Outside of Time

Chapter 1106: Lao Liu meets Lao Liu

Chapter 1109: Lao Liu Meets Lao Liu

More than 900,000 miles away from Xu Qing’s cave, in the sky, under the red aurora, a young man in a bright yellow robe was galloping.

He broke through the air all the way, and his speed was so fast that it was almost imperceptible to the naked eye.

And his target was clear, which was exactly Xu Qing’s position.

His cultivation was close to the middle stage of the master, and as he roared forward, it was restricted to a hundred feet within his body, not emitting a little, and as he galloped, it became more and more intense.

As for his appearance, it was ordinary, and there was a not very obvious birthmark on the right half of his face, which made him look a little weird.

But there was a cunning light in his eyes, and it was obviously not a simple person.

At this moment, his eyes were flashing.



"This person either really didn't notice that the range of his Quasi-Xiandu Order was only the initial range; or he was scheming and set up a trap!"

"Of course there is a third possibility, that this person is extremely confident..."

The young man narrowed his eyes, thinking in his mind, but his speed did not slow down at all.

"But for me, I am not afraid of traps!"

"Even if it is the third possibility, there is still room for maneuver."

Thinking of this, he suddenly raised his hand, took out one of the pair of storage rings in the same space that he specially made, and threw it down.

Below, there is a swamp.

The ring fell rapidly and sank into the swamp.

This action seemed to be done casually, and the process did not waste the young man's time at all. The next moment, his figure whizzed past here.

Generally speaking, there is a storage space in the storage ring, and the ring itself is like the door of this space.

Generally speaking, there is only one door to open the storage space.

But this young man made two.

Outsiders do not know the reason for this. This is his secret. Almost all those who understand this secret have been killed by him.

And the killing intent is also gathering momentum as the young man gallops.

Time seems to feel the killing intent and urgency, and it flows unknowingly at a rapid speed.

The distance is getting closer and closer.

Seven hundred thousand miles, five hundred thousand miles, three hundred thousand miles...

Until one hundred thousand miles!

At this distance, the young man's already amazing speed suddenly soared.

He was decisive in his heart. No matter which possibility the other party was, his method would proceed according to the plan.

His plan was to move rapidly within the initial perception range of 100,000 miles, which was ordered by all quasi-immortals, without giving the other party any chance to react.

At this moment, above Xu Qing's cave, the sky suddenly churned, and a loud rumbling sound broke out at this moment. A blue light source appeared in an instant, and the light swept in all directions.

At the moment when the red aurora of the sky seemed to be covered, a huge stone hammer suddenly appeared.

This hammer is simple and exudes an ancient meaning, as if it has existed for too long. After it was revealed at this moment, it did not delay at all and suddenly smashed towards the barren mountain below.


The world shook, and a circular wave spread rapidly along with the blue light. Wherever it passed, it was as if it had substance, and it was crushing.

But the stone hammer itself was not substance.

It actually penetrated the barren mountain and appeared directly above Xu Qing's head who opened his eyes in the cave in the barren mountain.

The speed was fast and the momentum was great.

In a flash, without giving Xu Qing any chance to breathe, it directly enveloped and smashed hard.

At the same time, after this stone hammer, the young man with a birthmark on the right side of his face also showed a terrifying speed and followed the stone hammer.

The killing intent also spread out at this moment.

At the critical moment, Xu Qing, who was sitting cross-legged there, suddenly changed his expression. When he raised his head, he pinched his hands, and the formation prohibition around him rose immediately.

The 49th formation ban was activated, and hundreds of thousands of formation bans roared out from all directions, filling the entire range within sight, forming a series of formation threads, and converging into a fist.

At the falling stone seal, he hit it with all his strength.

At this moment, the loud noise shook the world and affected all directions.

The barren mountain where the cave was located was instantly turned into ashes, and the nearby land was also like this, turning into dust and scattering.

Even the nothingness was distorted, forming a series of space cracks.

The fist composed of hundreds of thousands of formation bans was too small after all, and it collapsed inch by inch at this moment.

However, with the help of the power of the formation ban itself and the explosion formed by the collapse, the momentum of the falling stone hammer was blocked and lifted up.

However, Xu Qing did not seem to feel well with this huge impact.

His face was pale and his whole body was trembling, but obviously at this critical moment, he could not care too much. At this moment, he was going to take this opportunity to escape.

But the next moment, the young man behind the stone hammer was already approaching, with a flash of Dao in his eyes, and his right hand raised and waved.

In the blink of an eye, a strong wind started!

His authority is the wind.

At this moment, the wind fell from the sky and instantly became a storm, surrounding this place, sweeping across everything, and even raising a wind wall, like a seal.

Blocking Xu Qing's way.

At the same time, there were low roars in the storm, and the next moment, thousands of troops appeared in it, rushing towards Xu Qing from all directions.

