Outside of Time

Chapter 1057: Ancient Giant

The voice of this great elder in black robes from the East Moyu Immortal Palace was like the friction of gold and stone, spreading throughout the square.

And his voice also contains the meaning of overlap, because it is not just the old man who speaks, but the middle-aged, young, and teenagers behind him are all speaking.

This scene is very strange.

It can be seen that although this great elder does not have the inherited immortal skills of Dong Moyu, the Six Thieves Wusheng, the immortal skills he has mastered are also amazing.

After finishing his words, he pointed the staff in his hand toward the void below and struck it in the air. Like the sound of a bell, it came out instantly and reverberated.

It's like thunder, but also seems to contain the roar of all living beings, forming an overwhelming force, distorting nothingness, blurring all directions, and arousing vast power.

In the square where the staff pointed, there was a roaring sound, and a huge vortex suddenly appeared there.

Continuously rotating, it seems to have formed a black hole, pointing to an unknown place. This scene made the representatives from all parties who dominated the mountain stare at it. The last moment, the lid of the furnace was closed! "Take the withered water from the White Prison and use it to melt the soul!"

"You Lords of the Mountain, follow the ancient agreement, please take out the token and allow me to raise the Immortal Refining Furnace Cauldron in the Immortal Arts Palace 1"

Although Xu Qing looked normal, there was a profound meaning in his eyes. In the middle of Xu'ao, the staff was torn into pieces, and blood and flesh were scattered.

The other nine envoys who dominated the mountain were also thoughtful, and they obviously had a new understanding of this great elder who had just left seclusion.

In this way, the flesh and blood of the middle-aged, young, old, and own scepter formed by Dong Mo Yu's magic, plus this mouthful of blood...

"Take the eternal thunder from the chaos, and use it to seal the representatives of other mountains. Each of them has no tokens to fly out." This cauldron was created by the ancient Emperor Xuanyou when he was conquering Wanggu in his early years. The little emperor personally killed the eight peerless evildoers at that time, and used our bones as materials to make one of the eight bone cauldrons. 1 "Have you started yet? Gao Xiu Shuang's eyes showed madness, and he launched the first move. This roar, Into the furnace.

"Although the little emperor of Xian Shu is a human race, and he chose to be forgotten by history before, so that the world knows his name, even if you are from the Xian Shu lineage, you will not be able to detect it at all."

I want to close the bone furnace and end the initial refining. When Huandong opened his mouth, he spat out a mouthful of blood. There is no flesh and blood, only bones, and it exudes an astonishing murderous intent. Xu Qing also wanted to change his mind, but the focus of my focus was on the skull. The great elder awkwardly raised his head, looked in all directions, and spoke in a low voice. Gao Xiu hesitated and resisted the urge to take action. I chose to doubt my junior brother. Combined together, four colors are formed.

That scene was magnificent, and Dong Moyu of the Immortal Arts Palace had a bright light in his eyes at this moment, pointed his staff in his hand, and shouted loudly.

"As for the bone cauldron behind your eyes, its race is unknown after birth. According to rumors, this giant monster both looks like the human race and seems to be the human race."

That scene made all the people in the inner world feel anxious. Several representatives of the Lord Master Mountain changed their expressions and stood up abruptly. At the moment when it was completely revealed, the ancient wind blew a crazy roar of willingness into the present world. Burning. "By refining this cauldron of greed, you can use this cauldron to refine immortal magic." Then you have combined the secret method of the Seven Bulls! It's still fire! It was obtained secretly after Huandong's battle with Dong Moyu. . Hearing this, Dong Moyu from the Immortal Arts Palace nodded hurriedly, with a faint light in his eyes. So Huandong's body fell directly, was swept up by the flames, and was swallowed into the furnace!

According to the agreement between the Immortal Art Palace and the Lord Mountain, the Immortal Art Palace is in principle checked and balanced by the Lord Mountain, so each generation of young immortal masters must be controlled by the Lord Mountain.

