Outside of Time

Chapter 1053: Carve Your Destiny

The black sea of ​​fire raged across the 100,000-li plain. The heat of the flames twisted the heaven and earth and formed a seal.

Moreover, on this 100,000-li plain, the seven great worlds from the Western Demon overlapped one after another, forming a seven-layer prison.

Under the blessing, it was the strongest of the strange powers that the Western Demon could now display... the Seven Hells Heavenly Demon Realm.

The Heavenly Demon Fire burned wildly, as if it wanted to burn the prisoners imprisoned in the realm to death.

And the Western Demon, who was sitting cross-legged outside the Heavenly Demon Realm, had the same movements as the Heavenly Demon Shadow behind him, but the figure was much more illusory.

As for the Western Demon himself, his expression was listless and his breath was weak. This was the price of his Heavenly Demon Transformation assimilation, and also the price of the explosion of the Seven Hells Heavenly Demon Realm.

But at this moment, he didn't care about these. The only thing he cared about was to refine Xu Qing.

It was really the difficulty of Xu Qing here that made him always feel like he was gathering all his strength but hitting cotton.

It was obvious that he only needed to be hit several times by himself to seriously injure him, but the opponent's body shape was strange and agile to the point of abnormality, and he could appear silently at any position around him. If it was just like this, it would be fine. He was not without means of protection, but the opponent's magical power of melting was also disgusting. Every time he touched, his breath, traces, protection and even life would be melted.

It would not matter at other times, but when his own demon transformation could not last too long, this way of fighting made him feel extremely depressed.

The killing intent was also getting stronger and stronger.

Therefore, he did not hesitate to use his trump card at all costs, just to wipe out the opponent's advantage and change the battlefield into a state suitable for himself.

For example, it was like this now.

His demonic energy roared and continued to bless, and the one he had just thrown fell at this moment and stabbed the demon world.

The refining demon fire in the demon world suddenly surged.

In the Heavenly Demon Realm, Xu Qing's eyes showed a dim light. He ignored the red candles behind him that were madly devouring the surrounding demon fire, and he didn't care about the increasingly strong breath of resurgence inside.

At this moment, all his mind was focused on the carving knife in front of him that was transformed by the power of destiny.

The long spear in the air was also

Although this was the first time he truly demonstrated the power of his own power of destiny.

But after several studies and the guidance of the empress, Xu Qing had a preliminary understanding of his own power of destiny.

So, he took a deep breath and raised his right hand to grab it.

Suddenly, the carving knife in front of him shook and rushed straight to Xu Qing. The moment it fell into his hand, it flashed with vast and amazing waves, affecting all directions and distorting this world.

The Western Demons outside couldn't see clearly, and they became alert in their hearts. They gritted their teeth and burned their blood and blood, increasing the speed of refining.

As for Xu Qing, his face was condensed at this moment. His heart stopped beating. His world became black and white. Black is time, white is space. And between the black and white, there are countless gray lines. This is the fate of all living beings.

Xu Qing's emotions, along with the stoppage of his heartbeat, became extremely calm, without the slightest ripple, as if humanity had completely dissipated from him at this moment.

What was left was only divinity. This divinity had no mercy, no life or death, only the control of fate. "West Demon" Xu Qing called this name with the power of divine power.

The moment the voice came out, West Demon in the outside world trembled all over, and an inexplicable feeling of palpitations made his breathing quicken.

And in the Heavenly Demon Realm, with Xu Qing's call, the countless gray lines he saw in his eyes disappeared in an instant, leaving only one, floating in front of him.

Constantly twisted and enlarged, what finally appeared in Xu Qing's eyes was Xi Liaozi's past, present and future.

The past has become a mark. The present is still growing. The future is a constant.

Countless images of Xi Mozi's future appeared in front of Xu Qing. He understood that all these futures were possible.

If it was Zi Qing, he would choose one and make the chosen future the only one. But Xu Qing's control over fate is not to affect the fixed number, but to create the variable. So, he melted his own intention into the carving knife in his hand and carved the first one in front of him.

