Outside of Time

Chapter 1074: Washing Green Vegetables

Chapter 1077 Washing Green Vegetables

On the transparent sea, in the terrifying purple-red tumor, as the sound came out and the breath spread out...

The entire transparent sea was in a storm and turned into a tsunami.

The whistling sound shook the earth and formed a huge wave that swept across the sky, as if to overturn the world.

The flesh-and-blood sky also squirmed, and the countless flesh-and-blood tentacles on it shook together. As for the flesh-and-blood gap where everyone came, it was suddenly closed and healed at this moment.

This place has become a Jedi.

Only the voice with a hint of ridicule echoed in this Jedi, becoming an aftertaste that lingered for a long time.

When it fell into the ears of the masters of all parties, they all looked gloomy and regret rose in their hearts.

I shouldn't have come here.

But many times, greed does not decrease with the growth of cultivation. Everything depends on whether the value is enough.

As for these masters at the level of masters, they are not lacking in fighting spirit, nor are they cowards, otherwise, it would be difficult for them to come all the way to now.

So when they think they can give it a try, it is reasonable for them to fall into such a situation.

So at this moment, one by one, they instinctively retreated, showing their self-reliant defenses, while seeking a way to break the situation, and also placed their hopes on the Demon Feather Emperor.

Among them, except for the fifth master who transformed into Lin Kun, who decided to come on his own, the others finally decided to go after the persuasion of the Demon Feather Emperor and the promise of Dao Shi.

And everything is not a foregone conclusion.

Especially the situation where the Queen and the Demon Feather join forces.

It is not impossible to successfully obtain the power inheritance and the treasure of the emperor that they need.

As for Xu Qing and Erniu...

They also have their own goals.

Xu Qing's goal was relatively simple. He wanted to break through the shackles of his own cultivation. Although the power emitted by this transparent sea here was neither spiritual nor divine, the vitality contained in it gave him hope.

"This place is very suitable for improving cultivation!"

On Erniu's side, he was looking at the tumor.

Looking at the figure inside, he couldn't help licking his lips. His original goal of coming here was to control the corpse of a great emperor.

But obviously, this goal was difficult to achieve.

However, he had a second goal, which was to activate his previous life bone tripod and find the memory of the third life.

He had no memory of the third life and the second and first lives.

But he had a hunch that only by mastering the memory of the third life could he pursue the second life and the first life of the final source.

And at the moment when all parties retreated with their minds rising based on their own goals, the Empress and the Demon Feather Emperor rushed straight to the tumor...

In the huge tumor on the transparent sea, the cross-legged Emperor Mingyan raised his right hand.

The sky shook, and it crashed down.

This scene shocked the mind.

That was the sky wanting to destroy the earth!

That was crushing everything.

The momentum was shocking, destroying everything!

At the same time, the nothingness in all directions was surging, as if it had turned into substance, and suddenly squeezed towards the center with vast power.

The sea below was the same, rising into the air to welcome the sky and the nothingness in all directions.

The whole world seemed to shrink together rapidly, forming a seal.

In Xu Qing's perception, he only felt that the sky and the earth were blurred, the pressure was infinite, and the eight directions were rolling back, but after his mind was shaken, everything he saw was normal.

The sky was still the flesh and blood sky.

The earth was still the transparent sea.

Most of the surroundings did not change much.

Only the Empress and the Demon Feather Emperor... were covered by a layer of purple-red flesh and blood, like a ball.

That was composed of the sky, the sea, and the nothingness.

Because at that moment, the center point where the heaven and earth and the eight directions converged was the Empress and the Demon Feather Emperor!

It was difficult for Xu Qing to describe this scene clearly.

He just had a strong feeling that this world was like a fruit.

And everyone was in the hollow core of the fruit. At that moment, it was the Emperor Mingyan who dug a circle inside the fruit with unimaginable power.

Then he rolled the dug part into a ball!

The Empress and the Demon Feather Emperor were sealed inside.

Before Xu Qing could perceive it clearly, the same scene appeared again with the roar of heaven and earth.

It was not until it appeared twenty-three times in a row that everything ended!

The eight directions were normal, and the heaven and earth were normal.

It just seemed... a little thin.

All parties were shocked.

And the voice of Mingyan still echoed.

"I have set up this game for a thousand years, just waiting for the Demon Feather to arrive at the critical moment, to be possessed by me and become my new body."

In the tumor, the Emperor Mingyan spoke lightly.

"And you are the nutrients for my new life."

"As for the appearance of a divine platform, it was beyond my expectation, but... it was also a pleasant surprise."

As Ming Yan said this, his eyes fell on the tumor that sealed the Empress and the Demon Feather Emperor. After scanning it, he looked at the cultivators whose expressions changed drastically.

"My world has thirty-three layers. I peeled off twenty-three layers and turned them into seals."

"Now, there are ten layers left, which will be left to you."

After saying this, Ming Yan raised his right hand and let it go slightly.

The next moment, no matter how everyone struggled, resisted, or dodged, it was useless. In an instant... the world roared.

One layer of heaven became flesh and blood, covering the woman in palace dress.

One layer of heaven turned into a cage, sealing the fifth master.

And the scholar, the young man, and the old man who had a grudge against Xu Qing and the others, all could not escape their fate and were enveloped by the world stripped by Ming Yan.

