Outside of Time

Chapter 1116: The Floating World

Chapter 1119: The Long Rivers and Lakes

The blue sand dunes sparkle with countless brilliance, as if every grain of sand in them is a gem.

Gathering together, they are endless.

Like the huge waves of the sea, they are frozen in the silent world.

And the blazing heat from all directions spreads in this silence, making everything here more hazy.

Only the brilliance of the sand and gravel is like stars, and it seems that countless times have intertwined countless dreams here.

Like a dream.

Looking at it, it is a illusory splendor.

"Senior, this place is the Time Desert. After crossing this desert, we can reach the ancient teleportation array."

"Through the array, we can be teleported to the area near Black Cloud City."

On the edge of the Time Desert, on the wooden boat in the air, Yunmen Qianfan's eyes are full of Xu Qing's figure reading a book in front of her.

At this moment, she kneeled beside her, peeling the fresh fruit for Xu Qing, and spoke in a coquettish voice.

This journey, for her, was like the waves shown in this desert. Her heart was always fluctuating, and her thoughts were like a dream.

Every time she recalled it, she felt it was amazing.

He could cry to death the cultivators of the seven realms of Yunshen with one look.

He could kill four elders in a few breaths.

He could suppress the gods with one hand.

These scenes made it clear to her that the senior Yan Xuanzi in front of her must be the master!

Although she had seen other cultivators at the master level before, whether it was the ancestor of the family or the genius of the family, they were all masters.

And she had seen several masters of foreign races from afar.

But all of them were high above.

No one had ever been so close to her and accompanied her all the way.

This feeling of being protected in the face of all dangers was a rare experience in her life, and it was deeply rooted in her soul.

At the same time, these days, she would occasionally ask Xu Qing about her own cultivation when he was drinking, and Xu Qing was not stingy and gave her some advice.

These instructions benefited her a lot, and many confusions about cultivation ideas were solved in the past few days.

In her opinion, this senior in front of her saw many problems more thoroughly than her own ancestor.

As for why a cultivator at the dominant level would become a guest of her family and hide his cultivation, she didn't want to think about it, nor did she care.

After all, the family is like this, and everything has nothing to do with her.

"Senior Yan Xuanzi must have had his own difficulties and secrets that he didn't want outsiders to know."

Yunmen Qianfan said silently in his heart, then picked up another fairy fruit and continued to peel it. At the same time, he noticed that Xu Qing's wine pot was almost empty, so he replaced it skillfully.

There were many items in her storage bag, and food and drink were only a part of it, but it was also quite rich.

This was naturally not obtained by divination, but after she made a choice, she accurately positioned herself to be an all-round maid, trying to make Xu Qing comfortable along the way, so as to increase her grasp of survival.

Xu Qing didn't care about her thoughts.

But it must be said that Yunmen Qianfan did a great job as a maid along the way.

And this woman is very smart, especially the initiative to inform at the beginning and to unlock the seal of the space soil in advance, all of which are resolute.

So Xu Qing is willing to fulfill his previous promise.

At this moment, while taking a sip of the wine pot, his eyes also fell on the desert in front of him.

Looking at the brilliance, looking at the haziness, looking at the countless times here.

In the near place, the desert is picturesque, as if the work of nature is writing the law.

In the far range, the outlines of the sand dunes are blurred, as if hiding ancient secrets.

In addition, the vegetation in the desert is sparse, and there are a few plants occasionally, and the leaves are all degenerated into needles. Such species changes are to reduce water evaporation and delay the passing of life.

The tenacity of life is reflected here.

All things are like this.

All living beings are actually like this.

In the sky, several eagles soar, and their figures are particularly eye-catching under the sprinkle of the aurora.

The silence of the desert was also broken by the cry of an eagle from the sky at this moment, but it was not abrupt, but added a bit of mystery and desolation.

"Why is this place called Time?"

As the wooden boat flew into the desert, Xu Qing spoke slowly.

Yunmen Qianfan, who knew everything about the places he passed by along the way, hesitated at this moment.

After a while, she spoke in a low voice with some uneasiness.

"Senior, the reason why this desert is called this place is not recorded in any ancient books. It is passed down by word of mouth by the people living in this desert."

"So why it is called this name, I don't know..."

Xu Qing nodded, his eyes swept over Yunmen Qianfan, and a faint voice came out.

"The places you chose along the way are all very interesting, such as Tianshui Lake and this Time Desert, places with special names or ancient legends, how many do you know?"

Yunmen Qianfan heard the words and quickly took out a bamboo book from the storage bag and respectfully placed it in front of Xu Qing.

"Senior, everything is here. I usually like those stories recorded in different landforms and environments, so I have been collecting them."

"Except for some places within the family's sphere of influence, I have seen them with my own eyes. Most of the others I have heard about, but I have never had the opportunity to actually go there."

