Outside of Time

Chapter 1063: From Today

On the desolate stars, Erniu sighed, a little regretful, he did not find Xiao Aqing on those maggots, so he set his eyes on the sea of ​​corpses around him.

Just as he was unwilling to search here, in another fragmented world of Mingyan's memory, a war was breaking out.

That was the starry sky.

A dark armor, like Mingyan crawling out of death, led the army behind him to engage in a crazy and cruel fight with the aliens in the starry sky.

The sound of magic and the shrill sound kept rising and falling here, until a person came from afar, exuding a monstrous divine power, ignoring both sides and sweeping everything, with a sharp blade heading straight for Mingyan.

When he approached in an instant, a finger fell on Mingyan's brow, collapsing his body, collapsing the starry sky, and collapsing this memory world. In the diffusion of countless fragments, the figure of this person also became clear, it was the empress.

Unlike Xu Qing and Erniu, they showed the appearance of Mingyan in this memory world, while here the empress showed herself.

Did he really fall, did his memories spread out into a world, or did he use many memories as the first layer of obstruction? Mingyan, are you dead or alive? The empress said lightly.

Go forward?

At the same time, the other parties who entered the retreat of Emperor Mingyan were also in different worlds, some exploring, some ignoring, and some immersed.

Each of them used different methods for different purposes. For example, on a dark plain, among the five people from Xi Moyu, the old man was walking separately.

The ground was shrinking under his feet, so that he seemed to be walking slowly, but in fact, the range of each step was large enough to be heard.

As he walked forward, there was a clattering sound, which echoed on him, as if he was tied with iron chains under his black robe, until a long time later, a fault appeared in front of him.

A huge gully was revealed. The old man standing beside the gully looked down and laughed hoarsely. It was indeed here.

Emperor Moyu once said that if a realm transformed by memory appeared, it would mean the fall of Emperor Mingyan.

In the hall where countless women existed, Xu Qing sat at the head, his eyes sweeping over everything.

He did not act rashly, but analyzed the current situation in his heart. However, the words of Emperor Moyu were not to be believed too much. However, in any case, this was most likely the realm of memory of the land of Mingyan.

So, what is the meaning of this realm of memory? Inheritance? Or is it a similar realm, many like obstacles to pass through?

Xu Qing was thinking, and suddenly his eyes turned cold. He retracted his gaze from a distance and stared at the right side. On his right side, there was a charming woman wearing a thin gauze skirt that was almost half taken off.

With a flushed face and charming eyes, she crawled towards him like a pet.

The crawling posture made her figure more charming.

Xu Qing did not speak, but his eyes became colder, and this cold gaze also made the crawling woman tremble, her expression emerged, and she dared not step forward in fear and trembling.

Slowly retreating, Xu Qing was about to retract his gaze when he saw this, but at this moment, his brows suddenly frowned with a sense of tearing.

In this world, in this hall.

It suddenly appeared on him, and it felt like this world was rejecting him, and it was accompanied by a crisis, as if his actions attracted the attention of this world.

What made Xu Qing's mind more concentrated was the oppression that came with it, as if there was an extra mountain on his body, but fortunately the tearing feeling was mild and not serious, as if it was just a warning.

Interesting, Xu Qing narrowed his eyes, slowly stood up, walked to the high platform, and walked into the hall!

The women in the hall noticed Xu Qing's actions here, and their expressions emerged, horrified, accompanied by confusion about Xu Qing's behavior, Xu Qing didn't care!

He was exploring and verifying the cause of the tearing feeling. As he approached the hall door, the expressions of the women in the hall became more and more turbulent, and even their voices gradually became smaller, until, finally, when Xu Qing was only one step away from walking out of the hall door.

The hall suddenly became silent, the music disappeared, the obscene sounds stopped, and even the breathing stopped. Everyone turned their heads at the same time, with cold eyes and death, staring at Xu Qing.

The sense of tearing appeared strongly at this moment.

Xu Qing paused and turned to look at the women in the hall.

The reason for this sense of tearing was finally confirmed in my heart. The world was drawn by a fragment in the memory of Emperor Mingyan, representing his past memories, and my current appearance is him, so my behavior must be consistent with Emperor Mingyan's back then.

If it is not consistent, I will be considered an intruder, and this sense of tearing will appear. I will be suppressed by the hostility of the whole world, and then form a great terror. So if I want to be successful, I need to find out how Emperor Mingyan acted in the past!

After thinking, Xu Qing did not forcefully leave, but walked back. With his return, the music in the store reverberated again.

The expressions on the women's faces returned to normal. As the lewd sounds started again, they also approached Xu Qing, bowed their heads and flirted, twisted their bodies, and their expressions were full of desire.

But Xu Qing's brows were still furrowed, because he found that the sense of tearing still existed, and it did not decrease at all because of his return.

It was wrong to leave, and it was wrong to stay, so what did Ming Yan do back then?

Xu Qing's eyes flashed with cold light, and he made a decision in his heart. At the moment when the women around him approached him, he raised his right hand and clenched his fist. The sound power exploded here, and the sense of tearing disappeared at this moment.