They became tumors one after another, floating in the air.

In another tumor, Xu Qing and Erniu were sealed together.

After doing all this, Ming Yan closed his eyes, his chest rose and fell, and he breathed evenly.

As soon as he inhaled, all the meat balls floating in the air shook together and began to shrink.

As soon as he exhaled, all the tumors trembled again and expanded one after another.

And between the inhalation and exhalation, what was brought to the parties in the tumor was the dispersion of life and cultivation.

The sense of crisis came strongly at this moment.

At this critical moment, the tumor where the empress and the Demon Feather Emperor were sealed by the twenty-three heavens and earth suddenly trembled, and there was a muffled roar inside, and the tumor itself was in a reversed state.

When Ming Yan breathed, the tumor was affected by the inside and stopped shrinking, but expanded with all its strength.

When exhaling, it was also in the opposite direction, which was equivalent to borrowing the power of the Dark Flame itself, forming a contradictory impact force, causing the huge tumor that sealed the Empress and Mo Yu to continue to roar, and cracks appeared.

Dark Flame frowned slightly.

The next moment, the tumor that sealed the Empress and the two had more cracks, and rays of divine light filled out from inside, accompanied by the power of Mo Yu's authority, which was assisting the explosion.

So it was just three breaths of time, and the sealed tumor formed by the twenty-three worlds suddenly exploded with a thunderous roar.

The figure of the Empress rushed out from inside and went straight to the tumor where the Dark Flame was.

Wherever she passed, the void shattered and the sky and the earth collapsed.

The Great Emperor Mo Yu was beside him, with murderous intent, and they killed together.


In the blink of an eye, the two of them directly broke through the tumor where the Dark Flame was, stepped in, and fought with the Dark Flame.

The whole tumor suddenly swelled, and the blood and flesh inside were blurred, and it was a mess.

Outsiders can't see the details.

And now there is no mood to pay attention to that place. At this moment, all the masters are taking this opportunity to burst out all their trump cards to break the tumor that seals themselves.

Each method is different, some use secret methods, and some use the hidden treasure of the emperor.

No matter the cost.

Xu Qing and Erniu are also doing their best at this moment. While using the token of the empress to resist the pressure, Xu Qing cuts with a carving knife.

But this tumor is strange and amazing, as if it is intertwined in the gap of fate. After cutting one layer, there is another layer, which is endless.

And Erniu even opened his mouth and swallowed it in the opposite direction, but it was ineffective.

Other parties are like this. No matter what method they use, it is difficult to break it at all... Even if it is broken, they will find that the seal still exists in the outside world.

This scene gave everyone an illusion.

"Is this seal really just from the first heaven? It's fine if we can't open it. I see that those masters have used their trump cards, and some have even used the treasures of the emperor, but none of them succeeded in breaking it."

Erniu took a breath.

Xu Qing's eyes flashed.

"But why did Mingyan say this... Maybe these seals are not from the first heaven!"

Erniu hesitated after hearing this.

"If so, I don't understand why Mingyan is like this? What's the point of deceiving us, or in other words, it's obviously not as effective to put multiple seals on us as it is to put them on the Empress and Moyu."

"After all, the biggest threat to him is not us."

Similar doubts are not only being pondered by Xu Qing and Erniu here, but also emerging in the minds of other masters.

As Erniu was talking, a sudden change occurred here!

Almost all the tumors, in this instant, began to wriggle violently, shrinking rapidly, and suddenly expanding, using this force to form pressure, falling on each master.

The pressure was so strong that it exceeded the limit that the master could bear.

So the next moment, wailing came out from the mouths of the masters of all parties.

Their bodies were collapsing, and then they were refined, and their lives were forcibly sucked away.

The same was true for their cultivation, which was cruelly stripped out in the absorption of this pressure.

There were also souls and authority.

Even magic weapons could not escape.

They all continued to collapse and be absorbed under this pressure, as if they had become pieces of spiritual stones!

The absolute power made them unable to resist, and they could only wail painfully in despair and powerlessness.

And the reason why it is almost all... is because the one in these tumors where Xu Qing and Erniu are located is different from the others!

The tumors where they are located did not shrink, but expanded, making the internal space larger...

Such changes made Erniu breathe rapidly, and Xu Qing was also in infinite danger.

Until the next moment... Endless vitality came from all directions, along the tumors where Xu Qing and Erniu were located, and directly... poured in!

These vitality were stripped from those masters.

Under the manipulation of a mysterious hand, all of them were sent to the tumor where Xu Qing and Erniu were.

And the previous expansion was obviously to accommodate it.

In the blink of an eye, all the life essence sucked from those masters gathered into liquid, covering Xu Qing's ankles, flowing through his flesh and blood, nourishing his whole body.

The focus of nourishing is the pure body.

This scene made Erniu gasp.

And here, Xu Qing's mind roared strongly, and he thought of one thing.

What happened in the world of the Chuangyi Tianzu.

"Someone is urging my body to grow!"

Xu Qing's heart skipped a beat. Recalling the past, he suddenly felt that the cleansing of the Chuangyi Tian Clan seemed to be a blessing, but the most fundamental reason seemed to be...

Washing vegetables!

Before eating, wash them thoroughly.

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