And above, the young man with a birthmark on the right side of his face was also murderous and violent, and rushed straight to Xu Qing.

Xu Qing saw that he could not escape, and there was madness in his eyes. As if he was going to give it all up, he raised his hand and waved it.

Instantly wiped out the power rising here.

Confronting the power of the wind.

Then Xu Qing rushed into the air, and a series of magic skills were displayed in his fingers, surrounding himself to fight with the young man.

The two sides immediately touched.

The rumble echoed.

Xu Qing's madness became stronger, as if he had to fight desperately in a desperate situation, regardless of himself, with the goal of forcing the other party to retreat.

So for a while, the sound was fierce and deafening, and the intensity was instantly pulled to the extreme.

But it was obvious that the gap between them was not small. After more than ten breaths, Xu Qing was shocked, and the young man's palm appeared strangely on his head.

With cruelty, he did not give Xu Qing any chance, and there was no word since the battle, and he pinched hard.

With a bang, Xu Qing's head was torn into pieces and collapsed directly.

But at the moment before the collapse, Xu Qing chose to self-destruct without hesitation, to stop the other party, and at the same time left a wisp of soul, as if to escape far away.

The rumble sound shocked the world again.

The power of the self-explosion formed a terrifying vortex, but the young man sneered, and then the breath of Dao Hen rose from his body, forming a sea of ​​fire.

He actually had two powers.

One was wind, and the other was fire.

And his fighting style was different from the guardian of the spiritual mine and the city lord killed by Xu Qing. He used power and killer moves.

At this moment, the sea of ​​fire was surging, swallowing the vortex caused by the self-explosion.

It was about to dissolve everything, and the sea of ​​fire was merging with the wind around it. Under the surge, it intercepted Xu Qing's soul that was about to escape and shattered it.

At this moment!

Under the ground, the real Xu Qing suddenly opened his eyes.

The previous figure was naturally transformed by the Glazed Treasure Tree. It must be said that the figure transformed by this tree was no different from Xu Qing's own breath, and it could also transform into a soul.

Although it was fake, it was difficult to distinguish in a short time.

It also successfully attracted the power of the authority of fire from the newcomer, making the other party and himself reveal their empty doors at this moment.

So Xu Qing's eyes flashed with coldness.

The five elements of authority all exploded.

In an instant, the earth that had turned into ashes around it churned up, and the power of the earth gathered rapidly from the surroundings at this moment.

In the midst of the earthquake, the soil was like a sea, covering the wind and suppressing the fire of the young man's authority.

Then Xu Qing's five elements of fire appeared in the sky, the sea of ​​fire spread, and the sky fire flowed.

There were also countless water vapors formed in the sky and the sky, and Xu Qing's figure emerged in each of them, with magnificent momentum.

There was also wood power entangled, forming countless wooden scabbards, filling all directions.

And in each scabbard, there was gold power spitting out light at this moment.

The five elements of authority were all displayed, and the lethality was terrifying at this moment.

But Xu Qing still felt uneasy, and lit the life-demanding incense without hesitation.

The incense mist rose, the life-demanding was formed, and the incense burned and the life burned.

And as the authority of the five elements fell, Xu Qing himself also decisively rushed out from the ground.

Like a stone breaking the sky, holding the emperor sword, he rushed straight to the young man.

All this is said to be slow, but it happened in an instant.

Even Xiaoying, under the transmission of Xu Qing's thoughts, activated his own dark area, covering the four directions, controlling all the shadows under the aurora within the range, and assisted in the attack.

This is the killing game prepared by Xu Qing!

Facing all this, the young man's expression finally changed drastically, his body suddenly retreated, and at the same time, the wind and fire authority was activated again by him, and he even waved out the magic weapon.

At the same time, he also showed his own magical powers, trying to avoid this killing.

But obviously, it was still too late.

Although he judged that Xu Qing had arranged it, he did not see that the figure of the glass treasure tree was false at the first time, which was destined to appear at this moment.

So in the violent power of the five elements, the earth urged the body, the sea of ​​fire destroyed the law, the golden light urged the soul, the wood power was cut off, and the water vapor was dead!

Shadow entangled, a sword collapsed.

The rumbling sound spread violently, and the reverberation was endless.

The young man's body also collapsed in the reverberation, breaking into countless pieces of meat and a storage ring.

The battle was over.

Xiaoying was extremely excited, and her emotions were fluctuating at the moment. She happily rolled up the pieces of meat and rings and came to Xu Qing, ready to take credit.

But... Xu Qing's face suddenly became gloomy at this moment. He suddenly raised his hand and pressed forward, immediately blocking the arrival of the flesh and rings rolled by Xiaoying.

Xiaoying was stunned.

Xu Qing's eyes flashed with cold light. He did not feel the other party's authority being sucked in, nor did he feel the increase in the ranking and range of the Quasi-Immortal Order.

The other party, not dead!