Xu Qing immediately understood that Ming Yan's choice back then was to leave...

After a while, the door of the hall slowly opened, and Xu Qing walked out.

The wind blew, bringing the fragrance of flowers to lift Xu Qing's hair, and also

The opened door was pushed open even further, and following Xu Qing's body, one could see that there were no corpses or living women in the hall behind him.

Some are just wisps of withered stamens, and they are becoming illusory, and the entire daughter country also showed great changes the moment Xu Qing came out of the hall.

The earth trembled, the sky became dark, the wind and clouds changed, and the buildings collapsed in an instant, with thick branches rushing out from inside.

During the swaying, it can be seen that each branch is split at the end, branching out into countless flowers and stamens, and each stamen is a woman.

Looking at it, with the collapse of the entire daughter country, there are thousands of such huge branches, spreading in all directions, and the number of stamens splitting out from them is several times greater.

After appearing at this moment, everyone made a sound of lust and looked at Xu Qing from all directions. As for the center of this daughter's kingdom, as the ground collapsed at this moment, a giant flower with a size of ten thousand feet rose inside. This is The petals of the main flower are spread out, and there is only one stamen inside, transforming into a woman.

Talking about the Albizia flower, a faint light flashed in Xu Qing's eyes. He knew this flower. He had seen it before and saved Ning Yan who was absorbed by the Albizia flower.

It's just that the one back then was very small, but now the one in front of me is terrifying and astonishing. Almost at the moment Xu Qing stared at it, the laughter of countless women with stamens who looked at him echoed, and among the whistling branches, they rushed straight from all directions. Xu Qing!

Xu Qing's face was expressionless, his body swayed, and he instantly rose into the air to avoid the sweeping branches. At the same time, he raised his right hand and pressed it down. Suddenly, the power of the drug ban turned into a thick black mist, spread out suddenly, and went straight to As those branches passed by, the girl's laughter became shrill and shrill, and her body's decay seemed unbearable. However, the dissipated tearing feeling here by Xu Qing reappeared, and it was extremely strong, giving him a feeling of panic. It was as if the great terror that he could not resist was coming with his previous attacks. The more he took action, the stronger this feeling became.

In response to this, Xu Qing immediately put away the drug ban, retreated, and analyzed quickly in his mind. At the same time, the branches roared, and the queen of the flower stamens on the ground raised her hand and pointed.

Suddenly, countless flowers bloomed in the void around Xu Qing, and all the petals exploded, irradiating the entire area. Although Xu Qing retreated to avoid it, one petal still fell on him and split open. A scar.

Now in this memory world, Xu Qing's perception of Mingyan's body felt like he was injured.

This was an attack at the memory level. After realizing this, Xu Qing also felt the tearing feeling. As his injuries were reduced, the great terror that came seemed to be stopped and began to disappear.

All this points to one path, which is to be unable to resist being killed by this flower. Mingyan was killed by this flower back then, but Xu Qing didn't believe it.

But that sense of tearing made him understand that if he didn't follow the instructions, something more terrifying would definitely appear, and there was another way that might be able to break it!

A faint light flashed in Xu Qing's eyes.

The carving knife drawn by the Divine Power of Destiny was rising in the sea of ​​consciousness at this moment. But at this moment, a clicking sound suddenly came from Xu Qing's storage bag.

Xu Qing stepped back and took a closer look, revealing something strange!

The golden rat egg in his storage bag sensed Xu Qing's carving knife? At this moment, it completely shattered and a golden light flew out from the broken eggshell, surrounding all the eggshells. After devouring it crazily, it flew out of the storage bag on its own.

It fell on Xu Qing's hand and turned into a little golden mouse. He tried his best to open his eyes, squeaked a few times at Xu Qing, and even rubbed Xu Qing's fingers, exuding friendly emotions.

And the moment he appeared, the world painted by this memory also changed dramatically, the sound disappeared, all the stamens remained motionless, and even the stamen queen seemed to be frozen, maintaining the expression just now, as if everything was still, Xu Qing His mind was fluctuating. This was a change that he had not expected!

Before that, he knew that the golden rat was extraordinary. After all, the old man of the fifth star ring had one himself, and his psychic could break through time and escape, so he also had expectations for his golden rat, but he expected it no matter what. , at this moment, Xu Qing's heart was shocked when he saw this rat coming out and all directions stopped!

At the same time, in the place where Emperor Mingyan closed the sky, not in the deepest part of the realm of memories, there was a strange world. The sky was made of flesh and blood, and there were countless


There are boundaries drawn by several memory fragments on each velvet. As for the earth, it is a completely transparent sea. There are countless flesh and blood piled up on the sea, forming a huge sarcoma.

There was a middle-aged monk sitting cross-legged in the sarcoma. His expression was calm and intimidating, and his body exuded a sense of ancient vicissitudes, accompanied by a terrifying aura. He originally had his eyes closed, but at this moment, his eyes suddenly opened!

Looking through the void and looking into a world of memory fragments, there is a Lijin Beast!

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