Outside of Time

Chapter 1135: The Land Where Immortals Fell

Chapter 1138 The Land of Immortal Fall

The moment he took off the mark of the flower of inheritance from his forehead, a sense of relief from his consciousness turned into invisible ripples and spread in Xu Qing's heart.

It covered his whole body, fell at his feet, and scattered in the void.

It is because the Tao is not far away, in the body, all things are empty but the nature is not empty.

At the same time, he cut off the cause and effect with the flower of inheritance, and also made Xu Qing's Tao no longer spread out.

He used his actions to inform the existence that wanted to borrow the Tao...

I won't borrow it!

Afterwards, he walked up to the sky, walked on the horizon, with his black hair fluttering and his green shirt fluttering, walking farther and farther.

"Although the number of constitutions can affect combat power, there must be a limit. Otherwise, there would not be such a thing as cutting off one's own extra constitutions and sending them as inheritance."

"Those lower immortals who sent out inheritances containing constitutions naturally knew that what really determined their realm was the completeness of the constitution, not the number."

"So, for me, I don't need those extra constitutions."

"What I need... is to make my time and space constitution go further and make it more complete!"

Xu Qing raised his head and looked into the distance. As far as his eyes could see, there was endless red aurora.

"The Constitution of Space and Time is based on the Five Elements, with time and space forming a platform. It leaps forward on this platform, and the foundation is very deep."

"Throughout the ages, it is impossible that I am the only one who has comprehended the Constitution of Space and Time. In fact, at the moment when this Constitution was formed... I had already understood it."

"There are other fellows on the road ahead of me, but their number is very small, and... none of them have reached the end."

"Some stopped, some changed their route."

"This road has no source yet."

Xu Qing walked forward while thinking.

He had a hunch that when he comprehended the Constitution of Space and Time to a deeper level, whether he could form the Ninth Pole or not, he would definitely let his cultivation break through the current level under the influence of this Constitution.

Form my Ninth Realm, and then reach the master!

"Then what is the deeper level..."

Xu Qing pondered.

Walking between heaven and earth, walking in space and time, sometimes his soul went to the past to find clues, and sometimes his soul extended to the future to pursue answers.

Seven days later, his steps stopped, and space and time also turned into waves.

Looking up and looking forward.

There is a mountain ahead, with seventeen peaks in the mountain, and each peak has a pool.

The pool water is clear and round like a full moon, with a stone platform pavilion next to it.

The pavilion has eight corners, and there seems to be a geographical totem engraved on the inner platform.

This is... the location of the Digui, named Digui Seventeen Pools.

There are many exotic flowers and plants beside the pool, which exhale the spirit of immortals. Over the years, it has become spiritual.

Occasionally, all living beings are transformed, and all kinds of life are performed here.

It becomes a strange image.

For countless years, if ordinary people mistakenly enter this place, they often wake up in a dream.

Therefore, there is no harm to people in this place.

Therefore, it has been preserved to this day, and there are often cultivators who come here to seek the way.

Staring at these, Xu Qing thought of the description of this Digui Pool in the ancient scroll recorded by Yunmen Qianfan.

In addition to the previous ones, there is also a legend about the stone platform totem.

Legend has it that this was left by a great man who traveled all over the fifth star ring in ancient times. His way was to measure and describe the geography of the fifth star ring.

That’s why this place is called the Land Regulation.

However, as time goes by, people can’t see the totem clearly. They can only see the vague graffiti and it’s hard to see the true meaning.

Because its true meaning has been absorbed by the pool water for many years and has melted into the pool water.

So every time when two aurora vortex days alternate, if someone stares at the pool water, they can reflect their desires and obsessions in it, making people understand their inner world.

This is also one of the reasons why many practitioners are attracted to practice here.

In order to purify the soul and achieve spiritual sublimation.

With thoughts filling the air, Xu Qing took a step.

Walking up the peak, he also walked towards the prosperity of all living beings that were transformed by the pool at this moment.

There was like the world, birth, old age, sickness and death, joy and sorrow.

The moment he approached, the living beings transformed by plants and trees were motionless in an instant, and then they all bowed their heads and knelt down to Xu Qing.

“It’s really spiritual.”

Xu Qing nodded, walked to the stone platform, and looked at the geographical totem on it.

After a while, he shook his head slightly.

"It's not my Tao."

Then he continued, looking at the shadow of Tao in the water beside the pool.

At first glance, it was blurry.

At second glance, his body was reflected.

It was extremely clear.

Xu Qing was silent for a long time...still shook his head, and did not look at the third time.

This place does contain Tao, but unfortunately...it is not what he is looking for.

So Xu Qing took a step and walked to the second peak. He looked at all seventeen peaks along the way, but to no avail. Then he left and continued to head south.

After more than a month, he arrived at the Yunni Basin.

This basin is located in the south of the Digui Pool, surrounded by mountains, between high mountains and steep ridges.

There are many clouds and fogs inside, like smoke and weaving.

The soil in the middle is as fine as fat, suitable for planting.

And a strange flower called "Yunni Lotus" grows.

The petals are like clouds, and the strange fragrance is endless.

In the records of Yunmen Qianfan, it is said that this kind of lotus can purify people's souls, make people's hearts pure, and understand the Tao of heaven and earth.

Therefore, there are cranes here to protect the way, dancing in their spare time, attracting hundreds of birds to sing.

It is a fairyland scene.

Xu Qing arrived, walked into Yunni, gently stroked the crane, and picked a petal of Yunni Lotus surrounded by hundreds of birds.

