After a while, in the midst of this pressure, Lu Lingzi in the hall spoke.

"Where's your senior brother?"

Xu Qing blinked and answered truthfully.

"He went to the Immortal Art Hall."

Lü Lingzi was silent for a moment, then he snorted coldly and raised his hand to send a token flying out, heading straight for Xu Qing.

Xu Qing caught it.

This token is the qualification token for the Realm of the Origin of the World.

"Thank you, Lord!"

Xu Qing bowed and turned to leave.

"Don't make too much noise!"

Lü Lingzi's voice came from behind him.

Xu Qing paused, nodded, and left.

Until he was far away, Lü Lingzi, who was sitting cross-legged in the hall, rubbed his frowning eyebrows.

"Xu Qing is fine here, he knows his limits, but his senior brother... is not easy to worry about."

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