Outside of Time

Chapter 1058: These are my bones!

In the square of the East Demonic Feather Immortal Arts Palace, the Bone Furnace is roaring at this moment, surrounded by nine-color fire, constantly erupting, and burning violently!

The rune marks on the surface of this cauldron are shining rapidly, and they are all running, making the flames bigger and the training officially begins!

Three of the representatives from the surrounding Domination Mountains had already stood up, with gloomy expressions on their faces!

As for the other parties, there was also surprise and suspicion in their hearts!

Shidong is the reversal of this scene, too sudden!

It was hard for them to predict that Chang Lao, the leader of the Immortal Arts Hall who initiated the ceremony, would actually fail when he had such an advantage!

After all, if there is no certain certainty, Dachang will never invite all parties to dominate the mountain to witness.

Although there was also a reason to start the Immortal Seizing Ceremony, he had to invite all parties to dominate the mountain, but no matter what, there must have been perfect preparations to prevent accidents!

But... the accident happened after all!

Although everyone didn't know how Huandong managed to hide it from the old Chang Chang and show the potential to turn the tables in the end, there is no doubt that this time the position of the Great Immortal Master is in suspense!

As for who is promoted to the Great Immortal Master, the interests of all parties who dominate the mountain are also different!

Some people prefer Di Da Chang Lao, some prefer Huan Dong, and some are neutral!

Therefore, after seeing such a change, those representatives of the Third Lord Mountain and the Seventh Lord Mountain, who had been connected with Da Chang Lao beforehand, rushed out to help with a sway of their bodies!

But just as they were about to go, the envoys of the Fourth Lord Mountain and the Sixth Lord Mountain appeared at the same time.

Go ahead and stop the rescue!

They stared at each other without words, because their actions had expressed their attitudes, so the meaning of confrontation was instantly reflected among the four people.

Fang Shengteng!

At the moment when the four parties were confronting each other, a roar came from outside the Immortal Arts Hall!

I saw a group of monks in black robes, leading some immortal masters, rushing in from the outside world. The leader was a young man in a gorgeous robe!

This man had a strong murderous intention, and he led a group of monks behind him to fight with the immortal master belonging to Da Changlao who was blocking him!

Its speed was astonishing, and it even jumped into the air. The two sides fighting at high speed were directly on top of the Bone Furnace!

The moment he appeared, the void around him was distorted, and three immortal masters who were close to him appeared and came straight towards the young man!

Each of these three immortal masters was outstanding. The moment they took action, a strange magic technique formed three jet-black fangs, which were shrouded in black mist and headed straight for the young man in the robe!

But the young man in the gorgeous robe was unmoved. Despite being bombarded by the three men, he took out a bell and dropped it hard towards the furnace cauldron below!

The sound of the bell echoed immediately, and the bell suddenly grew in size, reaching a size of hundreds of feet, covering the cauldron completely!

The momentum radiated swept across all directions!

All this sounds like a lie, but in fact it all happened in a flash of lightning!

After the bell fell, the attacks of the three immortal masters also hit the young man in Chinese robes. His body was rolled back and blood spurted out, but a cold sound came from his mouth!

"This bell is the attitude of my Yun family."

"My Yun family fully supports Huan Dong's promotion to the Great Immortal Master."

The immortal masters belonging to Da Chang Lao all around had gloomy expressions on their faces, staring at the young man in Chinese robes and others who rushed in. The envoys from the surrounding mountains who dominated the mountains also cast their gazes one after another!

"Yuntian Bell."

The fame of this clock is not small in Dong Moyu. It is the Yun family that is as famous as the Lan family. It is the ultimate treasure of Dituo!

As for the young man in gorgeous robes, he is quite famous himself, and he is the young master of this generation of the Yun family.

At this moment, with the recognition, the envoys from all sides who dominate the mountain all have strange expressions!

Obviously, the young master of the Yun family's pursuit of Huan Dong is not a secret in Dong Moyu, and all parties have information. The young master of the Yun family had helped Huan Dong in the Immortal Art Palace before!

But no matter what, this was his personal behavior, and with Huandong being captured, the other party was also expelled from the Immortal Technique Unit, but now he not only arrived at the precise time, but also showed the Yun family's treasure!

This is different!

The former only represented himself, but now he represents the Yun family!

This makes this battle between great immortal masters even more suspenseful!

But the person who really controls this fight is not the Yun family, nor the immortal master here, but the Lord of the Ten Directions Mountain!

