Outside of Time

Chapter 1110: The Endless Path to Immortality

Chapter 1113 The road to immortality is vast

The river wind roared, picking up the divine blood, turning the ripples into waves, and swept them in all directions on this vast divine river with no end.

The black lone boat was traveling inside. It didn't look very fast, but no matter what the wind and waves, it couldn't stop it at all.

The big waves calmed down instantly after the boat arrived.

The rain of blood is also like this.

It is as if the ferry boat is the supreme treasure in the divine river, and the ferryman who controls this treasure is the controller of this endless river of blood.

However, compared with this magnificent world, this place... is just a prison.

There is not one ferryman, nor is he fixed. He always ends his sentence and leaves.

In the final analysis, they are the ones who committed serious crimes in the Immortal City and were sent here to accept punishment.

But looking at the entire fifth star ring, there are very few people who can really regard them as criminals. The family does not dare, the sect does not dare...

So gradually, the ferry boats, with their unique fees and absolute safety, were properly used and became a precious refuge for monks whose lives were hanging by a thread.

Such as Xu Qing at this moment.

He sat cross-legged on the stern of the boat, and what he said was the trace of recovery given to him by his fifth grandma before leaving Wanggu Continent to worship the moon.

This mark can instantly restore all his injuries.

It can only be used once, and the price is Wu Nai's life force.

That is the blessing of the old man.

Therefore, Xu Qing would not use this thing unless absolutely necessary.

"This fifth star ring is surrounded by dangers... With my current level of cultivation and combat strength, I must be cautious in everything."

Xu Qing meditated silently, and with the help of the purple crystal's recovery, the lost skin on his body of red flesh and blood gradually grew back.

The skin, considering his current overall injuries, is relatively minor.

So in just one day, Xu Qing recovered some of his original appearance from that terrifying appearance.

At least it doesn't look so embarrassing.

However, the weakness caused by the burning blood in the body and the injuries caused by the last blow from the red-haired young man could not be cured in a short time.

"It will take a month..."

Xu Qing felt depressed.

If it were to take a month to heal in Wanggu Continent, there would be dangers, but Xu Qing had many ways to avoid and resolve them.

But in this strange and powerful fifth star ring, there are countless variables and crises during the one-month recovery period.

So on this boat, Xu Qing seized all the time, wasted nothing, and tried his best to make himself recover more after the six days.

After all, these are six days purchased with life.

I am afraid that there will no longer be an absolutely safe environment for some time to come.

In this way, time passed and three days passed.

During the past three days, Xu Qing was recovering from his injuries. The boatman, who was wearing a raincoat and a bamboo hat, spent the rest of his time sitting on the bow of the boat, puffing away mist, except for occasionally sliding the oars.

Not a word.

It's just that his gaze, most of the time, looks into the sky.

I don’t know if I am looking at the aurora in the sky, or at the existence within the aurora, or... I am looking at the nothingness outside the aurora.

Until, within the Aurora, the fourth small whirlpool appeared after Xu Qing boarded the ship.

The fourth day arrives.

The boatman blew out a smoke ring, looked back at the sky, looked down at the bloody water of the Divine River, and suddenly spoke.

"Boy, what's your name?"

When Xu Qing heard this, he opened his eyes and was about to say the three words Yan Xuanzi.

"Don't tell me a fake name."

The boatman said calmly.

Xu Qing paused and spoke honestly.

"Senior, junior Xu Qing."

After hearing this, the boatman closed his eyes and stopped talking.

Xu Qing also kept in mind what the other party said before that he didn't like him talking too much, and he had no more words to say at this moment. He knew very well that the boatman in front of him should be the strongest person he had ever seen.

According to his understanding of the ferryman on the map, those who can be punished by the Immortal City will most likely be sent to the Immortal City.

An immortal, right in front of me...

Although from the outside, it doesn’t look like...

But he can detect the mud fox on his body at a glance, and the mud fox was originally sleeping, but after getting on the boat, it seemed to hide instinctively.

All of this can be seen.

Just when Xu Qing's thoughts were rising, the boatman opened his eyes again, looked at the sky, and spoke again.

"Where are you from?"

Xu Qing was shocked.

He tried hard to keep his expression intact and his mind stable. He spoke respectfully and made up a location based on the map he had seen before.

The boatman heard this and sneered, but did not continue to ask about Xu Qing's origins. Instead, he turned his head and looked at Xu Qing a few times.

"The seven realms of Yun Shen have so many powers, but they still have space and time. It's very extraordinary. The techniques they practice are special, so the eighth and ninth realms are difficult to achieve."

Xu Qing lowered his head, seeing that his Taoism was revealed. Naturally, he was not surprised by this, so he acquiesced and remained silent.

The boatman's words continued.

"Looking at the traces of your time and space laws, you should have an idea about your own eighth realm."

"So even if it's unlikely to happen, it's only a matter of time before it happens to you."

"So, do you know what a master is?"

The boatman spoke calmly.

Xu Qing's heart was shaken again, and he was very surprised.

The other party's words obviously meant to instruct...