After all, the ancient treasure had an ordinary origin and was the only one in the entire Demon Feather Holy Land. Each one has shining textures and looks the same, but the colors emitted are the same. And combined with the white fire transformed by the white lake, the colors...are four colors in total. "After taking eternity, it is Gan's roar to call the immortals!"

Yes, the expression of Dong Moyu in the Immortal Arts Hall in the furnace tripod changed, and his body "randomly disappeared" on the blessed secret technique.

"We can let Gao Xiu Shuang continue!" "Dong Moyu, this cauldron is not the eight bone cauldrons built by the little emperor of Xian Shugt;

The furnace cauldron is open at this moment, so all sides can see the ring inside, and the body is shattered visibly to the naked eye on the wind of shattering stars.

"Could it be that the purpose of the little senior brother...is this cauldron?" "The little emperor of immortal magic put up a peerless formation before, and designed to attract him, and then he was really killed."

The vortex was instantly filled with colorful lights, and when it was dazzling, the rumbling sound was even more astonishing than before. In the continuous reverberation, something suddenly rose up in the vortex.

As for Xu Gu, even though I was originally very sure that the younger senior brother did it on purpose, I am still not sure about it now. Everything is too real.

The first thing to be exposed was a skull! Mingdong was shocked, and the threads of emotions and desires changed from tangible to intangible, and were called out. As for Dong Moyu's ritual, it was wind, rain, thunder, lightning and fire! Inside, there was overwhelming madness. The blood is from Huandong himself, but from Dong Moyu. So before the other people in Shandu raised their tokens, Xu Qing thought about it and took the tokens.


At the same time, Demon Yu from the East of the Immortal Arts Palace reached the foot of the cauldron in one step. His white robe bulged all over his body. Under the attention of all parties, I took a deep breath, raised my right hand, and faced the middle-aged man in front of me. The body suddenly grasped.

"Old man, that's not the moment you're waiting for him." This is the fire that seizes immortality. It has an ancient origin and is a reward for traitors in the Immortal Arts Palace. gt;

Then, the young man's body in front of Dong Moyu also shattered into pieces when I grabbed it, and his flesh and blood turned into white liquid.

That staff was actually transformed into the flesh and blood of Gao Xiu Shuang's magic. While Xu Qing was pondering, Dong Moyu of the Immortal Arts Palace raised his hands before introducing the bone tripod. The ground trembled, and four scales flew out from the vortex of the furnace.

And Dong Moyu's ritual is still going backwards. I have obviously been preparing for that day for a long time.

"Back when Ancient Emperor Xuanyou was fighting against all races, this villain sneaked into all races and stole all kinds of treasures. Especially the last time, this villain actually wanted to steal the crown of Ancient Emperor Xuanyou. Before the victory, Xuanyou was furious and sent The Immortal Emperor is chasing after "

With this secret method, you can search the opponent behind your face! The iron chains in Huan Dong's body melted instantly outside the flames. "Cauldron, burn 1"

There are only a few people from all parties here who have seen the immortal refining cauldron rise since they were young. As for the others, although they have heard the legends about this cauldron, this is the first time they have seen it with their own eyes.

The four-color fire entered the cauldron, and its burning power surged instantly! "Cauldron, open 1" At this moment, everything was completed, and I raised my left hand. What finally appeared in front of everyone's eyes was a cauldron several hundred feet in size! Xu Qing was heartbroken and was about to take action. Dong Moyu, on the other hand, flicked his right hand and sent the wind of broken stars in his hand into the cauldron.

In the cauldron that was about to close, the head that was left after Huandong was refined, its eyes that had always been closed suddenly opened at that moment.

Although the Grand Elder's Immortal Arts Hall is subject to checks and balances in principle, in reality, all parties dominating the mountain are fully insulting the internal affairs of the Immortal Arts Hall and are almost always interfering.

Before Isshiki, there was less white!

The voice of Demon Yu from the east of the Shu Palace echoed, and the expressions of everyone who heard it changed.

"But, regarding the deeds of the little emperor, your lineage of immortal arts will definitely forget them."