This stroke does not require any talent for painting, because it does not matter whether the painting is like or not. What is important is what the person holding the carving knife thinks in his heart.

Xu Qing's first thought. "This person must die." So the first stroke he carved formed a picture of Xi Mozi's death. He died miserably, his head and body were separated, and his flesh and blood dried up. This is the result. Then, Xu Qing raised his hand and carved the second thought, adding to the picture with the result,

"The corpse was beheaded by the emperor's sword 1"

The carving knife fell, and in the picture in front of Xu Qing, the emperor's sword appeared behind Xi Mozi, whose head and body were separated.

As soon as the picture appeared, Xu Qing's body shook, his mind was churning, and he spat out a large mouthful of blood, and the entire demon world trembled at this moment.

A great terror descended invisibly. That was a change in fate!

Because before this, although there was death in the countless futures of Xi Mozi, there was no scene of death at the hands of Xu Qing, let alone death under the Emperor's Sword.

These originally did not exist.

But now, with Shang Xi's birth, as the imprint was on the gray line of Xi Mozi's fate, his future has one more

And it is the only future related to the Emperor's Sword. This means that as long as the Emperor's Sword appears, Xi Mozi's future will not be able to produce other

This is the power of the gods. This is the divine power! But the price is extremely huge.

Just as the image was being carved, Xu Qing's internal organs were churning, his soul was tingling, and after he spurted out a mouthful of blood, he seemed to be unable to stop it, and he spurted out seven or eight more mouthfuls in succession.

His strong physical body also showed signs of malaise. The feeling of weakness arises from the depths of the soul and spreads throughout the entire sea of ​​consciousness. But the secret treasure of the Emperor Sword in his body, at this moment... exploded. The hidden door, which was already wide open, now erupted with monstrous sword energy.

In the secret treasure of the Emperor Sword, the Emperor's Soul merged with the Emperor Sword. After the Emperor Sword was cultivated, with the roar of the sword energy and the violent shaking of the sword body, it... rushed out.

Flying over the Tibetan Gate, flying across the sea of ​​consciousness, traveling between reality and reality, rushing out of Xu Qing's body.

In an instant, the world of demons shook, and the power of the emperor's sword suppressed everything and went straight to the sky of this world. It was blessed by the emperor's soul, blessed by fate, and it was indestructible! One sword... broke the boundary! It stabbed at Xi Mazi, who had an unprecedented change in his expression.

Xi Mozi's mind roared, and all the flesh and blood in his body seemed to be screaming. The extremely strong sense of crisis made him suddenly retreat, and he raised his hands desperately to stop him.

Control the demon spear and blast it towards the emperor's sword. The moment the sword and spear touched, the spear shattered and collapsed!

Being pierced by the Emperor's Sword, he rushed towards the frightened Xi Mozi again, straight to his neck!

He was about to fall. At this critical moment, at this moment of life and death, a low roar came from Xi Mozi, a cry that was unwilling to be controlled by fate.

A simple bell tong appeared suddenly, shrouded Ximozi inside, and then touched the emperor's sword.

There was a bang. There were cracks in the bell, but it didn't explode. Block the Emperor's Sword! Xu Qing, who was cross-legged in the Heavenly Demon Realm, was seeing blood spurting out, one after another.

This is the price of bearing fate!

The fate he has carved must be borne by himself. On the way to comply with the trend of this fate, he must bear the backlash caused by any behavior of the other party that violates this fate.

If you bear it in the end, your destiny will be fulfilled. If it cannot be endured, the destiny portrayal fails. Those who portray it will pay a heavier price.

Just like Xu Qing now, his soul is weak, and the cracks that once disappeared in his body have reappeared.

After all, there is a gap in combat power between him and a genius like Xi Mozi. It is surprisingly difficult to kill it.

Xi Mozi, who was in mid-air, was breathing rapidly at the moment, staring at the imperial sword outside the bell. After realizing that this ancient treasure of his had successfully resisted, his palpitations finally subsided.