Xu Qing had some guesses in his mind, but none of them were certain. Although he didn't know the specific reason at the moment, he would not miss this opportunity.

So Xu Qing took a deep breath and stood up to bow respectfully.

"Please help me, senior."

"The fundamental function of the Domination Realm above the Soul Condensation Realm is the process of forming an Immortal Embryo."

"In this process, the Immortal Path will be born. The Immortal Path is above the Heavenly Path, and what is manifested is authority and Dao Mark."

"You should already know all this."

The boatman's voice was calm, without any ripples.

Xu Qing listened carefully and nodded.

"But some things will only be told to the sect, family or elders after the fifth star ring cultivator reaches a certain level."

The boatman glanced at Xu Qing.

"That is, the core of the Domination Realm!"

"Immortal Embryo?" Xu Qing asked.

The boatman nodded slightly.

"Immortal embryo, also known as the immortal illusion."

"Illusion represents your soul, and truth represents your body."

"The entire Domination Realm is a process of alternating and blending."

This was the first time Xu Qing had heard of these things, and he listened very carefully at this moment.

The boatman's voice continued.

"According to this process, the Domination Realm is divided into three small realms: front, middle, and back."

"The first realm is to release one's soul and form a new body outside the body. This is illusion and truth."

"At this time, the Domination Realm cultivator is both powerful and fragile."

"The power is because the illusion is outside, gradually replacing the truth, so the understanding of authority and the control of all things have reached an incredible level."

"As for the fragility, it is because the truth is hidden by the illusion, so as long as there is a way to hurt the truth, it is not difficult to kill it. For example, the sword energy you used before, in fact, its fundamental function is to destroy the truth."

"That sword energy is quite interesting. Although it is difficult to hurt the middle stage of the Domination Realm of the Immortal Realm, it is not simple to give it to you."

The boatman paused slightly when he said this, leaving Xu Qing some time to think.

Xu Qing's mind was in turmoil. He had previously intuitively sensed that the sword energy of Grandpa Jiu might not have much effect on the middle stage of the master. Now he got confirmation from the words of the boatman.

Then the masters he killed appeared in his mind. They were all like this, but he didn't know much before, so he didn't feel deeply in the fight.

After a while, the boatman took a puff of his pipe, exhaled the mist, and continued.

"After achieving illusion and truth and great success, you can explore the second realm."

"The second realm is to melt your body, which was originally hidden by illusion, into the soul. This step is called immortality."

"For the master of this realm, truth and illusion can be transformed in an instant. To a certain extent, there are almost no flaws, so it is immortal."

"As for the third realm, you need the Dao mark of authority. The Dao mark is the thread to weave yourself, so that the truth, illusion and immortality are completely integrated, pick the stars, become the only one, and thus achieve the immortal embryo!"

"The moment of success, it is a quasi-immortal and an emperor."

The boatman spoke slowly.

After hearing this, Xu Qing, combined with his own cognition, has already thoroughly understood the realm of domination.

However, such an opportunity is very rare, so Xu Qing couldn't help but speak.

"Senior, how do the Quasi-Immortal Emperors and even the Xiaxian above them perform?"

The boatman glanced at the Emperor Sword beside Xu Qing, pondered for a moment, and slowly spoke.

"The Quasi-Immortal Realm is the Divine Stage Realm of the Gods. The characteristic of this realm is Constitution!"

"Constitution is the sublimation of the Dao Mark of Authority, the power, the will, and the origin. It is the power of command before the real birth of the immortal."

"As for the lower immortals..."

The boatman exhaled a puff of smoke, and in the mist, his face, which was already covered by his hat, became even more blurred at this moment.

Only the sound of calmness echoed on this bloody river of gods.

"That is the pinnacle of the lower planetary ring."

"Any one of them is flawless and omnipotent."

"It's just that in this upper planetary ring, in the higher-level constitution, they also have a scope."

Xu Qing took a deep breath, his heart was filled with waves, and he bowed to the boatman again.

"Senior, above the lower immortals is..."

This time, the boatman was silent for a longer time, and his voice became a little hoarse.

"Above the lower immortals is the immortal master!"

"The master of all immortals!"

Hearing this, Xu Qing thought of what the eldest brother had said to him at the beginning, that he did not believe that there was no way above the lower immortals, and he believed that there might be immortal masters, and there might be immortal masters...

"At that time, the eldest brother actually knew it."

Xu Qing recalled the past, muttering in his heart.

And the boatman's voice was still echoing.

"But the difficulty of this realm can be called the sky. In the entire fifth star ring, there have only been eleven immortal masters for countless years."

"The eleven immortal palaces they sit in the immortal capital are each the source of the constitution."

After saying that, the boatman suddenly smiled.

"Since we've come to this point, I can also tell you about the levels above the Immortal Lord."

"Above the Immortal Lord is the only Immortal Venerable!"

"The Immortal Venerable's Star-Suppressing Ring is at the same level as the God Venerable, and the Immortal Venerable in the fifth star ring is the only one in the entire thirty-six ascending rings."

"Before he became a Venerable, he was also called the Fifth Human Ancestor."

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