"So there may be truth or falsehood."

Xu Qing took the bamboo scroll, and after his divine sense swept over it, a faint light appeared in his eyes.

This bamboo scroll has geography written in words, including different landforms, mountains, lakes, and even rivers and basins, and is marked with names and stories, as well as approximate locations.

"Luoxie Pond, Tianfeng Cave, Huokong Mountain Range, Xianyun Plain, Zhudao Cliff, Digui Pool, Yunni Basin..."

Looking at these names, Xu Qing became very interested.

"Even if only a small part of it is a truly special place like Tianshui Lake and this Time Desert, then it will be of great help to me."

Thinking of this, Xu Qing put away the bamboo scroll.

In his opinion, the value of this bamboo scroll is no less than the soil containing space energy.

Then Xu Qing looked at Yunmen Qianfan again.

"Are you in a hurry to go to Black Cloud City?"

"No hurry, no hurry, not at all."

Seeing Xu Qing satisfied, Yunmen Qianfan was even more excited. As long as she could help Xu Qing, she felt that it was a manifestation of her own value.

Besides, the guidance she had received along the way made her feel that it would be better if the journey was longer.

So when she heard Xu Qing's question at this moment, she quickly responded happily.

Xu Qing nodded slightly, took a step forward on the boat, disappeared in an instant, and reappeared on the desert dunes.

Sitting cross-legged there, Xu Qing's eyes were bright.

"Here, time is chaotic, or in other words, there are countless times flowing to different degrees, but they are blending with each other, making everything normal again."

While muttering, Xu Qing's mind spread out and covered all directions.

Yunmen Qianfan was already accustomed to Xu Qing's constant perception. When she saw Xu Qing sitting cross-legged, she immediately put away the wooden boat, landed beside Xu Qing, and began to get busy.

Soon, she built a shed around Xu Qing and arranged a mat woven with spiritual grass. Finally, she sat aside, propped up her chin, and looked at Xu Qing with her beautiful big eyes.

Although Xu Qing is now middle-aged and somewhat vicissitudes of life, he has a special charm in her eyes.

"When the senior was young, he must have been handsome and elegant."

"And there are many stories about him..."

"He often looks at the distant world. Is he reminiscing? Reminiscing about his family and his old friends?"

"And that song, the rivers and lakes are leisurely, the sassy and unparalleled, but also with sadness. When I played it, I vaguely saw the back of a woman in my mind..."

"Is that... the senior's Taoist partner?"

As her heart was murmured, a hot wind blew, blowing Xu Qing's long hair and moving her clothes.

This wind also fell on Yunmen Qianfan, making her dress close to her body, outlining the undulating curves, very graceful.

The picture is very beautiful.

It seems that the heavenly work in the dark also looked sideways and began to write on the desert, forming scenes of sand paintings as the desert flows.

Just like that, time passed.

Five days passed.

Xu Qing's divine consciousness had already covered an endless range, covering the desert while also penetrating into every grain of sand.

Five days ago, when he first saw the desert, Xu Qing felt the chaos of time here.

As for the specific reason, he was not sure at the time, but he just felt that his sundial had a glitch in the rotation of the gnomon here, speeding up, slowing down, and then stopping.

And his own extreme time path was more turbulent than usual.

Until now, through five days of observation and research, combined with his own understanding of time, he had a vague guess.

"The endless sand here seems to be countless, but in fact... it gives me the feeling of being one."

"This kind of unity does not describe the desert as a whole, but... the unity of individuals!"

Xu Qing pondered in his heart.

"To be precise, although the surface scratches and sizes of each grain of sand here are slightly different, in fact, they may all be the same at the beginning."

"No matter the size, no matter the scratches, including all the subtle details, they are the same.

There are so many of them, it's as if they were copied."

This is an epiphany he came to after five days of observation, research and exploration.

Xu Qing raised his hand, scooped up a handful of sand, and stared at it.

"It seems... there was only one grain of sand here."

"It was the wind blowing, or the influence of external objects, that caused the movement of this grain of sand. Every movement caused the time acting on it to change."

"Every change is equivalent to adding a time line and a grain of sand."

"As time goes by, under the blowing of wind or mysterious power, there are more and more time lines and more and more grains of sand here."

"Each grain of sand has the same initial point, but soon it has its own time line. They have different frictions and trajectories in their own time lines."

"In the end, it formed this desert."

"This is why there are so many times here, and why they are intertwined with each other."

Xu Qing raised his head and looked at the end of the desert.

"This place is magical, or rather... this place is actually a treasure related to time."

"But few people can take it away, because the way to take it away is to adjust the time of every grain of sand here, so that this desert will return from chaos, and eventually the grains of sand will decrease one by one until they become the original one."

"I can't do it now."

"But... here, I saw a deeper manifestation of the power of time."

Xu Qing's eyes flashed.

"Time branch!"

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