As for the induction of the token, because the distance was too close and the stars were overlapping, Xu Qing could not immediately detect the trace through the other party's token unless he immediately went away and pulled away.

These thoughts flashed through Xu Qing's mind in an instant, and he suddenly raised his hand.

The next moment, the waves in the void became the surface of the water!

The world can be seen as a well.

It is like fishing for the moon in a well!

Xu Qing's move was extremely decisive, and the range of fishing for the moon in the well also covered the entire surrounding area.

And this decisiveness is extremely critical.

At the moment of this moment, the reflection appeared!

On the surface of the water, the magic and authority that Xu Qing had previously displayed emerged, and they were reflected inside like a mirror.

This is the reflection that Xu Qing chose.

In addition, in the place where the minced meat and the storage ring were located, a series of magic, as well as the two authorities of wind and fire, were also reflected.

Even the items in the storage ring space were the same.

Xu Qing also saw something unusual at this moment!

This storage space has two doors!

At the same time, he also discovered that there was a dark shadow hanging on the space where the ring was stored.

It doesn't seem to be posted.

In Xu Qing's perception, there is one word that can describe it.

That's sticky!

This shadow seems to be stuck to the wall of the storage space, existing in an extremely hidden way.

And originally, it seemed that something had been done.

But under the moonlight in the well, everything was still, which also had an impact on him. Although he could not be absolutely still due to his dominance, his movements still slowed down.

This scene made Xu Qing's expression condense.

He immediately analyzed that this was the opponent's true form!

And the one I killed before was a clone!

The other party didn't see the incarnation of his Glazed Treasure Tree, but he also didn't see that what the other party showed was not his true form.

He and the other party both chose this method to confuse their opponents.

As for the main body, it is also at close range, using the overlap when sensing the token to hide it.

However, the behavior of the other party sticking to the wall of the storage space is obviously more hidden, and the way of existence is also special.

That kind of stickiness seems to be almost integrated with the space wall of the storage bag.

So to a certain extent, it’s between fiction and reality.

Hard to be damaged by external force.

Xu Qing didn't know how the other party did this.

But now is not the time to think.

Without any hesitation, he used all the techniques he had shown before and used them to catch the moon in the well and exploded again.

"Even if you hide inside and put yourself in a virtual reality, I can still hurt you!"

Catching the moon from a well is the method of space.

Not to mention that the other party is stuck to the wall of space, even if it is really one body, the power of fishing for the moon in the well can still be affected!

At this moment of explosion, all Xu Qing's previous spells and powers roared again in the well.

The target this time is the shadow!

In an instant, everything collapsed.

At the same time, nine hundred thousand miles away, in the swamp, the storage ring that had been thrown down by the young man suddenly flashed.

A figure appeared from inside.

It was the young man with the birthmark on the right side of his face.

But at this moment, he looked pale, spat out a large mouthful of blood after appearing, and suddenly looked in the direction of Xu Qing.

His expression was solemn.

His authority is wind and fire.

The two authorities were already the proud ones, but he was not satisfied.

It's just that due to his talent, he couldn't form a third level of authority.

So he found a new way, using a rare and special thing containing the energy of space, burning it into fat with the power of fire, and then blending it into a certain amount of fairy liquid to keep it in a liquid state.

When necessary, he will use the power of wind to quickly disperse the fairy liquid within it.

Let it re-solidify, thus forming an adhesion effect.

With this method, before he fights to the death, he will stick his body to the wall of the storage space of the storage ring, making himself virtual and real, almost integrated with the space.

This method is extremely subtle, and he often breaks out suddenly when the opponent thinks he is killing him and takes the storage ring to investigate.

Use this as a sneak attack.

Nothing goes wrong.

However, during the Immortal Capital Hunting Trial, the quasi-Immortal Capital Order would be absorbed after death, which caused a flaw in his usual hiding method.

"Although this damn plundering rule between quasi-immortal orders has affected my concealment effect."

"However, it is not easy for this person to be able to detect it instantly and not give me a chance to sneak attack."

"And after realizing that there is a way to hurt my body, it is even more difficult, especially with his authority..."

Thinking of this, the young man's eyes narrowed.

"And this person's previous arrangements show his mind, his authority shows his talent, and his actions show his decisiveness. All of these combined... this person is a rare genius!"

"As for cultivation, it should be hidden."

He was afraid in his heart, his body swayed, and he planned to leave.

Facing such an opponent, he felt that fighting with him to the death was not cost-effective at this early stage of the second hunting phase.

Moreover, the other party's previous methods also hurt him, and he was in poor condition at the moment.

Need to find a place to heal.

"Be careful of being chased by the other party..."

The young man sighed, but just when he was about to leave, his expression suddenly changed, he took out a voice transmission order, and after sensing it, his eyes flashed.

"I have one here, maybe he is the person you are looking for."

He thought for a while and suddenly responded via voice transmission.

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