All parties were silent, and after looking at each other, the envoy of the Fifth Lord Mountain raised his hand, and immediately a token flew out, floating above his head, shining brightly.

Although we know about the existence of this cauldron, this is the first time we have heard of such a specific origin. "Take the wind that breaks the stars in the starry sky and use it to destroy the body." So as I unfolded, the body that had been in front of him for many years also suddenly collapsed. The White Lake where the Immortal Arts Palace is located is churning at this moment, turning from lake water into white fire.


, making each of the envoys who dominate the mountain

ocean. But at that moment, a shocking change occurred!

Especially for the Immortal Refining Furnace Cauldron, an ancient treasure from the Immortal Arts Palace, there are even fewer restrictions, and only tokens can open it.

Next, there is a lid as small as a hundred feet... Xiao Qiniu pursues the original path of sentient being!

It was also the source of Gao Xiu Shuang's authority and orthodoxy back then. Even if the Grand Elder's Immortal Arts Palace is in decline now, no matter how the Xi Moyu Immortal Arts Palace plots, it still fails.

The appearance of ten tokens and the simultaneous shining of light converged into a sea of ​​light and merged into the vortex above. In an instant, the lid of the cauldron made a smaller sound, and it hurriedly opened to the side.

Open, infinite flames suddenly erupted from the cauldron, shrouding Huandong hanging below.

This cauldron is white in color, and its entire body is actually made of bones. Countless ancient runes and symbols are engraved on its surface. While the whole body is full of viciousness, there is no sense of time flowing down underneath it.

At this moment, all the flesh and blood turned into thunder and went straight to the furnace.

Xu Qing's mind was moved, and when an incredible thought came to his mind, the envoys who dominated the mountain suddenly opened their eyes while staring.

On top of that grasp, the middle-aged figure was completely intact, and his flesh and blood turned into a gust of wind, falling into

As soon as the words came out, the huge bone furnace cauldron buzzed and vibrated instantly. And the fire gathered even more, pouring into the Immortal Arts Hall, into the square, and into the bone furnace cauldron.

The wand held by the withered body of the magic feather in the east of the Immortal Arts Palace was shining with electric light at this moment, and streaks of thunder shone from under the wand.

As soon as the wind came out, it roared in all directions, and it contained terrifying power, making everyone's expressions freeze before they felt it.

It turned into a roar. Pushing it, there is a huge and small furnace body. lt is engraved in the cauldron, which means that there are seven kinds of things related to Dong Moyu. Introducing one's own immortality into flesh and blood of the same stage, carrying my immortality refining materials. When he appeared... he was there, inside the furnace!

, "And there are no historical relics left in your Immortal Arts Palace. It is described that the cultivation of this huge cauldron is monstrous, comparable to that of a small emperor, a Ganchang cellar stick wine lodge, Li Lieshi, Henqi Yelai, a public furnace in the body ap; Mu yypku+.

When he appeared... he was there, inside the furnace!

"And there are no historical relics left in your Immortal Arts Palace. It is described that the cultivation of this giant cauldron is monstrous, comparable to that of a small emperor, especially its madness that shocks everyone around, and its greed is outrageous."

The more I look at it, the more... it looks familiar!

A strange feeling arose in his heart. This unbelievable guess became weaker and stronger at this moment, so the light rose from under the skull of the furnace and looked at Huandong who was hanging in the air.

"In the name of the little immortal master who holds the palm of my hand, I have conquered the command of the mountain that dominates the ten directions. Now I use the bone-breaking cauldron to refine the traitor Huandong into an...Eight Thieves elixir!"

"The furnace tripod, together"

In an instant, a vortex formed in the cauldron, and the suction force increased slightly during the roar. At the same time, the skull of the cauldron shone with a faint light at that moment, as if it was being resonated and blessed.

This is the soul-melting pain. Attracted everyone's attention and emotion. The furnace roared. Xu Qing's face darkened, and he still held back as he stared sloppily. Huandong's body was being shattered and was sprinkled with white water. His expression suddenly became distorted, as if he could not bear it.

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