They have this right!

So the immortal master from the old side of Dachang, who was now middle-aged, bowed to the Lord Mountain with fists in his hands!

Huan Dong is a traitor to our Immortal Arts Palace, and the young master of the Yun Family has also been deceived. As for the Yun Family's special affairs, unless the ancestor of the Yun Family arrives, our Immortal Arts Palace will not believe it!

"At this moment, I would also like to ask all the envoys to help us bring order to the chaos.

In the future, I, the Immortal Arts Palace, will definitely repay this kindness of helping you. "

Seeing this person's words, the young master of the Yun family's face darkened. He looked at the envoys from all sides who ruled the mountain, clasped his fists and spoke!

"Everyone, this is an internal matter of the Immortal Arts Palace. Miss Huandong is not a traitor to the Immortal Arts Palace. As the only disciple of the previous Great Immortal Master, she has mastered the Immortal Technique of the Six Thieves, so she is the orthodox heir!"

It's that old man Da Chang who has evil intentions, disregards the tradition of the Immortal Arts Hall, and wants to seek the position of the Great Immortal Master. He is extremely vicious!

"Please stick to your past attitude and not interfere in the internal affairs of the Immortal Arts Hall!"

After the young master of the Yun family finished speaking, he bowed. He was worried about gain and loss in his heart. He knew his family too well. This time he took the treasure by himself and the process was very smooth. This already shows the ancestor's attitude!

If you succeed, the Yun family’s support will be real!

If he fails, then he has stolen the treasure without authorization, and the Yun family will completely disown any involvement in this matter!

So he raised his head and looked at the envoys of the Lord Mountain, especially the fourth and sixth Lord Mountains, because these two parties chose to support Huan Dong under Huan Dong's communication!

The messengers of the fourth and sixth masters are also thinking in their hearts at this moment. They have tried their best to stop the messengers of the third and seventh masters. Now if they speak, they will do it.

There are too many things to do!

Already more than their harvest!

As a result, there is some imbalance!

And just as everyone was pondering, a low voice came from the seat of the First Lord Mountain!

"Fellow Daoist Yun, when did the Yun family have the final say on matters in the Immortal Arts Hall?"

Sitting on the First Lord's Mountain Seat was an old man. The old man had his eyes closed. When he said this, although he still didn't open his eyes, his voice carried weight and roared here!

"In the ancient agreement, in the matter of the Immortal Arts Palace, the Lords of all parties jointly decided that we would not interfere. This is respect, but it does not mean that we cannot intervene. It just needs to be done at the necessary moment!"

And now, this is the moment. Everyone, I propose to open the furnace and assist the Great Chang of the Immortal Arts Hall to bring order to the chaos. This farce should be over!

When the words of the envoy of the First Lord Master came out, the face of the young master of the Yun family changed, and the immortal masters under Old Chang's table were excited. They knew that the weight of the First Ruler Mountain was extremely high!

The other envoys who dominate the mountain are also thoughtful at this moment. Even the fourth and sixth lords who are leaning towards Mingdong are hesitant in their hearts, and the balance is beginning to tilt!

Everything is about to be finalized!

Xu Qing's voice, like a cold wind sweeping through, echoed in the square!

I object.

As soon as his voice came out, he immediately attracted everyone's attention!

The old man who first dominated the mountain had his eyes closed, but now he suddenly opened them and looked at Xu Qing!

The weight of Xuechenzi is very heavy!

The weight of the tenth master is even heavier!

Therefore, even the old man of the First Lord Mountain gave a sigh of relief to the opposition of the Tenth Lord Mountain!

Under everyone's gaze, Xu Qing's expression remained as usual. After seeing his senior brother take action, he knew that his guess was correct. All this was done intentionally by his senior brother!

So now, he naturally can't let anyone ruin his senior brother's plan.

Before I came here, the Lord had ordered that I, the Tenth Lord of the Mountain, would not participate in any disputes within the Immortal Arts Hall. Our Mountain would only support the winner!

Xu Qing spoke calmly, glanced at him, and looked at the old man who dominated the mountain with a strong posture, without giving an inch!

The other dominant messengers all stopped talking. Their eyes swept over Xu Qing and watched them compete!

As for the number one master, Old Man Shan, who was being stared at by Xu Qing forcefully, he was staring at Xu Qing and spoke hoarsely!

I'm very surprised, Xue Chenzi, you and Huan Dong clearly have a grudge, why are you acting like this today?