When it fell into his hand, the petal was illusory and ethereal, just like clouds and mist.

It does have some power to purify the mind, but for Xu Qing, his heart is firm and the way is solid, so there is no need for purification.

Even if there is obsession, it cannot be transformed by this flower.

Therefore, we only stayed for three days and then went to the sky.

Further south, mortals can't reach it in a lifetime, and it will take more than a month to reach the master.

The plain of the fallen immortals.

The plains are vast and green.

There is a rainbow across the sky, and the colorful clouds are misty, like a dream.

Attracting Xu Qing's attention.

This scene is almost invisible from other places in the fifth star ring, and all the aurora seen is red.

Only this place is filled with colors.

Therefore, from the records of Yunmen Qianfan, a legend about the aurora was extracted.

Legend has it that this is the source of the aurora.

Staring at the plains and seeing the colorful colors in the distance, Xu Qing was thoughtful.

He thought of the Aurora Immortal Lord Li Mengtu said.

This Immortal Lord was once the leader of all the Immortal Lords. Because of his rebellion, he was suppressed and killed by the Immortal Lord. His body was taken from his body and his soul was cast down here.

Therefore, the plain is called Xianyun.

The plain is not only covered with grass and trees, but also numerous meteorites scattered there.

The big one is like a mountain, the small one is like a bean, both are radiant and auspicious.

The smell is ancient.

They do not come from outside the world, and they also contain legends.

Legend has it that these meteorites are the remnants of the fifth star ring that filled up the starry sky.

Contains mysterious power.

Looking at these, Xu Qing's eyes slowly revealed a faint light.

His physical body didn't have much sensitivity to this place, but with the spread of his mind, he sensed the difference.

"Here, there is resentment..."

"This thought, the wave of spiritual energy, turns it into an invisible sea."

Xu Qing murmured.

Keep moving forward, walking on the plains, walking beside meteorites everywhere.

I have raised my hand to touch it, it has been covered by my spiritual thoughts, and I have seen it through time and space.

But what I touched was nothing!

Everything you think about is empty!

Looking at time and space, it is actually empty!

This scene made Xu Qing's steps suddenly stop.

"Sure enough, this is the place where the Immortal Lord fell..."

"Here, maybe there is the way I need."

Xu Qing narrowed his eyes and continued to move forward.

Feel all directions, feel the wind blowing, and feel the tranquility of this place.

The heart is also immersed in it and becomes ethereal.

Until a long time ago, when he was approaching the center of the Immortal Fall Plain, a resistance suddenly came and fell on Xu Qing's body, becoming an obstacle and preventing him from moving forward.

It fell into his soul and became a roaring bell, echoing through time and space.

Make it ethereal and shatter, and your thoughts revive.

Looking up, there is a huge stone monument in the distance.

Ancient runes are engraved on it.

Unknown origin.

But I can feel its vastness.

After a long time, Xu Qing withdrew his gaze.

"This place is not within time and space."

Xu Qingmingshen, sitting cross-legged, closed his eyes outside this barrier.

Try to explore.

In this way, the wind blows across the sky and the earth, and the aurora flows.

A few months later, some people came to the Immortal Fall Plain.

They came from different directions, and their destinations were the stone monuments in the center of the plain.

And unlike Xu Qing, they encountered obstacles earlier.

So they circled around the stone monument and crossed their knees at different distances.

During this period, I also noticed Xu Qing.

At a glance, everyone's expressions changed, and their hearts palpitated intensely.

On the one hand, he saw Xu Qing's location, and on the other hand, he had a feeling from somewhere.

And one of these people, the turmoil in his heart was even more intense, and his face even turned pale, and he wanted to choose to retreat...

But before his figure could express his thoughts through actions, Xu Qing opened his eyes and looked over calmly.


This glance made that man's mind roar, his breathing quickened, and it felt like the sky was falling.

At the same time, a road was formed, which separated the obstacle between Xu Qing and the person he was looking at.

So when a word comes out of your mouth, it becomes God's will and an order.

So that the person does not dare to retreat.

I could only walk towards Xu Qing step by step with difficulty, reluctantly came close, and bowed respectfully.

"Long time no see, Ancestor Earth Spirit."

Xu Qing spoke slowly.

The person who came here was the ancestor of the Earth Spirit lineage who appeared in the desert of time on the way Xu Qing sent Yunmen Qianfan away and agreed to share the secret key.

The Earth Spirit Ancestor smiled bitterly.

It was indeed a long time since they last saw each other, but he never expected that when they saw each other again, the other party would already have the constitution.

That glance made him feel like he was walking on thin ice, with life and death out of his control.

At this moment, when I recall that I saw each other in the Desert of Time, there seems to be some signs.

Those who can control the time storm are not extraordinary.

The statue of the genius in his family still stands outside the desert.

Not unjust.

"If fellow Taoist disciples don't like it this time, I can give up the key."

Earth Spirit took a deep breath and spoke calmly. After speaking, he raised his hand and took out a jade bottle.

It contains a drop of blood.

That is the blood of the ancestor of Yunmen, and it contains the key.

Putting the jade bottle in front of Xu Qing, Earth Spirit lowered his head and waited for the answer.

After a long while, Xu Qing spoke calmly.

"What is the origin of that stone tablet?"

Upon hearing this, Earth Spirit raised his head and glanced at the vast stone monument in the distance. He did not dare to hide it from Xu Qing and spoke in a low voice.

"This is the place where the Aurora Immortal Lord died, and it is also the place where his Immortal Palace collapsed."

"That stone tablet... is the gate stone of Aurora Immortal Palace!"

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