What followed was the coldness in his eyes. "You are not Xuechenzi1" "The sword is not from my clan, this power... changes my destiny, this is the power of the gods1"

Xi Mozi's eyes flashed, revealing his understanding, and then he felt a sense of ecstasy. He vaguely guessed Xu Qing's identity, and then he also became suspicious of Lu Lingzi.

And this matter is too big, but for him, even if he finally finds out that his guess is false, it doesn't matter, but once it turns out to be true, he will gain greater military exploits than on the battlefield!

So at this moment, his body swayed, and he wanted to find a way to escape from the battlefield. At the same time, he took out the jade slip with his left hand and sent a message to his master about this.

But the moment he stepped back and took out the jade slip, suddenly...a change that was also not in his original destiny suddenly appeared.

The heavenly demon that had been floating behind him, gathered together after he realized his authority, and accompanied him to conquer all directions, suddenly behaved in a manner no longer consistent with that of the Western Demon.

This is the first time it has been like this since it was gathered together. It lowered its head and looked at Xi Mazi in front of him, who had his back turned to him. There was a hint of greed in his eyes. Then, he pounced!

At this moment, Xi Mozi's mind was filled with roaring crows, and he had no time to transmit the message. When he turned his head suddenly, his face was full of disbelief. He wanted to dodge, but it was already too late.

The demon who suddenly rebelled pounced on him.

A shrill wail suddenly came out from Xi Mozi's mouth. He wanted to struggle, to fight back, to suppress, but for the demon who was almost of the same origin as him and was obviously more powerful, all of this was in vain. Nothing can be done.

He can only let the demon in his body swallow joy crazily.

At this moment, in the Heavenly Demon Realm below, Xu Qing's face was pale, his body was weak, and his soul was sluggish, but there was a hint of coldness in his heart.

No surprises.

If the gray thread of fate of Xi Mozi in front of him is magnified countless times, he can see that in the picture of fate depicted by Xu Qing, the scene of the demon's rebellion actually emerges!

Gangwei, what Xu Qing carved before was not two thoughts. There is also a third thought. The thought is that the demon is rebelling! Xu Qing is very aware of his own fighting power. It is too difficult to kill a genius like Xi Mozi.

However, just because he can't kill him doesn't mean that the other party can't die.

Therefore, the real fate of death that he carved for his opponent was actually not the Emperor Sword, but the Demon's backlash!

It's like four taels moving a thousand catties.

Therefore, in the earliest first thought, in the picture of the fruit he carved, Ximozi not only had his head missing, but also had a withered body, as if his life had been sucked out of him.

This effect can obviously be formed in two ways. The missing part of the body is the emperor's sword, and the body withers like being swallowed, which is the rebellion of the demon.

So, on second thought, what Xu Qing said was "the corpse was beheaded by the Emperor's Sword." What was beheaded was the corpse! Xu Qing could not bear the fate of being killed by the Emperor's Sword alone. It can induce the demon to rebel, which Xu Qing can bear.

However, after he spat out another mouthful of blood, Xi Mozi screamed outside the demon world. Kuai Ran looked at it and his body dried up instantly, and all life was sucked away by the demon inside.

Also included is the bell that blocks the Imperial Sword. But after the Emperor's Sword was no longer blocked, it rushed past. Xi Mozi, who was about to become a corpse, had a strange head and body.

Department! Yixinshi cryax. Human milk 22

Xu Qing could not bear the fate of killing Gang Wei with the Emperor's Sword alone. It can induce the demon to rebel, which Xu Qing can bear.

However, after he spat out another mouthful of blood, Xi Mozi screamed outside the demon world. Kuai Ran looked at it and his body dried up instantly, and all life was sucked away by the demon inside.

Also included is the bell that blocks the Imperial Sword. But after the Emperor's Sword was no longer blocked, it rushed past. Xi Mozi, who was about to become a corpse, had a strange head and body.


Exactly the same image as Xu Qing's first thought! "I am not the one who killed the Western Devil." "It was his demon." Xu Qing stood up, and the world of demons around him collapsed.

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