Compared with personal grudges, I will naturally obey the orders of the Lord!"

Xu Qing spoke slowly, and then his voice sounded cold!

"In addition, I really hope that Huandong will become a great immortal master. In this case, I will have the pleasure of killing him with my own hands!"

The old man who dominated the mountain, the first master, narrowed his eyes, looked at Xu Qing carefully for a few times, and then suddenly spoke!

If I still persist, what will you do?

When Xu Qing heard this, his expression was as usual!

"You can give it a try."

The entire square, as the words Xu Qing came out, immediately formed a depressing atmosphere. There were two vague storms, emanating from Xu Qing and the first master of the mountain, the old man, making invisible contact!

Obviously, Xue Chenzi's deeds in Xi Moyu are now spread all over the world, especially Xi Mozi's death, which shocked many people!

So when faced with Xu Qing's strength, even the number one ruler, Old Man Shan, was in a state of turmoil!

In the furnace cauldron, Chang Lao, the great master of the Immortal Arts Palace, was in the same turmoil.

He had checked many times before, even smashed Huandong's meridians, drained his blood, and put in place numerous restrictions to ensure nothing went wrong!

Unexpectedly, at the last moment, the other party used this strange method to move them into the furnace, causing them to be refined together!

Although he still has plans, he has communicated deeply with the First Lord Mountain and gained the support of the First Lord Mountain. He is sure that the outside world will soon open the furnace to save him!

But he understands that being rescued is different from getting out of trouble and paying a price later!

In addition, he is completely sure of his escape!

This assurance is based on the understanding and control of this Bone Cauldron.

Although his authority on this cauldron is not as good as that of the Great Immortal Master, he is confident that whether it is understanding or exploring it, or the authority he possesses, it is not comparable to Huan Dong!

According to the rules of the Immortal Art Palace, only the Great Immortal Master and Da Chang Lao are qualified to use this cauldron!

Now that the Great Immortal Master has fallen, as an old man, he is naturally full of confidence!

Huandong, you don’t understand this cauldron at all. From the moment you enter here, your ending is already doomed!

"So, all your plans are meaningless!"

Dachang Lao said calmly, raised his hand to seal the secret, and the cauldron suddenly shook his head!

Then he swayed his body and ran straight up. He used a specific magic technique to control the cauldron, and he was about to penetrate out of the cauldron!

The furnace cauldron vibrated stronger, and was controlled by the old man Da Chang. A vague meaning appeared above him, and he was about to escape!

But at this moment, he only peeled off Huandong with his head tilted, and a sarcastic smile appeared on the corner of his mouth!

"I don't know anything about this cauldron?"

"Give me death."

Erniu roared!

Instantly, the vortex above the cauldron disappeared, countless flesh and blood appeared out of thin air, spreading in all directions, and completely fused the lid and the body of the cauldron together!

And they seemed to be of the same origin and inseparable!

No matter how the authority of the elder Chang was operated, it was useless, as if his authority had become a decoration.

The elder Chang was immediately suspicious. When he was sucked in here before, his heart was just a wave, but now it was so big that it could not be described as a storm.

How is this possible? You are not Huan Dong, Huan Dong can't do this. Who are you?

Er Niu grinned!

"What's impossible!"

"The material of this cauldron is originally mine."

As for who I am, I told you that this cauldron was made of me, who do you say I am?

Er Niu's head floated up, with an arrogant look!

Inwardly, I was filled with emotion, recalling the scene when I, Master, and Xu Qing saw the statue of the Immortal Art Emperor in the palace below Fenghai County, in the hall that stored the immortal arts!

At that time, the old man asked me to worship the Immortal Art Emperor. I worshipped his bird head, and I would worship no one else but him.

"It was this bird emperor who used my third-life body to refine the cauldron!"

That was my third life.

At that time, I was still very naive, and I didn't know that people's hearts were sinister. Didn't I just borrow some treasures from various ethnic groups? Didn't I just want to borrow the emperor's crown from Xuanyou for fun? It was not a big deal. Xuan didn't say anything, but this bird emperor actually killed me!

"It's fine to beat me to death, but I also refined my corpse into a cauldron. The most excessive thing is that I have to embed my skull on it.

It's too much."

Fortunately, I saw this cauldron from Huandong's memory, otherwise, I probably wouldn't be able to find my poor and innocent third-life skeleton!

Erniu gritted his teeth and growled in his heart!

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